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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by Fake

  1. Asa mult fac prin Cargus? :blink: Desfaci mocheta din portbagaj, si lipesti droser-ele la inaltimea stopurilor, pentru a lasa lungimea corespunzatoare cablurile pentru o manevrabilitate buna. Daca`ti apar martorii in bord, te duci la Filaret unde ti le vor sterge. Succes!
  2. Sunt plug and play. Daca nu iese, inseamna ca ai uitat un surub. :blink:
  3. Fake

    esp dsc

    Simple ASR systems have usually only access to the brake. Since the mechanical components are present already by the anti-skid system (ABS), the ASR is a software and a hardware extension of the ABS and can each drive wheel individually brake. Such an interference is necessary only for the wheels, which are propelled. The too fast wheel is braked thereby and the other wheel receives thereby more from the drive moment. The brake interference takes place thereby without the co-operation of the driver. The ABS is changed over for it with one additionally transfer valve by the normal brake enterprise to ASR enterprise. The scavenger pump of the ABS sucks in from the master brake cylinder brake fluid and produces the ASR system pressure. An active ASR regulation has an unfavorable effect during longer travels particularly in the Offroadbreich: the brake disks or - drums can become very hot, without one ever braked. Powered by Wikipedia
  4. N`am vazut niciodata politie acolo, asa ca poti intra linistit. 0722.501.430 pentru programari.
  5. Nu`nteleg de ce va faceti atatea probleme, card sau plata prin banca.
  6. Investitorule anonim, ai omis un raspuns, ceea ce denota lipsa de respect. Mai intoarce ceasu` ala, sa nu se devolorifice timpul. :blink:
  7. @Theo, nu`mi spune ca nu`ti place offtopicul... :) L.E.: @Redcap, mersi de raspuns. :blink:
  8. @Redcap, sunt doar curios, ai mers cu E60 M5?
  9. Asa am inteles si eu, se pare ca`i doar pentru telefon.
  10. Fake

    poze cu E46

  11. Imi dau si eu cu parerea, daca`i diesel, poate fi Webasto. :blink:
  12. Fake

    Ce este Webasto?

  13. Asta am spus si eu.
  14. Daca`i vorba de testarea din targul Vitan, nu`ti face probleme. Nici masina patronului nu corespundea pe hartie. :blink:
  15. @Recap, care crezi tu ca`i pretu` de achizitie pentru o masina pana`n 2k km la reprezentanta? Iar astea`s aduse din .de, asa ca nu vad care`i problema. Cat despre plimbari, nu trebuie sa`mi iau masina ca sa ies din tara Redcap. :blink:
  16. Struguri acrii :blink:
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bmw#Nomenclature
  18. Nu`i vad utilitatea (celor de pe portbagaj). Mi`am montat eu vineri (multumirile de rigoare lui Mishoo), da` mie mi`a aprins martorii din bord. Maine trec pe la filaret sa vad cum se rezolva.
  19. Foloseste functia search pe viitor. http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/index.php?showtopic=7511&st=0
  20. La mine nu merge link-u`. Astept expertiza de la Otv, powered by Lazarus. :blink:
  21. Fake

    2 inconstienti

    @Cristian, mai citeste o data ce a scris Adrian...
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