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jon doe

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Everything posted by jon doe

  1. Am citit in dimineata aceasta, interviul luat lui Sebastian Vettel despre masina Red Bull din acest sezon. Am citit si recitit interviul. Mi se pare ( doar ) mie, sau Vettel spune printre randuri ca....nu este o masina competitiva ( ca cea de anul trecut ), ca nu mai are atata de multa aderenta, ca performantele sunt mai apropiate intre competitori ( adica concurenta este mai aproape de ei sau chiar i-a depasit? ) Articolul il puteti citi aici.
  2. Arata misto. Dublu-adezivul ala cum se comporta? Ma gandesc ca de la gropi, vibratii, etc. sa nu-ti pice....sau nu le mai poti dezlipi EVER ?
  3. Absolut demential. Ce frumos toarce la ralanti, ptr ca mai apoi , in mers, sa aibe un sunet gutural. Si turometrul - parca e stricat, asa de usor "trece" dintr-o parte in alta a cadranului :hyper:
  4. Sa revenim totusi la topic Noul M6- absolut orgasmic de frumos. Imi place ca i-au redesenat in mod special spatele si stopurile; la 6-er lui Bangle era cam hidos ( IMO )
  5. NGK ptr benzinare BERU ptr diesel
  6. nu este chiar asa de mult, se poate trai si cu "intarzierea " asta
  7. Asa este, nu vom sti niciodata....dar e frumos sa ne imaginam
  8. Cateva detalii despre motoarele de Formula 1 2006–2011 For 2006, the engines had to be 90° V8 of 2.4 litres maximum capacity with a 98 mm maximum circular bore, which imply a 39.7 mm minimum stroke. They had to have two circular inlet and exhaust valves per cylinder, be normally aspirated and have a 95 kg (209 lb) minimum weight. The previous year's engines with a rev-limiter were permitted for 2006 and 2007 for teams who unable to acquire a V8 engine, with Scuderia Toro Rosso using a Cosworth V10, after Red Bull's takeover of the former Minardi team did not include the new engines. Pre-cooling air before it enters the cylinders, injection of any substance other than air and fuel into the cylinders, variable-geometry intake and exhaust systems, variable valve timing were forbidden. Each cylinder could have only one fuel injector and a single plug spark ignition. Separate starting devices were used to start engines in the pits and on the grid. The crankcase and cylinder block had to be made of cast or wrought aluminium alloys. The crankshaft and camshafts had to be made from an iron alloy, pistons from an aluminium alloy and valves from alloys based on iron, nickel, cobalt or titanium. These restrictions were in place to reduce development costs on the engines. The reduction in capacity was designed to give a power reduction of around 20% from the three litre engines, to reduce the increasing speeds of Formula One cars. However in many cases, performance of the car improved. In 2006 Toyota F1 announced an approximate 740 hp (552 kW) output at 19000 rpm for its new RVX-06 engine, but real figures are of course difficult to obtain. For 2007 the engine specification was frozen to keep development costs down. The engines which were used in the 2006 Japanese Grand Prix were used for the 2007 and 2008 seasons and they were limited to 19,000 rpm. In 2009 the limit was reduced to 18,000 rpm with each driver allowed to use a maximum of 8 engines over the season. Any driver needing an additional engine is penalised 10 places on the starting grid for the first race the engine is used. This increases the importance of reliability, although the effect is only seen towards the end of the season. Certain design changes intended to improve engine reliability may be carried out with permission from the FIA. This has led to some engine manufacturers, notably Ferrari and Mercedes, exploiting this ability by making design changes which not only improve reliability, but also boost engine power output as a side effect. As the Mercedes engine was proven to be the strongest, re-equalisations of engines were allowed by the FIA to allow other manufacturers to match the power. 2009 saw the exit of Honda from the Formula 1 racing series. The team was acquired by Ross Brawn, creating Brawn GP and the BGP 001. With the absence of the Honda engine, Brawn GP retrofitted the Mercedes engine to the BGP 001 chassis which resulted in a very successful season which saw the newly branded team win both the Constructors' Championship and the Drivers' Championship from more notable contenders, Ferrari, McLaren-Mercedes and Renault. 2010 saw the re-introduction of Cosworth to the grid; who had been absent since the 2006 season. New teams HRT and Virgin Racing along with the established Williams used this engine. The season also saw the withdrawal of the BMW and Toyota engines, as the car companies withdrew from Formula One due to the recession. 2014 The FIA has announced the intention to change the 2.4-litre V8 engines to 1.6 litre V6 turbo engines including energy recovery systems and containing fuel flow restrictions, in order to make Formula One more environmentally aware and to attract more commercial partners for 2014. The engines would also be limited to 15,000 rpm. In addition to the current suppliers, a new company, Propulsion Universelle et Recuperation d'Energie (PURE), has been founded to produce the 2014-specification engines. The new formula is set to reintroduce turbocharged engines, which last appeared in 1988, have their efficiency improved by turbo-compounding and introduce more energy recovery systems - with power to be harvested from the brakes and exhaust gases. The original proposal for four-cylinder turbocharged engines was not welcomed by the racing teams, in particular Ferrari. Adrian Newey stated during the 2011 European Grand Prix that the change to a V6 enables teams to carry the engine as a stressed member, whereas an inline 4 would have required a space frame. A compromise was reached to adopt V6 turbocharged engines instead.
  9. off topic : Imi place ca ai scris numele celui mai mare campion , asa cum trebuie scris. Restul sunt ....doar piloti. P.S. Oare cum ar fi daca toti cei 6 campioni ar concura cu masini egale? :hyper:
  10. In general, datele ref. la performantele masinii sunt tinute secret de catre echipe. Totusi, sunt cateva limite / reglementari la care trebuie sa se supuna un monopost de F1 ( greutate minima, dimensiuni, timp de iesire din cockpit in caz incendiu,etc )
  11. Eu tin cu batranul Schumi. Deci....si cu Mercedes GP Sper ca functionalitatea si eficienta sa conteze, in detrimentul esteticii.
  12. Am vazut prezentarea masinilor de F1 ptr anul 2012. Nasul acela coborat mi se pare groaznic..... Unele echipe l-au adoptat, altele nu. Apoi, timpii din teste - anii trecuti, echipele se invarteau pe circuit, cu diferite cantitati de benzina in rezervor. Nu stiai niciodata daca cea mai rapida masina din teste, este cea mai rapida pe bune. Ramane destul de interesant sa vedem duelul Red Bull - Ferrari - McLaren. Mercedes GP este in al 3-lea an, si, conform declaratiilor de presa, anul acesta trebuie sa fie "a major imporvement" fata de ultimii doi ani. Lotus Renault si Kimi Raikkonen - merita urmarita aceasta combinatie Nu in ultimul rand, anvelopele Pirelli ( pe bune ), care anul acesta promit sa fie mai soft si mai rezistente decat precedentele.
  13. Fericitule ! Deci asta este explicatia ptr o tractiune buna Dupa cum am spus, anvelopele de iarna sunt absolut noi( produse in Aprilie 2011 ), iar stratul ala de zapada ( mai mult flescaita ) nu era mai gros de 2-3 centimetri.
  14. @ gelu_bmw Cum asa? De exemplu, ieri, am vrut sa urc o bordura care nu era mai inalta de 5- cm. Zapada, era de 2-3 centimetri peste bordura, si era destul de moale. Anvelopele de iarna, noi. Crezi ca am reusit? Nu. Ptr ca la genul acesta de masini, puntea motoare nu prea are o greutate mare deasupra, care sa apese, asa cum se intampla in cazul masinilor cu tractiune fata.
  15. Felicitari ptr masina, este f frumoasa. Iarna, intradevar, BMW, Mercedes, aluneca rau de tot. Dar...cu cativa saci de nisip in portbagaj, totul revine la normal
  16. Ptr E60, urmatoarele sunt "consumabile" : - releu - termostat - senzor IBS - volanta
  17. Corect ! Asa scrie si in manualul de utilizare.
  18. "Pentru o viaÞã sĂŁnĂŁtoasĂŁ, faceĂži miÂşcare cel puĂžin 30 de minute ĂŽn fiecare zi.” :frantics:
  19. Si eu ma gandesc la barele acelea. Am nevoie de ele ptr biciclete. Doar ca nu stiu cata incredere sa am in ele.....san u cumva sa imi cada vreo bicicleta de pe masina, in timp ce merg...
  20. Daca scoti din viteza, sau cobori o panta.....consumul ar trebui sa fie apropiat de 0, nicidecum 6-7 l . Este cazul in care masina functioneaza la ralanti, cand consuma aprox. 1-2 litri pe ora.
  21. Anvelopele de pe puntea fata, sunt acelasi model / marca ?
  22. In pozele de prezentare ale masinii, cand s-a vandut, arata un iPod conectat la masina. Stiti cumva unde / cum ?
  23. @ Acelover Acela este consumul, da. Este iarna, foarte frig afara, iar pe distantele pe care le-ai parcurs ( 3 km ) motorul diesel nu apuca sa se incalzeasca, si....consuma ca turbatul. Plus ca este automata..... Din pacate, si eu conduc tot pe distante asa de scurte, si acul indicator al motorinei...parca trage mult spre stanga
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