Cateva idei despre functionarea EWS2: On EWS II, a key transponder and a EWS control module are used. the transponder is used to energize the EWS control module and sends key identification code to EWS control module. If the code is correct, EWS control module will activate the starter. Then EWS control module sends a unique Individual Serial Number (ISN) to DME for verification, if the ISN matches the one in DME, the drive away protection is canceled and injection and ignition is enabled. Otherwise, the vehicle will be immobilized. EWS Control Module:When replacing EWSII Control Module with a new, it must be VIN specific in order to recognize key ID codes. In addition, the EWS control module must be ZCS coded and then perform a synchronization with the DME in order to be fully functional. The EWS Control Module must be synchronized with the DME so that it stores the correct ISN/Rolling Code. There is no limit to the number of times the ISN/Rolling Codes may be changed in the EWS Control Module. ZCS coding on the EWS control module can only be performed using OEM scan tool while some OE-level aftermarket scan tools can perform DME-EWS synchronization (see figure). DME Control Module: The DME Control Module is not ordered VIN specific and must be programmed during replacement. After programming, the ISN or Rolling Codes are stored to the DME permanently and is not changeable.