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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by Genu

  1. Unde se poate vedea? Sent from my Diesel with canceled swirl flaps :-))
  2. Posibil sa mearga pe e87 din 2004? Sent from my Diesel with canceled swirl flaps :-))
  3. Se poate inchide,ms Sent from my Diesel
  4. Vand 255/50/19 Nokian in stare f buna ,dot 07 ,profil 5-6 mm 200 euro negociabil http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/03/b2eb8754c57cefeb925850bc5f87c173.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/03/cfdea59b0df2100fdd7fe43b62c44fca.jpg http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/03/847d1e8b9bc0a15a6a53d6d23a4cfeb9.jpg http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/03/0cef18a91588e84269bf6e85c04cbe46.jpg http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/03/3d2e220d7c1e7d66e4257067d86d5e53.jpg http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/03/34de91be33b8a042f7d649d51297292c.jpg http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/01/03/bc246c517bb641935ccc02795121dbfc.jpg 0766297941 Bucuresti Sent from my Diesel
  5. ma intereseaza,doar daca pielea este impecabila
  6. vreau si eu ornamente de prag M pt e39 fata spate,cum facem? le vreau destul de repede
  7. http://mercador.ro/oferta/vand-oglinzi-oglinda-stanga-dreapta-bmw-originale-e87-e-90-e91-e92-e-ID1keaH.html Sent from my Diesel
  8. Valabil si 10% reducere Sent from my Diesel
  9. Nu se potriveste la mufe,si chiar daca s-ar potrivi nu ar functiona,navi este compusa din mai multe module si trebuiesc toate pt functionare Sent from my Diesel
  10. daca vrea colegul anvelopele baga un pret separat , ma intereseaza pe mine jantele
  11. Are alte rapoarte in interior fata de cea de benzina,fizic poate merge Sent from my Diesel
  12. Functioneaza ireprosabil ,mufa cu pini lati 350 lei 0766297941 http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/02/17/ejuqy5yr.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/02/17/u3u5amut.jpg http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/02/17/6uqa9aru.jpg Sent from my Diesel
  13. pune o poza cu locul exact unde este fisura gata am vazut cauciucurile in ce stare sunt?
  14. Buton memorii 7,50 euro plus transport http://m.ebay.de/itm/190966574916?nav=SEARCH&sbk=1 Sent from my Diesel
  15. Butonul de spatar este 17 lei nou oem la Bavaria Sent from my Diesel
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