Motul DEXRON III - 47 lei/litru Fluid for automatic gearbox, torque convertor and hydraulic systems - appr.: GENERAL MOTORS DEXRON III F-30336, FORD MERCON M 950805 and M 941108, ALLISON C4-23472696, CATERPILLAR TO-2, VOITH mai este MOTUL MULTI ATF - 70 lei/litru Synthetic based lubricant, specially engineered for any modern automatic transmission (manual mode, sequential mode, electronic controlled …) with or without slip lockup clutch. Particularly recommended for use in automatic gearboxes of American car makers GM, FORD, CHRYSLER… or Asian car makers HYUNDAI / KIA, MITSUBISHI, SUBARU… Appr.: GM DEXRON III G / III H / II D / II E, Allison C4, FORD MERCON & MERCON V, Daimler Chrysler ATF +3, ATF +4, MB 236.9 JASO 1A, Hyundai / Kia Diamond ATF SPIII & PSF 3, Voith G607, ZF TE-ML 03D / 04D / 14A dar cred ca la primul te refereai