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Everything posted by .Bogdan

  1. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110422160560/nccmn/ro/images/f/fa/Aprindere_motor.jpg Spus romaneste, iti da curent la bujie
  2. Aprinderea ar fi trebuit s-o vada pe tester, dar na... poate chiar nu ai probleme cu bobinele sau n-a stiut tipul sa se uite unde trebuie sau... sau...
  3. Salut, Imi pare rau, nu vand altceva decat cele prezentate. Vezi pe aici, sunt multi care dezmembreaza masini: http://www.bmwclub.r...e-si-accesorii/
  4. Eu vad #39.... http://s7.postimage.org/idzgjm9yj/sigurante_E39.gif
  5. Nu stiu. Dar nici nu-ti trebuie cine stie ce... Te duci la orice service mai rasarit si masori presiunea in rampa cu un manometru (linkul de mai sus). Pe rampa o sa gasesti o valva Schrader (ca la roti) pe care montezi manometrul - ar trebui sa citesti 3.5 bar (+/- 0,2). Daca presiunea e buna, urmatorul pas e aprinderea: bujii/bobine.
  6. Pai depinde ce fel de tester si cine l-a folosit... unele stiu sa citeasca modulul electronic al pompei, altele nu. E clar o problema de alimentare/aprindere... pe aici trebuie sa te orientezi.
  7. Verifica si presiunea in rampa, par a fi simptome de pompa de benzina pe duca. http://tis.spaghetticoder.org/s/view.pl?1/06/04/54 Nu ar strica sa testezi si cu alte bobine...
  8. Pai daca are jante cu inel de centrare sigur ca poate fi si de acolo...
  9. Din pacate, tipul cu piesele de la care l-am luat eu nu mai activeaza aici pentru ca n-a plecat capul
  10. Nu lua unul de la dezmmebrari ca o sa pice si ala mai devreme sau mai tarziu.... Strange din dinti si ia unul nou, cei de la BOSCH au regandit modulul si nu mai pica. La cele montate in anii de productie pentru E46, toate vor pica mai devreme sau mai tarziu pentru ca au fost proiectate gresit. Daca cauti, cred ca gasesti BOSCH cu 900 lei (asa am luat eu).
  11. Iti iei o geanta d-aia micuta termoizolanta http://flexxglobal.com/content/wp-content/gallery/coolerbags/cooler-bag-1.jpg http://img.tootoo.com/mytootoo/upload/40/408372/product/408372_8617ad2e4d1b720db5314790f6c2779c.jpg
  12. E util cand mergi la picnic sau vrei sa pastrezi mancarea pentru bebe la un drum lung sau.... sau...... etc etc...
  13. E o geanta frigorifica pe care o alimentezi de la bricheta.
  14. Mersi, dar vreau interior complet. PS: Da, sunt (si) din Bucuresti .
  15. Nu exista torpedou, dar exista asta http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=AV11&mospid=47637&btnr=82_0308&hg=82&fg=26
  16. S-a dus modulul de control, iti trebuie alt electroventilator. Nu mai umbla cu el asa, ca s-ar putea sa nu iti mai porneasca si fierbi motorul...
  17. Poate fi si de la discuri. Gaseste un loc propice si incearca doua-trei franari agresive, de la 100-120+ km/h pana la 20km/h (nu lasa roata sa se opreasca de tot).
  18. Un caz puma ? Pana acum cereati dovezi oficiale, ca nu aia, ca nu cealalta. Acum aveti in fata in document in care BMW recunoaste ca exista o problema de ordin tehnic si afiseaza modul de solutionare, dar e doar un caz puma. Bine asa. Voi sa fiti sanatosi.
  19. Measure number 43863106-02 Issued 22/09/2011 Effects N47 N47DK0 N47S N47T Produced between 01/03/2007 and 05/01/2009 PUMA 13588845-03 incidence recorded by BMW and its repair: http://www.puma-inde...A/AllItems.aspx Diligence-number Item 43863106-03 N47, N47S, N47T, rustling sound in the engine, timing chain rubs. Approval date (day.month.year) Status Organization Approved 14.12.11 Germany, automobiles Vehicles affected E Series Motor Body E60 E61 E81 E82 E83 N47 N47DKO N47S N47T E61 E60 E81 E82 E83 N47 N47S N47T N47DKO E84 E87 E88 E90 E91 E87 E84 E88 E90 E91 E92 E93 F10 F11 F25 E93 E92 F10 F11 F25 Feedback Comment production interval Feedback (From / to) on the production interval diligence (day.month.year) to (day.month.year) / 01.03.11 / 01.03.11 Complaint Sound of friction drag on the engine from about 1500 rpm, which is visible from the inside. The noise can be perceived in area of the gearbox housing and the oil pan. Cause Excessively sharp edges on the sprockets, the chain does not flow evenly over the guides. Measures We must distinguish two cases: Case 1: For engines N47, N47DKO, N47S, interval from 01.03.2007 to production 05.01.2009. In case of customer complaint must change the following parts: (See Annexes, Figures 1 to 7.) - Nov. 21 7803479 SutituciĆ³n the crankshaft bearings. Caution: Use only crankshafts with a production date back to 5. 1. 1. 2009 2009 The production date is printed on crankshaft sprocket (see page 2 of the Annex) Meaning of the figures: The first two indicate the assembly line. The 6 following year (two digits), month, day. Last 5 indicate the reference number of the crankshaft. Thus, the crankshaft shown on page 2 of the annex was built on October 21, 2009. 41 -11 7,797,896 chain oil pump. 11 31 8 506 652 Timing Chain bottom. 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket for driving the high pressure pump. 11 27 7 800 523 sprocket (intermediate for balance shafts). 11 8,510,014 31 Supply Chain superior. -11 7,797,899 31 Timing Chain Guide above. -13 7,797,904 52 Timing Chain Guide below. Note: Adjusting the intermediate gear shafts accurately balanced according to workshop manual. In case this intermediate sprocket and the balance shafts are not sufficiently fit, the motor can still giving rise to noise despite the new crankshaft. See November 21 workshop manual 500 "crankshaft replacement." Note: In the case of vehicles to which a previous repair and they replaced the crankshaft: Proceed with these vehicles as detailed in "Case 2". Case 2: N47 engine, N47DKO, N47S, N47T production interval 05.01.2009 - 01.03.2011 In case of customer complaint replace the following parts: (See Appendix, Art 8 to 10) -11 8,506,652 31 Supply Chain bottom. - 13 52 7 797 906 sprocket high pressure pump. - 11 31 8 510 014 Supply Chain superior. -11 7,797,899 31 Timing Chain Guide above. -13 7,797,904 52 Timing Chain Guide below. Note: There is no need to release the binding thread of the intermediate toothed wheel balancer shafts. Note: As of March 2011 there are new guidelines. These guidelines do not bring reinforcing ribs. (See Appendix, pp. 7 and 10.) In this way the inner surface of the guides is smooth throughout its length and the timing chain runs easily on them. They have not changed the references. Note: During the repair make sure guides are mounted without lateral veins (in the Annex, Art 7 and 10.) Attention: No repairs are allowed in vehicles with production date after 03/2011 and vehicles in which all existing measures have already been made. The sound now is the moment, the normal state of this world! No risk of broken chain! Not allowed engine change because of this claim! Claim Location of the defect: Defect Type: Circumstances of default: Guide part incorrect Crank Noise Wheel motor Distribution Worn crankshaft Wheel motor Distribution Motor Noise Motor Power
  20. ! Informatie pe care ar fi bine sa o luati in calcul, cei cu probleme --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. + cilindrul receptor de pe cutie, sa nu-l uiti.
  22. Da comanda de incalzire a lor in cazul temperaturilor negative...
  23. Senzorul de temperatura... pentru duzele stergatoarelor Piesa 24 - http://realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?model=CA91&mospid=47437&btnr=61_0070&hg=61&fg=45 http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n295/Zummie/tempsensor.jpg
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