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Everything posted by alex230ro

  1. R.I.P vanduse masina unui amic si acum incerca sa o faca cum ar fi vrut el,stiu asta ca am vorbit sapt trecuta cu el un pic.
  2. de pe net: I've not experienced this on the BMW, but have some experience with Turbo's in general from my Evo forum friends... I'd say it could be 1 of 3 things. The first is that you could have either a leak or blown off one of the intercooler hoses. These pipes take the forced air from the turbo and feed it through the intercooler (to cool it) and then into the intake. When this happens the air / fuel mixture becomes very erratic and usually a very rich fuel mixture is used hence the excessive use of diesel. The erratic fuelling will cause the stuttering issue. This is probably the cheapest issue to resolve, however, if it only happens at low rpm (ie when using the smaller turbo and not the larger turbo) then I'd say this is unlikely to be the cause unless the hose problem is where it is connected to the smaller turbo. Any further along the airflow and the problem would be more consistent across the rev range. Second is a faulty actuator / blow off valve. The actuator controls the boost level in the turbo and the blow off value vents excess pressure past the turbo as part of the boost control. If the actuator has become stuck it could be that the turbo is not being allowed to generate boost properly. You mention a wooshing sound when you come off the throttle, this is the blow off valve opening to release the turbo pressure to prevent turbo stall which is normal, although I've never been able to "hear" it in my BMW whereas the Evo blow off valve sounds like an air tank releasing pressure every time I change gear! The BMW uses a closed ventilation system I believe, so when the blow off valve opens to release the pressure in the turbo housing it is vented into the cars exhaust rather than to open air. I don't know if actuator problems are common on BMW turbos but I think that this would where I place my bet at this point. Thirdly is a blown turbo. However, I would suggest that this would be significantly noticable in driving. There would be a big difference in low rpm power, followed by a big kick in the back when the larger turbo comes on. Im not too sure if this is likely to be the case, your post mentions hesitation but then also mentions no power at low rpms so difficult to know exactly how the car is driving. In any case, I would say the problem lies with the turbo setup somewhere and you need to get it looked at before you go on a long journey. Hopefully it's not the turbo, especially as your car isn't that old. How many miles have you covered? Let us know how you get on. sau http://www.bmwland.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=127579 si asta cred ca e ceea ce ai tu http://www.bimmerforums.co.uk/forum/f15/2005-e61-535d-loss-low-down-power-t83303/ din simptome seamana.
  3. pune-o si pe tester sa vezi ce erori ai,ceva legat de presiunea turbo,cred ca un coleg cu 535d te-ar lamuri mai repede .
  4. Hmm personal am zis ca daca o fi sa schimb cazanul,iau ceva de putere apropiata asta de ai luat.o pare submotorizata
  5. bai care naiba e schema de fac toti samsarii poze cu scaunele lasate aproape la maxim pe spate!? @Alexxx ai luat Alfa pana la urma?
  6. si cand o sa dai mai mult la revizii la fel o sa zici?sau daca ai ghinion si pica turbo?sau vreun actuator sau pompa ... si care naiba 7?!? 320d ia cam 10 in oras:D
  7. nu as lua BMW pe motorina nici sa ma bati,cum au zis colegii 325iA ala de pe forum cred ca e ok.da ma rog banii tai ,masina ta.
  8. in general pompa de benzina da si coduri,oricum ziceai ca ai masurat presiunea,pe de alta parte nu strica sa o schimbi
  9. cum adica pica daca e compresia mare?daca era vorba de presiunea din sistem acolo pot apare probleme si daca busonul de la vasul de expansiune nu isi mai face treaba(de fapt supapa de pe el)
  10. M54 au fost printre cele mai bune motoare pe benzina de la BMW,dar asa ca idee ce poate pica(si va pica) -senzorii axe cu came(oricand) -vas expanisune(oricand) -DISA(aici as zice tot de pe la 150.000 km in sus) -termostat si ce mai e pe la sistemul de racire(de la 150.000-200.000 km in sus) -senzor nivel ulei(oricand ) -Vanos(se schimba garniturile,aici depinde tot asa am auzit la masini cu multi km si care au avut ulei prost sau schimburile de ulei facute la 20.000 km) So in scenariul cel mai pesimis in care ar pica tot ce e mai sus ai avea o gaura de vreo 4000 ron (piesele de mai sus + manopera cam pe acolo cred ca iesi maxim)
  11. mda cine stie ,tu cu ce receptioner ai vorbit de la ei?(vorbim de Baneasa )
  12. de cand?am avut acum 2 luni o discutie pe tema asta si mi s-a spus clar ca nu se poate sta langa masina,desi era vorba de o geometrie nu cine stie ce lucrare.
  13. http://www.s14.net/forums/showthread.php?2576-tranny-and-differential-oil odata Getrag 265 ar fi cutia daca e de M3 E30
  14. ce parere aveti de Alto 101 de la Rompetrol?tre sa mai misc cazanu zilele astea si ma gandeam sa o incerc,in rest mai nimic posibil sa scap de jantele de 17 pentru unele pe 18
  15. nu are treaba suspensia sport,e foarte curios ca suspensia sport nu vine cu tot cu jambe.posibil M technics sa fie verific si iti spun http://forum.roadfly.com/threads/4797000-E30-strut-housing-45mm-or-51-mm-need-help aici e un link mai verifica odata ,ai masurat amortizoarele sau jamba? inca un link http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/archive/index.php?t-1822427.html cred totusi cai ai de 45mm(ca toate variantele cu 4 cilindri)
  16. hmmm pe E30 din ce stiu eu au fost decat alea 2 dimensiuni zise de tine,ce an de fabricatie e masina?!poti incerca la vanzatorii de pe forum doar ca trebuie seria de sasiu sa iti gaseasca piesa.PS: ce an e masina?
  17. oricum o dam consumul ala e mare,la mine minim urban sta pe la 11% oras liber fara ac maxim vreo 15% Ac on si aglomeratia de toamna(probabil ca daca ar fi fost iarna mai puneam 1 L) .Extraurban minim absolut 7,3 sau 7,5% mers "batraneste" altfel intre 9-11%.PS:am amic cu 316 cu ceva modificari(axa cu came de 318i si alt soft-practic 318i?) care a zis ca a scos 5,7 extraurban(la fel mers batraneste)
  18. uleiul ca uleiul dar cat praf o fi ajuns acolo:(
  19. in manualul meu scrie de 0w40 5w30 5w40 0w30 m54 2,5 motorul acum poate am manualul gresit..
  20. 10w60!??!!? In ce motor ai pus tu uleiul asta?
  21. nu imi e clar ce vrei dar nu mai simplu e cu un adaptor sau alte minunatii din comert??! http://www.germanelectronics.ro/conrad.php?name=Products&cid=310060&gclid=CMGTlbPN7rECFYcPfAod8hMAJQ pe aici sunt o gramada de prostii .
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