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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/23 in all areas

  1. Nu e chiar asa, uite de exemplu serviceul asta: http://bmgarage.ro/category/motoare/, are reviewuri bune printre utilizatorii forumului si par sa faca in mod regulat operatiuni gen schimbarea simerignurilor supapelor. Consumul de ulei se traduce intr-un final prin infundarea DPF-ului, care prind infundare duce la stricarea turbinei. Desigur astea sunt cele mai negre scenarii, dar mai bine rezolvi problema decat sa investesti mult mai mult in viitor.
    2 points
  2. Bloggerul ala e un imbecil. Povesteste cu bucurie (ca si cum ar fi de bine) despre ceva care e evident ca e de cacat E ca si cum te-ai lauda ca abia ce te-ai asatorit si ai aflat ca nevasta ta a fost porn star si totusi povestesti incercand la modul ridicol sa pui in lumina favorabila ceva ce e evident ca nu e. Care 400km, Tarabostes??? Da-i tu in gura si nu te apropii cu niciun harb de 300km.
    1 point
  3. La 17k de km ar fi si culmea sa consume, asta e normalitate. Cum de altfel normal ar fi si nu consume nici o masina premium ulei, niciodata, nici la 150k de km. Si aici ma refer la masini care respecta planul de service, iar proprietarul nu trebuie sa adauge sau sa verifice nivelul uleiului sau antigelului. Ce naiba ne intoarcem acum 40 de ani? Avem camere 360, self driving si internet in masina, dar umblam cu bidonase sa adaugam lichide.
    1 point
  4. Vand Bmw seria 5, f10 535d., fabricatie: 09/2014. 15900€ negociabil 290000km contact: 0757851640 Toate optiunile de pe masina sunt din fabrica. Volan M electric. Ceasuri plasma bord. Plafon negru M. Scaune seria7 full electrice cu memorii. Oglinzi electrice,incalzite si se pliaza(inchid) electric. Dublu climatronic. Trapa. Sistem sonorizare HARMAN KARDON. Portbagaj electric. Senzori parcare fata/spate + camera mansarier. Cutine viteza automata (8+1 trepte). Atentionare unghi mort( cand intri in depasire si nu esti atent daca ai masina in spate vibreaza volanul). Carlig Incalzire scaune Navigatie mare (update 2023-1) Isofix. Senzori presiune roti(arata presiunea + temperatuta din anvelope) Jante originale 18 cu anvelope Continental dot.2021(cumparate in 2022). Bixenon Citeste semnele de circulatie Masina foarte ingrijita. Schimburile de ulei la 10mii km. Accept verificare in service autorizat bmw. Distributie schimbata + pompa ulei( piese pe original, dovada factura) Racitor + galerie admisie schimbata in reprezentanta BMW. Discuri frana fata schimbate pe original(am factura). Tampoane motor schimbate pe original(am factura). Placute frana fata/ spate schimbate pe original. Flansa cardan schimbata pe original(am factura) Cauciucuri iarna noi. Proprietar in acte si detin masina de 2ani. Impozit platit pe anul 2023/ ofer fiscal pe loc. Masina nu necesita investitii in viitorul apropiat. Km reali
    1 point
  5. E secret, nu ? Esti pe forum, colegu'!
    1 point
  6. ❝ Almost one in five cars sold worldwide this year will be an electric vehicle, the International Energy Agency has forecast, after sales already passed the 10mn mark for the first time globally. The remarkable surge in demand for battery-powered models means electric vehicles will account for 18 per cent of global car sales compared with just 4 per cent of global car sales in 2020, according to the agency’s annual outlook. This year sales are projected to rise to 14mn vehicles, including both battery-only models and hybrids that plug in to charge. China accounted for almost two-thirds of all electric car sales in 2022, mainly because of a subsidy programme. Europe and the US, which both also offer incentives, are the second and third-largest markets for the cars. Decarbonising car sales is one of the pillars of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The EU aims to phase out almost all combustion engine-driven car sales by 2035, and the US wants half of sales to be electric by the end of this decade. Tightening rules have prompted every major carmaker to invest heavily in zero-emission vehicles, whether electric cars or hydrogen-powered models. Manufacturers such as Ford, Stellantis, General Motors and Mercedes-Benz are among those that have set out multibillion-dollar plans to sell only zero-emission vehicles within the coming two decades. At the same time, new entrants such as Tesla and Chinese players including BYD are increasing competition in the electric segments, are pushing prices lower and potentially driving demand further. This has led to an ever-widening range of electric models available in major markets, with 60 per cent of the electric options in China being large cars or sports utility vehicles, the most popular segment among motorists globally. In total, more than 500 models of electric cars were on sale last year, more than double the number available just five years ago. The IEA also raised its expectations for electric car sales globally, now projecting that 35 per cent of global sales will be electric in 2030, compared to a forecast just 25 per cent a year ago. It expects 60 per cent of the sales in China, the US and Europe will be fully electric by 2030. “The internal combustion engine has gone unrivalled for over a century, but electric vehicles are changing the status quo,” said IEA executive director Fatih Birol. “By 2030, they will avoid the need for at least 5mn barrels a day of oil.” ❞ https://www.ft.com/content/3b2e3cef-cd9c-4044-b73f-5edef037f0fc
    0 points
  7. Am rezolvat. Iti las in privat nr meu. Scrie-mi pe whatsapp si iti explic cum am facut eu.
    0 points
  8. Dupa ceva ore de munca, am reusit sa schimbam trim-urile si capacele de la oglinzi. Au aparut ceva complicatii la trim-urile de carbon, dar le-am rezolvat. Pentru cine isi comanda trim-uri carbon si are lumini ambientale, mare grija sa isi comande si cu partea de cablaj de sub trim. Eu nu am avut-o si am mutat-o de pe fostul trim ca sa fie totul ok. Tips-urile de la evacuare nu le-am schimbat. Fata de cum erau la F36, au o siguranta in plus care poate fi accesata doar daca se da jos diffuserul. Am lasat-o pe maine, caci se facuse tarziu. Si continuarea.
    0 points
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