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Everything posted by ingineru'

  1. To illustrate the whole point about additives, consider this. In the manufacture of synthetic oils, once the synthetic polyol ester bases are created, anti-wear additives such as zinc dithiophosphates (essentially combinations of zinc, phosphorous, and sulphour molecules) are added. These combinations are extremely effective as anti-oxidant, anti-wear, anti-corrosion inhibitors. Now look at the contents of some of the after-market additives. Wow! Zinc, phosphorous and sulphour! Imagine that. Those aftermarket additives are actually exactly what your oil manufacturer has put in already. Consider further that some oil companies actually make a point of telling you not to use aftermarket additives with their oils. So if these additives are so brilliant, why do the companies always seem to end up in trouble? Well - misleading advertising and non-active "active" ingredients claim a lot of victims.
  2. It's interesting to note that some race techs have reported sludge buildup in race engines as a result of aftermarket additives being used in conjunction with the regular oil. The chemical composition of the additives isn't as neutral as some companies would lead us to believe, and combined with particular types of oil and high-stress driving, they can cause oil breakdown and sludge to appear. The lesson from them appears to be "don't use additives". How do I read the numbers around the 'W'? For example 5W40? Single grade oils get too thin when hot for most modern engines which is where multigrade oil comes in. The idea is simple - use science and physics to prevent the base oil from getting as thin as it would normally do when it gets hot. There's more detail on this later in the page under both viscosity, and SAE ratings. But as a quick primer - the number before the 'W' is the 'cold' viscosity rating of the oil, and the number after the 'W' is the 'hot' viscosity rating. So a 5W40 oil is one which behaves like a 5-rated single grade oil when cold, but doesn't thin any more than a 40-rated single grade oil when hot. The lower the 'winter' number (hence the 'W'), the easier the engine will turn over when starting in cold climates. A quick guide to the different grades of oil. Fully Synthetic Characteristics 0W-30 0W-40 5W-40 Fuel economy savings Enhances engine performance and power Ensures engine is protected from wear and deposit build-up Ensures good cold starting and quick circulation in freezing temperatures Gets to moving parts of the engine quickly Semi-synthetic Characteristics 5W-30 10W-40 15W-40 Better protection Good protection within the first 10 minutes after starting out Roughly three times better at reducing engine wear Increased oil change intervals - don't need to change it quite so often Mineral Characteristics 10W-40 15W-40 Basic protection for a variety of engines Oil needs to be changed more often
  3. normal ar fi o culoare de gri deschis,zic eu. :)
  4. iti trebuie un inbus de 5,ai doua suruburi dedesubt.intai scoti furtunul ce intra in ea.nu stiu cum e la tine dar poate e nevoie sa dai si joja putin intr-o parte. dupa ce o scoti sufli in ea si tii degetul mare pe gaurica din mijloc.are un singur sens membrana. spor!
  5. adica mergi fara debitmetru sa inteleg.si vrei un transplant cu un 1.8tds,nu? cat consuma fara debitmetru?consuma,dar trage,stiu. ce senzori ai buliti? te-as sfatui sa faci alt topic pt schimbarea motorului.e mai usor de urmarit.de fapt vrei sa-l schimbi sau sa repari? :)
  6. in mod normal la radioul OEM trebuia sa-ti dea si codul. la e36 stiu o tiganie.
  7. eu cand am cumparat PCV-ul nou ma certam cu ala,bah e noua dar e stricata,uite ca suflu/trag si nu tine aerul. asa se verifica,cum ai scris mai sus.daca nu tii palma pe gaurica din mijloc aerul circula in ambele sensuri.poate zic o prostie dar nu e trasa membrana in jos,adica pe deschis de vacumuul din admisie?pun si poze pt doritori :) .
  8. bah,sa se faca mai cald si facem boboc totul. @Genu interesanta faza cu benzina,cine stie cu ce minuni or dilua-o.ce naiba a ajuns tara asta?m-am enervat. hai ceau :) .
  9. ceau :) aia,aia! poate trage aer pe acolo,asa putin.sau inspre admisie.... cum naiba s-ar putea verifica?sa pun ceva praf colorat :) sau creta pisata? :lol:
  10. ceau :) @claudiuBWR cum se cheama?comparator?ala de masoara sutimi sau miimi de mm.
  11. ceau :) da,era bine. eu nu am verificat sau planat nimic. am pus-o si am strans-o la mana. concluzia mea de om idiot este ca:cu cat cauti masina in fund,cu atat bagi bani in ea :lol: corectati-ma! :)
  12. Ce cod are ? wk516 ? sau wk516/1 ? cum e pana la urma ? scuze :) maine dimineata ai raspunsul.
  13. cine e nenea ceau :lol: ? :) cum sta la ralanti?
  14. or fi noi,dar scanteia e buna?bobinele-s ok?fisele?
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