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În manual ce spune de condens? Unii spun ca scrie ca e normal, dacă nu sunt picături de apă
apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
Da, am vazut ce a spus Draghi. Are dreptate..- 3165 replies
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apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
Un video interesant ca de obicei de la Harry. Pe la minutul 11 incepe sa discute si despre taxe- 3165 replies
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Eu n-am G60, dar am vazut pe forumuri destul de multa lume care se plange de aburit faruri la seria G, 3 si 5.
apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
Asta asa e. Dar tot putem sa ne dam cu părerea- 3165 replies
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apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
Taxa pe combustibil nu e o solutie, pentru ca ii afecteaza si pe cei cu afumatoare, si pe cei cu masini noi. Iar argumentul cu "nu merge decat duminica cu ea" are absolut zero valoare. Daca merge doar duminica, s-o vanda si sa mearga cu taxiul, iese mai ieftin. Dupa parerea mea taxa pe poluare e buna. Dar trebuie si ca ITP-ul sa se faca 100% cinstit. Ii prinde pe cei cu statia ITP cu o manarie, le-a luat licenta permanent. Plus supracontroale, peste controalele normale. Dupa care, trebuie marit impozitul anual, tot in functie de cat polueaza masina. Deci platesti si cand cumperi masina, si cat exploatezi una care polueaza. Sunt convins ca multi dintre 'smecherii' de provincie care au cate un E46 sau un E90 'tunat', cu DPF-ul scos si reparat cu scoci o sa renunte si o sa isi ia un logan Euro5 in loc. Sau o sa tuseasca pentru un E90 mai nou- 3165 replies
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Un mers linistit, unde? In Bucuresti? Care e viteza medie?
Eu când i-am întrebat pe cei de la Muntenia cum face suma, au dat ignore total.
Cum, nu merge toată lumea pe circuit cu mașina, mereu?
Din cate stiu eu, nu
Și eu am tot hibrid, merg cu ea de 5 ani deja. Următoarea mașină o sa fie tot hibrid..
f39 Cateva intrebari despre BMW 225Xe plug in :
mgi replied to BaXXon's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 2
La mine la 330e consuma din baterie și bateria începe sa se încarce din rețea din nou -
Nu stiu cu cat o sa se vanda, ca licitatia e inca in desfasurare. Dar asta, de exemplu, s-a vandut cu $38,500 (37k euro). 530i, 2024, 26k mile. Reparatia era estimata de ei la $8k
Da, dar asta e o dauna minoră (cred ca la noi chiar în reprezentanta nu costa mai mult de 3k euro) , mașina e noua..
Am si eu o curiozitate care e un pic pe langa subiect: e atat de scump sa repari o masina europeana (BMW, Audi) in US? Ca vad mai nou o adevarata industrie si la noi cu baieti care aduc masini de la licitatii la noi pentru reparatie. Si unele dintre ele au daune relativ minore (o bara, un far, o aripa, sau doua usi si o aripa, sau suspensia de la o roata si o aripa, chestii de-astea). Sunt chiar atat de groaznice preturile de reparatie ca prefera sa le dea la gunoi si sa ia alta masina? Edit, pentru mai mult context: de exemplu asta e o masina scoasa la licitatie, si ce se vede in poza e singura dauna pe care o are
apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
Asta apropo de discutia cu "da, dar tot din carbuni se face electricitatea", cand spuneam ca mult mai usor modifici sursa de curent decat sa modifici 5 milioane de masini care polueaza.- 3165 replies
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Nu e ok, ca la 70 de grade nu-și face dpf-ul regenerare. Ori termostat defect, ori senzorul de temperatura defect
Îmi stau pe creier, nu pot sa am ceva care nu merge în parametri
+1. Mai ales ca nu exista niciun motiv rezonabil pentru care sa pui restrictia asta. E doar un deget aratat fraierilor. In acelasi timp, mi s-a stricat si mie ceva la incarcatorul go-e. Totul merge ok (incarcarea, conexiunea la net/aplicatie), doar ca led-urile de status clipesc in culori aleatoare. Evident, nu mai e in garantie. O sa-l demontez sa-l trimit la service, pentru ca nu vreau sa risc sa se buseasca ceva legat de partea de incarcare. Cu ocazia asta m-am uitat si la ei pe site. Baietii dau garantie 5 ani in tarile nordice, dar fraierilor din restul europei doar 2 ani. Pentru ca de ce nu?
apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
Acum ma uitam si eu la video. Si mai e si LFP bateria. Daca fac una de 100kwh probabil ca poate sa traga 500kw din charger- 3165 replies
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Comportament cutie 530E LCI la rece
mgi replied to FlorinBRB's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
La mine (330e) s-a simtit mereu schimbul 2-3 ceva mai pronuntat la rece, de cand am luat-o, la 35k km. Am facut cu ea de atunci cam 60k km, fara probleme. -
apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
https://www.ft.com/content/b950086b-8671-47c2-9f8b-e546debd346b ❝ Brussels has promised to help Europe’s embattled car industry potentially by using pan-EU subsidies to boost demand for electric vehicles. Teresa Ribera, executive vice-president of the European Commission, told the Financial Times at the World Economic Forum in Davos that officials were still “shaping” options for an incentive programme. “It makes sense to see how we could figure out in a pan-European perspective, how to facilitate the measures instead of going through national subsidies,” Ribera said. She warned against a “race where we could be confronting one national model versus another one”. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday divulged that the commission was considering an EU subsidy programme that he had proposed. The German government scrapped its own scheme abruptly in 2023, leading to a plunge in EV sales. Many EU member states offer incentives for EVs, but the terms vary widely and several member states offer no purchase subsidies at all, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association. One challenge for Brussels would be designing a scheme that would conform with WTO rules while avoiding the subsidies flowing to Chinese carmakers, whose share of the market is fast growing. Ribera admitted there was a “complicated balance” to be struck between rapid electrification and “a mismatch with the capacity of the European brands to provide in terms of quantity and quality what we would like to see moving on our roads”. The commissioner, who is responsible for the EU’s “green industry” strategy, said a possible incentive scheme would be one of several measures to support a sector deemed vital for Europe’s economy. Europe’s carmakers “needed a comprehensive view on how to update their capacities and to catch up in what is already being demanded worldwide,” Ribera said. By contrast, US President Donald Trump vowed this week to end “unfair subsidies” for EVs. Ribera, a socialist and former deputy prime minister of Spain, ruled out delaying the 2035 deadline for ending new sales of internal combustion engines because the car industry wanted “predictability and clarity”. “It doesn’t make sense to open again the discussion when that provides some certainty and would punish the first movers that took it seriously without any potential advantages to those that still need to move,” she said. But she said she was open to flexibility on the annual EV sales targets and the fines carmakers face for missing them. Ribera said there was an “open conversation” with carmakers about alternative commitments they could make in terms of investment. Carmakers have complained that paying fines will only hamper their EV investment plans while buying credits from Chinese EV makers helps Chinese competitors. Ribera said it was important to “ensure that this legislation is being applied in such a way that facilitates what is the main goal” of phasing out petrol and diesel engines. She also said she was open to extending technology transfer requirements for foreign carmakers who wish to establish manufacturing facilities inside the EU. Brussels said last year it would require foreign companies that received EU grants for battery development to share some technology with local partners. There is a “good lesson to be drawn” from China, which set strict joint venture and tech-sharing requirements when European carmakers set up factories there 30 years ago. Beyond the car sector, Ribera said she was willing to broaden the available measures the commission could take to benefit European industry. Ribera said she would look at local content requirements to shield European turbine manufacturers which are facing fierce competition from Chinese companies. Shares in European wind turbine makers took a battering from Trump’s first policy announcements, including suspending new offshore project leasing. Ribera insisted the EU would stay the course on decarbonisation, despite Trump’s move to abandon the 2015 Paris agreement on emissions reductions, of which she was one of the architects. The devastating fires in Los Angeles showed that the US was already suffering the effects of climate change at great cost, she said. “The world is much larger [than the US] and there are many other partners and players that do understand why it is important to remain united,” she said. ❞- 3165 replies
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Da, dar la tine e flota și riscul e mai scăzut. Dacă ești un srl și iei 1-2 mașini, probabil condițiile sunt altele
apocalipsa electrica Countdown to Extinction
mgi replied to FiveThreeFive's topic in Opinii si editoriale
In alta ordine de idei, cum se degradeaza bateriile masinilor electrice. Nu mi se pare foarte tragic, bazat pe datele astea.- 3165 replies
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