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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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Everything posted by scarface

  1. :blink: e buna ideea dar mai bine fac un drivetest cu un X5 sau un 7 merita mai mult :)
  2. The SMG's launch control holds the big 5.0-liter V10 at an uneven 4,000 rpm, its warbling high-speed idle signaling that all 10 cylinders are champing at the bit. Let go of the SMG's gearshift lever while simultaneously keeping the throttle pinned and the tires squeal, as the big V10 spins to its 8,250-rpm redline faster than my 1.33 gigahertz laptop can type the words. Flick the steering wheel-mounted upshift paddle for second and the 285/35ZR19 rear tires chirp under the strain of all that torque. Split-seconds later, you're doing the same thing for third and the tires still can't hold traction, squealing once again as the V10 starts to sing its post-6,000-rpm, Formula One wail. A mile later you back off, the speedo hovering around 160 miles an hour. At those speeds, the pylons demarcating the course meld into one long orange blur and the 1,000-foot braking area that BMW has provided to get the M5's 3,869 pounds back down to a decent speed seems impossibly short. Cripes, this thing is fast. And you haven't even hit the button: The one that makes the M5 feel as if it's grown a turbocharger ? the button that kicks you so hard in the pants that it makes that last top-speed run seem like a Sunday hop to your favorite bar for wine-soaked steaks and a side of couscous. The button is the power switch just forward of the gearshift lever. When the V10 is first fired up, it defaults to its 400-horsepower mode, a figure not coincidentally identical to the maximum output of the outgoing M5's 5.0L V8. And since the two cars weigh virtually the same, it means the new V10 M5 in its economy mode is as quick as the old V8 was at full speed. Light up that power button and it feels as if the BMW has indeed grown two extra cylinders, though, in fact, what it does is let the M5's 10 individual throttle butterflies completely open (the reduced power mode restricts them to about 90 percent). That mile-long straight where the M5 previously just managed to top out at 161 mph? Well, in full 507-hp mode, it tops 167 mph with almost a half a mile to spare before that aforementioned braking zone. BMW claims a 0-to-62-mph time of 4.7 seconds, which is about identical to a Subaru WRX STi. Methinks the German automaker is being a trifle disingenuous because the Subaru ? as rapid as it is ? would need a bottle of nitrous and a tornado-force tailwind to keep pace. But then what do you expect from an engine that's cast in the same facility as the BMW-Williams F1 motor and is the largest naturally aspirated engine I can think of that exceeds that Holy Grail of more than 100 hp per liter of displacement? Especially one that has 10 individually tuned inlet manifolds, BMW's BI-VANOS system with variable valve timing on both intake and exhaust cams and sounds just like a F1 engine once the revs climb past 6,000 rpm. As a last point of reference, it's also worth noting that at 7.7 pounds per horsepower, the M5 is the most powerful BMW sold anywhere in the world, eclipsing even the limited-production, carbon-fiber-infused M3 CSL. Of course, the magic of BMW M cars has always been their massive performance accompanied by incredible civility. Out and about, the M5 could be a garden-variety 5 Series were it not for the herky-jerkiness of the SMG tranny. Much improved over the previous such transmission used in the M3 ? and newly fortified with seven forward gears ? its shifts are fairly smooth until maximum warp is demanded. Then gear changes happen with all the subtlety of Jeff Gordon charging to the front of the Daytona 500. In the SMG's automatic mode, shifts also feel more sophisticated than in previous versions. There's not as much gap between upshifts and less hunting for gears. Nonetheless, you can fool its computer occasionally, and a foot full of throttle is greeted by a delay while the M5 searches for the appropriate gear. It matters not a whit, of course, when you're going for it. Being able to get instantaneous gear changes with the flick of a paddle is worth the trade-off. And so is, of course, the SMG's launch mode. For those occasions when you just have to blow off that Camaro from a stoplight, the launch mode automatically sets the M5 for optimum drag-stripping. Similar to the system used in BMW's F1 racers, you first have to disable BMW's DSC (dynamic stability control) and select the sportiest of its manual-shifting modes. Then you hold the gearshift lever forward and mat the gas pedal. The car remains stationary with the engine revving at around 4,000 rpm until you release the gear lever. Then all hell breaks loose as 384 pound-feet of torque and 507 hp are transferred to the tarmac by the SMG's computer-controlled manual clutch. It makes for rapid getaways. BMW even claims that the sophisticated SMG system has a fail-safe limiter which senses when you've abused the clutch too much and shuts down the whole system. The M5's brakes don't seem to need any such special treatment, though surprisingly the front calipers only have two pistons rather than the de-rigueur-for-a-sports-car four. But the front discs measure a massive 14.7 inches in diameter and provide more than enough leverage to speedily get the Ăźber-sedan down from its top speed. If the engine is a leap forward, the M5's chassis is more evolutionary. The basic setup and dimensions remain true to the 5 Series with identical measurements for the front and rear track and wheelbase. The M5 adds an Electronic Damper Control that lets the driver choose between three suspension settings ? comfort, normal and sport. Surprisingly, for a car of its massive abilities, the comfort mode is actually quite compliant, the suspension swallowing all but the harshest bumps. And in sport, there's precious little body roll and excellent turn-in. That said, despite the claimed fifty-fifty weight distribution, the M5 will understeer ? especially when pushed through low-speed corners. Mind you, that's at lateral G-force levels that would challenge a Corvette. And oversteer, of course, is but a quick stab of the throttle and the V10's 507 tire-shredding stallions away. The M5 is equipped with a Motorsport Mobility System that can seal punctures up to six millimeters in diameter. But, the company says, there are no plans to offer run-flat tires as none of the current products can meet its stringent criteria for both ride and handling. Inside, apart from the SMG gearshift and the attendant performance-oriented switchgear, the major differences from a run-of-the-mill, top-line 545 are a beautiful suedelike headliner trim and a head-up display that includes a tachometer. There's also some new electronic trickery like the oil level measurement that can be displayed on the LCD screen between the gauges. The same output also informs the driver about necessary scheduled maintenance. And through the iDrive system, you can configure something called MDrive that sets things like the stability control system and damping system to your personal tastes. Unfortunately, the electronic gadget that promises the most, head-up display's tach, disappoints. It lags behind the real deal by as much as 1,500 rpm and so doesn't prove very useful. Rely on it while driving hard and you will be constantly bouncing off the rev limiter. Which, in the end, is probably the right way to drive the M5 (though your local sheriff might disagree). A regular 545 is a fine-handling, powerful beast with a sweetheart of a motor. But this new V10 is another virtuoso effort from BMW, where superiority is expected. Only this one exceeds even the incredible demands placed upon the M division's broad shoulders.
  3. Sincer nu stiu daca a avut mare efect dar la mine a avut. Am iesit din casa si hop vad balonul ala cu reclama la seria1.cand ajung acasa intru pe site la Bmw romania si gasesc o reclama mare: vino acum si participa la un drivetest cu bmw seria1.Am dat click pe link si ma dus la un formular cu o gramada de intrebari(inclusiv nr. de tel)... am completat toate bune si frumoasa La lansare nu am putut ajunde dar la 2-3 saptamani de la lansare suna telefonul : raspuns si se prezinta un tip ca este de la automobile bavaria si ca am fost inscris in drivetestul pentru seria 1 daca doresc sa achiziotionez un bmw seria 1 pe viitor .Ii spun ca nu ... atunci tipu : dar va intereseaaza achizitionarea altul model bmw pe viitor la care raspunul a fost iarasi nu. El a insistat totusi ca ma asteapata la un drive test la automobile bavaria daca ma razgandesc. Nota 10 pentru faza asta cu toate ca interesul este al lor :blink:
  4. Daca ai de gand sa alergi masina in adevaratul sens al cuvantul ... daca ai un stil de mers sportiv uita de diesel depide de stilul tau de condus...
  5. Si eu iti recomand tot diesel dar de preferat e sa mai fortezi un pic si sa il iei pe ala de 3000cmc. Nu o sa iti mare rau e super sportiv.Parerea mea este ca nu se merita benzina decat daca este mai "special" adica peste 250 de cai. Nici cu un 525i nu te faci de rusine ..... eu daca nu vad 6000 de ture nu ma simt bine :blink:
  6. Mersi de urari :) Cel mai mic consum a fost 16 dar schimbat la 2000 de ture si fara accelari bruste. In mers semi-sport (3500 de ture) 18-20 depinde de trafic.... in talpa maxima nu indrasnesc sa ma uit la computerul de bord ca deja acul ala cu consumul instant se ascunde la 30 acolo.Afara la 140km ia fix 9.5l dar nu prea avem noi drumuri sa mergi cu o viteza constanta. Si eu iubesc dieselul dar numai de BMW. :blink: :)
  7. Masina este din 88' are 130.000km .De consumat consuma mult dar merita fiecare litru bagat in rezervor :blink:
  8. Asa sa va arat si cazanul meu: Bmw 535i, diferential autoblocant, full (piele, scaune electrice inclusiv tetiere electrice,termotronic(clima bizonala adica),computer de bord,ventilatie auxiliara,pornire cu cod,evacuare sport din inox borla ,suspensie sport si cam atat daca mai imi aduc aminte ceva mai bag aici :) ) Nu sariti pe mine pentru emblema cu m5 pentru ca asa am cumparat-o acum nu mai are nici una dintre embleme. O sa revin cu poze proaspete si mullt mai calitative dupa ce ii pun spoilerul fata :blink:
  9. :) si-a luat omu o adevarata bijuterie si nu are garaj??? mai stiu oameni dastia : isi tine 760Li in fata blocului :)
  10. scarface


    Incepe sa imi placa DSC+ asta are destule chesti interesante dar oare daca il scoti(dai off de la buton) scoate toate sistemele alea din functiune???
  11. Rog cine a avut pe mana o masina ca asta s-au sa dat vrodata cu ea.... BMW M5 model E34 315 cai sa posteze aici impresii si nu in ultimul rand cam la ce ar trebuie sa ma astept la achizitionarea unui model ca asta din 1990 ... sa caut ca nu mai stiu exact ce optiuni avea masina si le postez aici.Orice informatie este binevenita .
  12. Asteptam intrebari .... baga mare .. respect pentru ce vrei sa faci .Nu orice se apuca sa bage bani multi intr-o masina mai veche.
  13. Benzina nu conteaza consumul.Ce sensatii iti ofera o benzinara la 6000 de ture cu motor maricel nu se cumpara cu nici un diesel. NU spun ca diesel nu alerga am mers cu 730d si ma impresionat prima data cu tragea datorita cuplului dar dupe ce ma obisnuisem cu el nu mai era asa mare uimirea. Sunt tare curios cat tine un diesel condus in regim sport : la 730 ala avea cutie stepronic cu selectia sport si am vazut ca schimba exact unde incepe zona rosie . In orice caz benzina ... sunetul unui V8 benzina nu se cumpara cu nimic ... cu toate ca dieselurile astea la bmw se aud din ce in ce mai bine. :blink: Doar in cazul in care as face peste 35.000km pe an as alege diesel s-ar simti cu adevarat la buzunar.
  14. mersi mult m-am lamurit .e finuta masina hai ca incepe sa imi placa mai ales consumul :blink:
  15. intradevar masina este frumusica dar daca ar fi as alege tot x5 ... poti sa ne dai si noua niste detalii despre cum se comporta masina??
  16. scarface


    Vesti bune dar cu toata ca nu ma prea atrage seria3 este cam micuta .Stie cineva cand va fi lansarea oficiala??
  17. o poza cu interiorul se poate ??? :blink:
  18. Acest lucru este valabil pentru toate seriile nu numai pentru seria 3 dar sa aiba neaparata alarma OEM altfel nu va merge.Daca mai stie cineva mici secrete este rugat sa posteze aici
  19. OK mersi mult de tot .... o sa incerc cat mai curand ca e nevoie neaparat Din pacate si eu sunt patit dar asta e .. cam tarziu am aflat :blink:
  20. sunt total deacord cu tine o sa fie prea aglomerat in perioada aia mergem si noi undeva unde e liniste sa putem discuta cat vrem despre pasiunea noastra
  21. scarface

    M5 in Romania

    Dar cine isi permite ? :)
  22. dar cuplu nu este foarte mare dar nu asta conteaza ca doar nu este masina diesel.Raman la parere ca erau necesare cele 7 trepte SMG Numi bine
  23. Eu am timp liber saptamana asta daca va pot ajuta cu ceva spuneti-mi.
  24. Am mai spus-o imi este indiferent dar sa fie o data unde sa ne intalnim cu totii ..... apropo sa vine lumea cu ce are : aparate foto ,camere tot .... o sa iasa frumos
  25. Mie imi este indiferent puteti sa puneti si de pasti si de craciun oricand pot veni . Am votat constanta dar cu jumatate de inima parca nimic nu se cumpara cu serpentinele de la munte plus ca acum mi-am amintit dupa ce am votat de 1 mai o sa fie super aglomerat la mare ... toti betivii.... imi pare rau cu ce am votat ... m-am sucit la munte sau schimbat data si mergem la mare cum doriti voi
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