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Niscai probleme cu E60-ul

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o mica problema,imi oscileaza turometrul dar aproape insesizabil.stie cineva ce simptome ar mai fi? am inteles ca ar creste consumul cand debitmetrul este strica.mie imi consuma 12.5 in traficul "degajat"din bucuresti.am un 525D A.are cineva raspuns la intrebarea mea? 10x
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o mica problema,imi oscileaza turometrul dar aproape insesizabil.stie cineva ce simptome ar mai fi? am inteles ca ar creste consumul cand debitmetrul este strica.mie imi consuma 12.5 in traficul "degajat"din bucuresti.am un 525D A.are cineva raspuns la intrebarea mea? 10x



Si eu am un E60 520i si am pbservat ca turometrul imi oscileaza la ralanti aproape insesizabil. Nu stiu daca e o problema neaparat...

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o mica problema,imi oscileaza turometrul dar aproape insesizabil.stie cineva ce simptome ar mai fi? am inteles ca ar creste consumul cand debitmetrul este strica.mie imi consuma 12.5 in traficul "degajat"din bucuresti.am un 525D A.are cineva raspuns la intrebarea mea? 10x


Sunt multe lucruri care pot cauza o oscilatie la relanti, de ex motorina proasta.

Consumul mi se pare ok pt aglomeratia din Bucuresti, daca vrei sa fii sigur, pune-o la AB pe tester.

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Sunt multe lucruri care pot cauza o oscilatie la relanti, de ex motorina proasta.

Consumul mi se pare ok pt aglomeratia din Bucuresti, daca vrei sa fii sigur, pune-o la AB pe tester.



Eu i-am facut o testare generala caum 1 saptamana la BMW Cluj si mi-a iesit erori:0. Banuiesc ca nu e o problema.

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deci sa inteleg ca nu ar fi o problema,desi nu mi se pare normal.iar motorina bag numai de la petrom si omv.oricum suntem in romania iar carburantii de la noi sunt de 1 LEU\L.o voi baga pe tester si daca aflu daca este bolnava va dau de stire.Si in ca ceva,daca tot am deschis subiectul de E60;CUM RESETEZ ULEIUL SI PLACUTELE DIN IDRIVE?10x
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deci sa inteleg ca nu ar fi o problema,desi nu mi se pare normal.iar motorina bag numai de la petrom si omv.oricum suntem in romania iar carburantii de la noi sunt de 1 LEU\L.o voi baga pe tester si daca aflu daca este bolnava va dau de stire.Si in ca ceva,daca tot am deschis subiectul de E60;CUM RESETEZ ULEIUL SI PLACUTELE DIN IDRIVE?10x



De ce ai vrea sa resetezi tu singur senzorul de la ulei si placute? Ai facut tu schimbul? Daca nu, iti sugerez cel mai apropiat service BMW...

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ideea este ca masina mea are 150.000 km.am fost la un service al unui prieten si am schimbat ce se schimba.mie pe IDRIVE imi arata ca mai aveam 10.000 km pana la schimbul de ulei,acum imi arata ca mai am 7000.pretenu a zis ca as putea sa restartez din bord doar la jumatatea intervalului este adevarat?eu nu am timp sa ajung la AB.m-as fi dus cu placere :) cred :blink:
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ideea este ca masina mea are 150.000 km.am fost la un service al unui prieten si am schimbat ce se schimba.mie pe IDRIVE imi arata ca mai aveam 10.000 km pana la schimbul de ulei,acum imi arata ca mai am 7000.pretenu a zis ca as putea sa restartez din bord doar la jumatatea intervalului este adevarat?eu nu am timp sa ajung la AB.m-as fi dus cu placere :) cred :blink:



Iti recomand inca o data cu mare seriozitate cel mai apropiat service BMW.

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ideea este ca masina mea are 150.000 km.am fost la un service al unui prieten si am schimbat ce se schimba.mie pe IDRIVE imi arata ca mai aveam 10.000 km pana la schimbul de ulei,acum imi arata ca mai am 7000.pretenu a zis ca as putea sa restartez din bord doar la jumatatea intervalului este adevarat?eu nu am timp sa ajung la AB.m-as fi dus cu placere :) cred :)


Exista o combinatie prin care poti sa-ti resetezi singur toate acestea! daca-l prinzi pe userul vl20sas te va lumina el :blink:

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ok.o sa incerc sa ajung la AB sa vad ce pot face.cam astea ar fi "problemele" masinii mele de 150.000 km.in rest nu bate nu troncane,nu scartaie etc. etc. acum ramane de vazut,ca pe drumurile de la noi nici macar o conserva de WRC nu rezista.BAFTA SI DACA MAI AVETI SUGESTI PROBLEME SI REZOLVARI PT E60 SUNT NUMAI OCHI SI URECHI :blink:
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- combinatie pe care daca o faci gresit exista riscul sa apara probleme.


Nu gresesti si nu afectezi nimic daca urmezi pasii , care sunt destul de simpli...eu am facut aceste operatiuni prin telefon , so...

Edited by benarcis
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Resetare coduri iDrive E60..


Iata aici cum se face, nu am avut timp si chef sa mai si traduc din Engleza dar daca nu pricepeti ceva dati un semn...

Now you are ready to go through the reset steps as follows:


1. Switch the ignition on (so that the battery, Oil and Parking brake lights are displayed) and the key is ready to start the engine - but don't actually start the car.


2. Press the odometer reset button for between 5 and 10 seconds until a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in the centre appears in the top window between the clocks (where the outside temperature / time or date normally appears) - this is the "Service" icon.


3. Release the odometer button briefly and press again straight away which brings up a picture of the Brake Fluid symbol (same as the one that the i-drive shows when you look at the Service menu).


4. If you want to reset the Brake Fluid interval for another 2 years then keep holding the odometer button until the word "RESET?" appears at the bottom of the lower window.


5. Release the button briefly and push it in again and hold for about 5 - 10 seconds until the new date appears in the bottom window. You can then switch the ignition off and the new Brake Fluid date will appear in the service menu on the i-drive screen next time you switch on.


6. If you want to reset the Oil, Microfilter or Brake Pad indicators then you will need to follow the same sequence as steps 1 and 2 above, but when you get to step 3 and the brake Fluid icon appears, just release the button and press again and the next service item will appear.


7. You can continue releasing and pressing the button until the required service item icon appears for the one you want to reset. As soon as it does then hold in the button in until the word "RESET?" appears again as in step 4 above. Once the word "RESET?" has appeared, you need to release the button briefly and hold it in again for about 5 - 10 seconds until it is replaced by the new service interval figure (as per step 5 above).


Hints & Tips

Before actually resetting anything, go through steps 1, 2 and 6 above until you are familiar (and sure) what you want to reset. Practice this a few times and note down in what order the icons appear after the initial "Service" icon appears.


If you do happen to hold the button down too long against an item you don't want to reset and the "RESET?" appears, just leave the button alone for 10 seconds or so and it will not let you reset the item. (Alternatively just switch the ignition off and start again).


Sometimes if you have not released and pressed the button again quickly enough, when you hold it down again the German technical writing will appear after about 15 - 20 seconds instead of the Service item icon you were expecting. (If this happens just switch off the ignition and start again).


Once you are sure what item you want to reset and are confident of the sequence, then give it a go. If you do hesitate between releasing and pressing the button at any time, you will have to go back to the beginning and start again as "he who hesitates is lost".


It took me a while to get the hang of it and I'm sure it'll take me a while to get my head around it again next time.

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10x tiberiu! metoda prezentata de tiberiuenache merge insa am o problema.eu cand am schimbat placutele pe spate nu am schimbat si senzorul,asa ca acum cand am resetat placutele de pe spate mi-a aparut SERVICE si -25000 km :blink: ce ramane de facut?am incercat sa mai resetez odata dar acelasi rezultat.la ulei a mers imi arata 30.000.si mai am o intrebare,daca am schimbat si tot ce inseamna filtru(filtru aer,motorina,ulei,si cele 2 de la clima) ce tre sa resetez din IDRIVE?10x
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