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Everything posted by alex_maniacu_91

  1. Multumesc. Valy: Da, toate au 8j si cauciucuri 235/40/17.
  2. http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80133
  3. Multumesc. Cred ca sunt replici ca dimensiunea asta nu am intalnit-o pe original, desi pe ele scrie made in Germany.
  4. Partea II. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100464.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100466.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100468.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100478.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100485.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100502.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100511.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100514.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100516copy.jpg
  5. Multumesc pentru urari. Am schimbat jantele ca BBS-urile nu prea erau pentru ea :) A iesit o replica aproape perfecta de M3 e36 :) http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100522.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100520.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100519.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100518.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100429.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100434.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100445.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100447.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100442.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy216/maniak91/Jante%20M3%20e36/P1100453.jpg
  6. Recomand userul valymad pentru diagnoza si resoftare. Super baiat, nota 10+ de la mine. Este foarte serios.
  7. Poti sa spui niste preturi si de unde putem gasi?
  8. Asadar, bubulica si b24mmr aveti cate 10 zile suspend pentru nerespectarea Regulilor.
  9. Ai spus ca pretul este de 100 euro. Pe 5/Apr/2010, 01:12 ai scazut 10% deci noul pret 90, iar 14/Apr/2010, 20:54 ai crescut iar pretul, ca astazi sa-l scazi din nou. La asta s-a referit Paul.
  10. Ba da. On: Am mers cu X6 3.0D si am ramas placut surprins. Sta foarte bine pe curbe pentru gabaritul masinii si se infige destul de binisor. Daca ai ocazia mergi pe varianta 3.5D, dar sa stii ca nici 3.0D nu e rau :)
  11. Styling 32, iar pe 18" au fost doar pe e46 din fabrica.
  12. http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/index.php?showtopic=76674
  13. Eu inca mai am stickerul tau "special" de care mi-a zis baubau. Il mai vrei?
  14. Salut. Din pacate nu mai am suporturi de numar. La urmatoarea comanda te trec pe lista. Stefan21: Ai PM.
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