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Everything posted by alex_maniacu_91

  1. acum e demonstrat si stiintific :) In urma studiului s-a descoperit faptul ca cei carora le-a fost administrata doza de cofeina au reusit sa isi mentina timpii de reactie si starea de alerta neschimbata timp de trei ore. http://www.automarket.ro/stiri/s-a-dovedit...olan-15943.html
  2. Volanta este facuta pt a echilibra motorul, care nu are componetele egale ca greutate.pe ea se face si citirea pentru aprinderea electronica.
  3. foarte bine intretinuta :) inca odata iti urez sa o stapanesti sanatos :) ps:te-ai uitat la airbag-urile de pe stalpi ? :) :)
  4. doar sa il rogi sa o mai puna odata ca s-a pierdut de la schimbarea forumului :)
  5. la orice model de BMW poti sa schimbi grupul. doar ca la astea mai noi te omoara costurile ca sa faci asa ceva :) STO:ai varianta de 150 de cai sau de 170? daca este cea de 150 poate sa zici ca e puterea micuta si caroseria grea (desi tot ar fi trebuit sa dea macar un mic scart acolo) + jantele mai mari.poate asta sa fie un motiv desi nu cred :)
  6. este foarte posibil.asta inseamna ca nu are computer de bord :) On topic: e36 318 din 97 a iesit consumul mixt 8.5 % (pe autostrada 130-150).
  7. nu obligatoriu. exemplu:e34 525 24v accelerat la 6000 de ture si dat drumu brusc la ambreiaj nu scartaia si asta din cauza grupului (care era lung).deci nu e obligatoriu sa fie ceva defect la masina :)
  8. With the production car of the CS the aim is to keep everything that made the car a success. Knowing only to well how Aston Martin have kept their initial Rapide Concept car looks is a page BMW have used . With the product development underneath Gerhard Richter - The father of M Divsion you know right way BMW’s intentions for this car and that is the best drivers car in it’s segment if not the only car in it’s segment to begin with. Make no mistakes about it but the BMW CS production car will be a very sporty and dynamic car and the design reflects these intentions. BMW reckon that with 2dr Coupes that the owner of these cars initially have families so the aim is to offer a fitting flagship to the BMW Brand and use a more unconventional approach than our competitors . The overall look of the car will be unchanged but such elements such as more sculpture in the front bumper to accommodate pedestrian regulations are a given. The low roof line remains intact as passengers sink in to the car. The interior at the front is all about the driver and that separated dashboard will feature in the production car. The car will be a strict four seater with a long centre console in the middle that will split up all the seats . The Production car will possibly be available with in starting entry model with a V8 , The concept car runs with a prototype enhanced V10 from the M5 which is under discussion for inclusion with the next M5 as BMW are working on how to sustain the V10 and make it more viable , flexible and efficient. All models will feature the upcoming 8 speed Automatic As well as technology shared with the 7er and Rolls-Royce RR04. As the car will be the flagship for BMW and the much talked about Bridge to Rolls-Royce, interior quality is not being taken for granted. There are ideas to accommodate the CS by building the bodywork in Germany and finishing the car at Goodwood to take advantage of production space and craftsmanship. However these were ideas before the economy rolled over.
  9. Nu e o stire noua, dar nu cred ca stiu multi de aceasta masina.Oldies but goldies :) Pentru a sarbatori o noua victorie la Le Mans, divizia M de la BMW a luat eliminat motorul de la masina prototip LMR - un V12 derivat din acelaÂşi bloc de S70 ca McLaren F1 lui V12- si l-au montat pe un x5 din 2000.Rezultatu?700 de cai putere, transmisi pe sosea printr-o cutie manuala cu 6 trepte si roti de 20".
  10. salut.mai am de impachetat cateva colete.maine sau cel tarziu miercuri le-am expediat. Rares:nu e problema.ti le tin pana atunci.
  11. astazi am primit si cel de-al doilea set :) multumesc :)
  12. sorry dar ala nu prea il mai tin dupa mine :) iti trimit seturile tale prin curier sau mai vii prin bucuresti si ti le dau atunci?
  13. :) ya lazy bastard :) vrei sa zici ca nu ti-ar placea sa ai cutie manuala ?:)
  14. personal as opta pentru a doua.....dar merg ambele :)
  15. azi am primit suporturile.astept pe PM adresele voastre.va las si telefonul in caz ca e mai usor: 0755.032.363
  16. si marmota invelea marijuana sa treaca granita :) vrei sa spui ca te-a oprit politia fara sa ai carnet si nu ai patit nimic? :) L.E:marfa motorul.e foarte bun pentru inceput ;)
  17. inainte aveai 70 de amperi si acum ai baterie cu 88. @ Stefann: are 318d.
  18. am dat comanda cu cateva seturi in plus.te anunt dupa ce sunt gata,ca nu mai stiu exact cate sunt in plus.
  19. ieri am vorbit cu el si a zis ca vineri vor fi gata :)
  20. ma mai ai si pe mine pe lista cu covorase de cauciuc pentru e46? :)
  21. maine astept sa vad daca sunt gata sau nu.cum le am va anunt.
  22. motorul M50 a aparut in 90".atunci ambele modele de motoare (m20 &m50) s-au fabricat in paralel.din 91" (finele 90") a ramas numai m50, iar m50 vanos a aparut abia din 93". L.E:fiindca nu se face referire la un anumit model de masina mentionez ca pe e30 nu s-au pus nici dupa 91" motoare cu 24 de valve :)
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