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Everything posted by d-rive

  1. d-rive


    Mai adauga un film la colectie de la un frate mai mic 3.0d. Cat despre DSC cuplat, decuplat partial sau total, vorbim cand vrei :) Putini stiu ca la X3, contrar folclorului ca ar da 60% spate si 40% fata la deplasarea normala cu aderenta perfecta, ii dezamagesc, are 100% spate ca orice BMW. Nu e o intamplare ca descoperim la masina, pe asfalt uscat, comportamentul tipic BMW, RWD.
  2. Liviu, super poza. Sa mai adaugam si noi, una-doua poze.
  3. 1. In titlul topicului scrie foarte clar: > BMWClub > Modele BMW > Seria 5 > 520d vs 530d si de ce are sens 520d Nu scrie nicaieri ca nu se poate discuta decat de E39. Adaugati in titlu precizarea ca e vorba strict de E39 si cu asta basta ca altfel certati lumea aiurea si le spuneti oamenilor ca ei nu au inteles ceea ce de fapt unii(unul) dintre voi nu ati inteles. 2. E bine ca exista un topic si se discuta despre evolutia motoarelor in decursul anilor. Nu inteleg la ce ar folosi o discutie stricta si ingusta pe un singur segment. Dar asta e... 3. Daca vreti sa se discute doar de e39, e simplu, facem alt topic unde sa se poata discuta LIBER despre toate motoarele diesel de pe seria5. Nu am sa inteleg niciodata ingustimea unora de a discuta doar de ceea ce vor ei... whatever. Asa cum avem parlamentari p-alde elena basescu, becali, descreieratul de vadim, intentionat scrise cu litere mici, nu vad de ce nu ar mai fi si altii ca ei in alcatuirea poporului roman. La subiect la modul serios. Noul motor cu 2 turbine si 2000cmc o sa aiba in jur de 230cp, cel cu o singura turbina stiti deja, are 184 de cai. Motorul de 3000cmc (525d) probabil o sa fie dus pe la 250cp iar cel cu doua turbine de 3000cmc o sa sara de 300cp. Bref. Cel mai mic ramane 520d-ul. Fara suparare. Sunt oameni care au o varsta si nu au nevoie de puteri foarte mari, nu vor sa se bage in depasiri, sunt satui sa stea bara la bara in trafic indiferent de motorizare, 520d-ul sare binisor de 200km/h viteza maxima... ca sa nu mai zic ca cel putin in Ro nu ai unde sa mergi cu viteza asta. Suta o prinde in 8,1 secunde, absolut decent in comparatie cu alte masini de talie mai mica si motor la fel de mare. Nu vad niciun dezavantaj direct al unui 520d in fata unui 525 sau 530d. Aaaa, da, vrei performanta, sigur, e super ok si iti iei motorul cel mai puternic si normal ca daca ai banii de masina aia ii dai, dar unora nu le trebuie acel motor dar vor sa beneficieze de ceea ce inseamna un BMW in toata fiinta lui fara sa fie cu o motorizare asa de mare. Multi dintre cei care viseaza la motoare mari si puternice nu au fost in viata lor pe o pista de karting macar. Sa inteleaga ca una e una, alta e alta. Nu cert pe nimeni si nu vreau sa fiu inteles gresit dar ar trebui ca toata lumea sa se bucure ca BMW face masini pentru oricare dintre noi si ne poate satisface cerintele la toti. As putea sa ridic intrebarea... merita diferenta de peste 5000euro intre 520d si 525d? Merita diferenta de cca 10.000 euro intre 520d si 530d? Sau mai degraba acei 10k euro ii bag in optionale... Cred ca se poate discuta logic, civilizat si rational despre toate astea fara sa vina unul sau altul sa zica... iej ma d-aci ca daca nu are 1000 de cai, nu e BMW... Hai sa nu mai fim mediocri si sa deschidem ochii mintii si sa vedem clar realitatea la zi. Faptul ca din pacate, datorita traficului, e din ce in ce mai putin logic sa ai o masina cu motor de 3000cmc. Si toate astea spuse de unul care are deja un asemenea motor si a ajuns la concluzia ca datorita progresului tehnic, puteri absolut ok chiar si pe motoare "mici", lipsa vibratiilor ca la fratii mai mari in 6 cilindri, pretul mai mic si taxele mai mici, de ce sa nu spunem si asta... a ajuns sa considere ca e suficient pe o masina de genul asta sa ai cca 200cp. Pentru curse, fugareala, exista piste, existe karturi adevarate si conditii de siguranta sa-ti satisfaci placerile in ale pilotajului. Revenind la titlul topicului. Daca un moderator chiar vrea sa faca o treaba dichisita si sa nu vina cu prostii de genul: "esti off-topic", sa faca un split din topicul asta sa poata discuta lumea fara "tragerile" lui de atentie ca a incalcat nu stiu ce regulament... in acceptiunea si intelesul lui. O seara placuta si sa va vad pe toti cu-n F10 cu toate alea pe el si cu motor de 2000cmc :lol: "Raul" asta vi-l doresc :)
  4. Asa este Eugen, ai dreptate, inca de la inceput cand au bagat configuratorul a disparut de pe site-ul BMW.de modelul e60. Cel combi e firesc sa ramana pana in momentul cand apare noul 5 combi. Cu toate astea, masina nu exista inca la vanzare sau in showroom-uri. Lucrul asta se va intampla insa dupa sarbatori. In acest moment jumatate din angajatii de la fabrica din Dingolfing unde se fabrica noul 5 sunt in concediu. Urmand sa revina la lucru si sa bage mare pentru a face fata boomului firesc la inceputul lansarii noului model. In martie o sa avem masina si in Romania. Probabil ca nemtii o vor avea disponibila mai repede ca noi.
  5. E rau dar nu imposibil de remediat. Sa nu o faci decat la un atelier specializat si la oameni care stiu foarte bine ceea ce fac si care sa iti ofere garantie pentru lucrarea efectuata. In principiu nu e (aproape) nicio problema sa mergi cu ea asa.
  6. @XSD, excelent topicul, bine alcatuit, frumos si sistematic prezentat, argumentat impecabil, impartial si corect. Ti-o spune unul care are studii de specialitate si care a vandut sute de masini in ultimii 2 ani si care are un BMW cu motor de 3000cmc si diesel si common-rail. Interesant ar fi sa faci sau sa facem in comun un topic despre noua serie 5, denumita intern F10. Motorul de 2000diesel cu o singura turbina are 184 de cai putere, putere similara cu M-uri din trecut care ni se pareau rachetute la momentul lor. Cu siguranta vor intra si motoarele biturbo, inclusiv pe motorul de 2000cmc. Atunci puterea o sa fie in jur de 220cp si sunt curios ce or sa spuna unii dintre "combatantii" tai. Noul 520d este creditat cu 8,1sec de la 0 la 100km/h si are si reprize foarte bune. Nu mai vorbesc ca s-au eliminat complet vibratiile si dezavantajele fata de motoarele cu 6 cilindri. Bineinteles ca un straight six, ramane straight six dar devine o chestiune de moft si nu neaparat de necesitate. In fine, ceea ce ai expus tu in topic s-ar sintetiza asa: "520d e suficient, asigura necesitatea si motoarele superioare sunt mai mult de moft decat un strict necesar?" In rest, am citit comentarii absolut pertinente din partea unora care te-au contrazis dar am citit si posturi tampite din partea unor copii de bani gata care nu au produs nimic si doar au cheltuit in viata lor dar vin si pe aici si vorbesc de sutele de cai putere fara de care nu poti exista din punctul lor de vedere. Daca i-as trimite sa plateasca impozitul pentru o masina de 3000cmc, asigurarea RCA... nu le-ar mai ramane bani de-o cola. Deasemenea, una e sa vorbesti de masini la mana a doua, alta e sa vorbesti de masini noi. Atunci s-ar vedea diferenta care uneori ajunge la 10.000euro intre o motorizare si alta. Oricum, sa nu iti faci sange rau cand intalnesti ciumpalaci care nu inteleg ca poti compara si un Ferrari cu un Logan la anumite capitole ca tot din regnul masinilor face parte si una si alta. Ceea ce uita unii aiuriti e ca indiferent de motorizare benficiezi de tot ceea ce inseamna o masina care are roundelul pe capota si tot un BMW ramane, una dintre cele mai bune masini din lume.
  7. Sper ca nu mai asteapta nimeni pozele cu vestitul seria 5 din Bacau? :) Masina inca nu se fabrica integral, nu este la vanzare decat in stadiu de comenzi, nici macar configuratorul si listele de preturi nu sunt definitive si complete. Asadar, inca vorbim de fata morgana.
  8. Topicul asta e de seria 5, nu seria 5 GT. Apoi, in mintea fiecaruia exista anumite perceptii. Asociezi BMW cu o anumita imagine, o anumita linie. 5GT, e drept, nu intra in perceptia generala care o avem noi despre BMW si mai ales despre seria5. 5GT e o altfel de masina pentru altfel de oameni decat BMW-isti clasici. In mod evident cineva care a avut un BMW nu va cumpara seria 5GT.
  9. Deschisesem aici un topic serios si diferit total decat acesta care e la nivel de gradinita pe alocuri dar se pare ca e greu de inteles ca pe sectiunea de noul seria 5 pot exista mai multe topicuri despre aceasta masina, asa cum exista despre "vechea" serie5. Era frumos sa discutam niste solutii tehnice absolut deosebite, sa ridicam putin nivelul intre pasionatii beemvisti si nu doar sa ne certam, luam la misto si sa facem caterinca si aia expirata. Imi pare rau ca fata de alte forumuri auto BMW din alte parti/tari unde discutiile sunt de un inalt nivel calitativ, aici, multi dati curs la discutii jenante in loc sa faceti ceea ce trebuie si sa aratati respect si interes marcii BMW. Mai apare si un moderator crud ca varsta care daca el nu intelege despre ce e vorba are instrumentul tehnic de a inchide un topic interesant si lasa deschis acelasi vesnic topic de contre, comentarii de prost gust, etc. Nu am nimic cu acel moderator dar e pacat ca ia o decizie care-l depaseste. Sunt dezamagit ca useri care in trecut existau si de la care aveai ce invata au disparut si ca directia in care se merge e una aiuristica si infantila. Pentru unii dintre voi keep up the good job (in sens ironic) iar pentru cei care tin cu adevarat la marca asta si sunt pasionati, respectul meu. Din pacate eu nu pot sa continui aici in stilul: "baaaaah, esti prost, e seria7 dar esti atat de prost incat o confunzi cu seria5 noua... vine altul, i-ati bah tratamentul ca..." absolut penibil si nicidecum nu va face cinste.
  10. Pentru ca cineva are plictiseala in viata si nu permite anumite linkuri aveti aici textul articolului respectiv. Stiu ca e mult de citit dar merita timpul acordat. Fara suparare, mi-ar placea sa discutam mai mult decat "imi place", nu e misto antena si chestii de genul asta. Ar fi frumos sa discutam de directia "integrala" de exemplu. The New 6th Generation BMW 5 Series Unveiled by tim330i on November 23, 2009, 3:50 pm The Perfect Symbiosis of Modern Design and Dynamic Performance The world debut of the new BMW 5 Series Sedan marks the epitome of modern design and driving pleasure in the world of premium midsize sedans. Through its athletic and executive looks, driving dynamics typical of BMW, and innovative comfort and safety features, the sixth generation of BMW's executive express accurately reflects the standards upheld by the world's most successful manufacturer of premium cars. Design: charismatic and athletic With the longest wheelbase in the segment, a long and sleek hood, short overhangs, and a coupe-like roofline, the new BMW 5 Series Sedan stands out clearly from the competition. Overall, the aesthetic looks of the car are achieved through balanced proportions. Design features emblematic of BMW are to be found at the front with its kidney grille inclined slightly forward, in the stylish and elegant side view of the car, and at the muscular rear end. Within the interior, precise functionality and a fresh ambiance come together in perfect harmony, unmistakable style, and clear orientation to the driver. Driving experience: benchmark dynamics and exceptional comfort Highly advanced drive train and suspension technologies combine agile handling for the driver and a high standard of riding comfort for passengers. When equipped with the Sport Package, the new BMW 5 Series Sedan includes Adaptive Drive, which encompasses Driving Dynamics Control, Electronic Damper Control, and Active Roll Stabilization. Optional Integral Active Steering will virtually extend or shorten the vehicle's wheelbase for improved stability at high speeds and enhanced agility at lower speeds. At launch, the new BMW 5 Series Sedan will be available with one V-8 and one inline-6 gasoline engine. The top-of-the-range BMW 550i arrives with BMW's "reverse-flow" V-8 engine featuring twin turbochargers and High Precision direct injection for maximum output of 400*hp. The new inline-6 of the BMW 535i features a single twin-scroll turbocharger, High Precision direct injection, and, for the first time, VALVETRONIC throttle-less intake technology. It delivers a maximum output of 300*hp and 300 lb-ft. The 535i and 550i will be available with a choice of 6-speed manual transmission, BMW's new 8-speed automatic transmission, or new "Sport Automatic" 8-speed. Later, the BMW 528i will debut with a 240 hp inline-6 featuring lightweight magnesium-aluminum construction and VALVETRONIC throttle-less intake technology for efficiency and unparalleled responsiveness. BMW EfficientDynamics: BMW 5 Series increasing the lead BMW EfficientDynamics technologies are featured in appropriate combinations on each model, including features such as Brake Energy Regeneration, Electric Power Steering, a gearshift point indicator, active cooling air flaps, and on-demand operation of engine accessory drives. Lightweight materials are used intelligently to balance the vehicle and lower its overall weight. For example, components such as doors, hood, front fenders, and suspension assemblies are made of aluminum. Innovative driver assistance systems The driver assistance systems offered with the new 5 Series include an all-new Parking Assistant, Top View cameras, and Frontal Collision Warning with application of the brakes when ordered with Active Cruise Control plus Stop*&*Go. Other driver assistance features available include Blind Spot Warning, Lane Departure Warning, a Head-Up Display, BMW Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection. Joint development and production together with the BMW 7 Series The world debut of the new BMW 5 Series Sedan opens up the latest chapter in a truly impressive story of success. In the course of five model generations, overall sales of the BMW 5 Series already amount to more than 5.5*million units. Now the new model is based on a newly developed vehicle architecture also featured in the BMW 7 Series luxury sedans. Joint production of the BMW 5 Series Sedan and the BMW 7 Series at BMW Plant Dingolfing, together with the extensive use of shared components, ensures highly efficient production with the highest standards of quality. The New BMW 5 Series In Detail - Tailored Elegance and Sporting Aesthetics Exterior: Dynamic proportions in perfect balance The proportions of the new BMW 5 Series Sedan are defined in archetypal BMW style by the long wheelbase and hood, short overhangs, aft-set greenhouse, and the coupe-like flowing roofline. The slightly wedge-like shape of the body creates a sporty, forward-moving character. The fresh interpretation of BMW's signature Hofmeister kink at the bottom of the C-pillar further emphasizes the dynamic looks of the car in profile. The entire silhouette is superbly balanced, providing a clear indication of the near-perfect front-to-rear weight distribution for all engine variants. Measuring 2.97 meters or 116.9", the wheelbase of the new BMW 5 Series is the longest in the car's segment, while the sculptural design again distinctive of BMW provides a smooth flow of lines from the front along the side to the rear, creating a body where everything fits together as if out of one mould. Charismatic front, elegant side, muscular rear The expressive front end of the new BMW 5 Series Sedan presents the sporting character of the car. The upright BMW kidney grille - even appearing from some angles to lean forward - symbolizes the forward-pushing motion of the sedan and, together with the powerfully flared wheel arches, gives the front end of the car strong charismatic presence. In conjunction with the BMW Adaptive Xenon headlights (optional on 528i), the daytime running lights incorporate quite unmistakable LED corona rings, while the direction indicators moved far to the outside are made up of ten LED units each. As a final highlight, an LED focus light marks the upper edge of each headlight unit. Above the striking contour line running along the car at the height of the door openers, a slightly flared shoulder surface, together with the coupe-like roofline and the stretched window surface, gives the glazed section of the passenger cell a light and stretched look despite its size. Further down the body, concave modeled surfaces create lively light and shade effects emphasizing the sporting character of the sedan. Greater curvature around the rear wheel arches, finally, bears clear testimony to rear-wheel drive typical of a BMW of this kind. The dynamic lines of the car are further enhanced by the strikingly compact counter-swing at the bottom of the C-pillar. Featuring the smallest radius at this point ever to be seen on a BMW sedan, this re-interpretation of the typical Hofmeister kick underlines the stretched silhouette of the car and gives the passenger cell a light and low appearance. Running parallel to one another, the contour and sill lines rise up dynamically, the former stretching out from the front wheel arch all the way to the rear lights to create the elegant and dynamic look of the car from the side. The sculptural shape typical of a BMW established in this way makes the side sections and the rear end literally flow into one another. The contour lines continue into the contours of the rear light clusters and finally come together above the license plate. Seen from the rear, the new BMW 5 Series Sedan also stands out through the concave surface between the contour line and the wheel arches giving the body a distinctly recognizable waist. The flared wheel arches and the horizontal breakdown of the rear end, in turn, strongly emphasize the powerful stature of the sedan, the wide track and the wheels ending flush with the wheel arches further enhancing this impression. The L-shaped rear light clusters again reflect the typical look of a BMW and provide that unmistakable night design. Three rows of LED lights form the look of homogeneously glowing bodies again quite characteristic of BMW. And last but not least, the direction indicators and brake lights also come in LED technology. Interior Design Modern cockpit with clear orientation to the driver The cockpit is inclined towards the driver at an angle of approximately 7o and the asymmetrically designed center console likewise emphasizes this clear orientation to the driver. The horizontal lines of the instrument panel accentuate the feeling of space. As in all BMWs, well-researched ergonomics allow for optimum operation of driving controls and other functions. All displays, knobs and buttons serving comfort functions are situated centrally for use by the driver and front passengers; controls for the driver's use only are to the left of the steering wheel, on or near the steering wheel, or on the front center console. The steering wheel has power tilt and telescopic adjustment and tilt-away for exit and entry; and of course both front seats come standard with 10-way power adjustment including head-restraint height. The seating position has been improved over the former model both front and rear, with knee-room on the rear seats of the new BMW 5 Series Sedan up by 13 millimeters or 0.5". Luggage compartment capacity is 520*litres or 18.2 cubic feet, and the folding rear-seat backrest available as an option provides greater flexibility in enlarging the car's transport capacities. In addition to its 40:60 split, the rear-seat backrest also comes with through-loading and, as yet a further option, a ski-bag for additional convenience. Instrument panel in Black Panel technology Like so many aspects of the new 5 Series sedan, its instrument cluster combines BMW tradition with advanced, beautiful new executions. Here the entire cluster is in a high-resolution Black Panel display, in which four classic circular instruments are most prominent; other driving-relevant displays and readouts – including Navigation if present, vehicle-monitoring functions, upcoming service requirements and other information – also appear here in their various (and function-related) graphic forms. Climate-control settings and controls are located in a second Black Panel display in the center console stack. 4th-generation iDrive: Intuitive, powerful and fast With the new 5 Series sedan, BMW's 4th generation iDrive control screen appears in two versions: with 7.0-in. dimensions and 800 x 480-pixel resolution in standard form, or with the optional Navigation system, in a dazzling 10.2-in., 1280 x 480-pixel version with a wider range of features and functions as in the new BMW 7 Series. Displays are transreflective so that light from the sun actually enhances the images on the screen. The instrument cluster interacts in new ways with the iDrive control display and the available Head-up Display. According to selected function, users can call up phone numbers or radio stations via the steering-wheel controls. The cluster display also augments iDrive's optional Navigation display with road-realistic directional instructions, helping the driver to change lanes or negotiate a complicated intersection. If the optional Head-up Display is activated, the relevant directions appear there. Materials and colors: enhancing the elegance The choices of colors and materials further enhance the impression of personal luxury and the interior's interplay of lines and surfaces. For the dash's finely grained upper section, there are two colors depending upon the chosen interior color. Dakota leather is standard on the 550i, and available in six color schemes of which three are new; BMW's luxurious Nappa leather is optional, and available in three color schemes. Dark Burl Ash wood trim interior trim is standard, appearing in sweeping expanses on the dash, doors and front center console; Ash Anthracite (gray tone) and another distinctive wood called Fineline Matte are optional. The center console comes in two variants: On cars with a manual gearbox the console is split into two sections, the black surface surrounding the gearshift lever and the buttons on the optional Driving Dynamics Control oriented towards the driver. A key holder has been placed between the gearshift lever and the climate controls. On models with automatic transmission, the space between the electronic gear selector lever and the climate control unit offers enough room for two cupholders and a key holder. A further storage compartment is located behind the iDrive Controller (where there is another cupholder on models with a manual gearbox). Powertrain: The essence of BMW EfficientDynamics The new 5 Series will be offered in the United States with a choice of three gasoline engines. At its introduction, the new 5 Series will be available as a 535i and 550i. The 528i and xDrive all-wheel drive variants of all three models will arrive later in the year. The 550i is powered by BMW's stunning 4.4-liter, 400-hp twin turbocharged V-8 engine. Compared to BMW's earlier, normally aspirated V-8, displacement is reduced from 4.8 to 4.4 liters, and incorporates twin turbochargers with High Precision direct injection. In quantitative terms, the new engine delivers its 400 hp over a range from 5500 to 6400 rpm. Maximum torque is 450 lb-ft, available over the extremely broad range of 1800 to 4500 rpm. Aside from the dramatic thrust that drivers will notice subjectively, the objective data are dramatic too: 0-60 mph is estimated to be in just 5.0 seconds (preliminary) and a top speed when equipped with the Sport Package of 150 mph. For models without Sport Package the maximum speed is limited to 130 mph. Through its unique reverse-flow layout, the 550i's V-8 engine is able to achieve higher output without correspondingly higher fuel consumption. In technical terms, the approach involves some very new design details. For the first time, twin turbochargers and the exhaust-cleansing catalytic converters are placed between the V-8's two cylinder banks. In turn, this required the exhaust camshafts and valves to be inboard so that the path from cylinders to turbochargers (which are driven by exhaust gas) would be kept short. A key benefit of this layout becomes a more compact engine package. This is the reverse of a traditional V-8 layout, and opens a new era of V-8 engine development potential. BMW's newest gasoline inline-6 engine will be the powerplant for the new 535i Sedan. It features a single, twin-scroll turbocharger and 3.0 liters of displacement. In addition to High Precision direct injection, the new engine is the first BMW inline-6 to be equipped with both turbocharging and BMW's VALVETRONIC throttle-less intake technology. The combination of these BMW EfficientDynamics technologies delivers improved throttle response from idle to redline, reduced fuel consumption, and substantially reduced emissions. The new engine is rated at 300 hp at 5800 rpm and 300 lb-ft of torque. The torque peak is notable for its incredible accessibility: the full 300 lb-ft is available from 1200 rpm – 5000 rpm. Playing a supporting role: innovative new 8-speed automatic transmission All new BMW 5 Series models will feature an 8-speed automatic transmission, which brings smooth shifting, sportiness and efficiency to new levels of perfection. Compared to the exemplary 6-speed automatic offered in past BMW models, the 8-speed's "taller" cruising gears make a significant contribution to reduced fuel consumption and emissions, as well as quietness. And its wider spread of ratios from lowest to highest gear enhances acceleration and response across the range of driving speeds. Technically speaking, this new automatic's attributes have been achieved via an innovative concept that provides the two additional ratios (7 and 8) with no increase in bulk or weight. In an arrangement not heretofore employed in an 8-speed automatic, four planetary gearsets and five clutch packs are controlled in a way that no more than two of the five clutch packs are freewheeling at any given time. The modest increase in the number of mechanical elements allows the new transmission to achieve unusually high efficiency: the so-called "gearing efficiency" is higher than 98% in all eight gears. In 6th gear, it's highest of all because that is direct drive, with no gearing reduction at all. Combine this with reduced friction and the ability to keep the torque converter "locked up" more of the total driving time, and the transmission becomes very much a part of the new 5 Series' overall efficiency concept. Two additional gears mean threefold progress: quicker shifts, greater smoothness, enhanced efficiency. The wider spread of ratios allows the engine to run at lower speeds, mainly in the "tallest" gear, 8th. Yet even with this wider spread, the steps between adjacent gears are reduced; in turn this means a stronger, smoother flow of power during acceleration. And for the same reason, faster shifts are a further benefit because only one clutch pack is disengaged to shift up or down by one or two gears. On the other hand, downshifting more than two gears is accomplished as a direct shift. For example, a downshift from 8th to 2nd gear is made with only one clutch pack disengagement, and thus occurs without stepping down through the intermediate gears. Thus at one instant the driver can be enjoying the quiet, fuel-efficient low rpm of 8th gear, and in the next instant getting maximum acceleration. Manual Transmissions: Continuing a BMW tradition BMW continues as the only manufacturer to offer manual transmissions in the 5 Series' competitive set, underlining the sporty nature of the car, as well as BMW's commitment to driving enthusiasts. The 535i and 550i Sedans will be offered with a 6-speed manual transmission in the United States, providing a level of driver involvement unique in the segment. Brake Energy Regeneration: an energy-saving innovation The new 5 Series sedan continues the roll-out of BMW's Brake Energy Regeneration system on US models. To save energy and reduce the vehicle's fuel consumption over time, this system manages the times at which the alternator charges the battery. Conventionally, a car's alternator runs continuously and thus is always charging the vehicle's battery. In the new 5 Series, it charges only when the vehicle is decelerating or braking; otherwise, it freewheels and draws virtually no power from the engine. An electronically controlled clutch, similar to that used with the air-conditioning compressor, is used to engage and disengage the alternator. Accommodating the less-frequent charging is a special, more powerful vehicle battery that can satisfy the vehicle's high electrical demands without access to continuous charging. The battery uses a technology called "glass mat," in which its internal plates are separated with saturated absorbent glass-boron silicate rather than the usual liquid electrolyte. This construction sharply reduces the battery's conversion of charging energy to heat, and can provide the necessary electrical power for longer periods between charges. Chassis Engineering - State-of-the-art BMW capabilities - Adjustable to Suit Personal Tastes Front suspension: a new multi-link system Until recently, all BMW front suspension systems since 1965 had been of the strut type, in which a long, essentially vertical strut carries the shock absorber and participates in the suspension geometry – that is, along with the lower arms it helps determine the angles wheels take as they move up and down. With the double-pivot lower arms of most current BMW Series, the strut concept has been taken to a high level of sophistication in handling, straight-ahead stability and riding comfort. However, time and progress never stop; BMW conceptualists and engineers continually seek even better solutions. So it was that when the 2nd-generation X5 made its debut in 2007, BMW introduced a type of front suspension that achieves even better results, particularly in a large, powerful vehicle. Now this system has made its debut in the automobile side of BMW's vehicle line, first in the new 7 Series in 2009 and now in the new 5 Series. In place of the strut, this new system has an upper lateral A-arm. The double-pivot lower arms are retained, so that on each side there are three links or arms. While the two lower arms preserve the double-pivot strut system's advantages, the new upper arm facilitates the system's handling and riding comfort by relieving the strut of its geometric duties. Among the strengths of the double-pivot system are: • Small positive steering offset, for best steering feel and control under all road conditions. Though the two lower arms don't actually intersect, if you visually extend their axes to a point where they would intersect, you find a "virtual pivot point" that is ideal for achieving this result. Steering offset is the "lever arm" through which road forces act on the suspension system. • Large steering caster, for outstanding stability in straight-line driving and excellent steering return action coming out of curves. • Space for large brakes, allowed by the arrangement of the two lower arms. The 5 Series sedan's multi-link configuration adds further virtues: • Reduced friction because the shock absorber (which remains essentially concentric with the spring, as it was with the strut system) no longer helps locate the wheel, and is thus no longer subject to lateral forces. This allows the shock absorbers to damp the wheels' up-and-down motions in a more efficient, targeted way, enhancing both ride and handling (particularly on uneven road surfaces). • Anti-roll (stabilizer) bar attached to wheel carrier. This arrangement, which differs from many competitors' attachment to a suspension link, applies the wheel's entire vertical movement (up or down) to the anti-roll bar, thus allowing thinner bars to be used. Effective control of body roll (lean) and weight savings are thus achieved. • Greater freedom to optimize both suspension geometry and shock-absorber action. In keeping with another BMW tradition – aluminum suspension components to reduce unsprung weight and thus improve road adhesion and riding comfort – most major elements of the new front suspension are aluminum: • Upper and lower lateral links (1 upper, 2 lower per side) • Steering knuckle/vertical link (1 per side). Further reducing unsprung weight are the front brake calipers, which are of composite aluminum/cast-iron construction. The suspension subframe, which is sprung weight but important in terms of front/rear weight distribution and total vehicle weight, is also of aluminum. Yet more advantages are found in certain details: • The trailing (forward) lower arm has a rubber/hydraulic cushion, which provides the most effective "compliance" for reducing road shock. • The transverse (rearward) lower arm is cushioned by a finely tuned rubber element that fosters direct and precise response to the steering wheel when cornering. Rear suspension The rear suspension, too, is a significant evolution for BMW. Like the front suspension, it is a multi-link system; BMW calls it the Integral system for its small, essentially vertical Integral Link connecting the upper and lower lateral control planes. The Integral suspension concept has been in use for some years in BMW automobiles, appearing currently in the 5 and 6 Series in 4-link form. With one additional link per side, the Integral V (5-link) system moves one step closer to perfection in its combination of handling response, road adhesion and riding comfort. Here too, most major elements are aluminum, and the rear suspension subframe is also of aluminum. This complex multi-link system controls rear-wheel geometry very precisely, minimizing unwanted effects under load changes (such as lifting off the accelerator while cornering, or hard acceleration and braking) and achieving a comfortable, supple ride. In the new 5 Series, it adds yet another capability via optional Integral Active Steering as introduced on the 2009 BMW 7 Series. Precise and efficient: EPS Electric Power Steering making its debut in the BMW 5 Series The new BMW 5 Series Sedan is the first car in its segment to feature EPS Electric Power Steering. This innovative steering system enhances both the precision and comfort of the steering process, at the same time ensuring the handling typical of BMW with maximum efficiency. Contrary to conventional mechanical/hydraulic systems, steering assistance is provided in this case by an electric motor activated only when assistance is necessary or desired by the driver. The consumption of energy is reduced to zero when driving in a straight line or when taking a corner with a steady steering angle. Precise, smooth and harmonious set-up of the steering with the feedback typical of BMW ensures maximum steering accuracy at all times. In the Sport+ mode of Driving Dynamics Control and with DSC switched off, the degree of steering forces is slightly increased in accordance with the style of motoring desired. EPS serves to control steering feedback from the system with particular precision. At the same time EPS comes as standard on the new BMW 5 Series Sedan with Servotronic gearing steering assistance to the speed of the car. When parking and steering at low speeds, for example, the driver hardly has to make any effort, while at higher speeds power assistance is intentionally reduced for optimum contact to the road and in the interest of well-balanced directional stability. A further point is that EPS eliminates bumps coming from the steering and any other adverse vibrations very effectively. And by evaluating dynamic driving signals in an appropriate process, EPS gives the driver authentic steering feedback particularly under very dynamic driving conditions. Integral Active Steering: greater agility in town, enhanced comfort & stability during quick lane changes Available as a stand-alone option on the new 5 Series Sedan, Integral Active Steering builds on BMW's original Active Steering system which debuted on the previous-generation 5 Series. The new Integral Active Steering adds precise measures of rear-wheel steering to enhance safety, comfort, and agility. At the front wheels, Integral Active Steering electronically varies the steering ratio (the number of degrees the steering wheel must be turned to achieve a 1º steering angle at the front wheels) on the basis of vehicle speed and other driving conditions. This reduces the steering-wheel movements required for parking maneuvers, U-turns and sharp corners. Also with Integral Active Steering, the rear wheels are steered up to a maximum of 2.5 degrees via a servo motor acting on the track rods. At low speeds, they are steered oppositely to the front wheels, reducing the turning circle by approximately 0.5meters (1.6 feet). At higher speeds (above 60kmh / 35mph), the rear wheels steer in the same direction as the fronts, enhancing stability. Additionally, the rear-seat passenger comfort is improved thanks to reduced lateral forces in highway lane-change conditions. The most sporting 5 Series Chassis to date The new 5 Series can be equipped with a Sport Package that adds Adaptive Drive, which contains several key features: Driving Dynamics Control, introduced on the 2009 BMW 7 Series and Z4 Roadster, allows the driver to set the ride/handling/drive train behavior of the car through a single rocker switch on the center console. Adjacent to the E-shift lever or manual shift lever is the Driving Dynamics Control selector (logically, on the driver's side). Driving Dynamics Control provides four standard settings that tailor vehicle behavior to different moods. The settings are Comfort, Normal, Sport and Sport+. Affected vehicle parameters include engine throttle response, transmission shift characteristics, power-steering assistance level, and Dynamic Traction Control mode (in the Sport+ setting). Dynamic Damping Control is an evolution of the Electronic Damping Control (EDC) that has been available on several BMW models. On the new 5 Series, Dynamic Damping Control (DDC) is combined with a slightly lowered (10mm) suspension. Dynamic Damping Control adjusts the shock absorbers to any level of firmness, quickly adapting to road conditions and the driver's demands. Suspension control is always optimum for current road conditions, vehicle speed, and load. The shocks default to the softest appropriate setting for the vehicle's speed, and when the vehicle encounters an irregular road surface, they adjust instantaneously to control ride motions, preserve ride comfort, and maintain adhesion to the road. The system is so fast that even at highway speeds the system can sense a pothole at a front wheel and adjust rear-wheel damping before it reaches the same pothole. Dynamic Damping Control is the first BMW system to vary the shock absorbers' jounce and rebound strokes (wheel moving upward and downward) both steplessly and independently; this capability results in a unique combination of desirable firmness (for handling) and excellent comfort on uneven road surfaces. Active Roll Stabilization. This high-tech system reduces body roll, popularly known as "lean," in cornering. It improves handling by virtue of better suspension geometry (wheel angles relative to vertical), but there is a psychological component as well: Drivers and passengers alike marvel at the "flat cornering" that results from ARS. When the vehicle enters a corner or curve, or begins an avoidance maneuver, "lateral acceleration" is generated. This is read by a sensor, which transmits a signal to the ECU. The ECU processes this signal and transmits it to the valve/sensor block. In turn, the valve/sensor block determines the hydraulic pressure applied to the anti-roll bars to control body roll. Electronic limited-slip differential When DSC is fully de-activated, an electronic limited-slip differential comes into play in vigorous driving. By judicious application of the individual rear-wheel brakes, DSC simulates the effect of a traditional mechanical limited-slip differential. This has the effect of better apportioning power between the two rear wheels and thus improving traction in this driving situation. Intelligent driving dynamics: Integrated Chassis Management and FlexRay All such driving-dynamics functions are coordinated and overseen by BMW's Integrated Chassis Management. Via sensing and analysis of a multitude of inputs, this powerful electronic control scheme applies and governs the interaction of these functions to ensure maximum stability. Under rapidly changing conditions, such as changing road surface, spontaneous steering input, abrupt acceleration or sudden braking, ICM reacts with ultra-quick and ultra-precise interventions via the DSC actuators plus – where present – Dynamic Damping Control, Active Roll Stabilization and Integral Active Steering. For this extremely sensitive and powerful networking of functions, the 5 Series shares an electrical architecture with the 7 Series and 5 Series Gran Turismo that employs FlexRay data-transmission technology. Developed by a consortium of which BMW is a leading member, FlexRay achieves heretofore unheard-of communication speed, some 20 times that previously possible. In the new 5 Series, up to 16 electronic control units can be networked; in no other competitive automobile can longitudinal, lateral and vertical vehicle motions be so precisely monitored and influenced. BMW was the first motor-vehicle manufacturer to offer FlexRay technology in production vehicles; it made its debut in the current BMW X5. Generously dimensioned disc brakes with composite front rotors In this patented construction, each front brake rotor (disc) consists of two pieces: the high-carbon cast-iron outer portion, which functions conventionally as the surface onto which the brake pads grip to slow or stop the vehicle; and an aluminum "hat" in the center, which mounts the rotor to the vehicle. The concept's advantages include reduced unsprung weight, complementing the aluminum suspension in benefiting ride comfort and road adhesion. Reduced rotor deformation under hard braking is the other benefit. This means fewer tendencies of the brakes to vibrate when hot, and reduced likelihood of rotors cracking under extreme heat conditions. The 5 Series brake system is supported by the comprehensive functions of Dynamic Stability Control (DSC). These include antilock braking (ABS), Automatic Stability Control (ASC), Cornering Brake Control and Dynamic Brake Control; each of these functions contributes to vehicle stability and some of them do so specifically during braking. Other braking enhancements via DSC include Brake Fade Compensation, which compensates for loss of braking power (fading) under hard or repeated brake use; Brake Standby, which snugs the brake pads up to the rotors upon sharp deceleration to reduce inherent lag time in brake application; and Brake Drying, which brings the pads to the rotors periodically during wet-weather driving to keep the brakes ready. Automatic Hold, a function included in the 5 Series, 7 Series, X5 and X6 models, holds the brakes for an indefinite time when the vehicle is stopped anywhere, preventing rollback or creep; it can be activated or de-activated by the driver with a console button. Wheels and tires All 5 Series wheel/tire equipment is decidedly sporty. The 550i and 535i feature standard 18 x 8.0 alloy wheels, fitted with 245/45R-18 run-flat all-season tires. The 528i features 17 x 7.0 alloy wheels with 225/55R-17 run-flat all-season tires. Ordering the optional Sport Package will add larger alloy wheels and sportier, summer-performance tires for all models. More information will be available prior to the on-sale date. Innovative features The BMW Parking Assistant: extra comfort ensured through fully automatic steering and optimum user guidance The range of comfort- and safety-relevant driver assistance systems offered is now being supplemented by yet another innovation: The new BMW 5 Series Sedan is the only BMW available with the BMW Parking Assistant, a new system supporting the driver in safely and comfortably manoeuvring into parking spaces running parallel to the road. The BMW Parking Assistant supports the driver from the start in choosing appropriate parking space. Ultrasound sensors integrated in the side indicators measure the length and width of possible parking spaces when travelling at a speed of up to 22 mph. The system thus looks for parking spaces exceeding the length of the car by at least 1.20 meters or 47 inches. When the BMW Parking Assistant is not activated, this measuring process continues in the background without emitting any particular signals to the driver. But as soon as the driver comes to a stop and shifts into Reverse, the iDrive Control Display informs the driver of a suitable parking space by presenting an appropriate symbol. Once the driver has activated the system, all parking spaces sufficient for the car are presented while driving past. In both cases the driver simply has to press the Controller to use the Parking Assistant. From this point, all the driver has to do is operate the gas and brake pedals and supervise the actual driving manoeuvre, while the Parking Assistant moves the steering wheel appropriately in order to back up precisely into the parking space available. The driver also receives functions to guide him/her though the parking process. Acoustic and visual messages from Park Distance Control and from the Top View system help the driver in adjusting the distance from other vehicles or obstacles ahead of or behind the car in the parking space chosen. Innovative Top View and Side View features: enhanced proximity awareness for maneuvering The new BMW 5 Series Sedan is available with a back-up camera providing images presented in color and in an optimum perspective in the Control Display. Interactive tracking lines show the driver the optimum steering wheel angle for parking as well as the tightest turning circle. However, the new 5 Series offers an even more advanced proximity-camera system: Top View. Top View provides an even more comprehensive and complete picture of the car and its surroundings. In addition to the back-up camera and the PDC sensors, Top View uses two cameras in the side mirrors, and combines all three images through a central processor. This provides an overall picture presented in the Control Display showing both the car and its surroundings from a bird's eye perspective. This clear overview enables the driver to manoeuvrings precisely even in confined spaces. Side View provides specific assistance for the driver in metropolitan driving situations. Side View uses two cameras integrated in the front bumper and serves to monitor traffic moving crosswise to the vehicle. The images obtained in this way are likewise transmitted to the Control Display and provide an early overview of traffic conditions to the left and right of the car, particularly when pulling out of a narrow or unclear driveway. Innovative combination: Frontal Collision Warning with brake activation function combined with Active Cruise Control and Stop*&*Go. The 5 Series' standard Cruise Control adds new functions. One is the ability to apply the brakes to maintain the set speed on longer downhill stretches; another is continuously monitoring the vehicle's lateral acceleration and adjusting the speed if rounding a curve too quickly would upset passenger comfort. Active Cruise Control with Stop-and-Go is optional. In addition to the speed-maintaining, acceleration and deceleration functions of the standard cruise control, ACC can adjust the BMW driver's speed according to traffic conditions via radar sensors at the front of the vehicle. The Stop-and-Go function can bring the vehicle to a complete stop if traffic calls for it. After a stop of more than 3 seconds, the driver must step on the accelerator or select Resume to accelerate back to the set speed or whatever speed the radar sensors allow. When equipped with Active Cruise Control, the new BMW 5 Series Sedan has a subsystem called Collision Warning which can apply the brakes. Collision Warning with its brake activation function triggers an alarm in two stages. The pre-warning is an optical message presented as a red car symbol in the instrument cluster and, when fitted, also in the Head-Up Display, warns the driver of the closing rate to the vehicle in front. As soon as this symbol appears, the Brake Standby function on DSC Dynamic Stability Control is activated. This ensures rapid build-up of full brake pressure in an emergency. The second stage in the collision warning process is activated in the event of an imminent collision. When the driver is required to intervene very quickly, the system sends out an acute warning – in this case not only an optical, but also an acoustic message. It also initiates the braking process required, slowing down the car with stopping power of up to 3 meters/sec2 for a maximum of 1.2 seconds. Brake Standby function is again activated, preparing maximum brake system pressure to achieve the shortest stopping distance possible. Active Blind Spot Detection Optional Active Blind Spot Detection in the new BMW 5 Series warns the driver of potentially critical situations when overtaking. Using two radar sensors at the rear end of the car, the system monitors traffic conditions on the adjacent lanes, covering an area extending from the blind angle on the next lane all the way back about 60 meters or almost 200 feet. A triangular yellow light symbol integrated in the housing of the driver's exterior mirror shows the driver that a vehicle is in the critical range, thus improving situational awareness. Should the driver set the direction indicator nevertheless, indicating that s/he is about to change lanes, the LED signal in the light will warn the driver by flashing on and off. The driver will also be warned by discreet but unmistakable vibration of the steering wheel. Lane Departure Warning: camera-based system warns the driver of unintended lane departure even in the dark Employing a camera near the interior rear view mirror, Lane Departure Warning monitors road lane markings. When switched on, anytime the vehicle begins to move across a lane marking without the turn signals activated, this system vibrates the steering wheel. If the driver does activate the signals, LDW does not react. Lane Departure Warning detects unintended departure from the appropriate lane at a speed of at least 70*km/h or 43 mph. This system is made up of a camera fitted near the interior mirror on the windscreen, a control unit for comparing data, and a signal generator making the steering wheel vibrate as in the case of a Active Blind Spot Detection . The camera incorporated in the Lane Departure Warning system monitors the road markings on at least one side of the car, a control unit calculating the position of the vehicle in relation to such road markings. The camera is able to look ahead about 50 meters or 165 feet, and is also able to respond appropriately in bends or on narrow lanes. The system even works in the dark once the headlights have been switched on, making it helpful under everyday driving conditions. Sophisticated headlight technology with intelligent control Standard on the 535i and 550i, the new BMW 5 Series Sedan is fitted with the latest generation of Xenon Adaptive Headlights. Xenon Adaptive Headlights illuminate the road ahead clearly and brightly under all conditions, following curves and winding routes. In the process the headlights turn in the same direction as the steering wheel, following the steering, the yaw rate and the speed of the car. The optional Automatic High-Beam feature in the new BMW 5 Series offers additional safety when driving at night. Taking current driving conditions into account, this system switches the high beam on and off automatically as required, consistently giving the driver optimum visibility and at the same time relieving him of the chore to constantly monitor the high beam in the case of oncoming traffic. Processing images generated by a camera integrated in the interior mirror, the Automatic High-Beam feature recognizes vehicles driving ahead in the same direction up to a distance of approximately 400 meters or 440 yards and oncoming vehicles up to a distance of about 1,000 meters or 1,100 yards. A further feature is that the high-beam is switched off automatically as soon as the surrounding light reaches a certain level of intensity and is therefore bright enough. To avoid collisions from behind, the new BMW 5 Series Sedan, like other models from BMW, feature special Adaptive Brake Lights introduced by BMW as the world's first manufacturer to offer such a feature. When applying the brakes particularly hard and when ABS is activated, drivers following from behind are alerted by the larger brake lights. Greater safety when driving at night: BMW Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection BMW is the world's first car maker to offer a night vision system even able to detect individual persons. The second generation of BMW*Night Vision available in the new BMW 5 Series as an optional extra sets new standards in avoiding accidents when driving at night. The main feature is a thermal imaging camera fitted at the front end of the car and naturally designed appropriately for the new BMW 5 Series. This camera provides a video image in real time presenting people, animals and other heat-emitting objects in high resolution in the central Control Display, even when they are outside of the headlight beam. This presentation on the screen is supplemented in the case of BMW Night Vision by the automatic detection of persons on or next to the road. To provide this function, the video data is analyzed by a control unit using intelligent algorithms to find pedestrians and cyclists potentially on collision course with the car. Once the system detects a possible risk involving such persons, the driver is warned by the Control Display and the optional Head-Up Display. This warning is restricted to pedestrians and cyclists who, on account of the speed, steering angle and yaw rate involved, are on a calculated collision course with the vehicle. Body and safety Intelligent lightweight construction of even greater fuel economy Appropriate choice of the right materials helps to balance weight on the new BMW 5 Series Sedan, enhancing both the agility of the car as well as its fuel economy and emission rating. This optimization of weight comes together with a further increase in passive safety and is possible through the appropriate use of high-strength multi-phase steel, ultra-high-strength hot-moulded steel, and aluminum. The large share of high-strength and ultra-high-strength steel gives the safety passenger cell of the new BMW 5 Series Sedan maximum stiffness and stability without the additional use of material. The positive properties of the steel used allow an increase in mean body strength and stiffness by 55 percent over the former model. The torsional stiffness of the vehicle as a function of its footprint and weight has also been significantly improved. Spring supports made of pressure-cast aluminum enhance the driving dynamics of the new BMW 5 Series in two respects, making the entire front section even stiffer and, through their low weight, further improving the overall balance of the car. For the first time the doors of the BMW 5 Series Sedan are made of aluminum, reducing weight by approximately 23 kg or 50 lb versus a conventional structure. The front side panels, the hood and a large number of the front and rear axle components are also made of this particularly light metal. Exemplary occupant protection Robust structural members, generously dimensioned and precisely defined deformation zones, and sophisticated electronically controlled restraint systems constitute the 5 Series' state-of-the-art concept of occupant protection. In a frontal crash, impact forces are channeled over multiple paths into the floor structure, side members, front bulkhead and roof; absorbed in deformation zones; and just generally kept away from the passenger compartment. For the force paths, multi-phase and heat-treated steels are employed extensively. In the interior, 2-stage front airbags, seat-mounted side-impact airbags and curtain-type, front-to-rear head protection are all standard equipment, controlled according to crash type and severity for optimum effect. Airbags that are not needed for the impact at hand are not deployed, yet remain ready to deploy in case of a secondary impact. The power tilt/telescopic steering column includes a robustly dimensioned deformation section, improving its ability to protect the driver from structural intrusion into the cabin. All seating positions are equipped with 3-point safety belts; all have force limiters, the front ones also adding automatic tensioners plus pre-tensioning during emergency braking. For protection against head and neck injuries in a rear-end impact, the front seats include active head restraints, which deploy up to 2.36 in. forward and 1.57 in. upward as required – all between the time the rear impact begins and when the occupants' heads would be thrown rearward. Pentru cei ce nu se descurca cu engleza pun o traducere efectuata cu google translate. Textul nu e perfect dar il adaptati si intelegeti ceea ce e de inteles. English to Romanian translationShow romanization 6a Noua generatie BMW Seria 5 Unveiled de tim330i pe 23 noiembrie, 2009, 3:50 Simbioza perfecta a moderne de proiectare Âşi Dynamic Performance Debutul mondial al noului BMW Seria 5 Sedan marcheazĂŁ sumar de design modern si placerea de a conduce ĂŽn lumea de prima clasa A mijlocii. Prin aspectul sĂŁu atletic Âşi executive, de conducere dinamica tipic BMW, si confort inovatoare Âşi caracteristici de securitate, generaĂžia a Âşasea executiv BMW exprima sĂŁ reflecte cu acurateĂže standardele confirmatĂŁ de cĂŁtre producĂŁtor din lume cele mai de succes de autoturisme premium. Design: carismatic si atletic Cu cel mai lung ampatament din segment, o capota lunga si elegant, consolele scurte, precum Âşi un coupe-cum ar fi roofline, noul BMW Seria 5 Sedan iese ĂŽn evidenÞã ĂŽn mod clar faÞã de concurenÞã. Ăn ansamblu, arata estetice a masinii sunt realizate prin intermediul proporĂžii echilibrate. Design caracteristici emblematic pentru BMW se gĂŁsesc ĂŽn faÞã cu grila de rinichi sa ĂŽnclinat uÂşor ĂŽnainte, din punctul de vedere lateralĂŁ stilat Âşi elegant al maÂşinii, Âşi la sfârÂşitul musculare spate. Ăn interior, functionalitate precisĂŁ Âşi o ambianÞã proaspĂŁt venit ĂŽmpreunĂŁ ĂŽn perfectĂŁ armonie, stil inconfundabil, precum Âşi orientare clarĂŁ pentru a conducĂŁtorului auto. ExperienĂžei de conducere: dinamica de referinÞã Âşi excepĂžionale confortul Extrem de avansat de tren conduce vehicule Âşi de tehnologii de suspendare combina manipularea agila pentru Âşofer Âşi un nivel ridicat de echitatie confort pentru pasageri. Atunci când echipate cu pachetul sport, noul BMW Seria 5 Sedan include Adaptive Drive, care cuprinde Driving Dynamics Control, Electronic Damper de control, Âşi stabilizare Active Roll. OpĂžional Integral Active Steering se va extinde practic sau scurta ampatamentului vehiculului pentru ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžirea stabilitĂŁĂžii la viteze mari si agilitate sporitĂŁ la viteze mai mici. La lansare, noul BMW Seria 5 Sedan va fi disponibil cu un V-8 Âşi o linie-6 motor pe benzina. Ăn partea de sus-of-the-gama BMW 550i vine cu "BMW reverse-flow-ul" V-8 motor featuring turbocompresoare ĂŽnfrĂŁĂžite Âşi High Precision Injection directe pentru putere maxima de 400 * HP. In linie nou-6 din BMW 535i dispune de un singur twin-turbo de parcurgere, High Precision injecĂžie directĂŁ, Âşi, pentru prima datĂŁ, VALVETRONIC acceleratie-mai puĂžin de tehnologie de admisie. Aceasta oferĂŁ o putere maxima de 300 * CP si 300 lb-ft. The 535i Âşi 550i va fi disponibil cu o gamĂŁ de 6-cutie de viteze manuala, BMW 8 nou-viteza de transmisie automatĂŁ, sau noi "Sport automatĂŁ" 8-vitezĂŁ. Mai târziu, BMW 528i va debuta cu un 240 CP inline-6 featuring magneziu uÂşor-construcĂžie de aluminiu si acceleratie VALVETRONIC-mai puĂžin de tehnologie de admisie pentru eficienÞã Âşi de reacĂžie de neegalat. BMW EfficientDynamics: BMW Seria 5 creÂştere de plumb Tehnologiile BMW EfficientDynamics sunt recomandate ĂŽn combinaĂžii adecvate pentru fiecare model, inclusiv caracteristici cum ar fi Brake Energy Regeneration, ServodirecĂžie electricĂŁ, un indicator de viteze punct, activ clape de rĂŁcire a aerului, precum Âşi privind operarea cerere de motor drive accesoriu. Materiale usoare sunt folosite ĂŽn mod inteligent, pentru a echilibra vehicul Âşi greutatea mai micĂŁ sale generale. De exemplu, componente cum ar fi usi, capota, aripile fata, Âşi ansambluri de suspendare sunt realizate din aluminiu. Inovatoare sisteme de asistenÞã a Âşoferului Sistemele de asistenÞã a Âşoferului oferite cu noul Seria 5 include un all-Parcare nou Asistent, Top camere Vizualizare, frontalĂŁ Collision Warning cu punerea ĂŽn aplicare a frânelor atunci când a dispus cu Active Cruise Control, plus Stop * & * Du-te. Alte tipuri de asistenÞã driver caracteristici disponibile includ Blind Spot AtenĂžie, Lane Departure Warning, un Head-Up Display, BMW Night Vision cu pietonala de detectare. Comune de dezvoltare Âşi producĂžie, ĂŽmpreunĂŁ cu BMW Seria 7 Debutul mondial al noului BMW Seria 5 Sedan se deschide cel mai recent capitol, ĂŽntr-o poveste cu adevĂŁrat impresionantĂŁ de succes. De-a lungul generaĂžiilor model de cinci ani, vânzĂŁrile totale ale BMW Seria 5 deja se ridicĂŁ la mai mult de 5.5 * milioane de unitĂŁĂži. Acum, noul model se bazeazĂŁ pe o arhitecturĂŁ vehicul nou dezvoltate, de asemenea, prezentate ĂŽn cele 7 sedan de lux BMW Seria. Comune de producĂžie ale BMW Seria 5 Sedan Âşi BMW Seria 7 de la BMW Plant Dingolfing, ĂŽmpreunĂŁ cu folosirea pe scarĂŁ largĂŁ de componente comune, asigurĂŁ o producĂžie de ĂŽnaltĂŁ eficienÞã cu cele mai ĂŽnalte standarde de calitate. Noul BMW Seria 5 Ăn Detaliu - personalizate Eleganta si Sporting EsteticĂŁ Exterior: proporĂžiile dinamice ĂŽn echilibru perfect ProporĂžiile a noului BMW Seria 5 Sedan sunt definite ĂŽn stil arhetipale BMW cu ampatament lung Âşi capota, consolele scurte, pupa-set cu efect de serĂŁ, precum Âşi coupe-ca curge roofline. PanĂŁ uÂşor-cum ar fi forma corpului creeazĂŁ un sportiv, transmite-se deplaseazĂŁ de caractere. Interpretarea ĂŽn stare proaspĂŁtĂŁ a semnĂŁrii BMW face un nod Hofmeister, la partea de jos a C-pilon ĂŽn continuare pune accentul pe aspectul dinamic al masinii din profil. Silueta ĂŽn ĂŽntregime este superb echilibrat, oferind o indicaĂžie clarĂŁ a aproape perfectĂŁ front-la-spate de distribuĂžie de greutate pentru toate variantele de motoare. MĂŁsurarea 2.97 metri sau 116.9 ", ampatamentul a noului BMW Seria 5 este cea mai lungĂŁ ĂŽn segmentul auto, ĂŽn timp ce designul sculptural din nou distinctiv al BMW oferĂŁ o buna circulaĂžie a liniilor din faÞã, de-a lungul lateral spre spate, a crea un organism ĂŽn cazul ĂŽn care totul se potriveÂşte ĂŽmpreunĂŁ, ca ĂŽn cazul ĂŽn care dintr-un mucegai. FaÞã carismatic, laterale elegante, spate musculare SfârÂşitul expresive partea din faÞã a noului BMW Seria 5 Sedan prezintĂŁ caracterul sportiv al masinii. Grila de rinichi ĂŽn poziĂžie verticalĂŁ BMW - care apar chiar de la unele unghiuri sĂŁ se aplece ĂŽnainte - simbolizeaza miÂşcare transmite-ĂŽmpingerea sedan Âşi, ĂŽmpreunĂŁ cu arcade roata puternic izbucnit, dĂŁ sfârÂşitul faĂža maÂşinii puternicĂŁ prezenÞã carismatic. Ăn legĂŁturĂŁ cu Adaptive BMW faruri Xenon (opĂžional pe 528i), lumini de circulaĂžie diurnĂŁ includerea destul de neconfundat inele Corona LED-uri, ĂŽn timp ce indicatorii de direcĂžie sa mutat de departe spre exterior sunt formate din zece unitĂŁĂži de LED-uri fiecare. Ca un punct culminant final, o lumina LED-ul se concentreze marcheazĂŁ marginea superioarĂŁ a fiecĂŁrei unitĂŁĂži farurilor. Deasupra liniei de frapant de contur de-a lungul masina la o ĂŽnĂŁlĂžime de uºã openers, o suprafaÞã uÂşor ars umĂŁr, ĂŽmpreunĂŁ cu coupe-roofline precum Âşi suprafaĂža ĂŽntins fereastra, dĂŁ secĂžiunea geam a celulei de pasageri o privire de luminĂŁ Âşi ĂŽntinse, ĂŽn ciuda ei dimensiune. Ăn continuare ĂŽn jos a corpului, concavĂŁ modelat suprafeĂže a crea lumina plin de viaÞã Âşi efecte umbrĂŁ subliniind caracterul sportiv al Sedan. O mai mare curburĂŁ ĂŽn jurul arcade roata din spate, ĂŽn cele din urmĂŁ, poartĂŁ mĂŁrturie clarĂŁ la spate-wheel drive tipice de un BMW de acest fel. Liniile dinamice ale masinii sunt mai mult ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžitĂŁ prin contra izbitor de compact-swing, la partea de jos a C-pilon. Dispunând de cea mai micĂŁ razĂŁ de la acest punct pentru a fi vĂŁzut vreodatĂŁ pe un sedan BMW, aceasta re-interpretare a lovi cu piciorul tipice Hofmeister subliniazĂŁ silueta ĂŽntinsĂŁ din maÂşinĂŁ Âşi dĂŁ un aspect de celule de pasageri Âşi de luminĂŁ scĂŁzutĂŁ. Rularea paralel cu unul de altul, Âşi liniile de contur prag ridica dinamic, fostul se ĂŽntinde de la roata din fata arcului tot drumul la luminile din spate pentru a crea aspect elegant Âşi dinamic al masina de la o parte. Forma sculpturale tipicĂŁ a unui BMW stabilit ĂŽn acest fel face secĂžiunile lateral Âşi partea din spate literalmente fluxului una ĂŽn alta. Linii de contur continua ĂŽn contururile clustere lumina din spate Âşi ĂŽn cele din urmĂŁ veni ĂŽmpreunĂŁ de mai sus numarul de inmatriculare. Vazut din spate, noul BMW Seria 5 Sedan, de asemenea, se remarca prin suprafaĂža concavĂŁ ĂŽntre linia de contur Âşi roata arcade care organismul o talie distinct de recunoscut. The izbucnit arcuri roĂži Âşi defalcarea pe orizontalĂŁ de la sfârÂşitul spate, la rândul sĂŁu, puternic accent pe statura puternicĂŁ a sedan, piesa largĂŁ Âşi roĂžile se ĂŽncheie la acelaÂşi nivel cu roata arcade consolidarea ĂŽn continuare aceastĂŁ impresie. L-ĂŽn formĂŁ de clustere spate lumina din nou reflectĂŁ aspectul tipic al unui BMW Âşi sĂŁ prevadĂŁ cĂŁ de design inconfundabile noapte. Trei rânduri de LED-ul sub forma aspectul organismelor omogen stralucitoare din nou destul de caracteristice ale BMW. ÂŞi nu ĂŽn ultimul rând, indicatorii de direcĂžie Âşi luminile de frânĂŁ, de asemenea, veni ĂŽn tehnologie LED. Design Interior Modern cabina de pilotaj, cu orientare clarĂŁ pentru a conducĂŁtorului auto Cabina este ĂŽnclinatĂŁ spre conducĂŁtorul auto, la un unghi de aproximativ 7ø Âşi Centrul asimetric proiectat de consolĂŁ, de asemenea, pune accent pe aceastĂŁ orientare clarĂŁ pentru conducĂŁtorul auto. Linii orizontale a tabloului de bord accentua sentimentul de spaĂžiu. La fel ca ĂŽn toate BMWs, ergonomie bine studiate pentru a permite funcĂžionarea optimĂŁ de conducere controale Âşi alte funcĂžii. Toate display-uri, butoane Âşi butoanele de servire funcĂžii de confort sunt situate central, pentru a fi utilizate de cĂŁtre conducĂŁtorul auto Âşi pasagerii din faÞã; controale pentru utilizarea Âşoferului sunt numai ĂŽn partea stângĂŁ a volanului, pe sau aproape de volan, sau pe centru faÞã consola. Volanul are puterea de ĂŽnclinare Âşi ajustarea telescopice Âşi de ĂŽnclinare-departe de ieÂşire Âşi de intrare, precum Âşi, desigur, atât scaunele din fata vin standard cu 10-mod de ajustare, inclusiv puterea de cap-o ĂŽnĂŁlĂžime de reĂžinere. Loc pe scaun a fost ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžit pe parcursul fostul model, atât faÞã Âşi spate, cu genunchi-room de pe scaunele din spate a noului BMW Seria 5 Sedan ĂŽn creÂştere cu 13 milimetri sau 0.5 ". Capacitatea de compartimentul de bagaje este de 520 litri * sau 18.2 metri cubi, Âşi spate pliere-spĂŁtarul scaunului, disponibilĂŁ ca opĂžiune oferĂŁ o flexibilitate mai mare ĂŽn extinderea capacitĂŁĂžilor de transport ale masinii. Ăn plus faÞã de split sale 40:60, spate-spĂŁtarul scaunului, de asemenea, prin intermediul a veni cu-ĂŽncĂŁrcare Âşi, ĂŽncĂŁ o opĂžiune suplimentarĂŁ, un de schi-bag, pentru confort suplimentar. Tabloului de bord ĂŽn tehnologie Black Panel Ca aspecte atât de multe din noul sedan Seria 5, cu dispersie instrumentul sĂŁu combina traditia BMW cu avansate, execuĂžii frumoase noi. Aici cluster ĂŽntregul este ĂŽntr-o rezoluĂžie ĂŽnaltĂŁ NeagrĂŁ panoul de afiÂşare, ĂŽn care patru instrumente clasice circulare sunt cele mai proeminente; vehicul de conducere a altor afiÂşeazĂŁ relevante Âşi Masina inversiunii - inclusiv de navigare ĂŽn cazul de faÞã, funcĂžii de monitorizare, cerinĂžele de servicii viitoare Âşi alte informaĂžii -, de asemenea, apar aici ĂŽn diverse lor (Âşi funcĂžia legate de) forme grafice. Clima-setĂŁrile de control Âşi de control sunt situate ĂŽntr-o secundĂŁ Negre panoul de afiÂşare ĂŽn centrul consola stivĂŁ. A 4-a generaĂžie iDrive: intuitiv, puternic si rapid Cu noul sedan Seria 5, 4a generaĂžie BMW iDrive ecranul de control apare ĂŽn douĂŁ versiuni: cu 7.0-in. dimensiunile Âşi 800 x 480-pixel resolution ĂŽntr-o formĂŁ standard, fie cu sistemul opĂžional de navigare, ĂŽntr-o 10.2 orbitor-in., 1280 x 480 pixeli-versiune, cu o gamĂŁ mai largĂŁ de caracteristici Âşi funcĂžii ca Âşi ĂŽn noul BMW Seria 7. AfiÂşeazĂŁ sunt transreflective, astfel ĂŽncât lumina de la soare de fapt ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžeÂşte imaginile de pe ecran. Instrumentele de bord interacĂžioneazĂŁ ĂŽn moduri noi, cu afiÂşaj de control iDrive Âşi a Âşefului disponibile-Up Display. Ăn conformitate cu funcĂžia selectatĂŁ, utilizatorii pot apela de pânĂŁ numere de telefon sau posturile de radio prin intermediul direcĂžiei controale roĂži. Pe afiÂşaj cu dispersie, de asemenea, duce la creÂşterea opĂžional iDrive lui de navigare de afiÂşare cu transportul rutier-realiste instrucĂžiuni de direcĂžie, ajutând Âşoferul de a schimba benzile sau negocieze o intersecĂžie complicat. Ăn cazul ĂŽn care Head-Up Display opĂžional este activat, direcĂžiile relevante apar acolo. Materiale si culori: consolidarea eleganta Alegerile de culori Âşi materiale de a spori impresia de lux cu caracter personal Âşi interacĂžiunea de Interne de linii si suprafete. Pentru fin granulat liniuta lui secĂžiunea de sus, existĂŁ douĂŁ culori, ĂŽn funcĂžie de culoarea aleasĂŁ de interior. Dakota de piele este standard la 550i, Âşi sunt disponibile ĂŽn scheme de culoare Âşase din care trei sunt noi; de lux BMW din piele Nappa este opĂžional, Âşi sunt disponibile ĂŽn trei scheme de culoare. Dark Burl lemn de frasin trim interior antracit este standard, care figureazĂŁ ĂŽn ĂŽntinderi zdrobitoare de pe bord, usi si centru de faÞã consola; Ash Antracita (ton gri) Âşi un alt lemn distinctiv numit Fineline matĂŁ sunt opĂžionale. Consola centrala vine ĂŽn douĂŁ variante: pe masini cu o cutie de viteze manualĂŁ consola este ĂŽmpĂŁrĂžitĂŁ ĂŽn douĂŁ secĂžiuni, suprafaĂža negre din jurul pârghia de viteze Âşi butoanele de pe opĂžional Driving Dynamics Control orientatĂŁ spre Âşofer. Un deĂžinĂŁtor cheie a fost plasat ĂŽntre pârghia de viteze Âşi controalele climatice. La modelele cu transmisie automatĂŁ, spaĂžiul dintre pârghia electronice, selectorul de viteze Âşi unitatea de control al climei oferĂŁ spaĂžiu suficient pentru douĂŁ suporturi de pahare si un suport cheie. Un compartiment de depozitare ĂŽn continuare se aflĂŁ ĂŽn spatele iDrive Controller (ĂŽn cazul ĂŽn care nu existĂŁ un alt cupholder, la modelele cu o cutie de viteze manualĂŁ). Propulsie: Esenta de BMW EfficientDynamics Noul Seria 5 vor fi oferite ĂŽn Statele Unite, cu o gamĂŁ de motoare pe benzina trei. La introducerea sa, noul Seria 5 va fi disponibil ca un 535i si 550i. ÂŞi 528i xDrive all-wheel drive variante de toate cele trei modele vor ajunge mai târziu ĂŽn cursul anului. 550i este propulsat de un motor BMW de 4.4 litri uimitoare, 400 CP Twin-turbo V-8. V Comparativ cu BMW mai devreme, ĂŽn mod normal aspirat-8, deplasarea este redusĂŁ 4.8 la 4.4 litri, Âşi ĂŽncorporeazĂŁ turbosuflante duble standard cu High Precision injecĂžie directĂŁ. Ăn termeni cantitativi, noul motor de 400 CP oferĂŁ o gamĂŁ de peste 5500 la 6400 rot / min. Cuplul maxim este de 450 lb-ft, disponibile pe gama extrem de largĂŁ de 1800 la 4500 rot / min. Ăn afarĂŁ de forĂža de tracĂžiune dramatice care Âşoferii vor NotĂŁ subiectiv, datele obiective sunt prea dramatice: 0-60 mph este estimat a fi ĂŽn doar 5.0 secunde (preliminare), precum Âşi o vitezĂŁ maximĂŁ atunci când echipat cu pachetul sport de 150 mph. Pentru modele fĂŁrĂŁ Sport Package viteza maximĂŁ este limitatĂŁ la 130 mph. Prin inversĂŁ sale unice layout-flux, V 550i de-8 motorul este capabil sĂŁ obĂžinĂŁ producĂžie mai mari, fĂŁrĂŁ a consumului de combustibil ĂŽn mod corespunzĂŁtor mai mari. Din punct de vedere tehnic, abordarea implicĂŁ unele detalii de design foarte nou. Pentru prima datĂŁ, turbosuflante ĂŽnfrĂŁĂžite Âşi de evacuare-curĂŁĂžare convertoare catalitice sunt plasate ĂŽntre cele douĂŁ V-8 banci cilindru. La rândul sĂŁu, acest lucru este nevoie arbori cu came supape de evacuare Âşi care urmeazĂŁ sĂŁ fie ĂŽn interior, astfel ĂŽncât calea de la buteliile la turbocompresoare (care sunt conduse de gazele de evacuare), s-ar fi pĂŁstrate scurt. Un beneficiu cheie al acestui aspect devine un pachet mai compact motor. Aceasta este inversĂŁ de un V-8 tradiĂžionale layout, Âşi deschide o nouĂŁ erĂŁ a V-8 motor de potenĂžialul de dezvoltare. Cele mai noi BMW in linie pe benzina-6 motor va fi motopropulsor pentru noul 535i Sedan. Acesta dispune de un singur, turbocompresor twin-scroll si 3.0 litri de deplasare. Ăn plus faÞã de High Precision injecĂžie directĂŁ, noul motor este prima linie BMW-6 sĂŁ fie echipate cu atât turbo si acceleratie BMW VALVETRONIC-mai puĂžin de admisie tehnologie. CombinaĂžia acestor tehnologii BMW EfficientDynamics oferĂŁ ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžit rĂŁspunsul pedalei de acceleraĂžie de la ralanti la Redline, consumul redus de combustibil, Âşi ĂŽn mod substanĂžial reducere a emisiilor. Noul motor este evaluat la 300 CP la 5800 rpm si 300 lb-ft de cuplu. De vârf de cuplu este notabil pentru accesibilitatea incredibil: maxim 300 lb-ft este disponibil de la 1200 rot / min - 5000 rot / min. Care joacĂŁ un rol de sprijin: inovatoare 8 nou-viteza de transmisie automatĂŁ Toate noi Modelele BMW Seria 5 va cuprinde un 8-viteza de transmisie automatĂŁ, care aduce buna deplasare, sportivitate Âşi eficienĂža la noi nivele de perfectiune. Ăn comparaĂžie cu 6 exemplarĂŁ-viteze automatĂŁ oferit ĂŽn trecut modele BMW, 8-viteza lui "mai ĂŽnalt", de croazierĂŁ unelte de a face o contribuĂžie semnificativĂŁ la un consum redus de carburant Âşi a emisiilor, precum Âşi de liniÂşte. ÂŞi rĂŁspândirea sale mai ample de raporturile de la cel mai mic la cel mai ridicat ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžeÂşte acceleraĂžia Âşi de rĂŁspuns ĂŽn toatĂŁ gama de viteze de rulare. Tehnic vorbind, acest nou atributele automatĂŁ au fost realizate prin intermediul unui concept inovativ, care oferĂŁ cele douĂŁ rate suplimentare (7 Âşi 8), cu nici o creÂştere ĂŽn vrac sau greutate. Ăntr-un aranjament care nu heretofore angajat ĂŽntr-un 8-viteze automatĂŁ, patru gearsets planetare Âşi pachete de cinci ambreiaj sunt controlate ĂŽntr-un mod care nu mai mult de douĂŁ pachete ambreiajului cinci sunt freewheeling la un moment dat. CreÂştere modestĂŁ a numĂŁrului de elemente mecanice permite transmiterea noi pentru a obĂžine eficienÞã neobiÂşnuit de mare: aÂşa-numita "angrenare eficienÞã" este mai mare de 98% ĂŽn toate cele opt trepte de vitezĂŁ. Ăn 6a de viteze, este cea mai mare din toate Âşofer pentru cĂŁ aceasta este directĂŁ, fĂŁrĂŁ nici o reducere angrenaje la toate. Combina acest lucru cu fricĂžiune redusĂŁ, precum Âşi capacitatea de a pĂŁstra convertor de cuplu "Locked Up" mai mult din timpul de conducere totalĂŁ, precum Âşi transmiterea devine foarte mult o parte din concept a noului Seria 5 'eficienĂžei globale. DouĂŁ suplimentare de unelte de pescuit ĂŽnseamnĂŁ progres trei aspecte: ture mai rapid, mai mare finete, eficienÞã sporitĂŁ. RĂŁspândirea largĂŁ a ratelor permite motorului sĂŁ ruleze la viteze mai mici, ĂŽn special ĂŽn cea mai ĂŽnaltĂŁ "" uneltele, 8-a. Cu toate acestea, chiar Âşi cu cât distanĂža este mai, ĂŽntre mĂŁsurile adiacente unelte de pescuit sunt reduse; la rândul sĂŁu, aceasta ĂŽnseamnĂŁ o mai puternicĂŁ, mai uÂşoarĂŁ a fluxului de putere ĂŽn timpul accelerĂŁrii. ÂŞi pentru acelaÂşi motiv, schimburi mai rapide sunt un beneficiu suplimentar, deoarece numai un singur pachet ambreiaj este decuplatĂŁ pentru a comuta sus sau ĂŽn jos cu una sau douĂŁ trepte de vitezĂŁ. Pe de altĂŁ parte, downshifting mai mult de douĂŁ viteze este realizatĂŁ ca o schimbare directĂŁ. De exemplu, un downshift de la 8a-2a unealtĂŁ se face cu doar un singur pachet de dezangajare ambreiaj, Âşi, astfel, pas cu pas, fĂŁrĂŁ a se produce ĂŽn jos, prin intermediar de unelte. Astfel, la un moment conducĂŁtorul auto se poate bucura de liniÂşte, de combustibil-rot / min eficient scĂŁzut de unelte 8th, Âşi ĂŽn clipa urmĂŁtoare NoĂžiuni de acceleraĂžie maximĂŁ. Transmisii manuale: Continuând o tradiĂžie BMW BMW continuĂŁ ĂŽn care producĂŁtorul, numai pentru a oferi transmisii manuale in set Seria 5 'competitiv, subliniind caracterul sportiv al masinii, precum Âşi angajamentul de a BMW de conducere entuziaÂşti. Sedan 535i Âşi 550i va fi oferit cu un 6-cutie de viteze manuala in Statele Unite, oferind un nivel de implicare a conducĂŁtorului auto unic ĂŽn segment. Brake Energy Regeneration: o economisire a energiei de inovare Noul sedan Seria 5 continuĂŁ roll-out de frana BMW Energy Regeneration de sistem pe modelele americane. Pentru a economisi energie Âşi a reduce consumul de carburant al vehiculului, ĂŽn timp, acest sistem gestioneazĂŁ ori la care alternatorul taxele acumulatorul. ConvenĂžional, alternator o masina lui se executĂŁ ĂŽn mod continuu Âşi, astfel, ĂŽntotdeauna se ĂŽncarcĂŁ bateria vehiculului. Ăn noul Seria 5, aceasta taxe numai atunci când vehiculul este de a scĂŁdea, sau de frânare; ĂŽn caz contrar, aceasta freewheels Âşi atrage practic nici o putere de la motor. Un ambreiaj controlat electronic, similar cu cel folosit cu compresor de aer-condiĂžionat, este folosit pentru a se angaja Âşi antidemaraj alternator. Accommodating mai puĂžin frecvente de tarifare este o specialĂŁ, mai puternicĂŁ baterie vehicul care poate satisface mare a vehiculului cerintele electrice fĂŁrĂŁ acces la continuu de tarifare. Bateria foloseste o tehnologie numitĂŁ "sticla mata", ĂŽn care plĂŁci sale interne sunt separate cu saturate bor absorbant de sticlĂŁ-silicat, mai degrabĂŁ decât de obicei electrolit lichid. AceastĂŁ construcĂžie reduce brusc de conversie a bateriei de tarifare a energiei la cĂŁldurĂŁ, Âşi poate furniza energie electricĂŁ necesare pentru perioade mai lungi ĂŽntre taxe. ÂŞasiu Engineering - State-of-the-art capabilitĂŁĂži BMW - reglabile pentru a se potrivi cu preferinĂžele personale Fata de suspendare: o multi nou sistem de link-ul PânĂŁ de curând, toate BMW sisteme de fatade de suspensie din anul 1965 au fost de tipul strut, ĂŽn care un lung, ĂŽn esenÞã, strut verticale poartĂŁ "absorbant al socului Âşi participĂŁ la geometria suspensie - care este, ĂŽmpreunĂŁ cu arme mici care ajutĂŁ la determinarea unghiurilor roĂži sĂŁ ia ĂŽn care acestea vĂŁ deplasa ĂŽn sus Âşi ĂŽn jos. Cu dublu-pivot de arme mai micĂŁ dintre cele mai actuale BMW Seria, conceptul strut a fost luatĂŁ la un nivel ridicat de sofisticare ĂŽn manipularea, drept-confort ĂŽnainte de stabilitate Âşi de echitatie. Cu toate acestea, nu de timp Âşi de progresele stop; conceptualists BMW si ingineri continuu cautĂŁ soluĂžii chiar mai bine. Deci, a fost cĂŁ, atunci când 2a-X5 generaĂžie a debutat ĂŽn 2007, BMW a introdus un tip de suspensie fata care realizeazĂŁ rezultate chiar mai bine, mai ales ĂŽntr-o mare, mijloc puternic. Acum, acest sistem de-a facut debutul in partea de automobile de linie vehiculului BMW, ĂŽn primul rând ĂŽn noul Seria 7, ĂŽn 2009 Âşi acum ĂŽn noul Seria 5. Ăn loc de strut, acest nou sistem are un A superioarĂŁ laterale-braĂž. Dublu-pivot de arme mai mici sunt pĂŁstrate, astfel ĂŽncât pe fiecare parte, existĂŁ trei link-uri sau de arme. Ăn timp ce cele douĂŁ componente mai mici pĂŁstra dublu-pivot avantajele sistemului de strut lui, a braĂžului noul superioarĂŁ faciliteazĂŁ de manipulare a sistemului Âşi de echitatie confortul de a degreva strut atribuĂžiilor sale geometrice. Printre punctele forte ale dublu-pivot de sistem sunt: • mici de direcĂžie pozitivĂŁ offset, pentru a se simt cel mai bun de direcĂžie Âşi de control ĂŽn toate condiĂžiile de drum. DeÂşi cele douĂŁ componente mai mici nu sunt de fapt intersecteazĂŁ, dacĂŁ aveĂži de vedere vizual extinde axele lor de la un punct ĂŽn cazul ĂŽn care acestea ar intersecteazĂŁ, veĂži gĂŁsi un "virtual punct de pivot", care este ideal pentru a atinge acest rezultat. Director offset este braĂžul de "levier", prin care rutier de forĂže acĂžioneazĂŁ pe sistemul de suspensie. • RolĂŁ mari de direcĂžie, pentru stabilitate remarcabilĂŁ ĂŽn conducere ĂŽn linie dreaptĂŁ, Âşi-o acĂžiune de direcĂžie excelent ĂŽntoarcerea iese din curbe. • Spatiu de franare mari, permisĂŁ de amenajare a douĂŁ braĂže inferioare. Multi sedan Seria 5-a lui de configurare link-ul adaugĂŁ virtuĂžile mai departe: • Reducerea frecare, deoarece "absorbant al socului (care a rĂŁmas, ĂŽn esenÞã concentrice cu primĂŁvara, aÂşa cum a fost cu sistemul de strut) nu mai ajutĂŁ localizaĂži roata, Âşi este, aÂşadar, nu mai face obiectul forĂže laterale. Acest lucru permite amortizoare de a umede roĂži "sus-Âşi-jos miÂşcĂŁri ĂŽntr-o mai eficient, mai direcĂžionate, ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžirea atât plimbare Âşi manipulare (ĂŽn special pe drumul suprafeĂže denivelate). • Anti-Roll (stabilizator) bar ataÂşat la transportator roata. Acest acord, care diferĂŁ de ataÂşament multe firme concurente "la un link de suspendare, se aplicĂŁ ĂŽn ĂŽntreaga roata de deplasarea pe verticalĂŁ (ĂŽn sus sau ĂŽn jos) pentru a bara anti-ruliu, permiÞând astfel bare mai subtiri pentru a fi utilizate. Controlul eficace al Roll corpului (Lean) Âşi a economiilor de greutate sunt astfel realizate. • o mai mare libertate de a optimiza atât geometrie de suspendare Âşi de Âşoc-acĂžiune absorbant. Ăn conformitate cu o altĂŁ tradiĂžie BMW - componente din aluminiu de suspensie pentru a reduce nesuspendatĂŁ greutate Âşi, astfel, a ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂži aderenÞã rutiere Âşi de echitatie confort - elementele cele mai importante cu privire la suspendarea nou front sunt aluminiu: • superior si inferior link-uri laterale (1 superioarĂŁ, 2 mai mici pe fiecare parte) • director Ciolan / link-ul pe verticalĂŁ (1 pe fiecare parte). Reducerea ĂŽn continuare a greutĂŁĂžii nesuspendatĂŁ sunt etriere fata de frânĂŁ, care sunt din aluminiu compozite / turnat-construcĂžie de fier. RamĂŁ auxiliarĂŁ de suspensie, care este izvorâtĂŁ din greutate, dar importante ĂŽn ceea ce priveÂşte fata / spate de distribuĂžie de greutate Âşi greutatea totalĂŁ a vehiculului, este, de asemenea, din aluminiu. Cu toate acestea, mai multe avantaje sunt gĂŁsite ĂŽn anumite detalii: • de urmĂŁrire (forward) braĂžul inferior are un cauciuc / pernĂŁ hidraulicĂŁ, care oferĂŁ cele mai eficiente "de conformitate", pentru reducerea Âşoc rutier. • transversalĂŁ (spre spate) braĂžul de jos este amortizatĂŁ de un element de cauciuc cu reglaj fin, care favorizeazĂŁ directe Âşi precise, ca rĂŁspuns la volan atunci când viraje. Suspensie spate Suspensie spate, de asemenea, este o evoluĂžie semnificativĂŁ pentru BMW. La fel ca suspendarea fata, acesta este un sistem multi-link-ul; BMW numeÂşte sistemul Integral pentru sale mici, Integral, ĂŽn esenÞã, verticale liantul superior Âşi inferior avioane laterale de control. Conceptul de suspendare a fost ĂŽn uz, de câÞiva ani ĂŽn automobile BMW, care figureazĂŁ ĂŽn prezent ĂŽn 5 Âşi 6, ĂŽn Seria 4-sub forma link-ul. Cu o legĂŁturĂŁ suplimentare pe fiecare parte, Integral V (5-link) sistem se mutĂŁ cu un pas mai aproape de perfecĂžiune, ĂŽn combinaĂžie sale de manipulare rĂŁspuns, adeziune rutiere Âşi de echitatie confort. ÂŞi aici, cele mai multe elemente majore sunt de aluminiu, precum Âşi ramĂŁ auxiliarĂŁ spate de suspendare este, de asemenea, de aluminiu. Acest complex multi-link-ul sistemului de control geometrie roata din spate-foarte precis, minimizarea efectelor nedorite, ĂŽn conformitate cu modificĂŁri de ĂŽncĂŁrcare (cum ar fi ridicatul de pe acceleraĂžie ĂŽn timpul virajelor, sau greu de acceleraĂžie Âşi frânare) Âşi realizarea unui confortabil, plimbare supla. Ăn noul Seria 5, se adaugĂŁ ĂŽncĂŁ o capacitate de coordonare, prin intermediul opĂžional Integral activ ca introdus pe 2009 BMW Seria 7. Precise Âşi eficiente: EPS Electric Power Steering face debutul sĂŁu ĂŽn BMW Seria 5 Noul BMW Seria 5 Sedan este prima masina din segmentul sĂŁu de a facilitate EPS Electric Power Steering. Acest sistem inovativ de direcĂžie ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžeÂşte atât de precizie Âşi confort al procesului de direcĂžie, ĂŽn acelaÂşi timp, asigurarea de manipulare tipicĂŁ a BMW cu maximum de eficienÞã. Contrar convenĂžionale mecanice / sisteme hidraulice, de asistenÞã a direcĂžiei este asiguratĂŁ ĂŽn acest caz de un motor electric activat numai ĂŽn momentul ĂŽn care asistenĂža este necesar sau dorit de cĂŁtre conducĂŁtorul auto. Consumul de energie este redus la zero ĂŽn timpul conducerii ĂŽn linie dreaptĂŁ, sau atunci când ia-un colĂž, cu un unghi de virare constantĂŁ. Set precise, netedĂŁ Âşi armonioasĂŁ-up al direcĂžiei cu feedback-ul tipic de BMW asigurĂŁ acurateĂže maximĂŁ de direcĂžie ĂŽn orice moment. Ăn Sport + modul de conducere Dynamics Control si cu DSC oprit, gradul de forĂžele de direcĂžie este a crescut uÂşor, ĂŽn conformitate cu stilul de automobilism dorit. EPS serveÂşte la comanda de direcĂžie feedback-ul de la sistemul cu o precizie deosebitĂŁ. Ăn acelaÂşi timp, EPS vine ca standard pe noul BMW Seria 5 Sedan, cu Servotronic angrenaje de asistenÞã de direcĂžie la viteza a masinii. Când de parcare si de virare la viteze mici, de exemplu, conducĂŁtorul auto abia au de a face orice efort, ĂŽn timp ce la viteze mai mari de asistenÞã de putere este redusĂŁ ĂŽn mod intenĂžionat pentru a lua legatura cu optim la drum Âşi ĂŽn interesul stabilitĂŁĂžii bine echilibrat direcĂžionale. Un punct ĂŽn continuare este faptul cĂŁ SEP a elimina accidentat provenind din direcĂžie, precum Âşi orice alte vibraĂžii adverse foarte eficient. Iar prin evaluarea dinamicĂŁ a semnalelor de conducere ĂŽntr-un proces adecvat, EPS oferĂŁ feedback-ul Âşoferului autentice de direcĂžie ĂŽn special ĂŽn cadrul foarte dinamic condiĂžii de conducere. Integral DirecĂžie activĂŁ: o mai mare agilitate in oras, confort sporit si de stabilitate ĂŽn timpul schimbĂŁrii banda rapida OpĂžiune disponibilĂŁ ca un stand-alone cu privire la noul Seria 5 Sedan, Integral DirecĂžie activĂŁ se bazeazĂŁ pe original BMW sistem activ de coordonare care a debutat pe precedentĂŁ generaĂžie Seria 5. Noul director Integral Active adaugĂŁ mĂŁsurile exacte de direcĂžie spate roĂži pentru a spori siguranĂža, confortul, Âşi agilitatea. La roĂžile din faÞã, Integral DirecĂžie activĂŁ pe cale electronicĂŁ variazĂŁ ĂŽn raportul de direcĂžie (numĂŁrul de grade volanului trebuie sĂŁ fie pornit pentru a atinge un unghi de 1 ° de virare la roĂžile din faÞã), pe baza de viteza vehiculului Âşi alte condiĂžii de conducere. Acest lucru reduce de direcĂžie miÂşcĂŁrile de roĂži necesare pentru manevre de parcare, U-se transformĂŁ Âşi colturi ascutite. De asemenea, cu Integral DirecĂžie activĂŁ, roĂžile din spate sunt coordonate de pânĂŁ la un maxim de 2,5 grade, prin intermediul unui motor de servo care acĂžioneazĂŁ asupra tije pistĂŁ. La viteze mici, acestea sunt coordonate din contrĂŁ la roĂžile din faÞã, reducând cercul de cotiturĂŁ cu aproximativ 0.5meters (1,6 picioare). La viteze mai mari (peste 60 kilometri pe orĂŁ / 35 mph), roĂžile din spate pilota ĂŽn aceeaÂşi direcĂžie ca Âşi fronturi, consolidarea stabilitĂŁĂžii. Ăn plus, spate-scaunul pasagerului confort este ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžitĂŁ datoritĂŁ redus forĂže laterale ĂŽn banda autostrada-condiĂžii de schimbare. Cele mai sportive Seria 5 Âşasiu la data de Noul Seria 5 poate fi echipat cu un pachet sport care adaugĂŁ Adaptive Drive, care conĂžine mai multe caracteristici esenĂžiale: Driving Dynamics Control, a introdus pe 2009 BMW Seria 7 si Z4 Roadster, permite Âşoferului pentru a seta plimbare / manipulare / unitate tren comportament din masina printr-un comutator rocker singur pe consola centrala. Adiacente la E-levierul levierul sau manual este Driving Dynamics selectorul de control (ĂŽn mod logic, pe partea conducĂŁtorului auto). Driving Dynamics Control oferĂŁ patru setĂŁri standard care sĂŁ adapteze comportamentul vehiculului, pentru a dispozitii diferite. SetĂŁrile sunt Comfort, Normal, Sport si Sport +. Parametrii vehicul afectate includ rĂŁspuns motor pedalei de acceleraĂžie, caracteristicile de transmisie ĂŽn schimburi, de putere-direcĂžie la nivel de asistenÞã, precum Âşi modul Dynamic Traction Control (ĂŽn Sport + setarea). Dynamic Damping Control este o evoluĂžie a amortizarii de control electronic (EDC), care a fost disponibil pe mai multe modele BMW. Pe noul Seria 5, Dynamic Amortizare Control (DDC) este combinat cu un uÂşor redus (10mm) de suspendare. Dynamic Damping Control ajusteazĂŁ amortizoare la orice nivel de fermitate, rapid de adaptare la conditiile de drum Âşi cere conducĂŁtorului auto. Suspendarea de control este ĂŽntotdeauna optimĂŁ pentru conditiile de drum curent, viteza vehiculului, Âşi de sarcinĂŁ. ÂŞocuri implicit la moale setarea corespunzĂŁtoare pentru viteza autovehiculului, precum Âşi atunci când vehiculul ĂŽntâlneÂşte o suprafaÞã neregulatĂŁ drum, ei se adapteze instantaneu la controlul miÂşcĂŁrilor plimbare, conserva confortul la rulare, Âşi menĂžine aderenĂža la drum. Sistemul este atât de rapid ĂŽncât chiar Âşi la viteze de autostrada sistemul poate sens o Avenul la o roata din faÞã Âşi se ajusteazĂŁ roata din spate-amortizare ĂŽnainte de a ajunge Avenul acelaÂşi lucru. Dynamic Amortizare de control este primul sistem de BMW pentru a varia jounce amortizoare "Âşi accident vascular cerebral de rebound (roata se deplaseazĂŁ ĂŽn sus Âşi ĂŽn jos), ambele steplessly Âşi independent; aceastĂŁ capacitate rezultate ĂŽntr-o combinaĂžie unicĂŁ de fermitate de dorit (pentru manipulare) si confort excelent pe un drum inegale suprafeĂže. Stabilization active Roll. Acest sistem high-tech reduce Roll organism, cunoscutĂŁ popular ca "slabĂŁ", ĂŽn viraje. Ea ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžeÂşte de manipulare ĂŽn virtutea geometrie suspensie mai bunĂŁ (ĂŽn raport cu unghiuri de roĂži pe verticalĂŁ), dar existĂŁ o componentĂŁ psihologicĂŁ, precum: Drivers Âşi pasageri, cât se minuna la viraje "plat", care rezultĂŁ din ARS. Atunci când vehiculul intrĂŁ ĂŽntr-un colĂž sau curba, sau ĂŽncepe o manevra de evitare, "acceleraĂžie lateralĂŁ" este generat. Acest lucru este citit de un senzor, care transmite un semnal la ECU. ECU procesele de acest semnal Âşi ĂŽl transmite la robinetul / bloc senzor. La rândul sĂŁu, supapa / bloc senzor de determinĂŁ presiunea hidraulicĂŁ aplicatĂŁ anti-roll bar pentru a controla roll corp. Electronic limitatĂŁ-diferenĂžial alunecare Când DSC este complet de-activat, electronice limitat-o diferenÞã de alunecare intrĂŁ ĂŽn joc ĂŽn conducere viguros. Prin aplicarea judicioasĂŁ a spate individuale frânele, DSC simuleazĂŁ efectul unei diferenĂžial tradiĂžionale mecanicĂŁ alunecare limitatĂŁ. Acest lucru are ca efect al puterii repartizarea mai bunĂŁ ĂŽntre cele douĂŁ roĂži spate Âşi, astfel, ĂŽmbunĂŁtĂŁĂžirea de tracĂžiune ĂŽn aceastĂŁ situaĂžie de conducere. Dinamica inteligente de conducere: Integrated Chassis Management Âşi FlexRay Toate aceste funcĂžii de conducere dinamica sunt coordonate Âşi monitorizate de cĂŁtre integratĂŁ BMW Chassis Management. Via detectare Âşi de analizĂŁ de o multitudine de factori de producĂžie, acest sistem puternic de control electronic se aplicĂŁ Âşi guverneazĂŁ interacĂžiunea dintre aceste funcĂžii pentru a asigura stabilitatea maximĂŁ. Ăn condiĂžii se schimbĂŁ rapid, cum ar fi schimbarea suprafaĂža drumului, de intrare spontan de direcĂžie, acceleraĂžie bruscĂŁ a dozei sau bruÂşte de frânare, ICM reacĂžioneazĂŁ cu ultra-precisĂŁ intervenĂžii rapide Âşi ultra-prin elementele de acĂžionare DSC Plus - ĂŽn cazul ĂŽn care prezent - Dynamic Damping Control, stabilizare activ la rulare Âşi Integral DirecĂžie activĂŁ. Pentru aceastĂŁ reĂžea extrem de sensibile Âşi puternic de funcĂžii, Seria 5 parts o arhitecturĂŁ electric cu Seria 7 Âşi Seria 5 Gran Turismo cĂŁ foloseÂşte date FlexRay-tehnologia de transmisie. Dezvoltat de un consorĂžiu de BMW, care este un membru de frunte, FlexRay realizeazĂŁ heretofore nemaiauzite-a vitezei de comunicare, unele de 20 de ori care anterior posibil. Ăn noul Seria 5, pânĂŁ la 16 unitĂŁĂži electronice de control pot fi ĂŽn reĂžea; ĂŽn nici un alt competitiv de automobile pot longitudinale, laterale Âşi verticale propunerilor de rezoluĂžie depuse de vehicul fi atât de precis monitorizate Âşi influenĂžate. BMW cu motor a fost primul-constructorul vehiculului pentru a oferi tehnologie FlexRay la vehicule de producĂžie; acesta a debutat ĂŽn actualul BMW X5. Generos dimensionate frâne disc cu rotoare fata compozit Ăn aceastĂŁ construcĂžie patentat, fiecare rotor fata de frânĂŁ (disc) constĂŁ din douĂŁ piese: a ridicat-exprimate de carbon fonta Partea exterioarĂŁ, care funcĂžioneazĂŁ convenĂžional ca Âşi suprafaĂža pe care plĂŁcuĂžele de frânĂŁ prindere pentru a ĂŽncetini sau opri vehiculului; Âşi un aluminiu " pĂŁlĂŁria "ĂŽn centru, pe care se monteazĂŁ rotorul la vehicul. Avantajele Conceptul includ nesuspendatĂŁ greutate redusĂŁ, completând suspendarea de aluminiu ĂŽn care beneficiazĂŁ confortul la rulare Âşi aderenĂža rutiere. RedusĂŁ de deformare rotor ĂŽn conformitate cu greu de frânare este alte beneficii. Acest lucru ĂŽnseamnĂŁ mai puĂžine tendinĂže ale frânelor sĂŁ vibreze atunci când probabilitatea cald, Âşi a redus de rotoare cracare ĂŽn condiĂžii de cĂŁldurĂŁ extremĂŁ.
  11. So far, so good. Abia 20k la bord si totul merge si functioneaza absolut perfect. O masina impecabila.
  12. Asa cum spune si titlul topicului e vorba de noul BMW seria5, inlocuitorul celebrului E60. Dupa cum se vede si din poze s-au schimbat destul de multe, abordarea din punct de vedere a designului si chiar si din punct de vedere mecanic fiind alta noua, diferita si mult mai avansata. Masina are aceeasi baza de organe cu seria7 si cu 5GT, tocmai de aceea o sa regasiti o gramada de elemente si optiuni specifice modelelor mentionate. Incep cu niste poze si dezvoltam pe parcurs. Dupa cum se poate vedea in designul si conceptia noului 5-ar se regasesc elemente caracteristice de la seria 3, 5GT si 7. Masina a primit un feedback foarte bun atat din partea admiratorilor marcii cat si din partea presei auto. Despre optiunile absolut deosebite puteti citi aici: <a href="http://www.intalnirea BMW-urilor.com/news/414478/the-new-6th-generation-bmw-5-series-unveiled" target="_blank">http://www.intalnirea BMW-urilor.com/news/414478/the-...series-unveiled</a> Catalog, dotari si liste de preturi aici: http://www.bmw.com/com/en/newvehicles/5ser...gue/index2.html L.E. sorry, am vazut mai tarziu ca exista un topic similar. Dupa modelul bi.m.er.fest, cred ca pot convietui amandoua. Aici as dori sa discutam mai in amanunt despre solutiile tehnice novatoare de pe aceasta masina.
  13. d-rive


    Chiar daca are emblema "airbag" pe stalp ai un singur airbag cortina din fata pana in spate. Deci 6 in total. Stai linistita ca e ok :blink: Sa o stapanesti sanatoasa.
  14. Te cred Courage, eu ma refeream la facelift :) La celelalte nu stiu dar daca vrei neaparat ma documentez si iti spun :) Garantat neventilate la pre-facelift. La toate modelele :blink:
  15. Deci ia X5 nou decat ML second. Interiorul de la BMW este in mod intentionat facut sa para simplu. Uita-te la liniile lui cu atentie si ai sa descoperi ca e foarte original si rafinat. Ai impresia ca nu sunt prea multe pe bord acolo dar de fapt nu iti lipseste nimic. Un BMW in primul rand se conduce si apoi se admira ca infatisare :) Ai impresia ca mie mi-a placut X3 ca exterior sau interior? Neah, dupa drive test m-am lamurit. E masina ca sa mergi cu ea nu bibelou de portelan sa fie admirat in vitrina. Go for X5 :blink:
  16. Cristi, au comparat motoarele asa pentru ca au puteri apropiate. A castigam ML-ul zici. Eu totdeauna am zis ca daca as avea bani de un X5 mi-as lua ML :) Bogdane (Stoica) iti urez sa ai rabdare, sa decurga totul bine si sa fii fericit cu masina ta. Numai bine si sa ai rabdare ca se merita sa stii :blink:
  17. Da si tu un search, s-a vorbit la greu. Din pacate nici gravarea, marcarea lor nu te scapa de situatia asta. Singura solutie ar fi sa existe o boala mortala, contagioasa la atingere, sa dai cu ea pe partea din spate a oglinzii sau ceva de genul asta si dupa ce hotul atinge zona aia si isi suge degetul sa crape in cateva zile, cred ca asta e solutia perfecta. Din pacate...
  18. Poate a intrat apa pe la unul din ei, a inghetat acolo si acum se face o punte electrica, un scurt de o anumita rezistenta. Ar fi fost bine sa ai un garaj incalzit unde masina sa se dezghete/usuce.
  19. Merita facut sticky, tocmai pentru ca in doar o singura fraza ai sintetizat pagini intregi de vorbarie mai mult sau mai putin utila. Parerea mea.
  20. Exact asta am vrut sa-i spun si eu lui Dany, cu parere de rau este al nspemiilea care ramane fara oglinzi. Daca vrem sa stopam treaba asta putem lua o singura masura. Sa nu mai cumparam niciodata oglinzi de la hoti... este singurul lucru care-l putem face.
  21. d-rive

    accelerator de gaze

    SUnt mai multe tipuri de turbioane care iau nastere voit in camera de ardere, cum ziceai tu, vortex, swirl si mai sunt dar alea sunt o treaba si un traseu de evacuare e alta treaba (cu partea a doua nu ma adresez tie alex ci zic la modul general). Oricum, sa o dam in mecanica fluidelor cand vorbim de esapamente... aoleu, pai nu mai terminam niciodata :) Cred ca ar trebui sa discutam despre tobele de esapament mai mult decat despre teava in sine care in afara de faptul ca trebuie sa fie de dimensiune corespunzatoare si sa fie cat mai lucioasa sa nu adune funingine si sa permita o usoara curgere a gazelor nu prea mai avem ce sa discutam despre ele. Eu am modificat sunetul la un esapament Remus doar adaugand un tip gaurit (de mine), sunetul a devenit mai placut, se sparge mai frumos chiar la iesirea din teava. L.E. si eu :blink: Iti impartasesc opinia in ceea ce priveste solzisorii. Din punctul meu sunt ca o frana, sparg gazele care au deja un anumit sens, directie, viteza...
  22. d-rive

    Fulie E60

    Mda, din pacate. Am crezut/banuit ca ai avut masina luata de noua din Ro. Romulus stie mai multe despre rechemari la E60, doar ca el a avut benzina daca imi amintesc eu bine. Poate stie el mai multe... Una peste alta. Nasol ca ti s-a intamplat treaba asta dar totusi ai avut noroc ca nu ti s-a intamplat pe la cine stie ce viteza...
  23. d-rive

    accelerator de gaze

    Am inteles perfect acum ce ai vrut sa spui :blink: Apropos de spirala aia. Pe cand aveam Dacie, acum 20jde ani, puneam la carburator un soi de elice/spirala care cica inducea un vartej si ajuta la buna curgere pe traectul de admisie a amestecului aer-carburant, aia il numeau economizor. Sincer nu am simtit nicio economie la masina si nici nu performante suplimentare nu erau dar il lasam acolo, era ceva deosebit fata de alta Dacie, la fel si cu aprinderea electronica, pana intr-o buna zi cand am dat jos tot si am pus masina la punct asa cum au facut-o cei de la Renault.
  24. Acest post al lui AliNOS ar trebui facut sticky cumva pe sectiunea de tuning. Se mai pot adauga cateva cuvinte dar cred ca afirmatia lui AliNOS " deci daca faci o adunare cred ca ajungi singur la concluzia ca mai bine o vinzi si iti iei un 330d" spune destul. AliNOS, da-mi si mie te rog un PM cu numele/firma acelui om de incredere, exact asta caut eu in clipa asta. Multumesc anticipat.
  25. d-rive

    Fulie E60

    @chas3, ai nevoie de cineva din interiorul retelei BMW AG, cineva care poate verifica daca masina ta facea obiectul acelui recall si daca ar fi trebuit sa fii chemat si totusi stimabilii care trebuiau sa te cheme pentru inlocuirea acelei piese nu te-au chemat. Ma gandesc ca poate Turbo-mann te poate ajuta cu o informatie in sensul asta. Ar fi foarte edificatoare mai ales pentru faptul ca informatia ar fi pentru masina ta si nu la modul general. Bref. Daca acea piesa constituia motivul unui recall si nu ai fost contactat si chemat in service si acum s-a defectat, toata raspunderea cade pe cei de la BMW, chiar si in cazul in care masina ti-a iesit din garantie. Daca e, dupa sarbatori, ma suni, ai numarul meu, mergem impreuna la BMW sa vedem daca putem afla ceva. Eu zic ca se merita.
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