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Everything posted by sax1987
Da ..fapte .. :hyper: Eu sunt curios cum l-a transformat in 2.8 o fii cumparat 100 Nm in plus la cuplu din supermarket..
A pus admisia degeaba... nu-l ajuta cu nimic ! Citeste si topicul asta si cauta putin pe net... http://www.bmwclub.ro/forums/topic/99092-schimb-motor-e39/page__p__1400883__fromsearch__1#entry1400883 P.S. vad ca nu stii sa te comporti...mai bine ramai doar la chat ca in rest esti..
Aici nu se vorbeste de M50 uri ... alae sunt pe 36 si e34 . Initiatorul topicului are un E46 ! m52B25tu ( 323i si 523i) care s-a montat pe e46 si pe e39 ( dupa 08 1998 ) are 2494 cmc exact ca si M54B25 (325i si 525i) E restrictionat la admisie si evacuare din ce am citit eu . 323 ul are evacuare simpla cu o singura teava , 325 ul are dubla de la galerii pana in spate . La astea dublu vanos (TU) nu merge admisia de M50 ! Poti sa te ocupi de evacuare si montezi un CAI ( cold air inteke ) pentru inceput .
Se forteaza masina cand treage rulota .
Carlig are ? sa poti muta rulota in caz de urgenta
Vand Bmw 525d E39 Model Exlusive* Facelift 2003
sax1987 replied to and88rey's topic in Vanzari auto BMW
Ce motor ar trebui sa am ca sa "ragai" ceva pe topicul asta ? Cu 2.8 ma incadrez? On: se poate demonsta ca sunt reali Km ? Ai un VIN ?Cand a fost inmatriculata in RO ? -
Mersi ! scuze de intarziere..n-am mai citit aici de ceva timp .. E simplu , ornamentul de pe rama e prins in clipsuri ( scoti chederul care acopera partea de sus a ramei ) . Clipsurile cu o surubelnita sau un cleste le indrept dar ai grija sa nu intinzi prea mult sa nu crape. Ornamentul de pe usa se ridica cu o surubenlnita dreapta lata sau ceva asemanator ( de plastic mai bine sa nu zgarii) . Putin cate putin ridici dintr-un capat in altul sa nu fortezi prea mult intr-un capat ca se stramba !! La iarna ..pana atunci hiberneaza ! Mi-am gasit in sfarsit alt modul cu buton de rabatare oglnizi ! mai aveam unul cumparat de ceva timp dar e de "Anglia" ...
Daca pui distantiere de 50 mm pe fiecare roata si jante cu ET 10 sau mai mic poti pune jante pe 14
Unde pleci ?
Va-ti trezit si voi :hyper: E in B de mult
A mea sta al 3 lea an in curte fara garaj cate 8 luni pe an . O mai misca tata din cand in cand si n-are nimic. Daca nu merge nimeni cu ea scoate bateria de pe masina .
Ce tot aveti cu nikasilul asta ... daca masina are 200+ de mi la bord a fost reparata deja sau n-a fost afectata deloc .
Cand mi-am luat eu masina am citi 90 % din tpicul asta !! :frantics: Ti-am raspuns si pe topicul celalalt . Consumul la mine e in jur de 12 media dar eu stau langa un orasel fara semafoare Craiova -Timisoara am avut cam 8.5 noaptea la un mers normal . In trafic consuma peste 15 in functie de oras si talpa . Daca inmatriculezi in BG sa faci pe firma cu numele tau in acte sau cu rezidenta ! 520 i nu merita nici facelift nici nonfacelift ..consuma cu 10 % mai putin decat un 525i-528i .
Consumul e aproximativ la fel si la 523/525/528i . 525i ul e doar facelift cu motorul M54 mai modern . 523i si 528i doar nonfacelift , poate doar cu facelift facut ulterior de propietar . 523i nu are rost sa-l iei in considerare .. Eu as alege in functie de buget un 528i sau un 525 i ( chiar un 530i ). Problema la 528 si 530 e impozitul de vreo 19 -20mil Cu 5-6 k posibil sa gasesti E39 bun , cat de doatat nu stiu ... P.S daca gasesti un z4 la 6000 bun sa-mi zici si mie sa-l cumpar imediat !!
Nu stiu exact acum...ma uit in arhiva mai spre seara ,paote gasesc ! Uite aici toate codurile : 001 Nevada Nevada Standard Brown 002 Colorado Colorado Standard Orange 003 Condorgelb Condor Yellow Standard Yellow 004 Manila Manila Standard Ivory 005 Tampico Tampico Standard Beige 006 Sahara Sahara Standard Beige 007 Hellelfenbein (Taxi) Light Ivory Standard Ivory 51 91 1 819 299 008 Ceylon Ceylon Metallic Gold 009 Sienabraun Siena Brown Metallic Brown 012 Sierrabeige Sierra Beige Standard Brown 013 Topasbraun Topas Brown Metallic Brown 016 Iberischrot Iberian Red Standard Red 018 Rubinrot Ruby Red Metallic Red 020 Korall Coral Standard Red 021 Malaga Malaga Standard Maroon 022 Inka Inka Standard Orange 023 Granada Granada Standard Red 024 Verona Verona Standard Red 025 Granatrot Granat Red Metallic Red 027 Madeira Madeira Standard Maroon 028 Phonix Phonix Standard Orange 031 Rot Red Metallic Red 035 Granatrot Garnet Red Metallic Red 036 Riviera Riviera Standard Blue 037 Fjord Fjord Blue Metallic Blue 039 Pacific Pacific Blue Standard Blue 040 Nachtblau midnight Blue Metallic Blue 041 Atlantikblau Atlantic Blue Standard Blue 042 Baikal Baikal Blue Metallic Blue 044 Pastellblau Pastel Blue Standard Blue 045 Arctisblau Arctic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 851 635 052 Hennarot Henna Red Standard Red 51 91 1 866 579 053 Bordeauxrot Bordeaux Red Standard Red 054 Ozeanblau Ocean Blue Standard Blue 055 Anthrazitgrau Anthracite Grey Metallic Grey 056 Derby Derby Standard Grey 057 Polaris Polaris Silver Metallic Silver 058 Bristol Bristol Standard Blue 059 Caribe Caribe Standard Blue 060 Polaris Polaris Metallic Silver 51 91 1 851 625 062 Schilfgrun Reed Green Standard Green 063 Amazonitgrun Amazon Green Metallic Green 064 Turmalingrun Tourmaline Green Metallic Green 065 Turkis Turquoise Green Metallic Green 066 Florida Florida Standard Green 068 Tundra Tundra Metallic Green 070 Golf Golf Standard Yellow 071 Agave Agave Green Standard Green 072 Taiga Taiga Metallic Green 073 Turf Pine Green Standard Green 075 Resedagruen Reseda Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 848 491 076 Amazonasgrun Amazon Green Standard Green 078 Jadegrun Jade Green Standard Green 079 Mintgrun Mint Green Standard Green 083 Polizeweiss Police White Standard White 51 91 1 237 902 084 Blau Blue Metallic Blue 085 Chamonix Chamonix White Standard White 51 91 1 813 067 086 Schwarz Black Standard Black 51 91 1 813 070 087 Graphit Graphite Metallic Black 51 91 1 866 583 094 Hellminzegruen Light Mint Green Standard Green 097 Minzegruen Mint Green Standard Green 115 Dolmitgrau Dolmit Grey Metallic Grey 121 Mattschwartz Black Matte Standard Black 127 Madison Madison Metallic Silver 128 Gazellenbeige Gazelle Beige Standard Beige 51 91 1 930 081 136 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Metallic Blue 137 Perlmutt Mother of Pearl Metallic White 138 Zinnoberrot Cinnabar Red Standard Red 51 91 1 930 082 139 Bronzitbeig Bronze Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 907 208 140 Biskayablau Biscay Blue Standard Blue 141 Zederngrun Cedar Green Standard Green 142 Sepiabraun Sepia Brown Standard Brown 143 Kaschmir Cashmere Metallic Beige 51 91 1 872 270 146 Alpinweiss Alpine White Standard White 51 91 1 880 835 147 Safaribeige Safari Beige Standard Beige 51 91 1 880 834 148 Koronagelb Korona Yellow Standard Yellow 149 Saphirblau Sapphire Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 880 839 151 Ascotgrau Ascot Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 880 837 152 Zypressengrun Cypress Green Metallic Green 153 Olivgrun Olive Green Metallic Green 154 Brasilbraun Brazil Brown Metallic Brown 155 Karneolrot Karnal Red Metallic Red 157 Kastanienrot Chestnut Red Metallic Red 162 Klassischschwartz Classic Black Metallic Black 170 Bahamabeige Bahamas Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 907 209 171 Opal Opal Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 900 736 172 Karminrot Carmine Red Standard Red 51 91 1 930 083 173 Lapisblau Lapis Blue Standard Blue 51 91 1 907 222 174 Bajarot Baja Red Metallic Red 176 Saturnblau Saturn Blue Standard Blue 51 91 1 930 084 177 Achatgruen Agate Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 907 210 178 Balticblau Baltic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 900 737 179 Acaiagrun Acaia Green Standard Green 180 Basaltblau Basalt Blue Standard Blue 181 Diamantschwarz Diamond Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 930 070 182 Smaragdgruen Emerald Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 935 047 183 Carribbeanblau Carribbean Blue Metallic Blue 184 Delphin Dolphin Metallic Grey 51 91 1 907 211 185 Cosmosblau Cosmos Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 930 068 186 Diamantgrau Diamond Grey Metallic Grey 187 Savannabeige Savanna Beige Standard Beige 188 Platanengrun Platana Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 930 069 189 Cirrusblau Cirrus Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 935 057 194 Pustagrun Pubta Green Standard Green 51 91 1 907 225 196 Zobelbraun Sable Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 930 071 198 Royalblau Royal Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 935 067 199 Burgundrot Burgundy Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 907 212 203 Lachssilber Salmon Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 935 037 204 Columbiansilber Columbian Silver Metallic Silver 205 Malachitgruen Malachite Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 935 077 207 Atlantisblau Atlantic Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 973 945 212 Nerzbraun Mink Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 935 087 214 Burgundrot II Burgundy Red II Metallic Red 218 Alpinweiss II Alpine White Standard White 51 91 9 102 478 219 Luxorbeige Luxor Beige Metallic Brown 51 91 1 935 097 222 Marrakeschrot Marrakesh Red Standard Red 224 Weinrot Vine Red Standard Red 51 91 1 973 947 225 Bermudablau Bermuda Blue Metallic Blue 228 Onyxschwarz Onyx Black Metallic Black 229 Sebringgrau Sebring Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 113 231 Mineralblau Mineral Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 973 948 232 Stratosgrau Stratos Grey Metallic Grey 235 Brilliantsilber Brilliant Silver Metallic Silver 237 Granitsilber Granite Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 069 239 Tabakbraun Tobacco Brown Metallic Brown 241 Titanblau Titanic Blue Metallic Blue 243 Nogarosilber Blue Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 112 244 Sterlingsilber Sterling Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 9 061 827 246 Topazrot-violett Topas Red-Violet Metallic Red 247 Barbadosgrun Barbados Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 155 249 Perlgruen Pearl Green Metallic Green 250 Macaoblau Macao Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 111 251 Toskanagrun Toskana Green Metallic Green 252 Calypsorot Calypso Red Metallic Red 51 91 9 061 834 253 Pur Blau Pure Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 102 255 Neonblau Neon Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 136 256 Tobagoblau Tobago Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 156 257 Toprot Top Red Standard Red 51 91 9 061 673 259 Brokatrot Brocade Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 074 260 Magic Violett Magic Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 098 262 Neongruen Neon Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 137 263 Dunkelblau Dark Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 186 264 Fungelb fun yellow Standard Yellow 51 91 9 061 672 265 Weissalu White Aluminum Metallic White 51 91 2 323 168 266 Lagunengruen Lagoon Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 054 267 Dakar Gelb II Dakar Yellow Standard Yellow 51 91 1 052 199 269 Arctisgrau Artic Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 250 270 Konigblau King Blue Metallic Blue 271 Urgruen Primal Green Metallic Green 51 91 9 061 670 273 Islandgrun Island Green Metallic Green 51 91 9 061 855 274 Mugellorot Mugello Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 195 275 Bostongruen Boston Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 214 276 Avusblau Avus Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 146 278 Traumschwartz Dream Black Metallic Black 51 91 9 061 671 280 Gletscherblau Glacier Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 9 061 848 281 Sienarot Sienna Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 222 282 Samanabgeige Samana Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 254 283 Daytonaviolett Daytona Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 147 286 Cordobarot Cordoba Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 336 287 Mauritiusblau Mauritius Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 055 288 Moreagruen Morea Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 258 289 Dunkelgruen Dark Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 191 290 Maledivenblau Maledavian Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 242 294 Lazerblau Laser Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 9 061 841 295 Samoablau Samoa Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 210 296 Sumatragelb Sumatra Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 1 052 262 297 Montrealblau Montreal Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 340 299 Technoviolett Techno Violet Metallic Violet 51 91 1 052 360 300 Alpinweiss Alpine White Standard White 51 91 1 052 274 301 Kaschmirebeige Cashmere Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 079 302 Madeiraviolett Maderia Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 380 303 Cosmosschwarz Cosmos Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 304 304 Violettschwarz Violet Black Standard Purple 51 91 1 052 344 305 Petrol Mica Petrol Mica Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 356 306 Atlantablau Atlanta Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 476 307 Dunkelgruen II Dark Green II Standard Green 51 91 1 052 278 308 Brilliantrot Brilliant Red Standard Red 51 91 9 061 860 309 Arctissilber Arctic Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 206 310 Fjordgrau Fjord Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 234 312 Brit-Racing-Green Brit Racing Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 545 Yes 314 Hellrot Bright Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 270 315 Tizianrot Tizian Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 060 316 Violettrot Violet Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 225 317 Orientblau Orient Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 238 318 Santorinblau Santorin Blue Standard Blue 51 91 2331 954 319 Palmettogrun Palmetto Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 368 321 Kobaltblau Cobalt Blue Standard Blue 322 Nauticgruen Nautic Green Standard Green 51 91 9 061 864 323 Mystikerrot Mystic Red Metallic Red 324 Oxfordgruen Oxford Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 246 326 Tuerkisgruen Turquoise Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 473 327 Santorinblau II Santorin Blue II Standard Blue 51 91 1 052 548 Yes 328 Violettrot II Violet Red II Standard Red 51 91 1 052 312 329 Vulkangrau Vulcan Grey Standard Grey 51 91 1 052 064 330 Sternformigblau Astral Blue Metallic Blue 331 Mohavebraun Mohave Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 324 334 Glaciergrun Glacier Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 372 335 Estorilblau Estoril Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 402 336 Agaischblau Aegean Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 549 Yes 337 Dakargelb II Dakar Yellow II Standard Yellow 51 91 1 052 364 338 Seidenblau Silk Blue Metallic Blue 339 Aspensilbe Aspen Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 332 341 Panamabraun Panama Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 406 342 Graphite Graphite Metallic Grey 343 Canyonrot Canyon Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 410 346 Navarraviolett Navarra Violet Metallic Violet 51 91 1 052 328 347 Shwartz Mica Black Mica Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 559 Yes 348 Aubergine Aubergine Standard Red 51 91 1 052 414 349 Eisblau Ice Blue Metallic Blue 351 Kyalamiorange Kyalamiorange Standard Orange 352 Limonit Lime Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 554 Yes 353 Ascotgruen Ascot Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 320 354 Titansilber Titanium Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 565 355 Byzanz Byzantium Metallic Orange 51 91 1 052 422 356 Vermontgrun Vermont Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 503 357 Sierra Red Sierra Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 537 358 Evergreen Evergreen Standard Green 51 91 1 052 540 359 Mora Mora Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 555 Yes 360 Sorrentblau Sorrent Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 316 362 Sienarot II Sienna Red II Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 568 363 Biarritzblau Biarritz Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 507 364 Topazblau Topaz Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 666 365 Ziegelrot Brick Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 642 366 Imolarot Imola Red Standard Red 367 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 300 Yes 369 Romanticrot Romantic Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 558 372 Stahlblau Steel Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 571 374 Nepalsilber Nepal Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 308 376 Lightgelb Light Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 1 052 669 379 Velvetblau Velvet Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 563 381 Lemans-Blau LeMans Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 0025 919 386 Farngrun Fern Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 574 389 Hell-elfenbein II Light Ivory Standard White 51 91 1 052 514 390 Royalrot Royal Red Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 645 392 Marrakeschrot II Marrakesh Red II Standard Red 51 51 2309 874 393 Meergrun Sea Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 632 395 Sundown Sundown Metallic Red 51 91 1 052 560 Yes 397 Anthrazit Anthracite Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 648 398 Kirunaviolett Kiruna Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 511 399 Atlantis Atlantis Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 552 Yes 400 Stahlgrau Steel Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 651 402 Fashionrot 2 Fashion Red Standard Red 51 91 1 052 546 Yes 405 Imolarot II Imola Red II Standard Red 51 91 1 052 629 406 Orinoco Orinoco Metallic Grey 51 91 1 052 557 Yes 408 Palmettogrun II Palmetto Green II Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 543 411 Pearlbeige Pearl Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 1 052 654 413 Fidschigrun Fiji Green Standard Green 51 91 1 052 547 Yes 415 Hellrot II Bright Red II Metallic Red 51 91 0 006 913 416 Carbonschwartz Carbon Black Metallic Black 51 91 1 052 660 418 Impalabraun Impala Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 1 052 657 419 Turkis Turquoise Metallic Green 51 91 0004 017 421 Bronzit Bronze Metallic Gold 51 91 0 004 020 425 Silverstone Silverstone Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 663 427 Neongelb Neon Yellow Standard Yellow 430 Oxfordgruen II Oxford Green II Metallic Green 51 91 0 006 535 433 Apricot Apricot Metallic Red 51 91 0 006 919 Yes 436 Mahagoni Mahogany Metallic Brown 51 91 0 025 910 438 Japanrot Japan Red Standard Red 51 91 0 009 166 440 Stratus Stratus Metallic Silver 51 91 0 025 916 441 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 2 351 566 442 Graugrun Grey Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 025 913 443 Saharabeige Sahara Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 0 005 252 444 Skarabaesgruen Scarab Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 008 694 Yes 445 Phonixgelb Phoenix Yellow Metallic Yellow 51 91 0 026 066 447 Frostblau Frost Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 7 651 333 448 Laguna Seca Laguna Seca Blue Standard Blue 51 91 0 026 069 449 Schiefergrun Slate Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 026 324 451 Aqua Aqua Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 551 Yes 452 Amethyst Amethyst Metallic Purple 51 91 1 052 550 453 Nachtblau Midnight blue Metallic Blue 51 91 1 052 556 Yes 454 Tannengrun Tannen Green Metallic Green 51 91 1 052 561 Yes 468 Pistaziengrun Pistachio Green Metallic Green 51 91 0 026 063 470 Flamencorot Flamenco Red Metallic Red 51 91 0 137 939 472 Sterlinggrau Sterling Gray Metallic Grey 51 91 0 136 774 474 Sepia Sepia Metallic Brown 51 91 0 008 690 Yes 475 Black Sapphire Black Sapphire Metallic Blue 51 91 0 026 327 476 Ambra Amber Metallic Gold 51 91 0 137 937 478 Satinbeige Satin Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 0 138 236 481 Kalaharibeige Kalahari Beige Metallic Beige 51 91 0 138 230 482 Toledoblau Toledo Blue Metallic Blue 51 91 0 138 231 501 Blau Blue Blue 503 Tuerkis Turquoise Green 504 Blau Blue Blue 505 Silber Silver Silver 506 Klassischschwartz Classic Black Black 507 Silbergraphit Silver Graphite Grey 508 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red 509 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red 510 Daytonaorange Daytona Orange Orange 511 Havanagold Havana Gold Gold 518 Rot Red Red 519 Schwarz Black Black 520 Gruenrauch Green Smoke Green 524 Bayerischblau Bavarian Blue Blue 526 Bol D Bol D Standard Red 529 Curry Curry Metallic Gold 530 Silber Silver Metallic Silver 531 Rot Red Metallic Red 532 Schwarz Black Metallic Black 533 Blau Blue Metallic Blue 534 Verbranntorange Burnt Orange Metallic Orange 538 Monzablau Monza Blue Blue 541 Rot Red Metallic Metallic Red 542 Alaskablau Alaska Blue Blue 544 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Blue 545 Balligsilber Spheric Silver Silver 546 Gold Gold Metallic Gold 548 Silberbeige Silver Beige Silver 549 Azurblau Azure Blue Blue 551 Rot Red Metallic Red 552 Phonixgold Phoenix Gold Gold 553 Rotrauch Red Smoke Red 556 Rotsilber Red Silver Red 558 Pazifikblau Pacific Blue Blue 559 Polaris Polaris Silver 561 Silber Silver Smoke Silver 562 Hennarot Henna Red Red 563 Polaris Polaris Metallic Silver 566 Rot Red Metallic Metallic Red 572 Magentarot Magenta Red Red 573 Balligsilber Spheric Silver Silver 576 Madison Madison Metallic Silver 577 Nuerburgruen Nuerburg Green Green 583 Motorsport White Motorsport White White 589 Pferd Bronco Beige 603 Arizonasonne Arizona Sun Metallic Gold 51 91 0 008 692 Yes 613 Arabergold Arabian Gold Gold 622 Skarabaesgrun Scarab Green Metallic Green 624 Sepiaviolett Sepia Violet Metallic Purple 640 Birkenguren Birch Green Green 668 Schwartz II Black II Standard Black 51 91 1 052 171 717 Cortinagrau Cortina Gray Grey 755 Keramikblau Ceramin Beige 891 Moccabraun Mocha Brown Metallic Brown 51 91 0 146 477 892 Titangrau Titanium Grey Metallic Grey 51 91 0 138 232 894 Chiarettorot Chariot Red Metallic Red 51 91 0 138 234 896 Bluewater Bluewater Metallic Blue 51 91 0 138 237 897 Turmalinviolett Tourmaline Violet Metallic Purple 51 91 0 138 235 999 Perlweiss Pearl White
ce parere aveti despre 520 d 2009
sax1987 replied to lexius's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
Trafic de persoane, prostitutie etc. -
pareri despre catalizatoor
sax1987 replied to lexius's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
Stai cumva pe langa Paris ? Am vazut un 535 parcat langa o tabara de rulote acum cateva zile . -
Astia-s cei mai tari ! Se vede clar ca-i rosu dar accelereaza ca disperatii ca sa aibe de ce frana brusc
+1 Acum serios.. eu as lua un golf . Italienele nu-mi plac deloc .
Avea si cainele in masina
Poate are , n-avem noi de unde sa stim ce are masina lui
Am prins si eu o Skoda racer o data ...am crezut ca-i exceptie bineinteles ca era diesel . Oricum pe loganisti nu-i intrece nimeni!!
Andrei VUV esti cumva inrudit cu max83 ?