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Everything posted by zeronoo

  1. zeronoo


    altul identic dar bun: parca H21W... la fel ca si mai sus doar ca alt model: P21W
  2. ___ Camera-based driver support systems (KAFAS) Depending on the options fitted, various camera-based systems are available. Technical implementation is realised with a camera in the mirror base and a control unit, the KAFAS control unit. The display functions of the camera-based driver support systems are: Lane departure warningHigh-Beam Assistant (not permitted in Japan)Speed limit ( Speed Limit Info)Collision warningOvertaking banNew: Urban traffic accident preventionNew: Preventive pedestrian protectionNew: Traffic jam assistant___ Urban traffic accident prevention The camera monitors the area in front of the vehicle. The camera uses image processing to detect every vehicle (passenger cars, trucks, motorbikes) within visual range, including stationary vehicles. Based on the positions, distances and relative speeds calculated, the warning is output or braking is triggered. This function warns the driver of critical collision situations and thus prevents rear-end collisions. The brakes are also applied automatically at speeds between 3 and 60 km/h, which reduces the consequences of an accident. Accidents can be avoided up to a speed differential of approx. 18 km/h. The function is available during both day and night. The collision warning is emitted in two stages. The first stage (pre-warning) shows the warning symbol in the instrument cluster (KOMBI). The symbol flashes in the 2nd stage (acute warning). Additionally there is an acoustic warning. Both stages can be switched on or off using the assist system operating facility. The function is always available when the vehicle is started. The pre-warning can be set on the central information display (early, medium, late). Shortly before a collision the brakes are applied automatically with a medium brake force in order to reduce the severity of the impact. When an acute warning is output, the brakes are prepared to deliver emergency braking as quickly as possible. ___
  3. costul retrofitului va fi mai mult decat dublu decat retrofitul in sine, mai ieftin iesi daca cumperi un emulator cu 450 eur...
  4. pasul urmator! p.s trebuie schimbata sigla...
  5. de la e46...sistemele audio la bmw sunt facute astfel incat simpla schimbare a difuzoarelor sa aibe efect negativ...alte impedante, alte frecvente de taiere...daca nu schimbi tot sistemul nu rezolvi nimic (asta inseamna SI cablaj, fo, etc)
  6. urmeaza eliminarea turbo, radiator si frane...
  7. daca ai cic, e nevoie de combox microfon cabluri + FO capac microfon, antena bluetooth si coding, daca ai nbt totul ca si inainte mai putin combox si FO
  8. tocmai aia e frate...nu sunt la fel, merg pe diferite tensiuni, au diferiti timpi de incalzire...rezistente electrice diferite: nu sunt la fel
  9. ...in cazul asta ar fi bine sa schimbi baietii...
  10. si de unde ai valorile alea pt bujiile de pe motorul n47? crezi ca toate bujiile sunt la fel?
  11. cauta un motor pana in 150k km (verificabili cumva) la care schimbi oricum distributia si pompa de ulei si o sa ai o masina ok, altfel...o sa-ti faci abonament la service...treaba cu reparatia e f riscanta, motorul ala e extrem de pretentios, ai sanse mari sa crape din nou...
  12. mecanism trapa rupt/defect, trebuie reparat/schimbat
  13. cum ai testat-o pe multimetru, sti ce valoare trebuie sa aibe?
  14. probabil frm3 si mod instalatie, buton lumini + codare, trebuie vazut ce ai pe masina... p.s. plus instalatie si senzori inclinare axe...
  15. si-a rezolvat problema, de ce sa-si piarda timpul inutil...
  16. Nu Pentru ca altfel nu functioneaza Nu
  17. 1. ecranul ala pare de e39, e53... 2. mai ai nevoie de modul radio, modul gps, antena gps si instalatie electrica 3. fara cunostinte si experienta in domeniu nu o sa reusesti oricum
  18. daca ai icom A, ICOM B, Deutronic si soft, poti
  19. VIN WBAUG52030PE74345 Type Code UG52 E Series E87 ()Series 1 Type SHModel 120D OL (EUR) Steering RLDoors 5 Engine M47/T2 Displacement 2.00 Power 120 Drive HECK Transmission AUT Colour SPARKLING GRAPHITE METALLIC (A22) Upholstery STOFF NETWORK/ANTHRAZIT (AUAT) Prod Date 2007-01-22 ...sigur nu ai gresit vin?
  20. N57TU oil pump delivery rate = 18.6 cmc / 1 rev max press (limited) = 3.7 bar / 100grd / 4000 rev
  21. WY31 GA8HP-45Z N47T Engine 5.20 Transmission 8.50 Rear axle 0.85 Coolant with air conditioning 9.00 Coolant without air conditioning 0.00 Brake 1.00 *Note Transfer box (0,6 l), final drive (front axel) (0,6 l), Final drive (rear axel), Automatic transmission: lifetime oil filing
  22. da, se poate de pe dvd, da, bineinteles ca trebuie cod, il extragi cu icom
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