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Everything posted by smiley32
vad ca continui...
Poate este arestat si nu poate sa scrie :frantics: la noi este posibil orice..... de la un banal accident filmat cu camera poti ajunge tu la puscarie
Dupa ce termini de dotat masina o vinzi nu? de obicei asa se intimpla :console:
Frumoasa, sa o stapanesti fara probleme
E60 intra apa in habitaclu
smiley32 replied to Marin Balasescu's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
Bun, da sa inteleg ca se strange apa in usa pana ajunge la folia aia? sau doar ce picura de la garnitura de la geam in usa si stropeste acolo... -
E60 intra apa in habitaclu
smiley32 replied to Marin Balasescu's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
Poi normal daca nu umbli acolo nu ar trebui sa ai probleme... Multi desfac protectia aia o apasa un pic cu mana sa stea pana pun fata de usa si doamne ajuta... apoi incep problemele! -
DSCF287.jpg - Size: 100.35K, Downloads: 175 Se pare ca pana la urma a ajuns idolul vostru 175 de downloads :twitch:
Scuze da nu am prins faza... explica-mi si mie te rog pe unde intra apa? si la E90 sunt probleme de genul asta?
au motoarele astea de 3000cm euro 5? intreb si eu
Cum se numeste aceasta piesa
smiley32 replied to gugulete's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 3
Electronic Throttle Body PN 13547804373 -
ce mai urmeaza sa faci ? Ps: parca aveai ceva CBI-uri de vanzare mai exista?
Felicitari pentru achizitie, sper sa o readuci pe linia de plutire
probleme pornire bmw 530 d
smiley32 replied to 28clg's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
Poi trebuie sa inregistrezi bateria noua cu testerul, plus ca sigur careva dintre module si-a pierdut "memoria" fiind atita timp fara curent... Posibil sa ai probleme si cu IBS-ul "When the vehicle is stationary, the IBS is programmed to wake up every 14 sec. and makes the required measurements within approx. 50 ms in order to save power. The measured values from the IBS are provided to the DME by way of the Binary Serial Data Interface (BSD) to calculate the State of Charge and State of Health for the battery. • State of Charge (SoC) is a calculated condition showing the current charge of the battery. SoC is used during key “OFF” periods to insure the battery maintains a sufficient charge to start the engine at least one more time. • State of Health (SoH) tracks the history of the battery in the vehicle. Charge/discharge cycles and times are monitored. SoH helps the DME determine the proper charging rates and anticipated battery life. Internal resistance of the battery is calculated by the IBS from the current and voltage dip during engine start. The values are forwarded to the DME to calculate the SoH of the battery. Software contained in the microprocessor of the IBS utilizes the measured values to calculate the State of Charge (SoC) of the battery during vehicle sleep mode and compares this information with that received from the DME/ECM pertaining to the battery SoC/SoH, during the period of time between engine “OFF” and deactivation of the DME main relay. The current SoC/battery data is stored in the IBS every 2 hours over a 6 hour time frame, providing 3 - 2 hour snapshots of battery SoC information. The stored information/snapshot data is overwritten every 6 hours. Whenever KL15 is activated the IBS updates the DME with the current closed circuit histogram/battery status information, byway of the BSD. Upon obtaining updated information the DME evaluates the new data and if a closed-circuit current draw is identified a fault will be stored in the fault memory of the DME. Servicing the IBS The IBS is very sensitive to mechanical stress and strain. It is serviced as a complete unit with the ground cable. The ground cable also serves as a heat dissipater for the IBS. Particular attention should be paid to the following points in service: • Do not make any additional connections at the negative terminal of the battery • Do not modify the ground cable • Do not make any connections between the IBS and the sensor screw • Do not use force when disconnecting the ground terminal from the battery • Do not pull at the ground cable • Do not use the IBS as a pivot point to lever off the ground terminal • Do not use the connections of the IBS as a lever • Use only a torque wrench as described in the repair manual • Do not release or tighten the sensor screw IBS Diagnosis A fault code is stored in the DME when the IBS is defective. The DME adopts a substitute value and assumes IBS emergency mode. IBS emergency mode boosts the idle speed in order to sufficiently charge the battery. Direct diagnosis of the IBS is not possible, it can only be diagnosed through the DME. The self diagnosis function checks the voltage, current, temperature, terminal 15 wake up signal as well as system errors in the IBS. Note: The software in the DME and that of the IBS must match. To ensure this requirement it may be necessary to replace the IBS in connection with a software update" Asta in cazul in care ai asa ceva la 5 -
Si de unde vine firul galben? sunt 2 becuri in soclu?
Salut vreu sa fac un retrofit la Webasto VJ84613, am gasit unitatea webasto si suportul, dar nu stiu exact ce mai am nevoie... Sti cumva cam cat ma duce daca am deja webasto? am inteles ca mai trebuie ceva furtune din rezervor + ceva furtune pe la motor, o alta pompa de apa etc.. Stiu ca vine vara dar ma gandesc inca la iarna trecuta :coldb:
Cover roata ros/mancat
smiley32 replied to Catalin BMW's topic in Probleme tehnice si rezolvari Seria 5
Te-a blestemat pisica ca nu ai luat-o cu tine :hyper: -
Cred ca este primul din dreapta cel cu 14 picioare din prima poza Poti sa vezi ce scrie pe el?
Eu as da tot LMA-u cu solutie pentru circuite electrice un fel de regenerator http://www.adelaida.ro/spray-curatire-contacte-kontakt-60-100.html Cauta la magazienele de specialitate... sincer daca avea ceva probleme LMA-u (mari) nu cred ca putea sa-l updateze fara nicio eroare, cumpara ce ti-am zis si da pe toate mufele de la LMA la faruri peste tot, dai si pe placa LMA-ului pe toate circuitele o sergi putin si o remontezi. Eu am gasit o intrerupere minuscula cu un sprei de asta, mergea 2-3 saptamani dupa ce dadeam cu sprey, apoi am dat pe zone pana ma descoperit locul exact de pe toata placa si apoi am facut legatura cu un fir subtire dupa ce am masurat traseul si am vazut ca este intrerupt.... cu ochiu liber nu vedeai nimic :purple:
Frumoasa poza... da cine a facut poza soacra? :console:
Sincer eu nu inteleg ... ce vrei sa zici? cand ai cumparat masina suna alarma pe platforma? si acum nu sti sa o activezi? deci chiar nu inteleg nimic din postul tau
17 11 1 712 911 = dreptunghiulare 11 14 7 799 108 = rotunde
La mine nu mai tine furtunul cel gros dupa cum ziceam... e gaura destul de mare acolo plus ca mai are 2-3 gauri pe la imbinari
Da, de bani sunt multi care se plang
Instalare program diagnoza Inpa
smiley32 replied to FANATIC's topic in Audio/Video/Navigatie/Electronica auto
Incearca cu DIS V57