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  1. Sa nu faci greseala sa zici pretul pe forum pt ca imediat vine comisia de arbitraj a preturilor si iti zic ei ca la banii aia iti cumparai seria 7 full de full de 2009, una care nu bate, nu troncane, km aproape reali, de regula fictivi Sa o stapanesti sanatos si sa te bucuri de ea. Sistemul ala audio si panorama fac toti banii.
    4 points
  2. Salutare colegi, dupa o pauza lunga in care n-am mai intrat pe forum si nici bmw n-am mai condus a sosit timpul sa schimb masina(w204 220cdi). Dupa ce am testat GLC, sportage, noul tiguan, Q5 m-am oprit la X3. Dupa 3 luni de cautari am gasit unul ca destul de dotat si ii lipsesc doar cateva chestii gen EDC, faruri led, keyless entry/go. Inca nu am intrat in posesia lui, azi a fost ridicat de catre transportator de la deeler si abia astept sa-l conduc. Ca si optiuni are: S1CAA Selection of COP relevant vehicles S1CCA Auto start/stop function S1CDA Brake Energy Regeneration S216A HYDRO STEERING-SERVOTRONIC S225A Standard suspension S230A Extra package, EU-specific S248A Steering wheel heater S249A Multifunction f steering wheel S258A Tire with run-flat functionality S2TEA Automatic transmission w/ shift paddles S2V2A BMW LA wheel, M Double Spoke 622 S2VBA Tire pressure display S2VGA PERFORMANCE CONTROL S2VLA Variable Sport steering S302A Alarm system S316A automatic trunk lid mechanism P337A M Sports package S3ACA Trailer coupling S3MCA Indiv. roof rail high-gloss Shadow Line S402A Electric panoramic roof S413A Trunk room net S420A Sun protection glazing S423A Floor mats, velours S428A Warning triangle and first aid kit S430A Interior/outside mirror with auto dip S431A Interior mirror with automatic-dip S465A Through-loading system S481A Sports seat S488A Lumbar support, driver and passenger S493A Storage compartment package S494A Seat heating driver/passenger S496A Seat heating, rear S4ADA Interior trim strips, alu, brushed, fine S4NGA Trim covers, instr. panel, high-gloss S502A Headlight cleaning system S508A Park Distance Control (PDC) S521A Rain sensor S522A Xenon Light S534A Automatic air conditioning S544A Dynamic cruise control S563A Light package S5A1A LED Fog lights S5DAA Passenger airbag deactivation S609A Navigation system Professional S688A HARMAN/KARDON SURROUND SOUND SYSTEM S698A Area-Code 2 for DVD S6ACA Intelligent emergency SOS call S6AEA Teleservices S6AKA Connected Drive Services S6AMA Real-Time Traffic Information S6ANA Concierge Services S6APA Remote Services S6NSA Convenience phone, expanded Smartphone S710A M leather steering wheel S715A M Aerodynamics package S760A High gloss shadow line S775A Headlining anthracite P7AYA Comfort + Sport Package M P7XPA Navigation package, Connected Drive L801A National version Germany S877A Delete cross-pattern operation S879A On-board vehicle literature German S8KAA Dummy-SALAPA S8THA SPEED LIMIT INFO S925A Dummy-SALAPA S9AAA Outer skin protection
    2 points
  3. Din motive personale n am sa postez pretul. Multumesc pentru aprecieri, in principiu maine seara cel tarziu marti dimineata ar trebui sa intru in posesia ei. Maine ajung si rotile de iarna style 305 cu cauciucuri pireli. Abia astept.
    2 points
  4. Bine v-am gasit pe acest forum. Sunt proaspat posesor de BMW , dupa ce ani buni am fost fan VAG. Am decis sa schimb clasa. Sper sa nu imi para rau. De accea va intreb pe voi , cei experimentati , la ce sa ma stept la un Xdrive de 2,0 litri 218 CP, cu 179000 km , an inmatriculare decembrie 2012 ? Merge foarte bine ( zic eu, plecat de pe un Passat DSG 2,0 170 CP ), dar nu am fost inca la un service sa-i fac un "control medical" . Multumesc anticipat si ma scuzati daca am postat, poate, unde nu trebuie. Nu prea le am cu forumurile ! Voi incerca sa pun si poze cu "rechinul " ( asa ii zice nevasta-mea ), dar nu am facut inca decat cu telefonul, si asta in Germania !
    1 point
  5. Doamne daca nu ati innebunit cu bujiile astea la diesel. Mie nu imi merge nici o bujie (este ars releul) si porneste si la minus 20 de grade la prima cheie. daca masina nu porneste dupa o oprire lunga cel mai probabil se depresuriseaza sistemul de alimentare... daca te uiti sub capota cand pui contactul o sa vezi bule de aer pe furtunul transparent care iese din corpul filtrului de motorina. in momentul in care motorul porneste elimina aerul si sistemul de alimentare functioneaza ok. Cauzele pot fii multe si numai un mecanic isi poate da seama dupa ce face si o testare. Am intalnit o astfel de problema din cauza pompei de inalte care numai tinea bine presiunea din cauza garniturilor. Ps promit cand vine frigul ca fac un filmulet o sa scot mufele de la bujii si cu motorul rece sa vedeti cum porneste la sfert. asta bineinteles daca motorul are compresie buna
    1 point
  6. OBD II Fault Code OBD II P0171 OBD II P0174 Fault Code Definition OBD II P0171 Fuel System Too Lean (Bank 1) OBD II P0174 Fuel System Too Lean (Bank 2) Symptoms Check Engine Light will illuminate In some cases, no adverse conditions may be noticed by the driver In other cases, there may be performance problems, such as a lack of power on acceleration and some "coughing" or misfiring The vehicle may have trouble idling, especially when warm or when sitting at a stoplight Common Problems That Trigger the P0171 and P0174 Code PCM software needs to be updated Vacuum leaks (Intake Manifold Gaskets, vacuum hoses, PCV hoses, etc.) Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF) Plugged Fuel Filter or weak Fuel Pump Plugged or dirty Fuel Injectors Common Misdiagnosis Oxygen Sensors Polluting Gases Expelled NOX (Oxides of Nitrogen): One of the two ingredients that, when exposed to sunlight, cause smog HCs (Hydrocarbons): Unburned droplets of raw fuel that smell, affect breathing, and contribute to smog The Basics Combustion engines operate by burning an air/fuel mixture of about 14.7 to 1—14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel. When the air ratio goes below 14.7 parts, this is called a "rich" mixture. If the air rises above 14.7 parts, it is called a "lean" mixture. Rich Mixture = Too much fuel, not enough air Lean Mixture = Too much air, not enough fuel To keep the engine running properly, the Engine Control Module measures the oxygen content in the exhaust with oxygen sensors and makes adjustments to the mixture by injecting more or less fuel. The control module operates within specific parameters and under normal conditions, it will make minor adjustments to the air/fuel mixture. When these adjustments become too large, a fault code is set. When the P0171/P0174 code sets, the oxygen sensors are detecting too little oxygen in the exhaust and the control module is adding more fuel than normal to sustain the proper air/fuel mixture. P0171/P0174 Diagnostic Theory for Shops and Technicians When a vehicle has the fault code P0171 and or P0174, it means that computer can no longer automatically adjust the mixture between air and fuel. Code P0171 applies to Bank 1 and P0174 applies to Bank 2. Code P0174 mainly applies to V6 or V8 engines because 4-cylinder engines generally have only one bank, though there are a few exceptions. Some of the high performance 4-cylinder and straight 6-cylinder engines (such as those in BMW and Lexus) split the cylinders into groups of two or three and call them separate banks. When the code says that the Fuel System is "too lean," it means that the computer has been adding more and more fuel, which is called Long Term Fuel Trim. Ideally, the Long Term Fuel Trim should be close to 1 to 2 percent. When a code P0171 is set, it means that the Fuel Trim is anywhere from 15 percent to as high as 35 percent compensated. When this happens, the computer knows that there is an improper condition in the control of the Fuel System. The first step in the diagnosis of a code P0171 and/or P0174 is to look at a minimum of three ranges of the Long Term Fuel Trim numbers on a scanner. Check the idle reading—3000 RPM unloaded and 3000 RPM with at least 50 percent load. Then check the freeze frame information for the code to see which range(s) failed and what the operating conditions were. Before we get into the main causes of P0171, let's explore why this code matters. Why Does a P0171/P0174 Code and Running "Too Lean" Matter? "Lean" running cars and light trucks are highly polluting vehicles. Most of the NOx pollution, which is poisonous and can cause asthma, is caused by vehicles that are running too lean. A lean running car can also misfire, which puts raw fuel (HCs) into the catalytic converter which can result in internal damage, and on into the atmosphere. When you are behind a car or truck that is misfiring it makes your eyes burn. In comparison, a "rich" running engine (one that is not misfiring as a result) has no smell (CO is odorless) or you may detect a rotten egg smell, which is sulfur dioxide produced by the Catalytic Converter. P0171 is not an Oxygen Sensor problem. Before a P0171 code is possible, the computer first ran a series of tests to validate the readings from the oxygen sensors. Since the oxygen sensors passed their readiness tests and didn't set any codes, the computer then looked to the Fuel Trim adjustment. When the computer determined the air-to-fuel mixture to be too lean, it then set the P0171 code. What Are Some Common Causes of Code P0171/P0174? Always check to make sure that there is not a PCM software update due or available. Often, as the vehicle's engine wears, the PCM's Fuel Map software inaccurately compensates for this condition. The fuel mixture grows lean and eventually, the code sets. A vacuum leak is very common. It could be a torn PCV hose, a torn Intake Air Boot, or even a broken seal on the dipstick (the dipstick is a part of the PCV system and if it does not seal, too much unmetered air will enter the engine). Don’t rule out a sticking/leaking EGR Valve or leaking EGR or Intake Manifold Gasket. If it is a V6 or V8 engine and the code is only on one side/bank, it could be a defective Intake Manifold Gasket or cracked/leaking manifold. What if There Is No Vacuum Leak or Both Codes (P0171 and P0174) Set? An "under reporting" Mass Air Flow Sensor can be a common cause of a code P0171 and P0174. Essentially, this means that the Air Flow Sensor is telling the computer that much less air is entering the engine than actually is. Since the oxygen sensors are telling the computer that more fuel is needed, this causes confusion in the computer because the Mass Air Flow Sensor is still saying there is too little air and the Oxygen Sensor is reporting that the mixture is still too lean. The computer tried to compensate, but since resolution is impossible, it sets the code. It is important to restate that the Oxygen Sensors are accurate—the fuel mixture is too lean. In this case, the Air Flow Meter or Sensor is inaccurately reporting the real amount of air entering the engine. How Do I Know if the Problem Is the Mass Air Flow Sensor? There is a very effective "truth test" for any Mass Air Flow Sensor. Start the engine, let it idle, and then check the Barometric Pressure reading on the scan tool data. If the reading is about 26.5 Hg and you are close to sea level, you know that you have a defective Air Flow Meter because it is telling you that you are at about 4500 feet above sea level. (These conversion tables will help.) When the Mass Air Flow Sensor sees this Barometric reading, it adjusts its Air Density table and then "under reports" the actual amount of air entering the engine. It does this because the Barometric Pressure Sensor is actually part of the Mass Air Flow Sensor. Sometimes the Air Flow Sensor and the sensing wire get covered with dirt, dust, or oil residue, which can also set a P0171. Cleaning the sensor might hold off problems for a while, but eventually, the MAF sensor should be replaced. Always make sure the Air Filter and its enclosure are dirt-, dust-, and oil-free. If you clean and replace the filter and its enclosure as needed, you will prevent the new MAF from failing. Additional Causes of Code P0171/P0174 A plugged Fuel Filter or poorly functioning Fuel Pump can set the P0171 code. The computer hears (accurately) from the Oxygen Sensor that the Fuel Mixture is too lean so the computer keeps increasing the amount of fuel being delivered into the combustion chambers. But in this case, the Fuel System can’t increase the amount of fuel. If you still can't find the problem, be sure to check and verify that fuel pressure and delivery are at spec. If fuel pressure and volume check out okay, scope the injectors and perform injector drop and/or flow tests to see if they are capable of delivering enough fuel. Dirty/contaminated gas can definitely plug injectors and trigger these lean codes. Code P0313 refers to an engine misfire under low fuel conditions. It is one of a few ambiguous codes on a vehicle, which if taken at face value, diagnosed and corrected seems straightforward enough. Symptoms may include: Trouble code P0313 misfire detected with low fuel Rough running engine Hard or no start Hesitation on acceleration Lack of power The causes for this DTC may include: Most likely: Low fuel level exposing fuel pump Failing fuel pump Fuel filter clogged Fuel pressure regulator failure Clogged or failed fuel injectors Short or open circuit in fuel pump harness Poor electrical connectors Additional possibilites: Spark plugs Ignition wires Faulty reluctor ring Carbon-fouled valves Mass air flow sensor Faulty distributor cap Faulty coil packs Lack of compression Large vacuum leak Sursa https://www.obd-codes.com/p0313 http://repairpal.com/OBD-II-Code-P0171-and-P0174 Era greu sa cauti, nu ?
    1 point
  7. Nu are nicio treaba HBM de la E90-E60,etc cu noul sistem HBM inteligent, HBM-ul primul aparut cand "vede"lumina stinge de tot faza lunga, acest nou sistem care a aparut prin 2012 la seria 7 pur si simplu poate sa desparta faza lunga in 2 si sa o stinga pe o parte atunci cand vine masina din fata: First introduced on the new BMW 7 Series (July 2012) as part of the optional Adaptive LED Headlights, this functionality is now also supported with Xenon headlights on all new BMW 3 Series Saloon and Touring models specified with a Visibility package. BMW Adaptive Headlights are combined with BMW High-beam Assistant technology to provide an intelligent headlight system that optimises the illumination of the road ahead without glaring on-coming traffic and other road users. This ensures improved visibility and safety during night time and poor weather driving conditions. Sunt 2 sisteme total diferite, nu e vorba de bug-uri aici, este pur si simplu alta tehnologie.
    1 point
  8. Pentru ca am mai multa incredere in Dragos.
    1 point
  9. Are dotarile care conteaza pentru mine, 190 cp si 0-100 in 8.1 sec nu e de neglijat, glc250 e mai rapid cu 2 sec in rest n ai cu ce sa compari in clasa ei. W204 ii revine sotiei nu mi vine sa o dau pe alta tigaie. Interiorul
    1 point
  10. Misto masina dar ii lipsesc mult mai multe decat ai scris tu. Motorul de 2000 pe X3 e destul de slab. Sa nu zic submotorizat.
    1 point
  11. Din pacate nu am cumparat aceasta masina noua,ca nu imi permit,in concluzie am preluat-o dupa configuratia dorita de altcineva. Intamplarea face ca nu sunt multumit de HBA, ca si multi altii dupa cum vezi. Inteleg ca se pot face unele setari,si m-as bucura sa functioneze mai bine dupa. Poate ai uitat,te intrebasem cum influentezi tu,ca sofer iscusit ce esti,modul de functionare al HBA?
    1 point
  12. Daca mergi cu viteza luminii probabil ca mai da erori.
    1 point
  13. Spune-mi si mie cum influenteaza stilul de condus si soferul sensibilitatea senzorului?
    1 point
  14. Adevarat, doar ca m-a derutat chestia cu ledul rosu care palpaie daca bateria nu e suficient de puternica (poate am inteles eu gresit?).. La mine se aprindea verde Oricum a fost prima chestia la care m-am gandit si eu dar am zis sa postez oricum si aici pentru ca la un search pe google nu am gasit nimic relevant si poate pe viitor altii vor merge direct la diagnoze si vor pierde timp si bani pt o problema banala
    1 point
  15. La 7200euro cu navi mare si stare generala relativ buna,nu cred ca vei gasi. Dar te poti orienta catre alta marca,unde sunt sanse mari sa iti gasesti o masina buna.
    1 point
  16. Cu 100 la ora da rezervorul pe afara. Scoateti consumuri mai mici decat cifrele oficiale date de producator.
    1 point
  17. 4.3 pe naiba.. aia la 80 la ora ) adormi la viteza aia
    1 point
  18. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Din vest vin motoarele cu probleme, ca ei le tin cativa ani in revizii de 30.000 apoi isi bat esticii capul cu ele.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Radule iar vrei sa treci la vw passat. Se pare ca b5,5-ul ti-a lasat urme . Te mai asteptam pe b5. Vanzare rapida, ti-am urmarit masina si pe forumul passat. salut
    1 point
  23. Dar nici mercurile sau haudiurile nu au tinuta de drum si sportivitatea bmwului. Deci win some, lose some. Eu prefer sa pierd pe partea de sunet oricand.
    0 points
  24. INtr-adevar suna mai bine in MErcuri. Eu am avut harman kardon pe w204 cu navigatia mare, cred ca vine standard, si se auzea extraordinar de bine. Si la audi se aude mult mai bine Bose decat ce are bmw. Si mai suna excelent si mark levinson pe lexus.
    0 points
  25. la 200.000 e cam subtire 0W30. Pe masura ce creste nr. de km, creste si vascozitatea necesara. Eu deja folosesc 5W40 si nu am 200.000.
    -1 points
  26. Nu stiu cat de rau e avand in vedere ca locuieste in Germania.
    -1 points
  27. Era lipit cu superglue..... ai vin-ul si poti verifica singur,cica in romania este foarte usor de accesat baza de date, pe urma poti sa postezi si aici, motorul functioneaza perfect, mai am inca 8 luni de garantie la masina.... nu o vand pentru ca este stricata! Nu stiu daca a avut ceva la motor, un polonez mi-a cerut Vin.ul si a spus ca s-a umblat la distributie cica.... deci daca a fost verificare sau inlocuire nu stiu... oricum distributia inlocuita nu este un punct in minus nu? Poate a vrut sa mai las la pret.... si a venit cu texte...
    -1 points
  28. Nu este chiar asa mare diferenta si oricum se misca repede pe modul sport, pe la dealul negru am testat-o cu un s-class de bucuresti si tipul a fost cel mai dement sofer pe care l-am intalnit pe zona aia, se vedea clar ca intr-o zona de genul conteaza nu numai caii putere si cutia automata cat agilitatea si cuplul motorului in orice situatie, clar una de 184cp sportline matura cu multe alte marci pe jos .... dar si ED este facuta sa reziste mai mult
    -1 points
  29. Adica tu ai dat la vremea aia 2300e doar pe jante?
    -1 points
  30. functioneaza perfect pe f30, a fost de mare ajutor pe valea oltului noaptea, curbe, viteza, reactioneaza instant, si se adapteaza rapid situatiei, acum depide si de sofer si de stilul de condus evita sa orbesca pietonii si biciclistii de pe trotuar, se comporta diferit in functie de viteza si gradul de iluminare la f10 se aprinde proiectorul cand semnalizezi?
    -1 points
  31. Culmea pe sales after unde vand doar originale bmw sunt 8500 ron cu tot cu anvelope premium
    -1 points
  32. Masina foarte frumoasa! Am avut una in service cu care am dat niste ture, era x-drive, trage ok, nu mi sa parut submotorizata. Imi place maxim culoarea pielii, cat despre "lipsit" tine de utilizator nu de noi. Cristian pana la urma conteaza de unde sunt piesele din retrofituri atata timp cat dam sute-mii de euro pe ele? Nu avem de unde sa stim de unde sunt luate (dezmembrari sau furate) dar platim pentru ele, nu le furam la randul nostru.
    -1 points
  33. Am citit tot...nu-mi vine sa cred cate ai patit in primul rand, dar ai fost inteligent si ai scoso la capat cu motorul nou luat pe "desteptii" de la service + treaba cu garantia. Iti urez multa bafta si sanatate cu masina fara niciun alt incident! Astea inseamna City Insurance ca e RCA ca e CASCO...daca o aveai la altii mai potenti ti-o reparai atunci pe casco
    -1 points
  34. Mai Cookie Mai...in alte topicuri zici sa nu se mai cumpere piese de la SH ca se incurajeaza furtul, dar aici vii si spui ca de ce le-a luat de la reprezentanta. De unde sa ia din alta parte cu factura si noi? Sa stii ca si jantele pot sa fie furate la fel de bine ca niste ceasuri/volane, etc.
    -1 points
  35. Misto x3 ul fiecare cu cu gusturile lor,pe viitor mi as lua si eu un x3 f10 sau f30 dar nu acum consider ca sa bagi bani intr o tabla la 2-3 ani pierzi mult nu si justifica pierderea decat atunci cand ai probleme cu actuala masina ,in cazul meu cred ca mai tin 4 ani,o am de 2 ani jumate,sa o stapanesti sanatos si sa te bucuri de ea. Cati bani ai dat si ce an este??
    -1 points
  36. Impresionat nu ai cum sa fi, ci doar multumit ca merge cum trebuie:D
    -1 points
  37. Eu pun pariu pe 10000euro ca nu ai dat tu 10000 ron pe ele
    -1 points
  38. Esti combinat cu el ?Ai si tu 2 jante?Care e treaba de te aprinzi pe aici?Gaseste ceva util de facut aici e forum mai baietel...poti sta si pe olx Si da,nu fac jantele astea sh 1000 euro
    -1 points
  39. VIN WBA3E110X0F112978 Prod. Date 2012-01-24 Mileage Check mileage and service history Type code 3E11 Type 320D EFFDYN EDITION (EUR) Series F30 (3 Series) Body Type LIM Steering LHD Engine N47T Displacement 2.00 Power 120kw / 163hp Drive HECK Transmission Manual Colour HAVANNA METALLIC (A17) Upholstery LEDER DAKOTASCHW.AKZ.OYSTER DUNKEL (LCL8) S216A HYDRO STEERING-SERVOTRONIC S230A Extra package, EU-specific S249A Multifunction f steering wheel S255A Sports leather steering wheel S423A Floor mats, velours S428A Warning triangle and first aid kit S431A Interior mirror with automatic-dip S465A Through-loading system S493A Storage compartment package S494A Seat heating driver/passenger S4AEA Armrest front, retractable S4DMA Accent strips, pearl-gloss, chrome S4DTA Interior strips, Pearl S502A Headlight cleaning system S520A Fog lights S521A Rain sensor S522A Xenon Light S524A Adaptive Headlights S534A Automatic air conditioning S544A Dynamic cruise control S563A Light package S575A Supplementary 12V sockets S5ACA High-beam assistant S5DCA Rear-seat headrests, folding S606A Navigation system Business S612A BMW Assist S615A Expanded BMW Online Information S616A BMW Online S698A Area-Code 2 for DVD S6AAA BMW TeleServices S6ABA Control for Teleservices S6NLA Connection Bluetooth + USB devices incl. P7S1A Modern Line P7VAA Ride Comfort package P7VBA Comfort Package P7VDA Sicht Packet L801A National version Germany S879A On-board vehicle literature German S8KAA Dummy-SALAPA S8SCA Telematics access request,country-spec. S8V1A Label S999A Job order management "HEA" Standard Equipment S2ATA BMW LA wheel Streamline 306 S548A Kilometer-calibrated speedometer S851A Language version German Masina se afla in Rosenheim 2 Proprietari 140.000km Un set jante ptr iarna Carte service TĂźv 06.2017 Pret 17500€ Tel 015159090339
    -2 points
  40. daca pentru tine High Beam Assist este o nulitate inseamna ca ti-ai luat o lista lunga de optiuni doar ca sa pari interesant sau ti-ai luat o Masina care nu te reprezinta
    -2 points
  41. E destul de dotata masina, printre care le-am vazut eu multe nu aveau nici navigatie. Urmeaza ceasuri, volan M LCI sa ii pui
    -2 points
  42. Singurul lucru ce l-as face EU i-as schimba trimurile, mi se par foarte "batranesti" urate.. Cat despre HBM: "Programming can be made in BMW service, not possible via Idrive. System has three sensitivity settings: sensitive, normal, and..cant remember last one. In my car, system was working just fine. Only problem was that it did not sense yellow streetlights correctly some times. After car passing, it changed from lo to hi in 1-2 seconds. Bit "lazy", but good enough. I went to service and asked if something could be done with it. After connecting programming device, it turned out that setting was in "sensitive" mode. So they changed it to "normal". This was guessing, they did not know what "sensitive" mean in practice -would it be then more sensitive to light or dark. Difference was not too big, but it seems to work bit better with yellow lights now. Othervise cant really tell how it changed." Am gasit ceva pe forumuri externe.
    -2 points
  43. ))) Cookie e o figura! ) ma facut sa rad asa de "dimineata" la ora 12:)) Cristian de obicei doar cele Euro 5 au navigatie CIC pe ele, rar-foarte rar vezi E60 Euro 4 cu CIC pe ele sau mai ales de fabrica.
    -3 points
  44. citeste inca odata ce am afirmat, si uite cum functioneaza pe seria F sistemul.... nu stiu pe e60 ce bug.uri are dar nici nu ma mira la cat este de vechi....
    -4 points
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