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Everything posted by .Bogdan

  1. 1. Ai 318i, ar trebui sa fie in fata la motor, in dreapta. Daca nu e acolo, este in portbagaj, in partea dreapta. 2. Nu. Foloseste niste vaselina siliconica la spray sau chiar WD40 (desi nu ti-l recomand pe vremea asta). 3. Nu. Ar fi bine sa nu le mai deschizi pe vremea asta, poti forta motorasul sau sinele. 4. Poti sa o vezi daca ai computer de bord activat. 4. Asa.
  2. Vezi ca sunt cateva pe 4tuning: http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/300530-vand-e30-320-a.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/301220-vand-bmw-e30-coupe.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/295541-vand-bmw-e30-coupe-2-5-24v.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/297381-vand-bmw-e30-316i-1990-a.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/257548-bmw-e30-325-24v.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/289800-vand-e30-turbo.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/291053-vand-bmw-e30-325ix.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/297495-vand-e30-323-a.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/264652-vand-bmw-e30-sedan-25-12v.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/297698-vand-bmw-e30-318-is-sedan.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/269320-bmw-320i-e30.html http://forum.4tuning.ro/482-masini-bmw-vanzare/289411-vand-bmw-e30-325i-tech-2-a.html etc
  3. Nu. Difera doar cutia si cardanul. Corect, dar nu uita ca 320©i mai poate insemna si M52TU ReSp3cT - ne poti spune ce a patit diff-ul tau ?
  4. Da, e Java Green. http://www.m3post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=516929
  5. Cred ca e Power Green Metallic
  6. Dreapta jos, dar nu ai sanse sa o vezi decat de sub masina. http://www.e46.ro/sp...toare/M43TU.php
  7. Get your facts straight: votul din parlamentul European nu era pentru ACTA ci pentru o initiativa a social democratilor, verzilor si liberalior de DISCUTARE a ACTA, scopul fiind clarificarea si limitarea impactului acesteia.
  8. S-a dat si cotul de la admisie. Actualizare stoc si preturi: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonda temperatura lichid racire / cod OEM 13621433077 = 50 lei Furtun inferior admisie (motoare M52/M54) / cod OEM 13541435627 = 30 lei Furtun superior lichid racire / cod OEM 17127510952 = 50 lei Mecanism frana de mana / cod OEM 34411164489 = 70 lei Panou climatronic / cod OEM 64116956319 = 200 lei Airbag dual-stage volan 4 spite - 250lei Radiodisplay monocrom - 200 lei Computer navigatie MK3 actualizat la ultima versiune de firmware (3-2/63) - 450lei Suporturi navigatie -absolut noi (sunt cele necesare instalarii computerului in portbagaj) - 100 lei Antena GPS - 50 lei Rama bord (cea care tine radio/clima) - se da gratis la pachet cu panoul de clima sau radiodisplay-ul Suport BM54 - se da gratis la pachet cu MK3 Inca un suport pentru computere de navigatie - gratis la pachet cu MK3 Amplificator antena radio = 200lei Compartiment stocare consola centrala (pentru pachet fumatori / butoane consola unitara) = 100 lei Simering vilbrochen absolut nou, in cutia originala (Victor Reinz) = 65 lei - pompa benzina cod OEM 16146766942 (functioneaza pe toane, posibil sa se poata repara/refolosi plutitorul/carcasa pentru cei care au probleme cu ea) - 50 lei - compartiment stocare median (cel aflat sub cotiera) / piesele 3,6,7 din link - 50 lei - bucsa centrare cardan cod OEM 26117526611 - 40 lei
  9. Ultimul pret 400 lei. Daca nu se vinde nici asa, o sa il retrag de la vanzare.
  10. http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j129/1wilman/beltdiagramsm.jpg Calin, ai vrut sa spui detensionezi ?
  11. Service Information - Bulletin Number 23 01 99 SUBJECT: Manual Transmission Difficult to Shift - Diagnostic Tips MODEL: All with Manual Transmission SITUATION: Transmission may be difficult to shift especially first gear engagement and/or gear shift linkage is binding. Note: Field observations have indicated that a transmission which is difficult to shift (especially into first gear) is primarily a clutch related problem and only in isolated cases a failure in the transmission itself. PROCEDURE: Verify the customer complaint: Note: Engage the parking brake and assure that no people or objects are in the vehicle's path. - Run the engine at idle speed - Press the clutch pedal to the floor - From the neutral stick shift position engage first gear If first gear is difficult to engage, hold the stick shift at the resistance point (approximately half of the total stick shift travel) with constant force. Then switch the ignition off with the other hand. DIAGNOSIS 1: If first gear now engages completely, i.e. the stick shift moves to the end position without any additional pressure applied, there is a problem in the clutch system. Explanation: Because the clutch does not uncouple completely, a residual torque is transmitted to the transmission input shaft when the engine is running. This inhibits the release and meshing of the sliding sleeve, in the transmission, at the end of the synchronization process. Turning the engine off relieves the input shaft of this torque thus simulating a completely uncoupled clutch. DIAGNOSIS 2: If the stick shift remains at the resistance point, there is a problem in the external gear shift linkage or in the transmission. CAUSE: DIAGNOSIS 1: Possible causes for a clutch problem as per Diagnosis 1 above are: - Input shaft taper splines not lubricated properly/grease dried out. - Clutch disc difficult to move on transmission input shaft. - Clutch disc wobble. - Air in the hydraulic system of clutch mechanism. - Release bearing defective or difficult to move on the guide sleeve. - Clutch disc or pressure plate broken/worn out. DIAGNOSIS 2: Possible causes for gear shift linkage binding and/or internal transmission problems as per Diagnosis 2 above: - External gearshift linkage binding (shift rod joints stiff). - Stick shift bellows boot incorrectly installed (positioned too high or too low on the stick shift lever). - Sound deadening between the outer gear shift linkage and the body incorrectly installed and/or distorted. Possible causes inside of the transmission: - Faulty synchronization. - Internal gear shift linkage binding. - Water in the transmission fluid. (rare) ==============================================
  12. Ti-am mai raspuns si dincolo unde ai intrebat. 320i din 2002 are deja pilot automat, trebuie doar sa tragi niste fire pentru a-l activa.
  13. Exista deja, trebuie activat: http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/53720-diy-instalare-volan-mfl/
  14. Dan nu cred ca livreaza in Italia. Du-te la reprezentanta, costa ~50 EUR.
  15. Taxa auto ar putea fi amanata cu un an. Ministrul Mediului, Laszlo Borbely, a cerut reanalizarea legii Ministrul Mediului, Laszlo Borbely, a cerut coalitiei de guvernare ca taxa auto de prima vanzare pentru masinile inmatriculate inainte de ianuarie 2007 sa fie suspendata cu un an, interval in care sa fie achitata doar taxa de poluare auto, redusa cu 25%, au declarat pentru agentia Mediafax surse oficiale. Articol
  16. Vezi ca difera in functie de optiunile masinii: pachet fumatori / tipul baghetei centrale (butoane individuale sau nu) 51168202186 Holder with Single-switch (vertical gap between buttons), non-smoker http://s15.postimage.org/bvq3eky2f/51168202186.jpg 51168230902 Holder with Single-switch (vertical gap between buttons), smoker http://s17.postimage.org/fn3sv9k7f/51168230902.jpg 51167001408 Holder with Multi-Button (no vertical gap between buttons), non-smoker http://s14.postimage.org/tyydkopd9/51167001408.jpg 51167001410 Holder with Multi-Button(no vertical gap between buttons), smoker http://s14.postimage.org/vxe8a5wml/51167001410.jpg
  17. S-o fi saturat si ea sa primeasca limitari la fiecare plecare de pe loc.... Nu stiu cum ai vrea sa ghiceasca cineva de aici cum suna/ce e in neregula cu motorul tau... daca zgomotul a aparut dupa ce l-ai refacut, e clar ca mecanicul ala minune nu a montat/reglat ceva corect. Du-o inapoi la mecanic sau la altcineva mai priceput.
  18. http://forum.4tuning.ro/641-piese-bmw-vanzare/298367-vand-interior-recaro-pt-bmw-e46-berlina-piele-crem.html
  19. Pai ai citit topicul lor inainte de a ajunge acolo ? http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/40944-gi-euroservice-un-service-mic-de-care-sunt-multumit/
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