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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by zeronoo

  1. +1, sunt argintii, la fel ca si membranele
  2. difuzoarele la e46 din usi si polita spate (cele de mid-bass) au 16,5 cm diametru si cca 4 cm adancime ps si sunt la fel...
  3. eu cred ca "se pare ca este Romania pe Business !" este o afirmatie, intrebare ar fi fos asa"se pare ca este Romania pe Business ?" nu esti in urma, nu exista (detaliat) p.s. disc navi business pentru E60 si E90 e acelasi lucu
  4. poza asta circula peste tot pe net ca "dovada" ca merge business pe RO...pune o poza cu strazile din Alba Iulia
  5. arcurile difera si de la sedan la sedan in functie de motorizare si dotari, este un tabel in ETK pentru asa ceva
  6. sgcodieren sub expertmode face tot aia , de fsw_psw.man tine cont doar profilul dedicat codarii conform fsw_psw...
  7. ia din Germania Castrol Edge 0w-30 si pune in motor, o sa fi surprins ce linistit o sa fie
  8. parca-s toate ) cati kb are fisierul .trc? ps 193 cumva?
  9. codarea se poate face fara probleme si cu o interfata KKKL (masina fiind din 2005), dar tu ai facut reprogramare, daca ai busit doar codarea sa te consideri mega-norocos, dar ma tem ca nu e asa... ps sursa de tensiune constanta ai avut? (nu redresor...)
  10. ia imgburn de pe net (e gratis), instaleaza-l, da click dreapta pe fisierul .iso -> alege "burn using imgburn", scrie discul(as alege verbatim, memorex, tdk) la viteza minima si gata...tadaaa
  11. nu cred ca a apucat cineva sa le testeze peste 5-6 ani ca sa vada cum se comporta in timp...
  12. la spalare cu multa apa se inunda senzorul de pasager, cu ceva noroc o sa scapi dupa cca 1 luna de stat in soare (si uscat)
  13. Interfaces The integrated automatic heating and air conditioning system has various interfaces available for the purpose of receiving and sending information on temperature control, compressor operation, rear window heater and the relevant fan stage. Body bus The following signals are transmitted from and to the instrument cluster via the Body bus: Speed signal Engine speed Coolant temperature Outside temperature Terminal 15 Terminal 61 Terminal 58g (locator lighting) Terminal 50 (starter) Compressor load moment Diagnosis CAN-bus The following signals are transmitted from and to the engine electronics via the CAN bus: Engine speed via CAN Request for air-conditioning compressor Temperature control Temperature control The required temperature in the passenger compartment (setpoint temperature ) is set by means of a rocker switch on the operating panel and shown in the display. The interior, heat exchanger, evaporator, outside and coolant temperatures are evaluated for the purpose of temperature control together with the driving speed and engine speed signals. Heater operation is based on the reheat principle. The air is cooled down by the evaporator and then heated up again to the required temperature by the heat exchanger. The temperature of the heat exchanger is controlled by a clocked water valve. In this way, the control unit calculates the valve opening times dependent on the above-specified input variables. The valve opening times are 0 ms at max. COLD and 3600 ms at max. WARM. A mechanical mixing air adjuster makes it possible to influence the outlet temperature at the ventilation nozzles. The temperature can be changed within the range from evaporator temperature to heat exchanger temperature.
  14. in primele doua poze ai de coupe, in a 3-a de sedan, tu de care vrei?
  15. am eu high 2011 care nu e varza deloc, are orase mici gen lugoj, caransebes la nivel de numere pe strazi...nu le compara ca nu e cazul, e diferenta de la cer la pamant, chiar am facut comparatie cu garmin si e cam la fel, nu stiu ce prof 2011 ai testat tu dar esti foarte departe de adevar cand spui ca e utila doar in buc...
  16. poate avem viziuni diferite asupra a ce inseamna "detaliat", major roads, bucuresti partial si mai stiu eu ce oras partial nu inseamna detaliat
  17. pe business nu e Romania detaliata, cred ca asteptati degeaba...ma rog
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