aiurea de pe net "Fault code 00452A is an advisory code for the BMW SA . . . tells him/her that the DPF is nearing the end of its design life. Max soot amount is around 90 grams . . . I think fault code 00452A starts to appear around 50 grams of soot (which you can read using Carly) . . . I have it, I am ignoring it for now . . . this fault code alone will not trip CEL.
NOx sensors - my experience - they have a design/useful life of about 90,000 miles . . . I just replaced mine as part of routine maintenance . . . expensive but my ownership horizon is around 200K miles. Current odometer ~135,000 miles"
Boala lor as zice .
edit : zici "mufa de la injectorul de ablue ( desi are o protectie termica peste ( un fel de husa ) ) s-a deformat/topit parca, si nu mai etansa bine, pe sub masina fiind si urme scurse de lichid adblue."
Cum a ajuns ad blue acolo ar mai fi o intrebare. EGR ok banuiesc, regenerarea o face ok, evacuarea e in stare buna nu ?