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Everything posted by B.M.W.

  1. stiau ei mai bine de ce... dar de ce? adica cum pot catalizatoarele sa influenteze de la 0-5% la 60% cum zice kewlya? si de ce? si cum pot aparea pe tester atata timp cat valva egr nu este actionata electronic? urmatorul link este luat de pe clubopel http://www.clubopel.com/viewtopic.php?t=9280 aici se precizeaza ca valva egr se deschide la aprox 20% la benzinare si ajunge la pana la 50% la diesel. poate kewlya a mancat un 0 si trebuia sa fie 0-50% normal si 60% fara catalizator. cand arunci o vorba e bine sa aduci si un argument
  2. pe ce tester ti-a citit EGR-u? ma intereseaza si pe mine, desi eu am cele 2 tobe intermediare si cea finala, nu am catalizatoru (primu dupa turbo - are sitele scoase). eu stiam ca la bmw egr-u este actionat mecanic de presiunea gazelor de evacuare. cum poti sa-ti dai seama procentual in ce parametrii functioneaza?
  3. An ode to the 320d My dad always told me “Son, pick your battles wisely”. It’s a mantra I’ve followed and whether this was kicking the school bully in the shins whilst his mates weren’t around or folding your pocket kings when an ace hits the river, knowing when to make a move and when to back away has served me well. At a recent wedding I got put on a table with a rather obnoxious man. Let’s call him “Jeremy” to protect the cretinous. Now I’ve travelled to various countries around the world and one thing always amazes me about tossers; irrespective of nationality, race or religion they always make themselves known very early into an encounter. Jeremy was no different. I figured this unfortunate seating arrangement wouldn’t be an issue as the Shiraz was flowing nicely so all I had to do was sit through the meal and the (quite frankly excruciating) speeches. As long as I didn’t engage him in conversation, I could drop this plum and head for the bar the second the best man had finished stumbling over his notes. Jeremy had other ideas. “I hear you’re into cars. What’s your wheels?” he asked. Normally I’m happy to talk for hours on end to any driving enthusiast but in situations like weddings, dinner parties etc. you don’t know who appreciates cars and who doesn’t. There are three possible answers to this question: 1. "Focus", 2. "Focus ST" or, 3. "Focus ST. You know, the one with the in-line five cylinder turbocharged engine sourced from the Volvo stable. It has massive mid-range torque for superior in gear acceleration blah, blah…" Answering with option 3 singles you out as a bit of a nerd, not something you want to do at a social gathering. Option 2 might result in further questioning “ST? What’s that then?”. If they knew what an ST was they wouldn’t need to ask. If they don’t know then they really care about the answer and they’re leading you neatly down the geeky cul-de-sac that is option 3. I nearly always opt for simple answer of “Focus”. The cognoscenti may then follow this up with “ST or RS?” informing you you’re now speaking to somebody in the know. Otherwise the discussion is over, move on, nice table display isn’t it? I correctly predicted Jeremy’s “What’s your wheels?” was a leading question because as the “s” of Focus left my lips it was instantly countered with “I drive a Beemer”. “Oh?” I asked, trying to sound as disinterested as possible. “Yeah it’s the latest model, picked it up last Tuesday and cruised down in her this morning. It’s so fast you know” Every sinew in my being resisted giving him the pleasure of pursuing this any further but somebody else at the table enquired “Which engine has it got?”. “It’s a 320D” Jeremy proudly announced. I should have guessed. That car is the epitome of pretentiousness and badge snobbery and everything about Jeremy shouted hollow and conceited, from his Premiership footballer’s mullet to his permatanned vacuous wife. I don’t understand how Jeremy et al can warrant spending £25k, or more likely paying the tax on £25k, for a poverty spec BMW when something as accomplished as a fully loaded ST220 sits within their budget. Yes, the BMW is rear wheel drive but do you think Jeremy cares about that? Do you think he even knows that? Now I’d love to have started destroying Jeremy and his oh-so-fast diesel and suggesting other cars that he could have spent his £25k on but there really wasn’t much point. Plus I could feel Mrs TKF’s eyes burning into me. If we’d been Stella swilling chavs outside a pub she’d have been holding onto my arm with one hand with a kebab in the other shouting “Leave him, he’s not worth it”. But we were in a marquee, the Stella was Mount Bold Barossa Valley Shiraz and the kebab was a delightful poached salmon fillet. In this case a simple look sufficed. I could also hear my dad’s words “Pick your battles wisely” softly drifting across the air like Obi Wan Kenobi. In this case I would have been arguing with stupidity and, frankly, I would have lost. I was reminded of this encounter yesterday when I made the mistake of daring to venture into the BMW lane on the M40. Right on cue a blue propeller badged saloon was sat within inches of my bumper apparently trying to inspect the contents of my boot. The traffic was such that I couldn’t move over yet but as soon as the road in front opened up Mr Aspires-To-Middle-Management behind flashed his lights at me. Two cogs down and a short blast on the right pedal was all that was needed to dispatch the BMW which quickly became a dot in the mirror. Further up the road the traffic slowed again and the BMW caught up, kidney grill filling my mirror. Once again he took up usual seat sniffing my exhausts and once again the traffic meant that there was nowhere for me to go. This time the car in front had barely moved into the middle lane before I got a full blast of main beam. Now you could forgive him the first time for not recognising a Focus ST or knowing what it could do. The ST is unlikely to even appear on his radar when speaking to the fleet manager. However, to flash again after what had occurred was just plain dumb. I guess it’s just a kind of Pavlovian response for Jeremy and his chums. Must. Get. By. This. Car. This time around instead of giving him another demonstration for him to ignore I moved over. As he passed I noticed the telltale badge on the bootlid; Three-Twenty-Dee. I’d tried to make my point but sadly it had fallen on bluetooth headset adorned deaf ears. All he was doing was thinking about how great his presentation would be at the upcoming flange selling conference. All I’d done was wasted petrol. I shook my head and wish I’d listened to my father’s prudent words “Son, pick your battles wisely”
  4. “BMW drivers in the greater Los Angeles area were cited for moving violations proportionally more than any other make according to California Highway Patrol data from 2004. During the period of record, 3,456 cars were cited, and BMWs constituted 13.4% of these citations, where as Mercedes only constituted 11.3% of the citations. “
  5. hai sa nu exageram. eu pot sa spun cu inima pe mana ca avand ca prima masina 316i dupa ce nu am mai condus altceva in viata mea mi-am luat o groaza de amenzi. aveam 9 puncte la un moment dat si crede-ma treaba asta ma potolit. nu circul cu mai mult de 80 - 90 in oras si asta atunci cand ma grabesc. am aproape jumate de an de cand conduc linistit si intr-o zi mi-am luat avertisment si 2 puncte ca aveam 70 la ora cand toti ceilalti participanti in trafic aveau aceasi viteza. probabil m-au oprit pe mine ca eram in bmw. le-am spus frumos si de la obraz ca la viteza aia lasi omu in pace si astepti sa prinzi altu cu viteza mai mare. mi-au zambut frumos si mi-au zis ca nu aveam viteza legala deci nu au ce sa-mi faca. eu zic ca politia isi face treaba
  6. si daca te vad in bmw ai incurcat-o :) vor sa-ti arate ce poate masina lor si ce "nu poate" a ta .. doar fiindca esti in bmw :blink:
  7. traficu de zi sucks. te intrebi de ce mai ai masina si nu-ti iei bicicleta.
  8. Poate ca nu trebuia sa dau exemplu asta care este banal. Trebuia sa subliniez mai mult cele 2 articole... Cine nu are exemple de genu asta inseamna ca locuieste intr-un oras linistit de provincie sau se culca seara la 10. Total irelevant exemplul meu. De ce nu era un Ford Focus lipit de bara mea?
  9. Ok va las sa comentati. Nu e in imaginatia mea cand la 140 la ora cineva cu un "bolid" 320d se tine lipit de bara din spate intelegi?
  10. nu trebuia sa demonstrez nimic. eu personal tai pasaju cu 120 km/h. asa fac eu si daca sunt singur.
  11. eu nu am condus alta masina inafara de bmw. ma gandesc serios sa schimb marca sa fiu lasat in pace. de cateva luni incoace ii dau mai usor si mereu se gaseste cate unu sa ma provoace.
  12. treci pe acolo macar la 2-3 zile? toata lumea ii da acolo.. pana si batranu cu dacia mi-a dat un exemplu cand ii da :blink:
  13. Am citit acum cateva zile niste articole despre soferii de bmw in general. Toti au o parere proasta despre ei in sensul ca sunt mai agresivi ca ceilalti, asteapta ca ceilalti participanti la trafic sa se dea la o parte din calea lor .. etc Mai sunt cei care au condus mai multe masini la viata lor si la un moment dat au avut bmw. Prima impresie fata de celelalte masini este ca putina lume te lasa sa treci cand ai nevoie sa ti se faca loc, altii cauta sa se "dea" cu tine ca ai bmw, sau ca in momentu in care ai pus picioru in marca asta, ceva anume din tine te impinge sa le arati celorlalti ce poti tu sa faci cu masina. Later Edit: Aici era un exemplu irelevant. Va las sa cititi cele doua articole http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=552347 http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.a...23&t=448230&i=0
  14. bai nene unde ai gasit pozele astea :blink: ??? stiam ca @deathrow facuse un diy. l-am cautat la greu dar nu-l mai gasesc
  15. nu trebuie data galeria jos. e f usor de umblat acolo. se tine intr-un surub/piulita si se da jos intr-un minut. senzoru costa 230 ron la Ab.
  16. nu mai stiu exact cati litri intra in m43 dar iti recomand sa iei castrol de culoare albastra (sau aral). cred ca 5L iti ajung in cazu in care diluezi cu jumate apa distilata si obtii 10L. exista 2 locuri prin care se poate scurge lichidu de racire. unul din ele se situeaza sub vasul de expansiune, e un capacel albastru care se vede daca te uiti de sub masina. asta asigura cam 50% din scurgere. ai mare grija cand il desfaci ca e fragil si se poate rupe. alta scurgere se gaseste pe blocu motor pe partea stanga. de obice e sub forma unui capacel alb din plastic (care in caz de inghet poate sari ca sa nu-ti crape blocu motor in caz ca nu ai antigel) sau sub forma unui surub. nu uita, inainte sa desfaci astea ai un surubel din plastic de aerisire, se gaseste pe vasu de expansiune, langa capacu pe unde torni lichidu de racire. desfa-l si pe asta ca sa fi sigur ca ti se scurge tot. era un DIY pe undeva dar nu-l gasesc eu ti-am spus astea sub forma informativa, iti recomand sa nu te bagi singur sa faci asta.
  17. am incercat sa explic cam pe unde vine traseul furtunului.. ideea e ca acuma a inceput sa-mi trepideze si in mers normal (mai exact la relanti) dar e foarte ciudat ca nu trepideaza tot timpu ci doar uneori si masina trage bine in rest, deci nu are probleme de performanta. care e treaba cu vacuum pana la urma ?
  18. SA MOR IO... (scuzati) deci ieri tocmai cand ma hotarasem sa iau filtrul epurator in urmatorul minut florin33 mi-a zis ca tocmai la schimbat (l-am schimbat si eu azi 159 ron la Ab) ... si acuma pbz imi spune de furtunu de vacuum... care tocmai acuma cand am schimbat filtrul epurator am observat ca e fisurat. deci ca sa nu ne intelegem gresit .. acuma e seara si nu pot sa-i fac o poza sau ceva. e vorba de un furtunas imbracat intr-un material textil si vine de undeva din dreapta motorului cum te uiti si urca pe la motor.. trece prin fata capacului de ulei si continua jos in stanga motorului si se duce intr-un butoias care este situat in fata turbinei... te rog spune-mi daca asta e sigur fiindca al meu e rupt
  19. masina nu mai imi trepideaza decat acuma mai nou cand o pornesc la rece dimineata imi trepideaza in primele 10 secunde. care sunt furtunurile de vacuum la care te referi? daca sunt cumva cele care baga aer dinspre turbina sa sti ca m-am gandit si la alea sa le verific si nu au nimic
  20. ei nici chiar in fiecare zi :blink:
  21. Ok. stiam de treaba asta.. dar eu ma referam ca acuma injectoarele noi arata altfel. sa zicem ca ar fi la fel de la capul injectorului pana pe la mijloc .. in schimb incepand de la mijloc in sus e complet diferit. are alta forma :blink:. treaba asta ma face sa ma gandesc ca injectorarele au trecut printr-un update de fabrica mecanic/electronic de-a lungul anilor.
  22. la acelasi lucru ma gandeam si eu :blink:. maine dau si eu o fuga la AB pt filtrul de la epuratorul de gaze. valva EGR am verificat-o cand am schimbat injectoru. era murdara dar nu in exces. am inteles ca nu e cazu sa o curat ca se murdareste la loc. am scos furtunu care vine de la intercooler si am rugat pe mecanic sa se uite la valva in timp ce eu apasam pedala de acceleratie (valva EGR nu se deschide la relanti) si mi-a confirmat ca presiunea gazelor de evacuare deschidea valva. costa 5 mil la AB si nu e cazu sa o schimb. in schimb epuratorul de gaze am fost nevoit sa-l dau jos deoarece am gasit ulei langa el pe capac si am crezut ca pierde pe acolo. de fapt nu pierdea iar uleiul ramas acolo era ulei curat nou nout. cu ocazia asta am putut sa constat ca filtrul care vine acolo (un fel de sita cilindrica) era imbibat cu o mazga neagra (as fi vrut sa spun ca era ulei dar era prea murdar). am cautat acuma pe forum de ce imi da fum negru si am vazut ca filtrul epurator ar putea fi una din cauze. la cum se prezinta el la mine sigur e asta (ar putea fi si din turbina dar asta e alt caz si nu se dicuta pe topicu asta)
  23. am observat ca daca achizitionezi un injector nou acuma in 2007 ca sa schimbi unu vechi de pe masina, care are acelasi cod la bmw, la bosch s.a.m.d. el difera fata de cel vechi. injectoru nou are o garnitura cam pe la mijloc iar mai sus are o o chestie ca o saiba mobila mai lata asa si mai multe diferente. codul e acelasi pe capac dar daca te uiti la cele doua difera din multe puncte de vedere. deci din treaba asta inteleg doar un singur lucru. sistemul de injectie bosch a avut probleme (probabil normale fiind in anii de inceput) si evolueaza continuu. practic daca schimbi un injector acuma primesti si un update la pachet nu doar un injector nou nout.
  24. e posibil la mine sa fie un caz ceva mai deosebit... in orice caz cand iti pica un injector iti tremura toata masina, hainele de pe tine, schimbatoru se misca in toate partile.. e urat. acuma merge sublim. mai e totusi un mare semn de intrebare. cand o pornesc la rece dimineata imi vibreaza masina puternic iar dupa 10-15 secunde isi revine si merge normal. alta problema e ca turbina e cam obosita si imi cam suiera si din cauza asta se pare ca presiunea de admisie a aerului nu este suficienta iar motorina nu arde complet. rezultatul este fum negru pe esapament. nu mai astept si imi cumpar o turbina din germania, o sa o schimb sap viitoare... dar ma intreb: daca nu-mi arde motorina complet, e posibil sa se faca depuneri sau ceva pe capul injectoarelor si din motivu asta sa-mi pice?
  25. apropo de treaba asta, m-am inalnit odata cu un membru cu o pisica aurie 325i sa-i vand un cd player.. si din vorba in vorba ma luat la o tura cu masina lui. a prins 80 la ora in treapta 1 :blink:. mi-a zis ca a pus diferential de diesel ca originalu se stricase
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