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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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Everything posted by doomsnoopy

  1. hi i just take the z4 for a small drive but after 20 minutes im back home the roads are frozen...i saw 2 accidents in this 20 minutes one at piaza romana a dacia and second close to my home.....so no drive for me today and all of you drive carefully because the roads in moment are not good at all for our BMWs....
  2. most of te drifts where on the way to slovakia pitesti-sibiu :) but im still learning to understand the car:D im waiting to get some lessons from a friend maybe some of you know him from romexpo the worst thing here in bucharest for me are not the roads but the idiots that are driving on red light...yesterday i was entering mageru from batistei and some crapy idiot in bmw e90 with spanish numbers almost hit me(i got already 5s green light).... yes im driving the car in Bucharest so i think thats why i have some much fuel usage:( m3 was drived in Bratislava (500000 inhabitors ) so much less then here and no traffic:P Someone asked for a price it was 29000 euro plus tva and some benefits from bmw
  3. ty from all: i will come just send me a mesage where to go or something like that.... I was owner of a m3 e46 so here are some diferences: m3 was e46 model 2004 manual transmision also full options exept of 19 (the roads in Bratislava are also not the best.... so m3 is consuming less in city m3 13-15 and never more than 18 Z4 is like 17-20 in Bucharest and sometimes also 22 M3 have more comunicative driving i mean i always know what the front wheels are doing z4m sucks here you dont feel anything.... M3 is understearing more and is much earlier on the limit than z4 M3 is eazyer to drive on limit z4 is perfect until one moment than the rear is overstering realy fast....so m3 is slover but eazyer to drive z4 is harder to make drifts 1.it feels diferent because you are siting at back of the car and 2. you dont have the feeling for the front of the car 3.drifts with z4m are more funny much much more:P (just have 8-10 drifts until now so i will tell you more later) z4 is going better from 0-200 m3 is more stable at 250+ z4 brakes are better from higher speeds but is harder to place them right so in final m3 feels more like woman car in comparation to z4m i mean z4 is more feeling like e36 is not so comfortable at all as e46 Im not a expert in driving cars this are only my feelings after first 2500km with z4 I never had a accident with my sport cars i hope it will remain so ,so i need to wach out in z4 is dangerous car:D
  4. z4 m coupe 15500 km buyed in Romania as i heard 1 member of bmwclub had it before:P the car is going perfect so far:D but it seems more dificult to drive than e46m that i had some years before....harder to drift:P PS: you can speak in romanian i understand:D
  5. Nu cred. i try to speak romanian so dont beat me:P nu stic cumva ce asigurare este buna? sa am asigurare si pentru jante dec sa nam nic un problem daca plec in strainatate ....multumesc Michal
  6. doomsnoopy

    BMW m3 E46

    i try to help you :) i was owner of bmw m3 2004 model year and the costs are very very high.....i try to speak romanian is hard but i need to have training:P placite de frana faca 15000km spate 20000km preti afost la 250 euro set, caucucuri pzero rosso asimetrico 280-350 euro una 20000 km maxim ambraj 600euro daca ai noroc si nu fac praf si diferencial.....am scimbat eu dupa 30000km ulei cred ca 8 litri 100 de ron un litru assigurare 1500 euro ani (casco in slovacia) dicuri de frana set faca 900 euro 35000km consum 13-15 oras mers normal media 12.0 dupa un ani(numai shell v power racing SO thats all i hope i helped you:P the prices are from slowakia from year 2005
  7. yes it is cheaper but you know the prices now are not so real i called to germany and some people say me that they can make me 5000 euro discount...maybe more ...but i prefer to get it from here so i dont have to go so far:P
  8. yes but also is a winter time new model already coming 3.2 is consuming something only 2 places you need also other car for your normal use....so it not so cheap but i agreee also not so expensive ah and also we have finance crisis or:P i hope i make a right decision ...only the leasing from bmw is looking to expensive for me....
  9. i have a reservation 29000 plus tva
  10. ty:P hope it will go smooth there:P
  11. is a good privce i think on tuesday is the car mine :) i cant sleep just waiting to drive that car:D
  12. is a good privce i think on tuesday is the car mine :)
  13. Thats the car i think.....13000km they tell me with no acidents...so noone knows more about that car ? You wanna buy that car ? yes
  14. Thats the car i think.....13000km they tell me with no acidents...so noone knows more about that car ?
  15. Hello all im Michal from Slowakia and im living in Bucharest.I understand Romanian and also can speak Romanian but unfortunately i cant write so thats why i write in English. I,m interested to buy a Bmw z4m coupe from bmw dealer but i would like to know if someone knows something about that car.....It has 14000km is a black one with red leather 2006.I think but im not shure i saw it in bmw dealership in Otopeni. Maybe somebody of you know if the car had before some accidents or something like that....also if you have a good idea about leasing companys and Casco for the car let me know plz.Later today i will past more information about the car( just waiting a offer from BMW). Have a nice day all and thx for all infos. PS:you can answer in Romanian :) Michal
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