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Everything posted by zeronoo

  1. valorile sunt diferite in functie de motorizare / varianta, scrie in ista in procedura cat trebuie sa fie valoarea maxima...
  2. lantul se rupe in primul rand in functie de numarul de porniri nu neaparat de km...la masinile cumparate din romania de noi au fost cazuri si la sub 100k km, pentru ca au nr de porniri foarte mare relativ la numarul de km...de asta nu e neaparat o regula cu km, pe de alte parte lantul se poate rupe fara sa faca niciun zgomot, exista procedura in ista (destul de imprecisa) de a verifica daca lantul e f intins, o verif mai precisa se poate face cu osciloscop dar nu exista metoda infailibila de control, daca lantul a suferit intinderi repetate doar pe o zona restransa se va rupe devreme si fara sa fie foarte alungit
  3. +1 unul dintre cei mai buni din zona!
  4. care din cele 2 variante ai la mufa la camera?
  5. doamna stie ea ceva...din 07.2012 se fabrica modelul pentru kafas2 care se pune si pe facelift
  6. ce masina / an ai daca ai camera cu modul (TRSVC), atunci problema e de la modul nu de la camera(dupa cum se vede in poza), vezi sigurante, apa, etc
  7. la asa pretentii...probabil nimeni...oricum, garantie o sa ai doar pe piese / manopera - asta in cazul in care schimbi tot ce zic ei ca trebuie schimbat, nimeni pe planeta asta nu o sa garanteze total pentru un produs reparat iesit din garantie de cine stie cati ani...
  8. ...si unde ar trebui sa codeze liniile astea din moment ce el nu are combox?
  9. nu ai combox la anul ala de fabrica
  10. ce an e masina, cic de fabrica?
  11. ai nevoie de si de combox nu doar de cic pentru bt audio
  12. "RegenerationThere are two kinds of regeneration: Continuous regeneration: This form of regeneration takes place during normal driving. At exhaust-gas temperatures of between 280 and 350°C, continuous regeneration takes place in the form of a slow oxidation process. The soot particles cannot be incinerated until the exhaust gases reach the required temperature.Periodic regeneration: Periodic regeneration is performed automatically by the DDE after no later than 1000 km (600 miles). On vehicles with many short-distance drives, periodic regeneration already starts taking place after just 400 to 800 km (250 to 500 miles). For regeneration, the intake air is reduced by the throttle valve. One or two subsequent fuel injections are carried out. This increases the exhaust-gas temperature to about 600 °C. The soot is incinerated with the residual oxygen. The periodic regeneration is performed at all speeds. The most efficient method is regeneration at a constant speed in excess of 60 km/h (38 mph) over a period of 20-30 minutes. The DDE calculates the time for periodic regeneration from the following values: average distance travelledaverage driving speedtemperature in the diesel particle filterValues of the exhaust gas pressure sensorThe last successful regeneration can be read out by the diagnosis system. The following conditions must be fulfilled for a regeneration: The coolant temperatur must be in excess of 75 °CThe exhaust-gas temperature before the diesel particle filter must be greater than 240 °C.There must be enough fuel (fuel reserve indicator light does not light up). Whenever the fuel reserve indicator light lights up, the regeneration process is suspended.No fault codes from the air mass system, exhaust emission system and sensors must be saved in the DDEThe fault codes 480A or 245700 (from F01) and 481A or 245800 (from F01) must display the status "currently not present".Constant driving speed above about 60 km/h (approx. 38 mph). The optimum speed is about 100 km/h (approx. 60 mph)."
  13. 320 - 328 difera pistoanele si rata de compresie (cel putin)
  14. nu, ai nevoie de un modul bluetooth compatibil cu e39, e46, e53 (IBUS)
  15. https://www.bavauto.ro/84109237653 https://www.bavauto.ro/61119249400 ai nevoie de ambele
  16. gresesti, presiunea pe admisie la relanti este egala cu cea atmosferica, daca scoti turbinele si pui o teava in locul lor motorul va functiona la fel (LA RELANTI!) p.s. mor de curios ce defect este, nu inteleg de ce nu face test...si de ce nu verifica filtrul de ulei DUPA ce a patit treaba cu defectiunea...de urmarit
  17. doar daca obturau complet admisia altfel nu au cum, la relanti turbinele nu functioneaza in niciun fel
  18. motorul nu se opreste la relanti de la turbine defecte
  19. linia praf, scoate filtrul de ulei si cauta span
  20. se poate coda la oricine are ncs functional, se initializeaza cu ista
  21. daca ai avut basic pe masina trebuie trasa si FO p.s. ce HU ai? trebuie sa ai HU cu FO
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