Am gasit asta : "* First, if the trans fluid has never been changed (yes, we know, BMW says it’s “lifetime” … well, it’s not), lets change the fluid and refill with the Red Line MTL synthetic. This is a unique fluid and it can often help with recalcitrant shifting problems. Red Line MTL synthetic manual transmission fluid (for standard rear wheel drive manual transmissions): BMW * You may have a weak clutch master or slave cylinder, or air in the hydraulic system (which would only happen if there were a problem with the master or slave or line, in the first place). In this case, the pedal movement would not be fully actuating the clutch release lever and the pressure plate would still be contacting the clutch disc to some degree. Just as if you were not fully depressing the clutch pedal and trying to shift from neutral to first. In these cases, it would not be uncommon for the shifter to go into second (or another gear) easier … then be easy to go into first. Look for any signs of fluid leakage from the bottom of the transmission bell-housing (leaking slave cylinder) or at the master cylinder (under the dash, connected to the pedal). If no leakage is found, bleed the system and see if this improves the shifting. If it does … good. If the symptoms return, but there is no leakage, the master cylinder is likely faulty. In this case, we would recommend that you replace both the master and the slave, so that you only have to do this once, and bleed the system. Clutch master and slave cylinders: BMW * The clutch disc splined hub may be sticking on the transmission input shaft splines. This can cause the disc to stay up close to the flywheel when the pressure plate is disengaged (pushing the pedal in). This issue would have similar symptoms as noted above. If this were the fault, the only way to take care of it is to remove the transmission and clean and lube the splines. Of course, if the transmission is out …. you should really just take the opportunity to replace the clutch assembly." Din cele spuse mai sus , tind sa cred ca este de vina lichidul de frana/ambreiaj. Avand in vedere ca problema apare doar la temperaturi scazute, lichidul pierzandu-si din proprietati sau absorbind ceva apa /umezeala in instalatie, la temperaturi joase acesta isi schimba vascozitatea iar pompitele de ambreiaj ("master " si "slave") nu mai sunt actionate pana la capat, rezultand o slaba actionare a pieselor din ambreiaj => problema noastra . Asta este logica mea si o sa incerc sa schimb cat mai rapid lichidul de frana, astfel facandu-se si aerisirea instalatiei. Sper sa se rezolve problema.