Automatic Stability Control (ASC). On uneven or slippery road surfaces the Automatic Stability Control (ASC) system ensures you can accelerate out of each bend safely and with maximum traction. Automatic Stability Control (ASC) is an element of the Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) system. It prevents loss of traction on the drive wheels when setting off, when accelerating out of curves and in other critical moments. When one wheel has good traction but the other is on a slippery patch of road, the wheel with less traction is braked until it is again able to gain a grip on the road surface. If both wheels lose traction, the engine management system also intervenes and reduces the power output, which significantly reduces the danger of the rear of the vehicle skidding out. The entire process takes place in milliseconds. Thus ASC quickly brings the vehicle back to stability and restores traction. Drivers wishing to attain a degree of wheel slip, for example when aiming to have a certain amount of "drift", can disengage ASC if desired. sursa Deci in prima faza, roata fara aderenta, este franata pana la recuperarea aderentei. Daca ambele roti pierd aderenta, atunci se reduce puterea. Eu am DSC pe masina (320dA E46), pana acum (si ma refer la iarna aceata) l-am decuplat o singura data pentru ca nu puteam pleca de pe loc, o roata fiind pe gheata si una pe pamant inghetat, plan usor inclinat. In schimb, prin oras, isi face treaba foarte bine pe polei si zapada. Nu vad rostul folosirii masinii cu el decuplat. Referitor la plecarea de pe loc, sfatul meu e "cu calm", fara invartit rotile in gol degeaba (cum facea un vecin de-al meu cu un Mercedes), coborat jos din masina si dat putin la lopata, aruncat putina sare in jurul rotilor spate, facut balans ( asta doar daca plecarea din parcare e greoaie) si decuplat ASC/DSC daca e cazul (una dintre roti se invarte si cealalta ba). Tot referitor la plecarea de pe loc din parcare, de evitat parcarea cu spatele in nameti, asigurati-va ca rotile spate ajung primele pe suprafata cu aderenta ridicata. PS: Cele enumerate mai sus, sunt experientele mele cu masina si informatii de pe internet. Daca sunt eronate, astept lamuriri .