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Everything posted by manolica1

  1. de 2 parca era cheia... uite ce-am gasit pe alt forum... 1. Disconnect negative battery terminal 2. Remove lower steering column trim mounting screw and remove lower trim. The screw is at the very bottom of the underside of the steering column. Remove it and then remove the plastic trim piece that covers the bottom half of the steering column. You'll need to push your cruise control lever around to get the plastic piece out without breaking it, but it will come out. 3. Remove orange SRS connector from its holder and carefully separate connector. There's a tiny little tab you'll need to press in on the side... use a ball-point pen. The connector should slip apart. 4. Working behind steering wheel, completely loosen Torx screws (T30) while holding airbag in place. Support airbag to prevent it from falling out. These scews are a PAIN but they WILL come loose if you're patient. 5. Carefully lift airbag off of steering wheel and disconnect orange harness connector from rear of airbag unit. Mine just pulled straight off. Be careful to set the airbag down face-up, someplace out of the way. 6. Now remove the steering wheel center bolt, number 6 in the diagram. If I recall correctly you'll need a 17mm socket here. 7. Now you can see the tip of the hollow steering spindle through the middle of the steering wheel. The outer edge of the spindle is toothed where the wheel slides over it. Use an ultra-fine tipped marker or something similar to mark the exact position of the steering wheel relative to the steering column shaft; that way you can put the steering wheel back on in precisely the same position later.
  2. da cu putin W-40...surubelnita mea langa maner avea o chestie de puneam cheia de 8 si fortam desurubarea mai bine...
  3. pozitia nu e incomoda atata timp cat ai scule...e o surubelnita speciala ca o floare(torc) parca se numeste, daca gresesc sa ma corecteze careva...
  4. cuiul care inchide capota se desfileteaza cu o surubelnitza...asa procedezi la amandoua.... asta dupa ce da-i narile jos...
  5. Windshield wiper syst/head lamp cleaning din traducerea mea de bastina suna cam: sistem de spalare faruri...
  6. ciupane ca sa fii convingator 100%, zi-ne si ce culoare erau masinile.. :) :lol:
  7. la cum scrii nu stiu care e mai cioban...
  8. mai bine un e 46 din 99 decat impecabila ta...si bai sa vb cu la ghelba la tine.....sau anuntul e doar pt cunoscatori? comentez ce vreau si unde vreau...
  9. banuiesc ca din 2006 au mai imbunatatit oleaca kit-ul... :)
  10. de benzina... eu am patit asta o data si alta data era busonul defect...in rest masina mergea fara nici-o problema...
  11. pret de E46.. ce an este? banuiesc ca un 92-94... bafta la negociere...
  12. ceva nu se leaga...povestea e cusuta cu ata alba...eu cred ca altfel au stat lucurile..
  13. depinde din ce an e masina eu am incercat sa pun de pe una din 96 pe una din 93 si nu a mers...
  14. stiu un caz la un fiat nou 0 km la bord, care dupa 200 km sa dus turbina si a consumat 4 litri de ulei... totusi la BMW te astepti la ceva mai bun...
  15. ce bine e aici...nici nu te lasa sa cobori din masina...sunt tzontzoneii foarte atenti...si le mai las cate 1-2 dolari ciubuc...
  16. macar de-i inchidea portbagajul...sa nu mai intre apa cand ploua... :) :lol: :)
  17. am crezut ca a mai murit vreun coleg...schimba nick-ul ala de jale....
  18. manolica1


    vazut si eu asta vara...
  19. crezi ca bacsisul e problema? mergi din nou la el si relateaza-i problema...
  20. pret nj regular 2.38 galonul...abia ce-am alimentat :) frumoasa masina... cum zicea cineva''benzina patata cu sange''
  21. manolica1

    BMW M3 e92 GTS

    Nope :) Check pics. Primul model va fi livrat in Germania in May, avand un pret de 115.000 de euro. 115000 de euro? Asa de putin? :lol: Cred ca o sa il vedem pe toate strazile... :) sa fii sigur ca vor fi si la noi cateva...
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