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  1. Sunt curios cum e schimbatorul, asa e la mine, nu misca nici in dreapta, nici in stanga, e perfect. Plasticele la Golf sunt mult peste, in primul rand ca e senzatia aceea de buretos care imi place la nebunie, evident chestie de gusturi.
  2. A deci am banuit bine ca tu esti acel Apple de pe forumul Mitsu. Sa o stapanesti sanatos si sa te tina mii de km. Eu as fi luat cu CVT, m-am cam saturat de cutia manuala. De ce nu ai asteptat sa bage baietii pe ebay, daca nu au bagat deja, eleronul de EVO X sau replica? Ala chiar arata misto. Iti recomand si suportul de numar in lateral ca la EVO. Raspunsul la intrebarea lui seerkan pot sa il dau si eu, da plasticul arata urat pe toate variantele, asta e, nu poti sa le ai pe toate.
  3. Ieri am condus un Mini Cooper S al unui prieten. Este nou nout iar pretul a fost de 30000 DDP. Pot sa spun ca masina este o bestie, pur si simplu superba, pacat de pretul ala. Culoarea este alba dar da putin in crem, si plafonul e negru. Imi place interiorul chiar si cu cadranul ala de submarin in mijloc, luminile de ambianta sunt superbe, ai posibilitatea schimbarii a vre-o 6 culori parca, nu le-am numarat. Nu prea ma pricep la dotarile unui Mini, dar avea DSC, LSD, sistem de oprire a motorului la semafor, acesta era optional din buton. Nu l-am chinuit ca e nou si pesemne trebuie vre-o 1000 de km de menajare, dar am ajuns in a doua la 4000 de ture si cam zbura piticania. Ca masina de oras e perfecta.
  4. Numarul l-am pus intr-o parte ca imi place cum da, de fapt este inspirat dupa Mitsubishi EVO, fratele mai mare. Acolo unde era numarul nu sunt gauri, sunt niste capacele negre ce par senzori de parcare, chiar dau bine. Legat de fiabilitate nu vreau acum sa pornesc o discutie ca japoneza mea e mai fiabila decat BMW-ul lui X. Conform statisticilor, la ora actuala masinile japoneze sunt cele mai fiabile. Cu asta am incheiat discutia si nu vreau sa o deschidem iar, nu pentru asta am facut topicul acesta. Plus mai este ceva, la cat am dat pe masina ma astept sa fie foarte fiabila si sper acest lucru, evident ca daca imi luam un BMW nou ma asteptam la acelasi lucru, insa diferenta de pret este cam mare.
  5. Superba masina, am putut sa o admir intr-o zi cand erai la Doamna Ghica in spate la biserica de langa mine, cred ca era nunta ceva. Pana la urma ce jante ai acum pe ea, mie mi se par cele mai misto alea care cred ca sunt BBS. Chiar si cu capacele alea de BMW arata belea.
  6. O sa urmeze motor de 1.8 si 144 CP, care face 0-100 in peste 10 s.
  7. Eu am ales culoarea, din punctul meu de vedere este cea mai frumoasa pe modelul acesta, alb am vrut dar nu era nici una pe stoc, si oricum eu am prins ultimul lot. Masina este sport, insa motorul are cam putini cai, este adevarat. Masina de fapt este model Ralliart, insa la americani are motor de 2.4 si 170 CP. Alta ciudatenie este ca la ei nu are volanul Momo de pe EVO si nici cadranele care sunt tot de EVO, insa cu niste modificari, la EVO turometrul este in mijloc iar kilometrajul in stanga plus are pe cadrane setarile de Tarmac, Gravel si Snow.
  8. In primul rand a fost dupa cum am scris mai sus test-drive-ul care pur si simplu m-a determinat sa o iau, nu mai exista nici o alta masina pe lume dupa ce am mers cu ea. Iar in al doilea rand am facut leasing si chiar daca puteam sa fac si la un BMW second, era mai complicat. Iar in al treilea rand este fiabilitatea care la masinile japoneze nu poate fi contestata inca, la BMW chiar cu renumele pe care il are si tot apar probleme, ca si la Mercedes. A si masina e fabricata in Japonia.
  9. Nu este EVO ca avea 280 CP, la 400 CP era poate te referi la un EVO MR FQ-400, si atunci era ceva. Eu merg cu ea in fiecare zi, insa daca lucrez aproape de casa ce sa fac, am cam 8 km dus-intors. Consumul e constant la 14, nici nu o menajez, recunosc. In carte are 9,6 s de la 0 la 100 km/h. Pretul cu toate taxele a fost 16000 rotunjit, de fapt parca 15900 euro. Am primit bonus senzori de parcare si covorasele originale. Are doar ABS cu EBD, nu exista pe ele ESP. Blocul motor este acelasi cu cel de pe EVO, de fapt aia de la Mitsubishi au blocul ala pus pe multe masini, codul e 4G63. Mie pleoapele imi plac, poza cu pleoapele chiar da nasol, daca nu as stii cum arata in realitate, si eu as spune ca arata oribil. Legat de comportament este incredibila, Mitsubishi chiar nu sunt niste fraieri cand vine vorba de sportivitate. Directia este cred aceiasi cu cea de la EVO ca la fel se comporta, e precisa dar are o raza de bracaj ca la camioane, pe o strada ingusta trebuie sa fac o mie de manevre. Suspensia este cam tare dar totusi confortabila, am mers cu un Clio cu suspensie sport si era chiar caruta, oricum in curbe sta intr-un fel. Eu am luat masina dupa un drive-test, dupa ce am mers cu ea am spus ca trebuie obligatoriu sa o am.
  10. Imi prezint si eu mitsa cu toate ca nu prea isi are locul pe aici, inconjurata de BMW-uri. E luata in August 2007 are vre-o 3500 km doar, motorul este de 2000 cmc si 136 CP.
  11. Super tare 635CSi-ul acela, vrem mai multe poze si detalii despre el. Te rugam.
  12. http://www.worldcarfans.com/9080117.004/ne...kg-transmission New seven-speed transmission adds performance, even more refinement to BMW M3 Incomparably smooth, silky gearshifts in the blink of an eye, improved fuel economy and reduced emissions are just some of the benefits of the ground-breaking seven-speed M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic that has been developed by BMW M GmbH for the new BMW M3 CoupĂŠ, Sedan and Convertible. On top of these benefits, the new M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic is able to produce lightning-fast gearshifts that result in accelerative abilities exceeding those of the six-speed manual transmission version of the new BMW M3. The BMW M3 CoupĂŠ with M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic is able to accelerate from zero to 100km/h in just 4.6 seconds, or 0.2 of a second faster than the manual six-speed version, while returning an average fuel consumption of 11.9 litres/100 km. As the world’s first seven-speed double-clutch gearbox developed for a high-torque, high-speed powerplant, the new BMW M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic simultaneously lifts refinement and efficiency to new levels while providing the driver with a wide range of options that adapt the system to the needs of the moment. The new transmission offers as many as eleven driver-selectable electronically controlled driving program choices. These include five shift programs in the fully automatic mode and six in manual mode, and are supplemented by a selectable Launch Control program that provides blistering off-the-line acceleration where the power from the 309 kW, 4.0-litre V8 M3 engine is transferred with maximum effect to the road. The heart of the new BMW transmission is the double clutch system that acts to smooth out gearshifts to the point that they are often only discernible by watching the rise and fall of engine rpm on the M3’s tachometer. Each oil-cooled wet clutch activates its own set of ratios - one is used for first, third, fifth and seventh gears, as well as reverse, while the other looks after second, fourth and sixth gears. Gearshifts are effected by the disengagement of one clutch and the engagement of the other, moving seamlessly from the ratio in use to the next, preselected ratio. The fact that the next ratio is preselected and engaged merely by activation of the clutch is the secret behind the amazingly smooth and efficient transition from gear to gear. Combined with the BMW Drivelogic system that, as well as offering the driver a choice of seven specific operational modes, is also able to determine the appropriate mode according to the current driving style, the new transmission’s multi-faceted nature allows it to offer anything from rapid-fire F1-style shifting to smooth, luxurious behaviour suited to relaxed boulevard cruising. The new M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic also incorporates a Low Speed Assistant mode that operates when manoeuvring at speeds less than 5 km/h to significantly increase the smoothness and degree of accelerator control available to the driver. Gradient detection also means that the new M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic is able to determine the appropriate ratios when travelling up or down hills. This avoids the "hunting" between gears so often experienced in regular automatics when travelling on undulating roads, while the appropriate selection of lower gears on downhill gradients helps maintain road speed by using the braking power of the engine. The new M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic also offers the driver the choice of sequential operation via a sports selector lever in the centre console, or solid aluminium F1-style paddles on the steering wheel - right side for upshifts, left side for downshifts. The range of shift programs available to the driver means it is possible for the M3 to behave with the grace and aplomb of a luxury car, or with the knife-edge rapidity and precision of a racecar - or anything in between. In fully automatic D mode, the driver can select from five Drivelogic programmes that regulate both the gearshift speeds and the change points right through to the D5 mode where the engine is stretched close to its maximum rpm - depending on throttle position - on upshifts. In D1 mode, the M3 with M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic is able to start off in second gear to help avoid wheelspin in slippery conditions. In manual mode, six different Drivelogic programmes allow a similar range of characteristics, with the added driver control provided by the ability to choose shift points manually. In S6 mode, the drive can also activate launch control by holding the shift lever in the forward position. In keeping with the overtly dynamic abilities of the new BMW M3, the M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic, as well as being designed for engine speeds as high as 9,000 rpm, is also able to maintain correct operating temperatures even in the most extreme conditions - including racetrack operation - through its integration with the engine’s cooling system as well as the fact it also incorporates its own oil/air cooler. The transmission’s interconnection with the engine cooling system also means a quicker temperature rise from startup, which contributes to reduced frictional losses and lower fuel consumption during the warm-up phase. Faster shifting, smoother, and contributing even more to fuel economy and minimalised exhaust emissions, the new M double-clutch transmission with Drivelogic raises the bar for sophisticated, high-performance motoring to new heights.
  13. Chiar nu stiam ca exista cu 10 sau cu 13. Eu pur si simplu am numarat boxele care se vad si mi-a dat 11. Directia avea probleme din cate mi-a spus proprietarul, cred ca nu avea lichid de servo.
  14. Pai daca era frana de mana trasa, nu era din maneta ca nu am umblat la ea.
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