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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×

Cristi B

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Cristi B last won the day on August 12 2011

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    Dumbravita TM

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  • Masina
    Double E36

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  1. Am un E36 la care s-a facut retrofit de webasto. A fost facut in Germania, by the book, omologat la TUV trecut in brief, deci e ok... E un Thermo Top Z/C-B. Intrebare: cum il comand/programez in cazul in care nu am telecomanda si nici ceasul acela cu fir? Se poate comanda din OBC? Masina are OBC cu 7 butoane....
  2. Te rog trimite-mi cele de mai jos: 1 bucata 51728196290 garnitura usa spate 236 lei/oe 1 bucata 51711977117 Support left 48 lei 2 bucati 63121387311 gasket headlight 44 lei/bucata 2 bucati 63261387047 registration plate lamp 33 lei/oe/buc <-- asta e un pret mai vechi pe care mi l-ai dat in 2010 1 bucata 51718193999 Fuel filter cover 21 lei/oe/buc <-- asta e un pret mai vechi pe care mi l-ai dat in 2010 ))
  3. 51728196290 garnitura usa spate 51711977117 plastic sub bara front. left 63121387311 gasket headlight (set sau bucata?) 51221960848 left rear door weatherstrip 51341960916 gasket rear right
  4. Poti sa o trimiti...cat mai repede Are inclus o-ring sau trebuie sa il iau separat? 11511714519
  5. Water hoses 11531743535 11531247261 gasket termostat 11531743179 O-ring water pump 11511714519 Multumesc!
  6. 51111960857 - cod bandou 51711977916 - clips cric 51478120281 - clips capac stop 63261387047 - lampa numar 64118375443 -electrovalva
  7. Salut! Poti sa aduci piesa 17 din link? http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=CD71&mospid=47439&btnr=51_2395&hg=51&fg=15
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