The BMW M52 is a Straight 6 piston engine. Displacement ranges from 2000ccm to 3200ccm. It is a DOHC 24-valve engine, originally introduced with VANOS Variable Valve Timing. It replaced the BMW M50 engine in 1994 and was replaced in 2001 with the BMW M54 engine. The engine used Nikasil lined aluminium cylinders instead of a cast iron cylinder block, resulting in lighter engines..... In markets with low-sulfur fuel this engine was very highly regarded and the M52 was on the Ward's 10 Best Engines list for 1995 through 1998. .... Fortunately this problem was solved in post-September 1998 cars with the introduction of steel cylinder liners, with the designation M52 TU-3. daca te referi strict la problema cu blocul de nikasil,nu ma afecteaza.Dupa cum vezi s'a renuntat la aceasta solutie inca din 1998.Oricum problema nikasil'ului a fost dezbatuta pe multe topicuri,m'am documentat.S'au facut recall'uri si problemele care au fost s'au rezolvat...dar,dupa cum spuneam o masina din 2000-2001 nu mai are bloc de nikasil,asa ca o posibila problema s'a rezolvat de la sine :blink: intr'adevar ar fi o problema,in sensul ca este un motor de generatie mai veche fata de M54 care are dublu vanos,dar taxa este prea marept acest motor