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Intalnire BMW Club 2025, hai si tu! Locatia si luna iesite la vot au fost Poiana Brasov si Mai. Acum votam weekend-ul din Mai in care va avea loc intalnirea. ×


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Everything posted by UNU!

  1. loliustine~ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. "Am mai avut de vreo 2 ori evenimente cu partea electronica a pompei....insa atunci ea a sucombat in mers" , poti detalia putin ?
  3. http://www.fum.ro/22151/vand-bmw-320-m-packet-2011-184-cp
  4. UNU!

    Accident minor

    La ce firma are asigurarea respectivu ?
  5. Ca sa nu mai deschid alt topic ce simptome are pompa asta de injectie ? Concret mie nu imi trage masina CATEODATA, pur si simplu e lesinata nu trece de 3000de ture, apoi isi revine singura. De pornit porneste bine si la rece si la cald. Am verificat turbina/egr/furtune etc.
  6. http://mercador.ro/oferta/bmw-320-2007-ID18eoT.html O parere ? Vrea un prieten sa o cumpere zilele astea.
  7. Cred ca ar fi indicat sa mergi la un service.
  8. Sa fie Alpine fabricat dupa 2002. Astept oferte!
  9. UNU!

    E46 M Tech 2

    Vesti proate! Masina inmatriculata de o luna nici nu am apucat sa ma bucur bine de ea ca m-a lovit un cct de taximetrist si cu euroins! :| http://s21.postimg.org/rh7ilwkoz/IMG_0297.jpg Sa vedem cum o sa iasa o sa postez rezultatul o facem aici acasa pe forum! Si o veste buna... inca un e46 facelift in familie! :heart: http://s22.postimg.org/ooarp4zd9/IMG_0483.jpg http://s18.postimg.org/td1kdvaf9/IMG_0484.jpg
  10. Ai vopsit jantele cu spray?
  11. Sunt prea scumpe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  12. Poti stinge farurile daca vrei sa speli parbrizul bine:D
  13. UNU!

    E46 M Tech 2

    Multumesc Km reali pe bord avem decat 190.000 ) doar am luat-o din Ro. Si eu sunt curios cat tine, deocamdata merge foarte bine mai bine decat precedentele. PS: Pe briefu de germania de la care a fost cumparata masina propietarul e nascut in 1945. L-am cautat pe farcebook mi-a zis ca el a vandut masina cu 340k km.
  14. UNU!

    E46 M Tech 2

    Multumesc tuturor. Da benzinarul l-am vandut am revenit la diesel . Comenzi nu a avut, asa am luat-o... sapt viitoare urmeaza sa o inmatriculez. Pret 3600, km undeva la 350.000
  15. UNU!

    E46 M Tech 2

    Mmmda...Stai linistit ca nu merg cu ele a fost doar atunci pe moment si nu eram eu la volan http://s24.postimg.org/dox53itm9/IMG_1833.jpg http://s24.postimg.org/tppqghrht/IMG_1834.jpg http://s24.postimg.org/h9t0mqy5t/IMG_1835.jpg http://s24.postimg.org/t1gvxjss1/IMG_1837.jpg
  16. S226A SPORTLICHE FAHRWERKSABSTIMMUNG Sports suspension settings S302A ALARMANLAGE Alarm system S338A M SPORTPAKET II M Sports package II S403A GLASDACH, ELEKTRISCH Glass roof, electrical S411A FENSTERHEBER,ELEKTRISCH VORN/HINTEN Window lifts,electric,front/rear S423A FUSSMATTEN IN VELOURS Floor mats velours S428A WARNDREIECK Warning triangle and first aid kit S431A INNENSPIEGEL,AUTOMATISCH ABBLENDEND Interior mirror with automatic-dip S465A DURCHLADESYSTEM Through-loading system S473A ARMAUFLAGE VORN Armrest front S481A SPORTSITZE FUER FAHRER/BEIFAHRER Sports seat S494A SITZHEIZUNG FUER FAHRER/BEIFAHRER Seat heating driver/passenger S508A PARK DISTANCE CONTROL (PDC) Park Distance Control (PDC) S520A NEBELSCHEINWERFER Fog lights S534A KLIMAAUTOMATIK Automatic air conditioning Code Description (interface) Description (EPC) S550A BORDCOMPUTER On-board computer S660A RADIO BMW REVERSE Radio BMW Reverse (C42) S710A M LEDERLENKRAD M sports steering wheel, multifunction S716A M AERODYNAMIKPAKET II Aerodynamics package S760A INDIVIDUAL HOCHGLANZ SHADOW LINE High gloss shadow line S772A INTERIEURLEISTE ALU BLACK CUBE Interior strip strips, Alu Black Cube S775A INDIVIDUAL DACHHIMMEL ANTHRAZIT Headlining anthracite S785A WEISSE BLINKLEUCHTEN White direction indicator lights S788A M LEICHTMETALLRAEDER BMW LA wheel, Individual L801A DEUTSCHLAND-AUSFUEHRUNG NATIONAL VERSION GERMANY S863A SERVICE KONTAKT-FLYER EUROPA Dealer List Europe S879A DEUTSCH / BORDLITERATUR On-board literature, German P972A COMFORT PAKET Comfort Package Close Standard equipment Code Description (interface) Description (EPC) S548A KILOMETERTACHO Kilometre speedo S832A BATTERIE IM KOFFERRAUM Battery in luggage compartment S851A SPRACHVERSION DEUTSCH Language version German Masina o am de 2 luni sunt la al 3-lea e46 am mai avut un benzinar si un diesel Planuri de viitor: neaparat saptamana asta schimb discurile fata, retrofit bi-xenon+angel eyes smd, o nuca noua, comenzi si activare tempomat,cd player Si cateva poze. http://s23.postimg.org/68ki8710n/DSC_0328.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/hapl6mv3b/DSC_0341.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/jkdphe413/DSC_0345.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/pexpbdhif/DSC_0347.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/3v2kh6mlj/DSC_0351.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/gdst8mfaf/DSC_0354.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/pb8xs8icn/DSC_0356.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/85h8crron/IMG_1812.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/6dtbezenb/IMG_1832.jpg
  17. Trask, eu am observat o diferenta intre aux si cd.
  18. Confirm ...dupa 4,500 de km fara oprire e nasol. (scaune sport e46)
  19. Am rezolvat prin schimbarea releului din modul. Multumesc pe aceasta cale userului Geo Serban e un om de nota 10
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