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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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Everything posted by tigerash

  1. Vand Jante AC Schnitzer , stare foarte buna, nu sunt zgariate ci doar murdare , pret 1000E
  2. cam asa ceva. Si mie ca si altor colegi de pe forum dupa ce am bagat de la lukoil imi dadea amsina in nas, imi trepida la relanti, acum dupa ce bag omv nu am nici o problema
  3. Schimb interior bmw e46 coupe textil impecabil+ diferenta , cu interior tot de coupe dar sport, tapiserie mixta sau de piele
  4. Cat ma costa 11611437384 x 4 buc producator 11611437383 x 4 buc producator 11611437691 x 1buc original
  5. 318i si la -10 si la +10 la sfert de cheie
  6. vezi sa nu traga aer fals pe la furtunele sau sa ai galeria de admisie crapata
  7. P0010 A Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit (Bank 1) P0011 A Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance (Bank 1)) P0012 A Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded (Bank 1) P0013 B Camshaft Position - Actuator Circuit (Bank 1) P0014 B Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance (Bank 1) P0015 B Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded (Bank 1) P0016 Crankshaft/Camshaft Timing Misalignment A rationality error has been detected for camshaft position out of phase with crankshaft. P0020 A Camshaft Position Actuator Circuit (Bank 2) P0021 A Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance (Bank 2) P0022 A Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded (Bank 2) P0023 B Camshaft Position - Actuator Circuit (Bank 2) P0024 B Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance (Bank 2) P0025 B Camshaft Position - Timing Over-Retarded (Bank 2) P0030 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0031 HO2S Heater Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0032 HO2S Heater Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 1 P0036 HO2S Heater Control Circuit Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0037 HO2S Heater Circuit Low Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0038 HO2S Heater Circuit High Voltage Bank 1 Sensor 2 P0050 HO2S Heater Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0051 HO2S Heater Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0052 HO2S Heater Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 1 P0056 HO2S Heater Circuit Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0057 HO2S Heater Circuit Low Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0058 HO2S Heater Circuit High Voltage Bank 2 Sensor 2 P0100 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Malfunction Insufficient Activity P0101 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0102 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input P0103 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit High Input P0104 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Intermittent P0105 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Malfunction P0106 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0107 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input P0108 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit High Input P0109 Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Intermittent P0110 Intake Air Temperature Circuit Malfunction P0111 Intake Air Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0112 Intake Air Temperature Circuit Low Input P0113 Intake Air Temperature Circuit High Input P0114 Intake Air Temperature Circuit Intermittent P0115 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Malfunction P0116 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Low Input P0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit High Input P0119 Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Intermittent P0120 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Malfunction P0121 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0122 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Low Input P0123 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit High Input P0124 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch A Circuit Intermittent P0125 Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Closed Loop Fuel Control P0126 Insufficient Coolant Temperature for Stable Operation P0128 Range/Performance Problem In Thermostat P0129 UNKNOWN CODE P0130 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0131 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0132 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0133 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0134 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) P0136 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0137 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0138 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0139 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0140 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0141 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 2) P0142 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0143 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0144 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0145 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0146 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0147 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 3) P0148 UNKNOWN CODE P0149 UNKNOWN CODE P0150 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0151 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0152 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0153 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0154 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P0156 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0157 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0158 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0159 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0160 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0161 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2) P0162 O2 Sensor Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0163 O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0164 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0165 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0166 O2 Sensor Circuit No Activity Detected (Bank 2 Sensor 3 P0167 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 3) P0168 UNKNOWN CODE P0169 UNKNOWN CODE P0170 Fuel Trim Malfunction (Bank 1) P0171 System too Lean (Bank 1) P0172 System too Rich (Bank 1) P0173 Fuel Trim Malfunction (Bank 2) P0174 System too Lean (Bank 2) P0175 System too Rich (Bank 2) P0176 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0177 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0178 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit Low Input P0179 Fuel Composition Sensor Circuit High Input P0180 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Malfunction P0181 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance P0182 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Low Input P0183 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit High Input P0184 Fuel Temperature Sensor A Circuit Intermittent P0185 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Malfunction P0186 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance P0187 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Low Input P0188 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit High Input P0189 Fuel Temperature Sensor B Circuit Intermittent P0190 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0191 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0192 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input P0193 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input P0194 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0195 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Malfunction P0196 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Range/Performance P0197 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Low P0198 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor High P0199 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Intermittent P0200 Injector Circuit Malfunction P0201 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 1 P0202 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 2 P0203 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 3 P0204 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 4 P0205 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 5 P0206 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 6 P0207 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 7 P0208 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 8 P0209 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 9 P0210 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 10 P0211 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 11 P0212 Injector Circuit Malfunction - Cylinder 12 P0213 Cold Start Injector 1 Malfunction P0214 Cold Start Injector 2 Malfunction P0215 Engine Shutoff Solenoid Malfunction P0216 Injection Timing Control Circuit Malfunction P0217 Engine Overtemp Condition P0218 Transmission Over Temperature Condition P0219 Engine Overspeed Condition P0220 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Malfunction P0221 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0222 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Low Input P0223 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit High Input P0224 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch B Circuit Intermittent P0225 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Malfunction P0226 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Range/Performance Problem P0227 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Low Input P0228 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit High Input P0229 Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch C Circuit Intermittent P0230 Fuel Pump Primary Circuit Malfunction P0231 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Low P0232 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit High P0233 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Intermittent P0234 Engine Overboost Condition P0235 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit Malfunction P0236 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance P0237 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit Low P0238 Turbocharger Boost Sensor A Circuit High P0239 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Malfunction P0240 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance P0241 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Circuit Low P0242 Turbocharger Boost Sensor B Circuit High P0243 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A Malfunction P0244 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A Range/Performance P0245 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A Low P0246 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid A High P0247 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Malfunction P0248 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Range/Performance P0249 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Low P0250 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B High P0251 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Malfunction (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0252 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Range/Performance (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0253 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Low (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0254 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" High (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0255 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "A" Intermittent (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0256 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Malfunction (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0257 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Range/Performance (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0258 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Low (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0259 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" High (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0260 Injection Pump Fuel Metering Control "B" Intermittent (Cam/Rotor/Injector) P0261 Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit Low P0262 Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit High P0263 Cylinder 1 Contribution/Balance Fault P0264 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit Low P0265 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit High P0266 Cylinder 2 Contribution/Balance Fault P0267 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Low P0268 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit High P0269 Cylinder 3 Contribution/Balance Fault P0270 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit Low P0271 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit High P0272 Cylinder 4 Contribution/Balance Fault P0273 Cylinder 5 Injector Circuit Low P0274 Cylinder 5 Injector Circuit High P0275 Cylinder 5 Contribution/Balance Fault P0276 Cylinder 6 Injector Circuit Low P0277 Cylinder 6 Injector Circuit High P0278 Cylinder 6 Contribution/Balance Fault P0279 Cylinder 7 Injector Circuit Low P0280 Cylinder 7 Injector Circuit High P0281 Cylinder 7 Contribution/Balance Fault P0282 Cylinder 8 Injector Circuit Low P0283 Cylinder 8 Injector Circuit High P0284 Cylinder 8 Contribution/Balance Fault P0285 Cylinder 9 Injector Circuit Low P0286 Cylinder 9 Injector Circuit High P0287 Cylinder 9 Contribution/Balance Fault P0288 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit Low P0289 Cylinder 10 Injector Circuit High P0290 Cylinder 10 Contribution/Balance Fault P0291 Cylinder 11 Injector Circuit Low P0292 Cylinder 11 Injector Circuit High P0293 Cylinder 11 Contribution/Balance Fault P0294 Cylinder 12 Injector Circuit Low P0295 Cylinder 12 Injector Circuit High P0296 Cylinder 12 Contribution/Range Fault P0297 UNKNOWN CODE P0298 UNKNOWN CODE P0299 UNKNOWN CODE P0300 Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected P0301 Cylinder 1 Misfire Detected P0302 Cylinder 2 Misfire Detected P0303 Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected P0304 Cylinder 4 Misfire Detected P0305 Cylinder 5 Misfire Detected P0306 Cylinder 6 Misfire Detected P0307 Cylinder 7 Misfire Detected P0308 Cylinder 8 Misfire Detected P0309 Cylinder 9 Misfire Detected P0310 Cylinder 10 Misfire Detected P0311 Cylinder 11 Misfire Detected P0312 Cylinder 12 Misfire Detected P0313 Misfire Detected With Low Fuel Level P0314 UNKNOWN CODE P0315 UNKNOWN CODE P0316 UNKNOWN CODE P0317 UNKNOWN CODE P0318 Rough Road Sensor Circuit P0319 UNKNOWN CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P0320 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit Malfunction The ignition engine speed sensor input signal to the PCM is continuously monitored. The test fails when the signal indicated that two successive erratic profile ignition pickup (pip) pulses have occurred. Possible causes: 1. Loose wires / connectors 2. Arcing secondary ignition components (coil, wires and plugs) 3. On board transmitter (2-way radio) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P0321 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance P0322 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal P0323 Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent P0325 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) P0326 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) P0327 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Low Input (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) P0328 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit High Input (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) P0329 Knock Sensor 1 Circuit Intermittent (Bank 1 or Single Sensor) P0330 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2) P0331 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 2) P0332 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Low Input (Bank 2) P0333 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit High Input (Bank 2) P0334 Knock Sensor 2 Circuit Intermittent (Bank 2) P0335 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Malfunction P0336 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance P0337 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Low Input P0338 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit High Input P0339 Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Intermittent P0340 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0341 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0342 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Low Input P0343 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit High Input P0344 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0345 UNKNOWN CODE P0346 UNKNOWN CODE P0347 UNKNOWN CODE P0348 UNKNOWN CODE P0349 UNKNOWN CODE P0350 Ignition Coil Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0351 Ignition Coil 1 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0352 Ignition Coil 2 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0353 Ignition Coil 3 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0354 Ignition Coil 4 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0355 Ignition Coil 5 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0356 Ignition Coil 6 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0357 Ignition Coil 7 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0358 Ignition Coil 8 Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0359 Ignition Coil I Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0360 Ignition Coil J Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0361 Ignition Coil K Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0362 Ignition Coil L Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction P0363 UNKNOWN CODE P0364 UNKNOWN CODE P0365 UNKNOWN CODE P0366 UNKNOWN CODE P0367 UNKNOWN CODE P0368 UNKNOWN CODE P0369 UNKNOWN CODE P0370 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal A Malfunction P0371 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal A Too Many Pulses P0372 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal A Too Few Pulses P0373 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal A Intermittent/Erratic Pulses P0374 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal A No Pulses P0375 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal B Malfunction P0376 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal B Too Many Pulses P0377 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal B Too Few Pulses P0378 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal B Intermittent/Erratic Pulses P0379 Timing Reference High Resolution Signal B No Pulses P0380 Glow Plug/Heater Circuit "A" Malfunction P0381 Glow Plug/Heater Indicator Circuit Malfunction P0382 Glow Plug/Heater Circuit "B" Malfunction P0383 UNKNOWN CODE P0384 UNKNOWN CODE P0385 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Malfunction P0386 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Range/Performance P0387 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Low Input P0388 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit High Input P0389 Crankshaft Position Sensor B Circuit Intermittent P0400 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Malfunction P0401 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Insufficient Detected P0402 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Excessive Detected P0403 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Circuit Malfunction P0404 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Circuit Range/Performance P0405 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor A Circuit Low P0406 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor A Circuit High P0407 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor B Circuit Low P0408 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor B Circuit High P0409 UNKNOWN CODE P0410 Secondary Air Injection System Malfunction P0411 Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Detected P0412 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve A Circuit Malfunction P0413 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve A Circuit Open P0414 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve A Circuit Shorted P0415 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve B Circuit Malfunction P0416 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve B Circuit Open P0417 Secondary Air Injection System Switching Valve B Circuit Shorted P0418 Secondary Air Injection System Relay "A" Circuit Malfunction P0419 Secondary Air Injection System Relay "B" Circuit Malfunction P0420 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0421 Warm Up Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0422 Main Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0423 Heated Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0424 Heated Catalyst Temperature Below Threshold (Bank 1) P0425 UNKNOWN CODE P0426 UNKNOWN CODE P0427 UNKNOWN CODE P0428 UNKNOWN CODE P0429 UNKNOWN CODE P0430 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0431 Warm Up Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0432 Main Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0433 Heated Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0434 Heated Catalyst Temperature Below Threshold (Bank 2) P0434 UNKNOWN CODE P0435 UNKNOWN CODE P0436 UNKNOWN CODE P0437 UNKNOWN CODE P0438 UNKNOWN CODE P0439 UNKNOWN CODE P0440 Evaporative Emission Control System Malfunction P0441 Evaporative Emission Control System Incorrect Purge Flow P0442 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (small leak) P0443 Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Malfunction P0444 Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Open P0445 Evaporative Emission Control System Purge Control Valve Circuit Shorted P0446 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Malfunction P0447 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Open P0448 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Control Circuit Shorted P0449 Evaporative Emission Control System Vent Valve/Solenoid Circuit Malfunction P0450 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Malfunction P0451 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Range/Performance P0452 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Low Input P0453 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor High Input P0454 Evaporative Emission Control System Pressure Sensor Intermittent P0455 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (gross leak) P0456 EVAP Leak Monitor Small Leak Detected (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P0457 UNKNOWN CODE P0458 UNKNOWN CODE P0459 UNKNOWN CODE P0460 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0461 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0462 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Low Input P0463 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit High Input P0464 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0465 Purge Flow Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0466 Purge Flow Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0467 Purge Flow Sensor Circuit Low Input P0468 Purge Flow Sensor Circuit High Input P0469 Purge Flow Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0470 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Malfunction P0471 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Range/Performance P0472 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Low P0473 Exhaust Pressure Sensor High P0474 Exhaust Pressure Sensor Intermittent P0475 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Malfunction P0476 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Range/Performance P0477 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Low P0478 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve High P0479 Exhaust Pressure Control Valve Intermittent P0480 Cooling Fan 1 Control Circuit Malfunction P0481 Cooling Fan 2 Control Circuit Malfunction P0482 Cooling Fan 3 Control Circuit Malfunction P0483 Cooling Fan Rationality Check Malfunction P0484 Cooling Fan Circuit Over Current P0485 Cooling Fan Power/Ground Circuit Malfunction P0486 UNKNOWN CODE P0487 UNKNOWN CODE P0488 UNKNOWN CODE P0489 UNKNOWN CODE P0490 UNKNOWN CODE P0491 UNKNOWN CODE P0492 UNKNOWN CODE P0493 UNKNOWN CODE P0494 UNKNOWN CODE P0495 UNKNOWN CODE P0496 Evaporative Emission (EVAP) System Flow During Non-Purge P0497 UNKNOWN CODE P0498 UNKNOWN CODE P0499 UNKNOWN CODE P0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction P0501 Vehicle Speed Sensor Range/Performance P0502 Vehicle Speed Sensor Low Input P0503 Vehicle Speed Sensor Intermittent/Erratic/High P0505 Idle Control System Malfunction P0506 Idle Control System RPM Lower Than Expected P0507 Idle Control System RPM Higher Than Expected P0508 UNKNOWN CODE P0509 UNKNOWN CODE P0510 Closed Throttle Position Switch Malfunction P0511 UNKNOWN CODE P0512 Start Switch Circuit P0513 UNKNOWN CODE P0514 UNKNOWN CODE P0515 UNKNOWN CODE P0516 UNKNOWN CODE P0517 UNKNOWN CODE P0518 UNKNOWN CODE P0519 UNKNOWN CODE P0520 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Malfunction P0521 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Range/Performance P0522 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit Low Voltage P0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch Circuit High Voltage P0524 UNKNOWN CODE P0525 UNKNOWN CODE P0526 UNKNOWN CODE P0527 UNKNOWN CODE P0528 UNKNOWN CODE P0529 UNKNOWN CODE P0530 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0531 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0532 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input P0533 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input P0534 Air Conditioner Refrigerant Charge Loss P0535 UNKNOWN CODE P0536 UNKNOWN CODE P0537 UNKNOWN CODE P0538 UNKNOWN CODE P0539 UNKNOWN CODE P0540 UNKNOWN CODE P0541 UNKNOWN CODE P0542 UNKNOWN CODE P0543 UNKNOWN CODE P0544 UNKNOWN CODE P0545 UNKNOWN CODE P0546 UNKNOWN CODE P0547 UNKNOWN CODE P0548 UNKNOWN CODE P0549 UNKNOWN CODE P0550 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0551 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0552 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input P0553 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input P0554 Power Steering Pressure Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0555 UNKNOWN CODE P0556 UNKNOWN CODE P0557 UNKNOWN CODE P0558 UNKNOWN CODE P0559 UNKNOWN CODE P0560 System Voltage Malfunction P0561 System Voltage Unstable P0562 System Voltage Low P0563 System Voltage High P0564 UNKNOWN CODE P0565 CRUISE CONTROL ON SIGNAL MALFUNCTION P0566 Cruise Control Off Signal Malfunction P0567 Cruise Control Resume Signal Malfunction P0568 Cruise Control Set Signal Malfunction P0569 Cruise Control Coast Signal Malfunction P0570 Cruise Control Accel Signal Malfunction P0571 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Malfunction P0572 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit Low P0573 Cruise Control/Brake Switch A Circuit High P0574 Cruise Control Related Malfunction P0575 Cruise Control Related Malfunction P0576 Cruise Control Related Malfunction P0577 Cruise Control Related Malfunction P0578 Cruise Control Related Malfunction P0579 Cruise Control Related Malfunction P0580 Cruise Control Related Malfunction P0581 UNKNOWN CODE P0582 UNKNOWN CODE P0583 UNKNOWN CODE P0584 UNKNOWN CODE P0585 UNKNOWN CODE P0586 UNKNOWN CODE P0587 UNKNOWN CODE P0588 UNKNOWN CODE P0589 UNKNOWN CODE P0590 UNKNOWN CODE P0591 UNKNOWN CODE P0592 UNKNOWN CODE P0593 UNKNOWN CODE P0594 UNKNOWN CODE P0595 UNKNOWN CODE P0596 UNKNOWN CODE P0597 UNKNOWN CODE P0598 UNKNOWN CODE P0599 UNKNOWN CODE P0600 Serial Communication Link Malfunction P0601 Internal Control Module Memory Check Sum Error P0602 Control Module Programming Error P0603 Internal Control Module Keep Alive Memory (KAM) Error P0604 Internal Control Module Random Access Memory (RAM) Error P0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) ErroR P0606 PCM Processor Fault (Control Module Internal Performance) P0607 ECU Malfunction P0608 Control Module VSS Output "A" Malfunction P0609 Control Module VSS Output "B" Malfunction P0610 Control Module Vehicle Options Incorrect P0611 UNKNOWN CODE P0612 UNKNOWN CODE P0613 UNKNOWN CODE P0614 UNKNOWN CODE P0615 Starter Relay Control Circuit P0616 Starter Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage P0617 Starter Relay Control Circuit High Voltage P0618 UNKNOWN CODE P0619 UNKNOWN CODE P0620 Generator Control Circuit Malfunction P0621 Generator Lamp "L" Control Circuit Malfunction P0622 Generator Field "F" Control Circuit Malfunction P0623 UNKNOWN CODE P0624 UNKNOWN CODE P0625 Generator F-Terminal Circuit Low Voltage P0626 Generator F-Terminal Circuit High Voltage P0627 UNKNOWN CODE P0628 Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage P0629 Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit High Voltage P0630 UNKNOWN CODE P0631 UNKNOWN CODE P0632 UNKNOWN CODE P0633 UNKNOWN CODE P0634 UNKNOWN CODE P0635 UNKNOWN CODE P0636 UNKNOWN CODE P0637 UNKNOWN CODE P0638 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Command Performance P0639 UNKNOWN CODE P0640 UNKNOWN CODE P0641 UNKNOWN CODE P0642 UNKNOWN CODE P0643 UNKNOWN CODE P0644 UNKNOWN CODE P0645 A/C Clutch Relay Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P0646 Air Conditioning (A/C) Clutch Relay Control Circuit P0647 Air Conditioning (A/C) Clutch Relay Control Circuit P0648 UNKNOWN CODE P0649 UNKNOWN CODE P0650 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit Malfunction P0651 UNKNOWN CODE P0652 UNKNOWN CODE P0653 UNKNOWN CODE P0654 Engine RPM Output Circuit Malfunction P0655 Engine Hot Lamp Output Control Circuit Malfucntion P0656 Fuel Level Output Circuit Malfunction P0657 UNKNOWN CODE P0658 UNKNOWN CODE P0659 UNKNOWN CODE P0660 Intake Manifold Tuning (IMT) Valve Solenoid Control Circuit P0661 Intake Manifold Tuning (IMT) Valve Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage P0662 Intake Manifold Tuning (IMT) Valve Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage P0663 UNKNOWN CODE P0664 UNKNOWN CODE P0665 UNKNOWN CODE P0666 UNKNOWN CODE P0667 UNKNOWN CODE P0668 UNKNOWN CODE P0669 UNKNOWN CODE P0670 UNKNOWN CODE P0671 UNKNOWN CODE P0672 UNKNOWN CODE P0673 UNKNOWN CODE P0674 UNKNOWN CODE P0675 UNKNOWN CODE P0676 UNKNOWN CODE P0677 UNKNOWN CODE P0678 UNKNOWN CODE P0679 UNKNOWN CODE P0680 UNKNOWN CODE P0681 UNKNOWN CODE P0682 UNKNOWN CODE P0683 UNKNOWN CODE P0684 UNKNOWN CODE P0685 UNKNOWN CODE P0686 UNKNOWN CODE P0687 UNKNOWN CODE P0688 UNKNOWN CODE P0689 UNKNOWN CODE P0690 UNKNOWN CODE P0691 Cooling Fan Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage P0692 Cooling Fan Relay Control Circuit High Voltage P0693 Cooling Fan Relay Control Circuit Low Voltage P0694 Cooling Fan Relay Control Circuit High Voltage P0695 UNKNOWN CODE P0696 UNKNOWN CODE P0697 UNKNOWN CODE P0698 UNKNOWN CODE P0699 UNKNOWN CODE P0700 Transmission Control System Malfunction P0701 Transmission Control System Range/Performance P0702 Transmission Control System Electrical P0703 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Malfunction P0704 Clutch Switch Input Circuit Malfunction P0705 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit malfunction (PRNDL Input) P0706 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0707 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Low Input P0708 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit High Input P0709 Transmission Range Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0710 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0712 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Low Input P0713 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit High Input P0714 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0715 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0716 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Range/Performance P0717 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit No Signal P0718 Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Circuit Intermittent P0719 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit Low P0720 Output Speed Sensor Circuit Malfunction P0721 Output Speed Sensor Range/Performance P0722 Output Speed Sensor No Signal P0723 Output Speed Sensor Intermittent P0724 Torque Converter/Brake Switch B Circuit High P0725 Engine Speed input Circuit Malfunction P0726 Engine Speed Input Circuit Range/Performance P0727 Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal P0728 Engine Speed Input Circuit Intermittent P0729 UNKNOWN CODE P0730 Incorrect Gear Ratio P0731 Gear 1 Incorrect ratio P0732 Gear 2 Incorrect ratio P0733 Gear 3 Incorrect ratio P0734 Gear 4 Incorrect ratio P0735 Gear 5 Incorrect ratio P0736 Reverse incorrect gear ratio P0737 UNKNOWN CODE P0738 UNKNOWN CODE P0739 UNKNOWN CODE P0740 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Malfuction P0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck Off P0742 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Stuck On P0743 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Electrical P0744 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Intermittent P0745 Pressure Control Solenoid Malfunction P0746 Pressure Control Solenoid Performance or Stuck Off P0747 Pressure Control Solenoid Stuck On P0748 Pressure Control Solenoid Electrical P0749 Pressure Control Solenoid Intermittent P0750 Shift Solenoid A Malfunction P0751 Shift Solenoid A Performance or Stuck Off P0752 Shift Solenoid A Stuck On P0753 Shift Solenoid A Electrical P0754 Shift Solenoid A Intermittent P0755 Shift Solenoid B Malfunction P0756 Shift Solenoid B Performance or Stuck Off P0757 Shift Solenoid B Stuck On P0758 Shift Solenoid B Electrical P0759 Shift Solenoid B Intermittent P0760 Shift Solenoid C Malfunction P0761 Shift Solenoid C Performance or Stuck Off P0762 Shift Solenoid C Stuck On P0763 Shift Solenoid C Electrical P0764 Shift Solenoid C Intermittent P0765 Shift Solenoid D Malfunction P0766 Shift Solenoid D Performance or Stuck Off P0767 Shift Solenoid D Stuck On P0768 Shift Solenoid D Electrical P0769 Shift Solenoid D Intermittent P0770 Shift Solenoid E Malfunction P0771 Shift Solenoid E Performance or Stuck Off P0772 Shift Solenoid E Stuck On P0773 Shift Solenoid E Electrical P0774 Shift Solenoid E Intermittent P0775 UNKNOWN CODE P0776 UNKNOWN CODE P0777 UNKNOWN CODE P0778 UNKNOWN CODE P0779 UNKNOWN CODE P0780 Shift Malfunction P0781 1-2 Shift Malfunction P0782 2-3 Shift Malfunction P0783 3-4 Shift Malfunction P0784 4-5 Shift Malfunction P0785 Shift/Timing Solenoid Malfunction P0786 Shift/Timing Solenoid Range/Performance P0787 Shift/Timing Solenoid Low P0788 Shift/Timing Solenoid High P0789 Shift/Timing Solenoid Intermittent P0790 Normal/Performance Switch Circuit Malfunction P0791 UNKNOWN CODE P0792 UNKNOWN CODE P0793 UNKNOWN CODE P0812 Reverse Switch Input Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P0900 X P0999 X P1000 Transmission Solenoid Malfunction - OBD II Test Incomplete (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1000 Monitor Testing Not Complete (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1001 KOER Not Able To Complete, KOER Aborted (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1083 Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1084 Fuel Control Mixture Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1085 Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1) P1086 Fuel Control Mixture Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1086 Fuel Control Mixture Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1087 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Lean Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1088 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Rich Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1089 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Lean Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1090 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1091 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1092 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1093 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1094 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Rich Control Range (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1095 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Switching From Lean to Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1096 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Switching From Lean to Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1097 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response after Coast Down Fuel Cutoff (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1098 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response after Coast Down Fuel Cutoff (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1100 MAF Intermittant (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1100 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Malfunction (Open/Short) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1101 MAF Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1102 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Malfunction - Low Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1103 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor Malfunction - High Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1105 MAP/BARO Switch Solenoid Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1106 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor circuit intermittent high voltage P1106 Barometric pressure circuit problem P1107 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor circuit intermittent low voltage P1107 Barometric pressure circuit low input P1108 BARO to MAP signal circuit comparison too high P1108 Barometric pressure circuit high input P1110 Intake Valve Timing Control (Left Bank) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1110 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1111 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor intermittent high voltage P1111 Engine Coolant Temperature Radiator Outlet Sensor Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1111 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1112 Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor intermittent low voltage P1112 Engine Coolant Temperature Radiator Outlet Sensor High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1112 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Range/Performance Problem (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1114 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor circuit intermittent low voltage P1114 Intake Air Temperature 2 Circuit Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1115 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor circuit intermittent high voltage P1115 Coolant Temperature Sensor Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1115 Intake Air Temperature 2 Circuit High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1116 Mass Or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1116 ECT Sensor Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1117 Mass Or Volume Air Flow Circuit Low Input (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1117 ECT Intermittent (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1117 ECT Intermittent (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1118 Mass Or Volume Air Flow Circuit High Input (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1120 Pedal Position Sensor Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1120 TPS Out Of Range Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1120 Secondary Throttle Position Sensor (Stps) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1121 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Inconsistent With MAF Sensor High Voltage P1121 Pedal Position 1 Range/Performance Problem (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1122 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Inconsistent With MAF Sensor Low Voltage P1122 Pedal Position 1 Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1123 Pedal Position 1 High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1124 TPS Out Of Self Test Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1124 TPS Out Of Self Test Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1125 TPS Intermittant (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1125 TPS Intermittant (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1125 Tandem Throttle Position Sensor(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1126 Thermostat Function (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1127 Exhaust Not Warm Enough, Downstream Sensor Not Tested (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1128 MAP Lower Than Expected P1129 MAP Higher Than Expected P1129 Upstream O2 Sensors Swapped Bank To Bank (HO2S-11-21) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1129 Downstream O2 Sensors Swapped Bank To Bank (HO2S-12-22) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1130 Lack Of HO2S-11, Fuel Trim At Limit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1130 Heated O2 Sensor (HO2S) 11 At Adaptive Limit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1130 Swirl Control SOL/V (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1130 Front Right Oxygen Sensor Circuit Open (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1130 A/F Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1131 HO2S 11 Indicates Lean (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1131 Front Right Oxygen Sensor Circuit Shorted (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1132 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1132 HO2S 11 Indicates Rich (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1133 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) insufficient switching bank 1 sensor 1 (Rear Bank) P1133 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1133 A/F Sensor Circuit Response (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1134 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) transition time ratio bank 1 sensor 1 (Rear Bank) P1134 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Signal Intermittent (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1134 Front Oxygen (A/F) Sensor Micro-Computer Problem (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1135 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1135 Intake Valve Timing Control (Right Bank) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1135 Front Left Oxygen Sensor Circuit Open (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1135 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1136 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1136 Front Left Oxygen Sensor Curcuit Shorted (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1137 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Signal Intermittant (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1137 Lack Of HO2S-12 Switch Indicates Lean (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1138 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1138 Lack Of HO2S-12 Switch Indicates Rich (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1139 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1139 Front Right Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1140 Mass or Volume Air Flow Circuit Range/Performance Problem (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1140 Intake Valve Timing Control Position Sensor (Left Bank) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1140 Front Left Oxygen Sensor Heater Circuit Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1142 TPS Circuit Range/Perf. Problem (Low Input) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1144 Mass Air Flow Sensor Open/Short To Ground. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1145 Solenoid Valve Running Losses Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1145 Intake Valve Timing Control Position Sensor (Right Bank) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1145 Mass Air Flow Sensor Short To Positive. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1146 Pressure Sensor Circuit Range/Perf. (High Input) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1146 Mass Air Flow Sensor Supply Voltage. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1147 ETS Sub Accel Position Sensor 1 Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1148 Closed Loop Control (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1150 Lack Of HO2S-21 Switch Fuel Trim At Limit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1150 A/F Sensor Circuit Range/Performance (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1151 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Signal Intermittant (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1151 Lack Of HO2S-21 Switch Indicates Lean (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1151 ETS Main Accel Position Sensor 2 Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1152 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1152 Lack Of HO2S-21 Switch Indicates Rich (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1153 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1153 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) insufficient switching bank 2 sensor 1 (Front Bank) P1153 A/F Sensor Circuit Response (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1154 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) transition time ratio bank 2 sensor 1 (Front Bank) P1155 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Intermittant (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1155 ETS Limp Home Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1155 A/F Sensor Heater Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1155 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Short To Positive. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1156 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Low Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1156 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Open/Short To Ground. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1157 O2 Sensor Heater Circuit High Voltage (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1157 Lack Of HO2S-22 Switch Indicates Lean (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1157 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Supply Voltage. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1158 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 1 Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1158 Lack Of HO2S-22 Switch Indicates Rich (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1159 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 1 High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1159 Variable Intake Motor Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1160 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 2 Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1160 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Short To Ground. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1161 Fuel Trim Additve Bank 2 High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1161 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Open/Short To Positive. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1162 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 1 Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1162 Intake Air Temperature Sensor Short To Ground. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1163 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 1 High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1163 Fuel Temperature Sensor Open/Short To Positive. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1164 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 2 Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1164 Fuel Temperature Sensor Implausible Signal. (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1165 Fuel Trim Additve Per Ignition Bank 2 High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1165 Swirl Control Valve Control Vacuum Check Switch (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1168 FRP Sensor In Range But Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1168 Closed Loop Control (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1169 FRP Sensor In Range But High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1171 Electronic Throttle System Open (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1172 Electronic Throttle System Motor Current (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1173 Electronic Throttle System Rationality Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1174 Fuel Trim Adaptation Additve Bank 1 Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1174 Electronic Throttle System #1 Close Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1175 Fuel Trim Adaptation Additve Bank 2 Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1175 Electronic Throttle System #2 Close Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1176 O2 Sensor Slow Response Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1176 ETS Motor Open/Short #1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1177 O2 Sensor Slow Response Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1176 ETS Motor Open/Short #2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1178 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1178 ETS Motor Battery Voltage Open (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1179 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1180 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1180 Fuel Delivery System Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1181 O2 Sensor Signal Circuit Slow Switching From Rich to Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1181 Fuel Delivery System High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1182 O2 Sensor (Bank 1 Sensor 2) Open Circuit During Coast Down Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1183 EOT Sensor Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1183 O2 Sensor (Bank 2 Sensor 2) Open Circuit During Coast Down Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1184 EOT Sensor Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1186 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1187 O2 Sensor Heater Control Circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1188 Fuel Control (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1189 Fuel Control (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1189 Engine Oil Pressure Switch Circuit P1190 Pre-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1191 Pre-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1192 Post-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1192 Inlet Air Temp. Circuit Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1193 Post-catalyst Fuel Trim System Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1193 Inlet Air Temp. Circuit High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1195 1/1 O2 Sensor Slow During Catalyst Monitor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1196 2/1 O2 Sensor Slow During Catalyst Monitor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1197 1/2 O2 Sensor Slow During Catalyst Monitor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1198 Radiator Temperature Sensor Volts Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1199 Radiator Temperature Sensor Volts Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1210 Traction Control System (TCS) Signal Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1211 ABS/TCS Control Unit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1212 ABS/TCS Communication Line (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1217 Engine Over Temperature (Overheat) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1220 Fuel Pump Control Module (FPCM) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1221 Pedal Position Sensor 2 Range/Performance Problem (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1222 Pedal Position Sensor 2 Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1223 Pedal Position Sensor 2 High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1229 Supercharger Intercooler Pump Not Working (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1232 Low Speed Fuel Pump Primary Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1233 Fuel System Disabled Or Offline (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1234 Fuel System Disabled Or Offline (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1235 Fuel Pump Control Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1236 Fuel Pump Control Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1237 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1238 Fuel Pump Secondary Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1244 Generator Load Input Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1245 Generator Load Input High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1245 Needle Lift Sensor Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1246 Generator Load Input Failed (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1246 Needle Lift Implausible Signal (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1247 Needle Lift Sensor Open/Short To Positive (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1248 Start Of Cold Start Injector Control Difference (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1251 Start Of Cold Start Injector Short To Positive (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1252 Start Of Cold Start Injector Open/Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1255 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1256 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Open/Short To Positive (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1258 Engine Metal Over Temperature Protection P1259 VTEC System Malfunction P1260 Fuel Pump Speed Relay Control Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1260 Theft Detected - Engine Disabled (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1270 Control Module Self-Test, Torque Monitoring (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1270 Vehicle Speed Limiter Reached (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1271 Ambient Air Pressure Sensor Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1281 Engine Is Cold Too Long (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1282 Fuel Pump Relay Control Circuit(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1283 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 1 Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1284 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 1 Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1285 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 1 Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1285 Cylinder Head Over Temperature Sensed (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1287 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 2 Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1288 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 2 Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1288 Intake Manifold Short Runner Solenoid Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1288 CHT Sensor Out of Self-Test Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1289 Switching Solenoid for Air Assisted Injection Valves Bank 2 Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1289 Manifold Tune Valve Solenoid Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1289 CHT Sensor High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1290 CNG Fuel Pressure Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1290 CHT Sensor Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1291 No Temp Rise Seen From Fuel Heaters (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1292 CNG Pressure Sensor Voltage Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1293 CNG Pressure Sensor Voltage Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1294 Target Idle Not Reached (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1295 No 5 Volts To TP Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1296 No 5 Volts To MAP Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1297 Low Voltage ELD Circuit P1297 No Change in MAP From Start To Run (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1298 High Voltage In ELD Circuit P1298 Lean Operation At wide Open Throttle (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1299 Vacuum Leak Found (IAC Fully Seated)(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1299 Cylinder Head Over Temperature Protection Active (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1300 Random Misfire P1300 Igniter Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1309 Misfire Monitor Disabled (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1313 "A" Camshaft Position Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1317 "B" Camshaft Position Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1320 Ignition Control (IC) Module 4x Reference Circuit Intermittent No Pulses P1320 Ignition Signal (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1323 Ignition Control (IC) Module 24x Reference Circuit low frequency P1327 Knock Sensor 2 (Bank 1) Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1328 Knock Sensor 2 (Bank 1) High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1330 Spark Timing Adjust Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1332 Knock Sensor 4 Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1333 Knock Sensor 4 High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1335 Crankshaft Position Sensor (REF) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1335 Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1336 Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation Sensor Intermittant Interruption P1336 CKP and/or CMP Input Signal to PCM Concerns (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1336 Crankshaft Position System Variation Not Learned (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1336 Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKPS) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1337 Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation Sensor No Signal P1340 Multiple Cylinder Misfire During Start (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1341 Multiple Cylinder Misfire With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1342 Misfire During Start Cylinder 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1343 Misfire Cylinder 1 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1344 Misfire During Start Cylinder 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1345 Misfire Cylinder 2 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1346 Misfire During Start Cylinder 3 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1347 Misfire Cylinder 3 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1348 Misfire During Start Cylinder 4 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1349 Misfire Cylinder 4 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1350 Misfire During Start Cylinder 5 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1350 Ignition Control System P1351 Misfire Cylinder 5 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1351 Ignition Coil Control Circuit High Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1352 Misfire During Start Cylinder 6 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1352 Ignition Bypass Circuit High Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1353 Misfire Cylinder 6 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1354 Misfire During Start Cylinder 7 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1354 Modulating Piston Displacement Sensor Electrial Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1355 Misfire Cylinder 7 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1356 Misfire During Start Cylinder 8 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1357 Misfire Cylinder 8 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1358 Misfire During Start Cylinder 9 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1359 Crankshaft Position/TDC/Cylinder Position Sensor Connector Disconnection P1359 Misfire Cylinder 9 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1360 Misfire During Start Cylinder 10 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1361 Intermittent Interruption In TDC1 Sensor Circuit P1361 Misfire Cylinder 10 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1361 Ignition Control (IC) Circuit Low Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1362 No Signal In TDC 1 Sensor Circuit P1362 Misfire During Start Cylinder 11 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1362 Ignition Bypass Circuit Low Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1363 Misfire Cylinder 11 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1364 Misfire During Start Cylinder 12 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1365 Misfire Cylinder 12 With Fuel Cut-off (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1366 Intermittent Interruption In TDC 2 Sensor Circuit P1367 No Signal In TDC 2 Sensor Circuit P1370 Ignition Control (IC) Module 4x Reference too many pulses P1371 Ignition Control (IC) Module 4x Reference too few pulses P1374 CKP High to Low Resolution Frequency Correlation (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1375 Ignition Control (IC) Module 24x Reference High Voltage P1376 Ignition Ground Circuit P1377 Ignition Control (IC) Module Cam Pulse to 4x Reference Pulse Comparison P1380 EBTCM DTC Detected-Rough Data Unusable P1380 Misfire Detected - Rough Road Data Not Available (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1380 Variable Cam Timing Solenoid A Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1381 Misfire Detected-No EBTCM/PCM Serial Data P1381 Cylinder Position Sensor Intermittant Inturruption P1381 Variable Cam Timing Over-advanced (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1381 Misfire Detected - No Commun. W/ Brake Control Mod (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1382 Cylinder Position Sensor No Signal P1383 Variable Cam Timing Over-retarded (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1384 Knock Sensor 3 Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1385 Knock Sensor 4 Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1386 Control Module Self-test, Knock Control Baseline Test Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1387 Engine Control Module Inoperative (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1388 Auto Shutdown Relay Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1389 No ASD Relay Output Voltage At PCM (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1390 Timing Belt Skipped One Tooth or More (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1390 Octane Adjust Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1391 Intermittent Loss of CMP or CKP (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1396 Crankshaft Position Sensor Segment Timing Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1397 Camshaft Position Sensor "B" Circuit (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1398 Mis-Fire Adapter Numerator at Limit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1399 Wait To Start Lamp Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1400 Heated Catalyst Battery Voltage or Current too Low During Heating (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1400 DPFE Sensor Low Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1400 EGRC-Solenoid Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1400 Manifold Differential Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1400 Fuel Tank Pressure Control Solenoid Circuit Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1401 Heated Catalyst Current too High During Heating (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1401 DPFE Sensor High Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1401 EGR Temperature Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1402 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Overtemperature Condition (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1402 EGR Function (Open) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1402 EGR Vacuum Regulator Solenoid Valve Short To Positive (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1403 Carbon Canister Shut Off valve Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1403 No 5 Volts To EGR Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1403 DPFE Hoses Reversed (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1403 EGR System Control Difference (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1404 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve Pintle Stuck Open P1404 Heated Catalyst Current too High During Heating (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1404 EGR Closed Position Performance (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1405 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Overtemperature Condition (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1405 DPFE Upstream Hose Off Or Plugged (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1406 Heated Catalyst Internal Control Module Checksum/ROM Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1406 DPFE Downstream Hose Off Or Plugged (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1407 EGR No Flow Detected (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1408 EGR Out Of Self Test Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1409 EGR Vacuum Regulator Solenoid Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1410 EGR Valve Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1411 Secondary Air Injection System Downstream Flow (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1413 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1413 Secondary Air Injection System Monitor Circuit Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1414 Secondary Air Injection System Monitor Circuit High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1414 Secondary Air Injection System Monitor Circuit High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1415 Secondary Air Injection (AIR) System Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1416 Secondary Air Injection (AIR) System Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1420 Secondary Air Valve Control Circuit Electrical(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1420 Fuel Tank Pressure Control Solenoid Circuit High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1421 Secondary Air System Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1422 Secondary Air System Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1432 Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Detected (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1432 THTRC Circuit Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1436 A/C Evaporator Temperature Circuit Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1437 A/C Evaporator Temperature Circuit High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1438 Purge Control Valve Control Open Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1439 Purge Control Valve Control Circuit Signal Low(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1440 Purge Control Valve Control Circuit Signal High(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1440 EVAP Control System (Small Leak) (Positive Pressure) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1441 Evaporative System Flow During Non-Purge P1441 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Open Circuit(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1441 Evaporative Emission System Flow During Non-Purge (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1441 EGR Vacuum Regulator Solenoid Valve Open/Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1442 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1443 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1443 Small Or No Purge Flow Condition (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1443 Evaporative Emission Control System (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1443 EVAP System Vent Control Function Problem (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1444 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Control Open Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1444 Purge Flow Sensor Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1444 Canister Purge Volume Control Solenoid Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1445 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1445 Purge Flow Sensor High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1446 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1446 EVAP Canister Vent Control Valve (Close) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1447 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Too High During Switching (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1447 EVAP Control System Purge Flow Monitoring (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1448 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Too Low During Switching (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1448 EVAP Canister Vent Control Valve (Open) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1449 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Pump Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1450 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Open Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1450 Unable To Bleed Up Fuel Tank Vacuum (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1451 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1451 EVAP Control System Canister Vent Solenoid Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1452 Diagnostic Module Tank Leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1453 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1454 Secondary Air Injection Pump With Series Resistor Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1456 Leak Detected In EVAP Control System P1456 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Supply Open Circuit (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1457 Leak Detected In EVAP Control System P1457 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Switch Temperature Sensor Electrical (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1459 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Supply Open Circuit (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1460 Heated Catalyst Heater Power Switch Temperature Sensor Electrical (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1460 WOT A/C Cutoff Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1461 Heated Catalyst Gate Voltage Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1461 ACP Sensor High Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1462 Heated Catalyst Internal Control Module Checksum/ROM Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1462 ACP Sensor Low Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1463 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 1 Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1463 ACP Sensor Insufficent Pressure Change (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1464 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 2 Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1464 A/C Demand Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1464 Fuel Level Sensor Circuit (Ground Signal) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1465 Heated Catalyst Battery Temperature Sensor 1 or 2 Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1466 Heated Catalyst Power Switch Temperature Sensor Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1467 Heated Catalyst Comparison Battery Voltages of Power Switches Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1468 Heated Catalyst Battery Disconnecting Switch Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1469 Low A/C Cycling Period (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1470 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1472 Diagnostic Module Tank leakage (DM-TL) Switching Solenoid Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1473 Diagnostic Module Tank leakage (DM-TL) Pump Current Plausibility (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1474 HCF Primary Circuit Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1474 LFC Primary Circuit Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1475 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Reed Switch Did Not Close (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1476 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Clamped Tube (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1476 Too Little Secondary Air (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1477 Leakage Diagnostic Pump Reed Switch Did Not Open (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1477 Too Much Secondary Air (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1477 MFC Primary Circuit Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1478 Battery Temp Sensor Volts Out of Limit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1479 Transmission Fan Relay Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1479 HFC Primary Circuit Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1480 PCV Solenoid Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1480 Cooling Fan Relay 1 Circuit High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1482 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Shorted Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1483 Engine Cooling System Performance P1483 Catalyst Temperature Sensor Circuit Shorted High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1484 Catalytic Converter Overheat Detected (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1485 Air Injection Solenoid Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1486 Evap Leak Monitor Pinched Hose (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1487 Hi Speed Rad Fan CTRL Relay Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1488 Auxiliary 5 Volt Supply Output Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1489 High Speed Fan CTRL Relay Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1490 Low Speed Fan CTRL Relay Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1490 Vacuum Cut Valve Bypass Valve (Circuit) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1491 Malfunction In EGR System P1491 Rad Fan Control Relay Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1491 Vacuum Cut Valve Bypass Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1492 EVAP Canister Purge Control/Solenoid Valve (Circuit) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1492 Ambient/Batt Temp Sen Volts Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1493 Ambient/Batt Temp Sen Volts Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1493 EVAP Canister Purge Control Valve/Solenoid Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1494 Leak Detection Pump Switch or Mechanical Fault (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1495 Leak Detection Pump Solenoid Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1496 5 Volt Supply Output Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1498 Voltage Problem In EGR Valve Position Sensor Circuit P1498 High speed Rad Fan Ground CTRL Rly Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1500 Idle Speed Control Valve Stuck Open (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1500 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Intermittant (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1500 Generator FR Terminal Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1501 Idle Speed Control Valve Stuck Closed (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1501 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1502 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1502 Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Intermittant (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1502 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1503 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1504 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Open Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1504 Idle Air Control (IAC) Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1505 Idle Speed Control Valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Electrial (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1505 Idle Air Control At Adaptive Clip (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1506 Idle Speed Control Valve Open Solenoid Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1506 Idle Air Control System Overspeed Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1507 Idle Speed Control Valve Open Solenoid Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1507 Idle Air Control System Underspeed Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1507 Idle Control System Malfunction (Fail-Safe) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1508 Idle Air Control (IAC) System - Low RPM P1508 Idle Air Control Valve Circuit Failure P1508 Idle Speed Control Valve Opening Solenoid Control Open Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1509 Idle Speed Control Valve Opening Solenoid Control Circuit Electrial (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1510 Idle Speed Control Valve Stuck (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1511 DISA Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1512 DISA Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1513 DISA Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1516 Inlet Manifold Runner Control Input Error (Bank 1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1517 Inlet Manifold Runner Control Input Error (Bank 2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1518 Inlet Manifold Runner Control Stuck Open (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1518 Starter Switch Circuit Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1519 Malfunction In IAC Valve Circuit P1519 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1519 Inlet Manifold Runner Control Stuck Closed (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1520 Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) circuit malfunction P1520 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1520 Stop Light Switch Signal Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1521 Power Steering Switch Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1522 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1523 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Signal Low Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1524 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Learned Closed Throttle Angle Degrees Out-Of-Range P1524 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Signal High Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1525 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor Learned Closed Throttle Angle Degrees Out-Of-Range P1525 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1526 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1527 Trans Range / Pressure Switch Comparison P1527 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal Low Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1528 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal High Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1529 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal Low Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1530 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal High Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1531 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1532 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1533 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal Low Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1534 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Circuit Signal High Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1537 Fuel Cut-off Valve Incorrect Function (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1538 Fuel Cut-off Valve Open/Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1540 Pedal Position Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1540 VSS Signal Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1541 Pedal Position Sensor Double Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1542 Pedal Position Sensor Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1543 Pedal Position Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1544 Pedal Position Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1545 Pedal Position Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1546 Pedal Position Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1546 Air Conditioning (A/C) Clutch Relay Control Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1546 Wastegate Bypass Regulator Valve Short To Positive (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1549 Intake Manifold Control Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1549 Wastegate Bypass Regulator Valve Open/Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1550 Idle Speed Control valve Closing Solenoid Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1550 PSP Sensor Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1550 Charge Pressure Control Difference (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1551 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1552 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1554 Cruise Engaged Circuit High Voltage P1556 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1560 Cruise Control System-Transaxle Not in Drive P1560 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1560 Back-Up Voltage Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1561 Quantity Adjuster Control Difference (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1562 Quantity Adjuster Upper Stop Value (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1563 Quantity Adjuster Lower Stop Value (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1564 Cruise Control System-Vehicle Acceleration too high P1564 Control Module Selection (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1565 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1566 Cruise Control System-Engine RPM Too High P1567 Cruise Control- ABCS Active P1569 "A" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1570 Cruise Control System - Traction Control Active P1571 Traction Control System PWM Circuit No Frequency P1572 Brake Pedal Switch Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1574 EBTCM System- Stop Lamp Switch Circuit High Voltage P1575 Extended Travel Brake Switch Circuit High Voltage P1579 Park/Neutral to Drive/Reverse At high Throttle Angle P1580 Throttle Valve Mechanically Stuck (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1581 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1585 Cruise Control Inhibit Output Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1589 Control Module Self Test, Knock Control Test Pulse Bank 1 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1590 Neutral Position Switch Circuit High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1591 Neutral Position Switch Circuit Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1593 DISA Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1594 "B" Camshaft Position Actuator Control Open Circuit Bank 2 (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1594 Charging System Voltage Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1594 AT Diagnosis Input Signal Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1595 Speed Control Solenoid Circuits (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1595 AT Diagnosis Input Signal Circuit Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1596 Speed Control Switch always High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1596 AT Diagnosis Input Signal Circuit High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1597 Speed Control Switch always Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1598 A/C Pressure Sensor Volts Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1599 A/C Pressure Sensor Volts Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1599 Engine Stall or Near Stall Detected P1600 Battery Voltage SRC High Exceeded (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1600 ECM BATT Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1600 Supply Voltage Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1602 Loss of EBTCM Serial Data P1602 Control Module Self Test, Control Module Defective (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1602 PCM Not Programmed (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1603 Loss of SDM Serial Data P1603 Control Module Self Test, Torque Monitoring (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1603 Battery Backup Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1604 Loss of IPC Serial Data P1604 Control Module Self Test, Speed Monitoring (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1605 Loss of HVACC Serial Data P1605 Keep Alive Memory Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1605 Powertrain Control Module (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1605 A/T Diagnosis Communication Line (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1607 Malfunction In PCM Internal Circuit P1607 CAN Version (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1607 Electronic Throttle System Communication Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1608 Serial Communicating Link Control Module (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1609 Serial Communicating Link EML (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1610 Loss of PZM Serial Data P1610 Immobilizer Function (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1611 Loss of CVRTD Serial Data P1611 Serial Communicating Link Transmission Control Module (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1612 Engine Control Module Incorrectly Coded (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1614 Electronic Throttle System Module Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1616 Glow Plug Indicator Lamp Short To Positive (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1617 Engine Oil Level Switch Circuit P1617 Glow Plug Indicator Lamp Open/Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1618 Glow Plug Relay Short To Positive (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1619 MAP Cooling Control Circuit Signal Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1619 Glow Plug Relay Open/Short To Ground (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1620 MAP Cooling Control Circuit Signal High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1621 PCM Memory Performance P1622 MAP Cooling Control Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1623 Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1624 Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply Channel 1 Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1624 Customer Snapshot Requested - Data Available (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1625 Pedal Position Sensor Potentiometer Supply Channel 2 Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1626 Theft Deterrent System - Fuel Enable Circuit P1626 Implausible Signal From Transmission Control Module (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1630 Theft Deterrent - PCM in Learn Mode P1631 Theft Deterrent - Password Incorrect P1631 Throttle Position Sensor Signal Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1632 Theft Deterrent - Fuel Disabled P1632 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Adaptation Condition Not Met (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1632 Traction Control System Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1632 Throttle Position Sensor Supply Voltage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1633 Ignition Supplement Power Circuit Low Voltage P1633 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Limp Home Position (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1633 Keep Alive Power Voltage Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1634 Ignition 1 Power Circuit Low Voltage P1634 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Spring Test Failed (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1635 Throttle Valve Adaptation; Lower Mechanical Stop Not Adapted (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1635 5 Volt Reference Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1635 Tire/Axle Out Of Acceptable Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1636 Throttle Valve Control Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1636 Inductive Signiture Chip Communication Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1637 Throttle Valve Position Control; Control Deviation (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1638 Throttle Valve Position Control; Throttle Stuck Temporarily (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1639 Throttle Valve Position Control; Throttle Stuck Permanently (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1639 5 Volt Reference 2 Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1639 Vehicle ID Block Not Programmed Or Corrupt (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1639 Throttle Position Sensor Implausible Signal (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1640 Internal Control Module (ROM/RAM) Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1640 DTC's Available In Another Module (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1640 Driver 1 - Input High Voltage P1640 Engine Control Module Inoperative (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1641 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Control Circuit P1642 Vehicle Speed Output Circuit P1644 Delivered Torque Output Circuit P1645 EVAP Solenoid Output Circuit P1646 EVAP Vent Valve Output Circuit P1648 CAN-Bus System Component Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1649 Implausible Signal From ABS Control Module (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1650 Driver 2 - Input High Voltage P1650 Power Steering Pressure Switch Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1650 Power Steering Pressure Switch Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1651 Power Steering Pressure Switch Input Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1651 Power Steering Pressure Switch Signal Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1652 Lift/Dive Circuit P1654 Cruise Disable Output Circuit P1656 Automatic Transaxle P1660 Cooling Fan Control Circuits P1660 A/T FI Data Line Failure P1670 ODM has Detected a Voltage greater than 33 volts (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1676 FPTDR Signal Failure P1678 FPTDR Signal Line Failure P1680 Clutch Released Switch Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1681 No I/P Cluster CCD/J1850 Messages Received (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1681 A/T FI Signal A Low Input P1682 A/T FI Signal A High Input P1682 Charging System Voltage Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1683 Speed Control Power Relay or S/C 12V Driver Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1684 Battery Disconnected Within Last 50 Starts (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1685 Skim Invalid Key (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1686 No SKIM Bus Message Received (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1686 A/T FI Signal B Low Input P1687 A/T FI Signal B High Input P1687 No Cluster Bus Message (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1689 Traction Control Delivered Torque Output Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1690 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1693 DTC Detected In Companion Mode (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1694 Fault In Companion Mode (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1695 No CCD/J185O Message From BCM (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1696 PCM Failure EEPROM Write Denied (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1697 PCM Failure SRI Mile Not Stored (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1698 No Bus Message From TCM (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1698 Engine Torque Control Cut Signal Circuit Low Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1699 Engine Torque Control Cut Signal Circuit High Input (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1700 TPS Circuit Malfunction For AT (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1701 Transmission Solenoid Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1701 Cruise Control Set Signal Circuit Malfunction For AT (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1703 Brake On/Off Switch (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1703 Brake On/Off Switch Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1703 Low Clutch Timing Control Solenoid Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1705 Automatic Transaxle P1705 Transmisson Range Sensor Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1705 Transmisson Range Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1705 Throttle Position Sensor ((***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***)) P1706 Automatic Transaxle P1706 Park/Neutral Position (PNP) Switch (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1709 Automatic Transaxle P1709 Park/Neutral Position Switch Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1710 Automatic Transaxle P1711 Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1711 Engine Torque Control Signal 1 Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1712 Engine Torque Control Signal 2 Circuit Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1713 Automatic Transaxle P1719 Skip Shift Solenoid Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1729 4x4 Low Switch Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1734 Pressure Control Solenoid "B" Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1738 Automatic Transaxle P1738 Pressure Control Solenoid "C" Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1739 Automatic Transaxle P1740 Automatic Transaxle P1743 Pressure Control Solenoid "E" Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1744 Pressure Control Solenoid "A" Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1746 EPC Solenoid Failed Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1746 Transmission Control Module Output Stage (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1747 CAN Bus Monitoring (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1747 EPC Solenoid Short Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1748 Transmission Control Module Self Test (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1749 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Communication Error (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1749 EPC Solenoid Open Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1750 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Circuit Range/Performance (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1751 Secondary Pressure Solenoid Open Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1751 Shift Solenoid #1 (SS1) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1751 A/T Control Relay Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1753 Automatic Transaxle P1754 Coast Clutch Solenoid (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1756 GOV Press Not Equal To Target @ 15-20 PSI (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1756 Shift Solenoid #2 (SS2) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1757 GOV Press Not Equal To Target @ 15-20 PSI (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1758 Automatic Transaxle P1760 Overrun Clutch Solenoid Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1761 Shift Solenoid Malfunction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1761 Shift Solenoid #3 (SS3) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1762 Gov Press Sen Offset Volts Too Low or high(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***)P1763 Governor Pressure Sensor Volts Too High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1764 Governor Pressure Sensor Volts Too Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1765 CAN Throttle Valve (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1765 Trans 12 Volt Supply Relay CTRL Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1768 Automatic Transaxle P1770 CAN Torque Interface (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1773 Automatic Transaxle P1778 Automatic Transaxle P1780 CAN Torque Reduction (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1780 Transmission Control Switch (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1780 Transmission Control Switch Out Of Range(***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1780 Park/Neutral Position Switch Malfunction (Only For A/T) (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1781 4x4 Switch Out Of Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1783 Transmission Over Temperature Condition (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1786 Automatic Transaxle P1790 Automatic Transaxle P1791 Automatic Transaxle P1792 Automatic Transaxle P1794 Automatic Transaxle P1810 TFP Valve Position Switch Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1811 Maximum Adapt and Long Shift (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1819 Internal Mode Switch - No Start/Wrong Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1820 Internal Mode Switch Circuit A Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1822 Internal Mode Switch Circuit B High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1823 Internal Mode Switch Circuit P Low (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1825 Internal Mode Switch - Invalid Range (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1826 Internal Mode Switch Circuit C High (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1851 Implausible Signal From ABS Control Module (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1854 Drive Train CAN-Bus Inoperative (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1860 TCC PWM Solenoid Circuit Electrical (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1887 TCC Release Switch Circuit (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1899 Park/Neutral Position Switch Stuck In Park or In Gear (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P1900 Output Shaft Speed Sensor Circuit Failure (***(May not be applicable for Honda / Acura)***) P2008 Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Solenoid Control Circuit P2009 Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Solenoid Control Circuit Low Voltage P2010 Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) Solenoid Control Circuit High Voltage P2066 Fuel Level Sensor 2 Performance P2067 Fuel Level Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage P2068 Fuel Level Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage P2096 or P2098 Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System Low Limit P2097 or P2099 Post Catalyst Fuel Trim System High Limit P2100 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Motor Control Circuit P2101 Control Module Throttle Actuator Position Performance P2105 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System - Forced Engine Shutdown P2107 Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) Module Internal Circuit P2119 Throttle Closed Position Performance P2122 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Circuit Low Voltage P2123 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1 Circuit High Voltage P2127 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit Low Voltage P2128 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 2 Circuit High Voltage P2135 Throttle Position (TP) Sensor 1-2 Correlation P2138 Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) Sensor 1-2 Correlation P2176 Minimum Throttle Position Not Learned P2500 Generator L-Terminal Circuit Low Voltage P2501 Generator L-Terminal Circuit High Voltage
  8. oscileaza relantiul si cu motorul la temperatura optima sau numai la rece?
  9. mie spre exemplu nu imi mai scoate cd-ul afara (business cd player OEM) . Stie cineva ce este de facut? L.E. seria 3 e46 coupe
  10. Eu l-am schimbat la un service particular din Galati . Autoniko Cati km are masina?
  11. De ulei in motorina am auzit si eu , dar de benzina in motorina... e prima oara cand aud.
  12. Pai din cate stiam toate e65-urile au cutii automate, iar cutiile automate au ambreiaj pentru fiecare viteza. Deci daca ai e 65 si simti ceva s-ar putea sa fie cutia.
  13. Am condus 6 luni un e36 si de un anisor acum in decembrie e65. Nu am avut nici macar cea mai mica problema cu franele. Nu mi-a intrat abs decat odata la fiecare masina si atunci iarna pe drumuri grele.
  14. tigerash

    BMW M10

    "ce acri sunt strugurii astia "..nu? :)
  15. tigerash

    e65 735i

    a mea este euro 4
  16. tigerash

    e65 735i

    in cateva secunde. dar ulei de cutie stie careva de care? ca vreau sa ii fac eu schimburile astea. niciodata nu esti sigur ce a facut cel dinaintea ta cu masina asta este mica bestie :) imi cer scuze pentru calitatea pozelor dar sunt facute cu telefonul
  17. tigerash

    e65 735i

    o intrebare cretina.... ce ulei ii trebuie ca la service nu stiau oamenii ce sa ii puna?
  18. tigerash


    Vad ca esti din timisoara . Mmai bine trimiti un prieten in care ai baza din bucuresti sa se duca cu ea la service bmw si sa iti trimita raportul si tragi tu singur concluziile.
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