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Everything posted by ingineru'

  1. asa e. intai mediul inconjurator si apoi masinile.
  2. ce se intampla daca dau pielea jos de pe volan?arata ca volanul fara piele? :) intreb pt ca s-a tocit pielea si as vrea sa o dau jos. volanul e de pisica.
  3. cel mai bine lasi acul sa treaca de albastru si schimbi 1 in 1.500 si 2 in 2.000. cand acul ajunge la jumate poti mari turatia,eu asa fac. chiar daca as schimba mai sus nu prea trage si merge aiurea.
  4. deci cand o pornesti scade turatia putin,iar cand accelerezi da in nas. incarca intai sa cureti regulatorul. http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/index.php?sho...&hl=ralanti http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/index.php?sho...rt=#entry766699
  5. la sfarsitul saptamanii viitoare dau cutia jos sa vad de care am si care se potriveste. undeva pe joi voi cumpara.
  6. daca e filtru se schimba! nu am auzit de filtru lifetime :) . uite aici ce si cum e cu filtru de combustibil Fuel filters - without them, all this means nothing As all this information about petrol and gasoline is starting to run out of your ears, it's worth bringing up the topic of fuel filters. Without fuel filters, none of this information on petrol is worth anything. Why? In an ideal world, every time you fill your tank, the petrol would come from brand new underground tanks, through brand new hoses and nozzles, down a pristeen filler tube into a brand new gas tank. However, back in the real world, that simply isn't the case. Tiny bits of metal flake off components. Things rust. Grit and grime gets into the fuel through many different sources. For the most part, this sediment settles at the bottom of the underground tanks in a petrol station, and at the bottom of the petrol tank in your car. If you're unlucky enough to fill up just after the petrol station has received a load of fuel from a tanker though, all that sediment will be nicely mixed into the petrol, and you'll get a petrol-sediment mix in your petrol tank. Similarly, if you insist on running your petrol tank down to the 'E' mark on the fuel gauge, you'll be sucking up petrol-sediment mix from the bottom of your own tank. It's a good job then that the men in lab coats decided to put in-line fuel filters in your car. These are relatively simple little devices that come in two basic flavours.
  7. doar la tractoarele u650 am vazut sistemul de filtrare al aerului cu ulei. nu e gluma. pe "capota" era un borcanel plin cu ulei...dar aveau regim greu cu mult praf pe camp la arat.
  8. chiar oxideaza :) in ultima faza apare SLUDGE(namol) si atunci trebuie flush engine.deci te p... pe el de motor. Black death for the 21st century When the oil oxidises, the additives separate from the oil and begin to chemically break down and solidify, leading to the baked-on oil deposits turning gelatinous, and that nasty compound is what is lovingly referred to nowadays as sludge. It's like black yoghurt. What doesn't help is that modern engines, due to packaging, have smaller sumps than in the "good old days" and so hold less oil. This means that the oil that is present in the engine can't hold as much crap (for want of a better word) and can lead to earlier chemical breakdown.
  9. ptr ca nemtii is prosti :) ei nu stiu ce spun , si o sa aud acum ca in germania e altfel decat in romania , acolo nu e praf , aerul e mai rarefiat ca la noi :lol: nu mai vreau alt topic despre ulei...sunt DESTULE. uleiul maxim un an,fiecare face ce si cum vrea!!!!
  10. pai se vede :) vopseaua se face dupa cod,diferenta fiind ca luciul masinii e unul,iar vopseaua noua are luciu mult mai mare.
  11. ideea nu e noua,las-o asa. eu am o dunga de surubelnita din spate pana in fata plus ceva din capota :) toata zgarietura are 4,5 metri,am masurat-o :lol: .
  12. asa e,din pacate! o sa cumpar o volanta pt ca cea pe care o am incepe sa ma sece.
  13. multumesc! mai studiez piata,e criza mare si pretul manoperei e tot pe acolo.
  14. ma gandesc ca daca a facut doar 6.000km,deci nu prea a mers...inseamna ca e un condens in motorul ala... schimba uleiul si filtrul.
  15. cred ca da :) http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABS_-_Antiblockiersystem tot nemtii....
  16. nu e nevoie sa ai scurgerile infundate sa ia apa calculatorul. ai desfacut sa vezi?
  17. este cea mai tampita locatie pt ca intra apa f usor la modelele din '94 incoace.este in spatele bateriei,daca ai bateria in compartimentul motor.vrei sa pun o poza? Yea, I know what the problem is... The rain is the problem in this case. Ok, let's get to the fix then. Hopefully you didn't waste another DME. We will see as I explain... Let me give you a little history on the E36 and then you will know why you are having the problem and then I will give you the way to fix and prevent it from happening again. The BMW engineers in there infinant wisdom put the DME on a platform behind the firewall right? Right and that was a good start. But from there it went south. The DME sits in a box but not a weather or I should say a waterproof box that connects to the fresh air cowl (under the winshield wipers) what happens is over years the drainage plugs at the bottom of the cowl eventually become plugged with debris and then guess what... when it rains or you take it through the wash the cowl fills with water and overspills into the compartment where the DME rests. Well, last time I checked water and electronics don't mix very well and this is where your problem lies. Now for the fix...
  18. volanta cand e pe duca cum se manifesta? eu o aud cand calc ambreiajul si decelerez in treapta 1 si marsarier....clanc-clanc.
  19. la mine a fost calculatorul,era foarte oxidat. pisica a fost spala in spalatorie tunel si s-a prajit DME-ul.
  20. o volanta cu masa dubla pt un e34 2.0i gasesc la tine?
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