+1 La E90 scade intervalul de "service"(schimb ulei) in functie de orele de functionare ale motorului si media de consum pe ultimile mii de km.De exemplu unul care merge in DE. numai pe autostrazi cu 130km/h in tr. a-6-a unde uzura uleiului este minima va schimba uleiul la 30 de mii km fata de unul care merge in Ro. in traficul din Buc unde se sta mult pe loc si motorul are multe ore de functionare BC-ul te atentioneaza deja de la 15mii km ca trebuie sa schimbi uleiul.Deci nu vad de ce as schimba uleiul la 7-10 mii de km. Cat despre faza cu incalzitul motorului la ralanti iar nu o inteleg atata timp cat in toate cartile tehnice ale masinilor scrie clar ca motorul se incalzeste in mers iar la ralanti nu se lasa mai mult de 10-15s. Citez din "Carbibles.com" : ""The acids condense and etch the cylinder walls and piston rings. In reality, this accounts for over 85% of engine wear, the other 15% being down to abrasion. So the adverts are nearly right - most of the engine wear does happen at startup, and it is because of a lack of oil, but it isn't because the oil isn't coating moving parts - it's because it's not transporting these acidic gases away. Having said that, if you start the engine and let it idle for 15 seconds or so before moving off, you can probably add another 100,000 miles to your engine's life without one bottle of additive. This warms the oil up a tad and makes sure it's in all the most vital areas before you start putting a strain on the engine. Most handbooks tell you not to let the engine warm up before driving off (they're referring to the acid corrosion mentioned above), but they mean don't let it reach working temperature.""