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Everything posted by zeronoo

  1. se schimba garniturile, nu se pune niciun silicon...nu mai dati sfaturi din ce cititi pe alte forumuri...
  2. la aplicatiile multimedia si telefon poate...
  3. nu, e pe ibus...gen e39, e46, etc, pt tine cea mai ieftina si serioasa solutie este MULF2 HIGH si ai bluetooth, player usb si aux...toate oem, ce navigatie ai / ce an e masina?
  4. harta pentru cic premium nu incape pe "un DVD"...daca nici macar atat nu stie...te las sa tragi singur concluziile
  5. zeronoo

    Valva PCV?

    injector, vezi ca pe motorul ala trebuie scrise injectoarele in dme, altfel merge ca dracu, exista test de injectoare in ista...e o procedura mai lunga care la final iti spune pe ce injector e problema
  6. nu e de schimbat nicio siguranta, se rezolva altfel
  7. Clutch Delay Valve The clutch delay valve is a small valve in the clutch line that restricts clutch fluid flow. It's designed to prevent shock to the transmission if the clutch is dropped. The bad part is that it makes the clutch feel vague and can make it difficult to pull off smooth shifts for experienced manual transmission drivers. Note that installation of a restricted CDV was not made on all manual cars. There are some that do not have one, some that do have one without restriction (same as the delete version) and then a lot of cars that have a restricted CDV. Seems that earlier E46 do not have it and it was phased in sometime in 2001 built dates. There are two choices: Remove the CDV completely (the two ends of the clutch line will screw into each other, requiring no parts) or replace the CDV with a drilled-out version, eliminating the restriction. People use the drilled-out version to avoid dealer hassles in case a transmission warranty issue arises. After replacing or removing the CDV, you do need to bleed the clutch line.
  8. CDV aka "clutch delay valve" sterge tot si scaneaza dupa cateva zile de mers din nou, vezi ce reapare
  9. cel mai probabil crankshaft sensor, asa cum spunea si manole, pe diagnoza nu o sa apara nimic legat de el (99%)
  10. mix de apa + aer comprimat pe returul radiatorului de incalzire
  11. radiatorul de interior infundat, poti sa incerci un backflush sau schimbi radiatorul, e o problema destul de intalnita la e90, cel mai probabil ca nu a schimbat nimeni antigelul odata la 4 ani...
  12. daca dai viteza ventilatorului pe maxim e fierbinte aerul sau aproape rece?
  13. irelevant...intre 03.2008 si 09.2008 s-au montat ccc cu controller cic
  14. reprezentanta nu poate sa faca update de soft pe module retrofitate neoficial (second hand)
  15. Este valabil, specificatii HiFi-System (option 676): 2 treble loudspeakers, front 26 mm2 mid-range loudspeakers, front 100 mm2 bass loudspeakers, 217 mm2 mid-range loudspeakers, rear, 100 mm2 treble loudspeakers, rear 26 mmMid-range /// 2 x 40 W (2 Ω) Bass /// 4 x 25 W (2 Ω) P.S. Multumesc mgs
  16. asa e, pe de alta parte la km lui nu mai are mult pana sa fie nevoit sa schimbe tot...
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