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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by Myx

  1. scump ..dar ai lumina acum <_< Am patit o faza similara si am luat un H7 osram cu 25 ron de la petrom ...
  2. diesel nu poate fi turat mai mult de 4000 rpm pe loc ..Asa ca la ITP fantasma voastra dispare <_< Cat despre soferul calculat care-si ia diesel ...gata m-am lamurit! Cata talpa isi ia diesel de la baietasi calculati poate nici un benzinar nu ar face fata :) .. Ia benzina si lasa consumul !..Vrei sa fugi cu 8 % ? Nu se poate
  3. Girls cry ! Mie nu-mi pare plictisitor deloc !
  4. Cred ca te referi la PTY sau poate chiar AF o functie pt care cred ca ai buton separat ! Studiaza putin asta si vezi exact unde te incadrezi apoi activeaza functia din RDS Eu suspectez AF ..care schimba automat posturile functie de puterea semnalului FM AF Alternative Frequencies This allows a receiver to re-tune to a different frequency providing the same station when the first signal becomes too weak (e.g. when moving out of range). This is often utilised in car stereo systems. CT Clock Time Can synchronize a clock in the receiver or the main clock in a car. Due to transmission varies, CT can only be accurate to within 100 ms of UTC. EON Enhanced Other Networks Allows the receiver to monitor other networks or stations for traffic programmes, and automatically temporarily tune into that station. PI Programme Identification This is the unique code that identifies the station. Every station receives a specific code with a country prefix. In the US, PI is determined by applying a formula to the station's call sign. PS Programme Service This is simply an eight-character static display that represents the call letters or station identity name. Most RDS capable receivers display this information and, if the station is stored in the receiver's presets, will cache this information with the frequency and other details associated with that preset. PTY Programme Type This coding of up to 31 pre-defined programme types – e.g. (in Europe): PTY1 News, PTY6 Drama, PTY11 Rock music, – allows users to find similar programming by genre. PTY31 seems to be reserved for emergency announcements in the event of natural disasters or other major calamities. REG Regional This is mainly used in countries where national broadcasters run "region-specific" programming such as regional opt-outs on some of their transmitters. This functionality allows the user to "lock-down" the set to their current region or let the radio tune into other region-specific programming as they move into the other region. RT Radio Text This function allows a radio station to transmit a 64-character free-form textual information that can be either static e.g. station slogans or in sync with the programming such as the title and artist of the currently-playing song. TA, TP Traffic Announcement, Traffic Programme The receiver can often be set to pay special attention to this flag and e.g. stop the tape/pause the CD or retune to receive a Traffic bulletin. The TP flag is used to allow the user to find only those stations that regularly broadcast traffic bulletins whereas the TA flag is used to stop the tape or raise the volume during a traffic bulletin. TMC Traffic Message Channel Digitally encoded traffic information. Not all RDS equipments supports this. Often available for Automotive navigation systems. In many countries only encrypted data is broadcast, and so a subscription and appropriate decoder is required to use.
  5. Cu alte cuvinte ..tre sa stai departe de dracia pe 2 roti .Eu asa as face .
  6. <_< :) :bashwall: stii ce am citit?in loc de ditamai canalul,am citit ditamai calul :unsure: :blink: e taziu,ma bag la somn. si eu am luat canale 3 buc. pai daca te uiti la Dansez pt tine :blink:
  7. las' ca am vazut eu botul masinii si am luat ditamai canalul ..si mai mergeam si cu 15 /h printre blocuri
  8. nu vad ce rost are sa-l intrebi asta , atata timp cat accidentul nu e din vina lui ...Si cu hamburgerul e urat spus !
  9. Ok utilajul e misto dar soferi au pt ele ?
  10. cu baterii nu ..dar etanol sau tuica e f posibil <_<
  11. si ce crezi tu ca va face Ahmed razbunatorul ! CA si profit ei au destul ..Problema cea mai mare e ca asa-si finanteaza razboaiele islamice. Daca din Mecca Cola din Franta 6 % din vanzari pleaca la palestinieni probabil si cu petrolul e un procent serios !
  12. mai bine faci pret la cash ...la schimburi slabe sanse
  13. puterea e "diferita " daca injectorul e stricat ... functioneaza in parametri normali fctie de uzura, calitatea combustibului ..Ce ti-a zis nea Fane acolo e o aberatie ..Sa pui unul Sh ca sa aiba debit scazut inseamna ca din start ai un injector prost !//Poti lua si injector separat nou si exista si SH in parametri normali !.Eu doar am criticat explicatia . In rest depinde de noroc la Sh . Cum a facut test la injectoare ? tester ?
  14. Deci e de inteles ca nu e bun un injector nou :unsure: dar cum estimeaza mecanicul tau jetul injectorului? ochiometric? Unde gasiti mecanicii astia ? Experti in bmw
  15. Lipsa asta de tehnologie se poate corecta ! dar probabil ca ciptuningul nu creeaza o modificare atat de mare a noxelor cat sa necesite investitia (dyno test ) pt detectarea lui !.Mie unul imi pare mult mai deranjant unul care schimba toba si urla ca nebunul pe strada decat unul care a pus un cip pt 30 cai ! Ok e ilegal .Ma bucur ca e ..Dupa ei ar trebui sa platim o taxa (OMologare) pt orice rahat nou la masina ! pe mine ma surprinde ca vor sa arda tot ce misca la utilizator privat , in schimb toate rabele de pe strazi care ne umplu de praf , mizerie , noxe merg f frumos pe strazi ! Oricum eu ma astept ca in ro sa fie impozit pe HP in curand !. PS ..offtopic ..nu am apucat sa raspund lui ala care ma invata cate ceva de limba romana , visavis de predicat si el e agramat . Pt ca s-a inchis topicul .,nu mai caut . Tovarasu' esti un cactus .
  16. Asta asa ramane, inca mai stau si ma gandesc daca se merita sa-i fac pe plafon steagul braziliei sau nu. Merita :)
  17. Insanatosire rapida!..esti tanar te refaci imediat! ..Nu fii plangacios <_< !.O sa-ti trimitem bomboane ..Sper ca nu e grav ! Nu te descuraja ! Bafta ! PS..am un prieten cu o faza identica ..cu R6 ..I-a rupt glezna cand a cazut motor peste el ..si l-a tras cativa metri .Explicatia Nu l-am vazut domle !
  18. 9000 ofera-i ...fara alte discutii si explicatii ...
  19. piesa a fost noua ? si originala? piesa e 100 E
  20. din acelasi motiv pt care si navigatia BMW e patetica in RO ..Interes zero pe partea romana ! Doar banii sunt buni Feedbackul e multumitor ..Plus ca Ro e o tara de show off . Se vinde oricum !Dar asta e oarecum offtopic <_<
  21. In Buc te intreaba ..Si e si normal ..Si ar trebui sa le purtati sa ne ferim dracu de pusti teribilisti si figuri de sofer smecher . Evident ca NU generalizez
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