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Everything posted by IulianC

  1. Cu Vanos sau nu oricum uleiul se scurge foarte usor in baie dupa oprirea motorului, 5 minute sunt suficiente pentru masurarea cu joja. N-are nevoie de 2-3 ore sa se scurga, doar nu e miere aproape zaharisita.
  2. De ce nu se masoara la cald? Desi tot uleiul se scurge in baie dupa 5 minute.
  3. Start of Injection Closed-Loop Control DDE 3.0 . Function The setpoint for start of injection control is derived from following variables for the operating status: Engine speedInjection quantityCoolant temperatureAtmospheric pressureBoost pressureFuel temperature The start of injection is set in the injection pump by means of the timing valve for the injection timing device. The needle movement sensor at cylinder No. 4 signals the actual start of injection back to the DDE control unit. The DDE control unit controls the timing valve of the injection timing device such that the difference between the setpoint and actual start of injection is as low as possible. Fault code 0A "start of injection closed-loop control" is stored if the difference is too great (tolerance depending on operating status approx. +/-2° crank angle). In addition, the position control of the injection timing device is also monitored and fault code 48 "injection timing device control" is stored in the case of fault. Troubleshooting If fault code 0A or 48 is stored, the injection rate is limited to 25 mg/stroke. In this case, the system changes over from start of injection closed-loop control to start of injection open-loop control with fixed duty factor in case of: Fault code 0A, "start of injection closed-loop control"Fault code 2F, "crankshaft position/rpm sensor"Fault code 47, "synchronism of rpm sensors"Fault code 10, "supply voltage"Fault code 5, "needle movement sensor"Starting the engineDeceleration fuel cutout Pare a fi injectorul cu fir de la cilindrul nr. 4 Cate ceva si despre senzorul din injectorul cu fir: Needle Movement Sensor DDE 3.0 The needle movement sensor is integrated in the injection nozzle of cylinder No. 4 and cannot be replace separately. The sensor registers the start of injection at cylinder No. 4 which represents the actual value for start of injection control. Function The needle movement sensor consists of a coil which receives a constant, defined current of 30 to 35 mA from the DDE control unit. Movement of the nozzle needle generates a voltage signal that is evaluated by the DDE control unit. Troubleshooting Monitoring requires a battery voltage above 9 V. Fault code 5 "needle movement sensor" is stored if the needle movement sensor is defective. Consequences: Changeover from start of injection closed-loop control to start of inejction open-loop controlExhaust gas recirculation is deactivatedInjection quantity limited to 25 mg/stroke
  4. Brief description The relay terminal 30g-f is only installed with some optional special packages, e.g. when the Car Communication Computer (CCC) has been ordered. The relay terminal 30g-f switches off in the event of faults on the connected consumer units. The relay terminal 30g-f is a bi-stable relay and is fitted on the board of the distribution box. The relay is activated by the junction box electronics (JBE). The bi-stable relay has two relay coils that open or close the relay contact on activation. The relay persists in the last activated position (contact open or closed). Conditions required for switch-off of terminal 30g-f (failure) The bi-stable relay is activated by the JBE in the event of a fault in such a way that the power supply for terminal 30g-f is under briefly or permanently. Terminal 30g-f is controlled under one of the following conditions: At and after shutdown of terminal 30g, the JBE counted more than 20 wakings (resets). After the reset of terminal 30g-f the JBE counts another 5 wakings, terminal 30g-f is switched off permanently.With and 10 min. after shutdown of terminal 30g, the JBE registered control units that prevent the vehicle from sleeping. If the vehicle sleeping is prevented for another 10 minutes after the reset of terminal 30g-f, terminal 30g-f is switched off permanently.With , the power management determined by means of IBS that the battery charge state is close to the starting capability limit. When terminal 30g_f is reset or switched off, it is not taken into account which control unit is responsible for the fault. In all cases involving faults, terminal 30g-f is switched off. If the fault is caused by a control unit that is not supplied by terminal 30g-f, the fault remains even after cutoff. Conditions required for switch-on of terminal 30g-f A condition for switch-on always has priority over a switch-off condition. Under the following conditions, terminal 30g-f is switched on again via the bistable relay. Vehicle is unlockedTerminal change from to or Change in a status of door contact, bonnet or luggage compartment lid In the normal case, terminal 30g-f is always switched on. With or , terminal 30g-f is always switched on. Bistable relay (depending on variant) For cutoff in the event of a closed-circuit current, there is a bistable relay. The bistable relay is arranged on the board of the distribution box (hidden by the body of the distribution box). The bi-stable relay activates terminal 30 on the fuses F17 and F40 (up to model year 03/2005), or F17 and F31 (as of model year 09/2005). In the event of a closed-circuit current, this relay is activated to interrupt the power supply of the fuses mentioned. The bistable relay has two relay coils that open or close the relay contact as the case may be on activation. The relay persists in the last activated position (contact open or closed). Activation of bistable relay The bistable relay is on the distribution box and is activated by the junction box electronics (JBE). The activation lines run via the internal connector X04010 of the junction box (consisting of distribution box and JBE). The relay coils are supplied on the distribution box directly via terminal 30. The JBE switches the negative lead onto the relevant relay coil for a short time to open or close the contact. Sper sa te ajute.
  5. De ce nu e suficient? Eu daca-l opresc dupa 5 min am nivelul maxim pe joja. Ce intelegi tu printr-un motor complicat?
  6. E problema si de la garniturile de la clapete cat si de la lagarele lor. Din pacate singura rezolvare e schimbarea galeriei.
  7. Prima eroarea spune ca alternatorul nu comunica cu interfata „Bit Serial Data”. Stiu ca la alternator vine un fir subtire, prin care acesta comunica cu senzorul de pe borna minus IBS (Intelligent Battery Sensor). Daca nu ai rezolvat problema verifica firul asta. Mai mult despre BSD: Bit-serial data interface (BSD) The bit-serial data interface is a single-wire data bus with a data transfer rate of 1.2 kBd. The following components are connected across the bit-serial data interface with the DME/DDE control unit: AlternatorIntelligent battery sensor (depending on model series)Combustion preheating control unit (on diesel engines but not DDE7)Electric coolant pump (depending on variant)Oil condition sensor (depending on variant) Only DDE control unit: Each component connected across the BSD is connected to its own pin on the DDE control unit. However, these pins are interconnected in the control unit. Function The following data is interchanged between the DME/DDE and the connected components: Function commands from the DME/DDE to the componentsIdentification data of the components to the DME/DDEOperating values of the components and their functions to the DME/DDEFault messages of the components to the DME/DDE Diagnosis The DME/DDE monitors the communication across the bit-serial data interface to the connected components. This means that wire faults are also detected. The connected components have their own diagnosis functionality and monitor the following: The executed functions are monitored for faults (e.g. defective preheating circuit for the combustion preheating control unit)Internal faults in the components If a component detects a fault, it reports the fault across the bit-serial data interface to the DME/DDE. The DME/DDE then enters the fault in the fault code memory.
  8. Ba sunt si la cele cu manuala. uite exemplu E46 din 2003: http://bmwfans.info/parts/catalog/E46/Sedan/Europe/320d-M47N/LHD/N/2003/browse/engine/intake_manifold_agr_with_flap_control/ Pe E46 non-facelift nu sunt.
  9. Cred ca am facut o confuzie, ca mi se paruse ca era la „Opinii si editoriale”.
  10. La mine e bine. Mai ai adresa mea? Ca eu primeam revistele pentru Constanta. Daca nu anunta-ma sa ti-o trimit pe pm.
  11. Foarte frumoasa masina! Insa topicul cred ca-si avea locul la „Masina mea”. Pachet M e si la mine pe lista.
  12. Ti-am donat-o Mai am proiectoare de E60, insa nu in stare foarte buna. Proiectorul dreapta are piciorusele de fixare rupte si o oglinda e in stare destul de proasta. Si sticlele sunt crapate. Dar poate cineva are nevoie :twoup:
  13. sa-i schimbi uleiul la cutie pana in 100 k km , de fapt cat mai repede mai bine de ce? ... la automatica are long life din cate stiu si nu cred ca ma insel ... Nu te inseli, asa e teoretic. Insa multi au avut probleme neschimband uleiul, incepand sa dea cutia socuri la schimbarea treptelor. Eu l-am schimbat la E60 cu tot cu baia de ulei (care are filtrul inclus). Insa uleiul era foarte curat si nu avea miros de ars. Am vazut pe net la unii ca era mai negru si spuneau ei ca mirosea si a ars. Acum e decizia fiecaruia.
  14. Tot respectul pentru pasiunea si banii cheltuiti! E foarte placut sa vezi o asemenea masina in zilele de azi, dupa 34 de ani de existenta, in stare mult mai buna decat o gramada de masini mult mai noi.
  15. S-o stapanesti sanatos! Am vazut azi pe viu masina si e foarte frumoasa! Sa te poarte sanatos si fara probleme!
  16. Si daca are incalzire ( si ventilatie ar fi perfect).
  17. Ce cuprinde setul? De exemplu are pragurile, proiectoarele, canalele de aer pentru frane + etc? Ti l-as lua eu dar momentan strang bani, nu-i am disponibili. P.S. vorba cumparatorului: „ultimul pret?” :twoup:
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