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  1. eu cu atat am luat-o din germania.......ce vroiam sa spun e ca nu am facut multi kilometrii cu ea a fost faptul ca am folosit-o in mare parte in oras......stiu ca in romania nu mai crede nimeni chestiile astea, dar interiorul vorbeste de la sine aproximativ cat a fost rulata masina cu ce te ajuta seria de caroserie??? WBAAY71080FZ56972
  2. 07/2003 143 hp euro 4 Computer de bord, abs, dsc, geamuri electrice fata, oglinzi electrice si incalzite, incalzire scaune fata, tapiterie piele pe margine si textil in mijloc, senzori de ploaie, lumina si parcare spate, volan sport, faruri xenon, oglinda retrovizoare antiorbire. Masina a fost adusa in 2009 din germania avand 117500 km (am factura reviziei la bavaria in momentul intrarii in tara). Taxa platita si nerecuperata, masina este inscrisa. Se vinde cu 2 seturi de jante: jante tabla cu capace 195/65 R15 continental winter si jante aluminiu 225/55 R16 dunlop sport contact. 4300 euro Pretul este negociabil. Contact: 0746 070 780, Timisoara revin cu poze mai bune in cat mai scurt timp!!!
  3. am si eu aceeasi problema cu cheia (e46 facelift)......la reinitializare tot nu merge......am luat alta cheie de la alta masina si am initializat o la a mea si a mers......inseamna ca releele sunt bune, deci ar fi bateria de vina......ma poate ajuta cineva in timisoara cu problema asta sau sa mi recomandati pe cineva???
  4. masina nu are pachet m culoare sapphire black cod realoem 51120030516
  5. ma intereseaza la cat ai angeleyes pt e46 facelift cu xenon fabrica, si cat mar ajunge cu tot cu montat daca vin la u in arad si mi montezi si ma mai intere leduri cu UV sau culoare mov pt lumini plafon fata, laterale spate si lumini picioare (doar luminile acelea care se aprind la deschiderea masinii :twoup:)..........si leduri albe pt placuta inmatriculare..........daca ai si ce pret
  6. spunetimi si mie cum e mai bine, sa fie statia mai puternica decat subul sau invers??? eu stiam ca statia ar trebui sa fie mai puternica sa nu se arda......de exemplu un sub are 250 watts rms si statia 150, atunci ii da mai putina putere la sub si nici nu pot sal folosesc la maxim sa zic, e adevarat???
  7. poti sa fi mai explicit te rog??? ce sunt aceste interfete???
  8. daca as avea comenzi pe volan la un e46 fl as putea sa imi pastrez functiile de volum si search daca as monta un player aftermarket???? daca da ce mufe ar trebui sa aiba playerul sa poata fi conectat la cablurile masinii???
  9. va dati seama ca nu as da nici un ban inainte de a vedea masina sau sa o testez.........nu era problema de pus botu doar intrebam daca sau perfectat asemenea tranzactii fara probleme, atat. trebuie sa spun si am uitat in primul replay ca anuntul de pe mobile era ieri si azi a disparut :) era vorba de un e46 320d cu m tech II in/out, vreo 98.000km, si cerea pe ea nici mai mult nici mai putin de 6000 euro :twoup:
  10. am gasit o masina pe mobile la un pret relativ bun, baiatu e din UK, acolo e si masina dar el zice ca a luato din germania cand lucra acolo, i-am dat un e-mail in legatura cu mai multe amanunte si am intrebat cum putem face daca e sa cumpar si aici am ajuns: I already signed a contract with the transport company and as mentioned before I paid all the taxes and I have no interested in loosing that kind of money.The car is ready to be shipped to any location.This is the only way and my only condition in this transaction. Terms of the Transaction: Here is how I want to go about delivery and payment for the car . I will explain to you step by step how this will work : 1)First you have to send me your shipping information (your name and address). 2)After I receive your shipping info, I'll contact the transport company and give them your shipping details to start the transaction. 3)You will receive a notification from the transport company with all the transaction details and also with the invoice. 4)After that, you will have to make deposit payment to the transport company , as a guarantee . ( you must send a deposit of 50% first and rest of the money 50% after the inspection time if you decide to buy the car) 5)The transport company will verify the payment, and if everything is in order, they will deliver the car to your address. 6)After you will receive the car and you will be completely satisfied with it, you will tell to the transport company your decision. You have 10 days to inspect it and take a decision. If you don't keep it,they will refund your deposit in full without any charges from your side. 7)If by any reason, you will not be satisfied with the car, your deposit will be refunded to you and the car will be shipped back with no expense from your side. I will not receive any payment until your agree to purchase the car. Let me know if we can do this. NOTE: SHIPPING TIME: 3-5 DAYS within Europe. The money will be sent to the Transport Company before you will receive the car and not to me. I repeat they will keep your money until you receive the car and the documents of the car. You will have an inspection period of 10 days. In this time you can check, test and inspect the car. If by any reason (the car has any hidden damage or it isn't like i describe it) you can reject the deal. In this case the transport company will refund your deposit in full and they will ship the car back on MY cost. The car was verified by the transport company qualified automotive technician and the car have passed all the test with no problems. E CREDIBIL???????
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