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Everything posted by alex230ro

  1. garaj,si acolo va ramane pentru mult timp.nu mai am timp//chef de ei.momentan vreau sa dau jos aeroterma AC ,geamurile electrice si ce mai e pe acolo.il aduc cu dotarile de fabrica adica servi si trapa.poate si inchidere centralizata.o sa iau si niste arcuri sa il mai inalt de spate si cam atat.
  2. garaj,si acolo va ramane pentru mult timp.nu mai am timp//chef de ei.momentan vreau sa dau jos aeroterma AC ,geamurile electrice si ce mai e pe acolo.il aduc cu dotarile de fabrica adica servi si trapa.poate si inchidere centralizata.o sa iau si niste arcuri sa il mai inalt de spate si cam atat.
  3. mazga aia e condens daca se merge pe distante scurte. http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/40398-bmw-325i/page__view__findpost__p__2322923 aveam si eu pe capac si pe joja ceva de genul.a disparut imediat cum s-a mai incalzit un pic afara.iar in cazul meu masina face drumri de 20 km zilnic. de tinut sub observatie fenomenul daca nu dispare dupa un drum mai lung,posibil sa fie si alte probleme. legat de pilitura nu stiu ce sa zic la fel de vazut la urmatorul service ce si cum,eventual de luat un surub magnetic la baie si vazut ce se strange acolo.
  4. 335-urile au o problema celebra si anumep HPF,in rest mai rar am auzit de turbine.consumul din ce tin minte e decent pentru o masina de 300 si un pic cai si 3000cm.variante sunt depinde ce asteptari ai tu de la masina.
  5. garnitura capac culbutori cum arata?posibil pe acolo sa scape ulei si sa ajunga pe bujie.pe tester apare vreo eroare?de verificat si bobina desi nu cred ca aia e problema.
  6. nu te supara dar cum de unde stii cum ar trebui sa arate scaunele la 300.000 km?anuntul clar e plin de balarii dar cand aud astea cu scaune de 300.000 km volan de 450.000 km mi se face rau. sunt tampenii am vazut scaune care aratau praf la 100.000 km am vazut scaune ca noi la 400.000 km sunt ceva factori care influenteaza,de ex eu am reusit sa rup vinilinul cu capsele de la blugi.altfel fiecare isi descrie masina cat mai atractiv omul banuiesc ca ,cu asta se ocupa vanzarea de masini.
  7. flansa cardan rupta ,cardan rupt, diferential.. ia un mecanic sa se bage sub ea.
  8. degeaba,cam orice Subaru STI un pic modat te rezolva,in mers din nou orice urs cu 2,5 turbo facut cum trebuie te linisteste.E serie 7 se misca mai bine ca 90% din masinile de pe strada,nu o mai chinui,nu pentru asta a fost gandita in principiu 4x4 ajuta foarte mult in plecare in mers ,mai putin,nu stiu cum mai e cu sistemele astea noi dar pe vremuri asta era teoria.
  9. asta in teorie ,mai bani si pe sigla si pe alte lucruri care nu se vad tinuta drum si alte treburi tehnice,problema e ca degeaba sunt ele bune daca se strica des.Oricum a mai dat-o BMW in bara si in trecut sa nu ne amagim,de exemplu problema Nikasil https://www.torquecars.com/bmw/nikasil-issue.php apropo de distributii si M42 le rupe dupa 200.000km incolo,mai avem la M42 http://www.unofficialbmw.com/all/engine/all_m42_profile_gasket_faq.html evident problemele nu cred ca erau la fel de grave ca acum dar existau.odata cu internetul problemele au inceput sa fie documentate ceva mai bine mai ar fi si asta o treaba.Altfel din punctul meu de vedere BMW a incetat sa se mai preocupe de fiabilitate de la E30/E34/E38 in sus.
  10. si pentru E30 avem Inspection Lights The Inspection Light system is a number of bulbs in the centre of your dash to remind you about servicing your car. The system is made of two parts; the "Inspection" light with its little clock symbol, and the LED bar of green, amber and red lights. These two systems are independent of each other. The Inspection Light itself is a twelve-month clock which shows you how soon you'll be needing a proper BMW Service; either Inspection 1 or Inspection 2, depending on what you have stamped in your service book. The system runs from a built-in timer powered by the SI batteries; there are no sensors in your car which can actually tell whether a service has been done or not. The LED light bar is your Oil change indicator, and is made up of five green, one yellow and one red. Up to five green LED's will light when the ignition is turned on. However, the LED's will extinguish once the engine is started, counting down to when your oil change is due. When the yellow light comes on, it's time to change the oil. When the Red light comes on, this means that service is overdue by approximately 1000 miles. Once the service has been completed, the service lights should be reset. The system is partially intelligent; while based on a timer, it also checks engine temperature and distance travelled to calculate the condition of the oil. However, it has no knowledge about whether you've actually changed the oil or no. cu accentul pe The system is partially intelligent; while based on a timer, it also checks engine temperature and distance travelled to calculate the condition of the oil deci avem odata un sistem bazat pe consumul de carburant la modelel E46/E90 si un sistem antic bazat pe temperatura motor si distanta parcursa plus ceva timer. Gasisem undeva o comparatie mai in detaliu,oricum ideea era ca sistemul e pe E30 era mai precis
  11. legat de ulei avem asa There's been a lot of discussion in the past about how often we should change our oil. We've also talked about how BMW has an official 15,000 mile interval, or one year, whichever comes first policy. I stumbled on this BMW document today which sheds some interesting light on the subject. Note a couple things. First is how they say they have recommended an annual interval "in the USA". Hmmm, what is it elsewhere? More interesting though is how the ECU calculates recommended oil change intervals. It isn't done based on time. It isn't done based on mileage! It's done based on your MPG which is an indicator of how hard you push your car. The easier on your car you are the greater your MPG, the harder you push it the lower your MPG. The most interesting thing of all is that BMW therefore, by virtue of your MPG, can determine how you drive your car. This data must be stored in the ECU memory somewhere. Below is quoted a BMW technical service bulletin. Bold print was added by me for emphasis. July 2008 Technical Service This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI B12 25 05 dated December 2005. [New] designates changes to this revision SUBJECT Engine Oil Service with CBS4 MODEL [NEW] E70, E71, E82, E88, E90, E91, E92, and E93 with the N51, N52, N52K, N54, N62TU, and N63 engines [NEW] INFORMATION With the introduction of the E90 also came the next generation of Condition Based Service CBS4. The primary change from previous CBS strategies is that the oil service forecast distance remaining is calculated and displayed separately from the time-based or absolute service-due date. The mileage interval forecast calculation by the DME is primarily based upon an actual fuel consumption variable, which reflects the current driving profile. It is the total fuel consumption, and not the accumulated mileage, which influences when the next oil service will be forecast as due. The displayed mileage until due is only a forecast, and begins to decrease at a quicker rate once the remaining percentage drops below 50%. If the actual fuel consumption profile increases or decreases from baseline averages, the mileage interval forecast will effectively increase or decrease as well. The learned driver profile (average fuel consumption) is also used to calculate the next forecast mileage after a CBS reset. For this reason, a starting point of up to 30,000 km (19,000 miles) may be expected for a vehicle achieving lower than average fuel consumption. The oil service will also be forecast as due 24 months after the last CBS reset, and will prompt for the service if the forecast based upon fuel consumption has not been reached. However, it is recommended in the US market to change the engine oil at least once a year. More details concerning the low mileage annual oil service may be found in SI B00 04 01. The CBS intervals for other maintenance parts, such as the microfilter and spark plugs, are now linked directly to a multiple of the oil service. For this reason, it is important that the oil service counter be set to indicate the correct service currently being forecast. The SBT 000104070 (Condition Based Service), SBT 000406148 (Modifications to Condition Based Service, and SBT 000206146 (CBS - E70/71) all contain additional information on Condition Based Service strategy and functionality. WARRANTY Information only personal cam am vazut ca la E46 zice 20 sau 25.000km la revizie m-a bufnit rasul.
  12. intervalul e de 25.000km sau chiar 30.000 si doi ani, ceea ce in cazul nostru este enorm,mai ales daca masina e folosita urban. de citit http://www.intalnirea BMW-urilor.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271102 din pacate softul folosit si in functie de care se scat km este o tampenie.am pus undeva un post unde am comparat algoritmul de pe E46 vs cel de pe E30 si cel de pe E30 era castigator.din nou ar mai fi discutia reviziilor facute la reprezentanta ,am auzit adevarate povesti de groaza cu ulei.filtre neschimbate sau schimbat doar un filtru. personal schimb uleiul 1an/10-12.000 km am avut perioade cand schimbam dupa 1an/7000 km si diferenta fata de 1an/10.000 km este evidenta.una peste alta se aduna si distributia proiectata aiurea si uleiul de calitate mai slaba si intervalele lungi de schimb.
  13. daca ai dat jos senzorul ala nu e bine.e imposibil sa nu ai erori pe tester..
  14. corect,la E46 era ceva de genul pentru obtinerea performanelor maxime sau o exprimare pe acolo.. scrie prin manual daca nu ma insel.
  15. teoretic poti face km aia doar ca taxi.si masina sa mearga non stop.asa la un calcul masina aia ar fi trebui sa mearga 490 km pe zi .destul de greu as zice.edit:calculul e facut presupunand ca masina aia merge 7 zile din 7 ... edit:totusi cred ca ,colegul a inversat o cifra ceva poate erau "Masina avea 265 000 km in 2006 luna a 8a,cred ca a luato de la 0 km la el" 2008 luna 6-a?
  16. destul de urat,cred ca trebuie sa deconectezi cate ceva pe rand pana vezi exact care e consumatorul.
  17. verificat cu INPA 13,7 13,8 in relanti in ture ramane tot acolo pornit tot ce se putea porni sta 13,2 13,3 13,4 din nou in ture nici o schimbare. DSC-ul imi da erori5DC0 and 5DC3 senzor abs dreapta spate,nici un an nu are de cand l-am schimbat.
  18. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/enUS/partxref?q=34116855153&series=E46
  19. frumos,arata bine graficul,doar soft nicio alta modificare?cand ziceai ca vinzi masina?
  20. nu cred ca ai PVC pe N43,doar pe N42,banuiesc ca rolul PCV a fost preluat de EGR.
  21. pretul prea mare probabil,anuntul e ok din punctul meu de vedere,la pret nu ma pronunt.
  22. la fel 13,6 13,9 in functie de consumatori asta in relanti,in ture nu am mai verificat. edit: de pe E46 fanatics Universally figures for 12 Volts systems are as follows. Fully charged 12 Volt Lead Acid battery - 2.1 Volts per cell for a total of 12.6 Volts. If the battery surface Voltage drops to 12.0 Volts then the battery is effectively fully discharged. As for charging Voltage, typically 13.5-14.5 Volts is the nominal charging Voltage loaded or unloaded on most cars and trucks. There are a few cars and trucks that do not run the alternator full time so you will see 12.6-12.8 Volts at times on some of these vehicles and this could be considered as normal. The E46 however does not shut the alternator off, so you should expect to see 13.5-14.5 Volts when the engine is running. Anything above 15 Volts would be considered not normal and somewhere around 17-18 Volts most cars and trucks will shut the engine control computer down to protect the modules and circuits in the vehicle. deci sunt inca in parametri se pare.mai studiez in weekend sa vad in mers ce valori am.
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