CAR MEMORY OPTIONS Anti Theft System (DWA) (available only on vehicles with DWA Alarm System) Interior sensor =active not active Tilt Alarm Sensor =active not active Arm/Disarm by means of: remote control =locks and remote control (FZV) , 75 Arm/Disarm Acknowledgment Disarm visually Disarming of the DWA system is confirmed by a brief blinking of turn signals when active. , 75 Disarm audibly Disarming of the DWA system is confirmed by a brief siren signal when active. , 75 Arm visually Arming of the DWA system is confirmed by a brief blinking of turn signals when active. , 75 Arm audibly Arming of the DWA system is confirmed by a brief siren signal when active. , 75 Arm visually, doors/lids closed E46, E52 only Arming of the DWA system is confirmed by a brief blinking of turn signals as soon as hood/trunk are closed, when active. Arm audibly, doors/lids closed E46, E52 only Arming of the DWA system is confirmed by a brief siren signal as soon as hood/trunk are closed, when active. Acknowledgment without DWA (E46 only) active =inactive If “active” is selected, locking/unlocking of a vehicle is confirmed by a brief blinking of turn signals. Note: fault code “07 anti-theft alarm system” will be set in the GM module. : E38, E39, E46, E52, E53 from ‘99 Model Year; 75: E38, E39 prior to 9/98 Am last-o si tot nu bip-aie,inainte si daca lasam geamul deschis sau o usa nu eraq inchisa bine piuia de 2 ori si a 3 oara facea o alta tonalitate!