Nu e tarziu niciodata sa afli lucruri noi...glumesc :twoup: Poate ma insel. Presiunea scazuta sau prea mare creaza chestii neplacute printre care si pornire mai grea...Acum, pe unde se scurge debitul marit de benzina si creaza inundarea cilindrilor .....?? Vezi asta...e din Tolerance Data apartine: BMW FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR: take the high-pressure gasoline supplied by the fuel pump and deliver it at a steady pressure to the rest of the fuel system. Since the fuel injection components are very sensitive to pressure and volume, the BMW fuel pressure regulator ensures that the rest of the system gets its gasoline at a precise pressure; no more, no less.Obviously, if your BMW fuel pressure regulator goes on the fritz, you pretty much get one of two conditions: Too much pressure or too little pressure. Either one can cause problems like flooding, hesitation, stalling, or/ and a no-start condition. Fortunately, the fuel pressure regulator sits under the hood where it’s convenient to get to, and it’s fairly easy to test. Just hook up a fuel pressure gauge designed for a fuel injection system and compare the readout to what’s specified for your car. A new BMW fuel pressure regulator may be required if the reading is off. cine a spus ca se inunda cilindrii? daca erau inundati, la pornire ar fi avut fum negru, nu alb, rolul regulatorului de presiune e sa tina presiune constanta in injectoare, asta era clar pentru toata lumea, flooding poate face doar in timpul functionarii motorului (nu era cazul de fata)