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Everything posted by alex230ro

  1. da,alcantara aia se strica destul de rapid,bine nici cu daca era piele cu stofa cum am eu nu era mare schema am reusit sa rup bucatele mici(2-3mm) de piele cand am purtat blugi una peste alta masina e frumoasa.
  2. eu am vorbit serios ce am zis in postul la care se referea d-rive ,evident ca nu am pretentia ca toata lumea sa fie de acord cu mine.
  3. si nu m-am suparat asta e adevarul nu mi-am pus curu nici in F01 nici in F10 nu mi le permit si asta e.sau ma rog poate ca pot sa iau vreo cazatura cu ultimii bani din buzunar si dupa aia sa fac foamea sau la prima piesa care cade sa ma uit la el.
  4. nu am avut onoarea sa merg cu F01 sau F10 dar daca sunt la fel ca E60 sau E90 sau E46 - iti pot spune ca iau E30;ca exemplu am un amic cu un E30 325i o cazatura mancat de rugina trapa lipita cu scotch ce sa mai praf,e masina aia asa cum e era cu arcuri dracu stie de care cu amortizoare uzate fara servo mi-a placut mai mult decat E46-ele meu si mi se rupe sufletul cand ma gandesc ca mi-am dat E30-ul acum 6 ani.totusi asta e parerea mea,probabil ca 99% din oamenii normali ar da E30-ul la remat. PS:nu are nici o treaba cu pasiunea ce zic eu,mai degraba tine de gusturi ,marca tot BMW ramane PPS:daca e sa comentez ceva la astea noi e vorba de feelingul care ti-l ofera.am un post interesat pe un forum de afara,il gasesc si il pun. I know that dilemma! I started off as an E34 guy, learned to drive on E46 M3's, then became an E30 guy, became an instructor in my E30, then got my E36. Let's talk about how these cars feel around corners, then a brief description of why. E34, when driving around the car feels good and grippy, though heavy. At the limit the car understeers, but when finagled through sudden lifting or trail braking, the rear end gets loose and the car feels loose and easily directable. When it oversteers, it breaks loose predictably and slowly. It also can maintain grip with some slip angle of the rear tires. Why? The E34 has an independent, semi trailing arm rear suspension. The camber and toe changes as the wheel travels up and down in the rear. E30, It feels grippy and easily tossable. It is also a light car. The 318i has an M42 engine, which has a smooth linear torque band without too much power. The suspension design is similar to the E34, so it has similar handling characteristics. Since the car is lighter it tends to understeer less at corner entry. When the car has a little suspension work done (HR race springs and Bilstein sport shocks) the car is pretty much neutral everywhere. With stock 318i HP, it has no trouble putting power down, and E30's love slip angle in the rear. The fact that the grip level drops off so slowly in an E30 / E34, gives the driver confidence to push the limit of the car. E36, it feels like a cross between the E30 and E34 in terms of handling (Initially ). This is mainly due to the weight increase. At the limit, the E36 chassis understeers...a lot. This can be remedied with suspension work and a square tire setup. Once you get the understeer out of the chasiss, you notice that the rear end is very grippy...until it breaks loose, much more suddenly than the E30 and E34 chassis. This is because of the multi link rear suspension design. (Thank you Mercedes for releasing the 190E). Camber still changes with wheel travel, but toe stays the same (or changes much less). This provides more ultimate grip (believe it or not), at the sacrifice of predictability, and (lower) grip levels with slip angle present in the rear tires. In short the E36 has a better rear suspension design, and is a faster car because of it, but it is harder to drive at the limit. E46, has a very similar suspension design to the E36 (almost identical), but a stiffer chassis. It is slightly heavier, but can be slightly faster given the same power to weight ratio. The E46 driver does feel more disconnected from the car than in the E36 chassis, and the E36 feels more disconnected than the E30. However each chassis has progressively more potential as they find newer and better ways to engineer things...And new ways to screw things up! asta e .ma rog aici nu e vorba de care masina e mai performanta ca nu avem ce discuta prea mult. PPPPPS si edit : in an E30 / E34, gives the driver confidence to push the limit of the car. asta cred ca imi lipseste la E46 sincer sa fiu
  5. bai aici iar e discutie mare,una peste alta optiune=mai multe piese mai multe piese=mai multe probleme(asta asa in teorie) modelel au inceput sa le scoata mai repede deci proiectarea probabil e facuta mai in graba,pe de alta parte traim in societate de consum si mai tre sa manance si altii.Una peste alte am spus-o si o mai zic in continuare oricand as schimba E46/E90 cu un E30 la motorizare si km echivalenti nu stiu de ce dar cazanele alea vechi par si sunt mai fiabile decat saraciile astea noi.
  6. mda verifica conectorul,personal as schimba termostatul, dar sunt banii tai si nu sunt mecanic plus ca mai am prostul obicei sa schimb preventiv tot felul de piese (fix termostat si valva PCV le am luate si le tin in dulap,urmeaza pompa de benzina)
  7. http://forum.e46fanatics.com/showthread.php?t=665860 masina se incalzeste normal? http://www.bmwforums.info/bmw-electrics-ecus/7745-bmw-fault-codes-their-meaning-bmw-fault-codes-list.html 123 Map Cooling Thermostat Control The electrical connection is there to power a heater element in the thermostat. This enables opening of the thermostat by the engine management system. The engine management system needs to open the thermostat when the engine is under heavy load. Modern engines run at very high temperatures, with a conventional thermostat the coolant around the cylinders would boil under hard acceleration before the water at the thermostat got hot enough to open it and cool the cylinders. With a heated (map) thermostat the engine management system can look at the power requirement and predict the heat build up, therefore it can switch on the thermostat heater and get the thermostat open in time to cool the cylinders. A thermostat that is not working (which is very common) is a real problem for the engine. This is why it is very important that the guy who services your car reads the fault memories as this is the only way you will find out if your engine is reducing power to prevent boiling of the coolant cam asta ar fi ,verifica conectorul electric care intra in termostat.si monitorizeaza daca eroarea mai apare.
  8. arc montat gresit (desi nu prea ai cum) sau comandat gresit,mai degraba ai arcuri pt 6 cil acolo.
  9. sa nu fie coloana de directie,sau cuplajul de acolo. http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/133989-coloana-directie-e46/page__p__1981869__fromsearch__1#entry1981869 citeste aici
  10. sa ma cac in inflitratiile astea din portbagaj si la E60 sunt probleme acum vad ca si F01.
  11. michelin primacy hp relativ uzate am pe Golf(adica au DOT 2007 ) se tin destul de bine in general am auzit lucruri bune de ele.
  12. mai Weltauto e divizia Porsche Romania,citeste atent contractul vezi ce garantie ti-au dat si du-te la ei.PS:nu as fi asa sigur ca nu sunt aia km...bagati si voi goagle si N64/N43 ,de fapt si filmuletul pus de mine cred ca e destul de edificator. http://www.bmw-sg.com/forums/bmw-3-series-owners/28695-oil-leak-expeneice-320i.html clar BMW nu mai face ghenele ca pe vremuri.
  13. bo$$ tu ai facut cumva cazanu la Robert TAU?
  14. ba si ce zi de cacat am avut pana sa citesc topicul asta )
  15. mersi,eleronul asta al meu are 3 gauri de suruburi dar vad ca a venit doar cu unul ,dar 2 mai gasesc eu nu e problema.
  16. nu umbli la cablul de acceleratie,regleaza avansul mai intai,daca e lasa-mi o adresa de mail pe PM si ti pun undeva diseara sau ne vedem in weekend sa iti dau pe un stick manualul de reparatii E30.acolo ai si cum sa verifici motorizarea ta.
  17. are cineva idee cum e prins ieleronul asta de iem?al masinii zic,asta de vreau sa il pun se prinde cu suruburi si am doar unul vad ,din ce m-am uitat pe net aparent si asta de pe cazan e prins cu 2 suruburi da nu stiu 100%,eventual careva care a dezmembrat o saracie din asta
  18. tot clasic dar distante mici: Poiana BV Rasnov, Rasnov Predeal ,Bran Campulung Brasov spre Tg Mures mai e o portiune interesanta. Pana la urma daca bugetul permite ideal ar fi VTM(e visul meu de catiba ani ))
  19. aaa se cam aplica am scris eu gresit anyway http://upgr8s.blogspot.ro/search/label/DIY oricum verifica toate locurile garnitura filtru ulei garnitura baie garnitura tacheti pompa de vacuum..
  20. ciudat garniturile alea de zici tu cedeaza la km mai multi,acum asta e schimba-le si eventual verifica compresia. cum ziceam si aici.. vezi si asta a se aplica daca masina e dupa 2007 N43 motorul
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