La varianta de deblocare, dupa ce dadeai pe 19, iti cerea sa bagi un cod, care era suma cifrelor datei curente, dupa ce o introduceai, iti scria FREI, si puteai accesa toate functiile. Nu stiu cum e la X3. Asta e valabil la E32/E34/E39/E38. Or mai fi evoluat BMW-urile de atat timp, dar cel putin pe vremuri se facea asa: The OBC knows two modes: Locked and Unlocked. When you get your car, it's probably locked. In the locked mode, the hidden functions will refuse to work. In the unlocked (free) mode, the hidden functions can be accessed. Please be carefull to use these functions, especially function 21: This one resets all OBC data ! To change the lock/unlock mode, you have to execute function 19, see the table on this page. Example: On 13 march, you would have to add 13 and 3, giving 16. La E39 aparent nu mai trebuie sa introduci data: