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Bogdan Ungureanu

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Posts posted by Bogdan Ungureanu

  1. Stimabililor, eu am un G30, 3.0, iar eu pun ulei de motor 0W30 LL 12FE, deoarece tot vestul pune numai 0W30, si il schimb la maxim 15k km. Doar in reperezentantele din Romania se foloseste 5W30, ca na este mai ieftin la achizitie si genereaza un profit mai mare...

    De exemplu, litrul de ulei la butoi (204l) ajunge la achizitie undeva la 12/14 lei, si este vandut la 90 lei de reprezentante si la 40/50 lei de service-urile multimarca, daca ar pune 0W30, unde achizitia este pe la 55 lei, nu ar mai face nimeni revizia cu 0W30 deoarece ar trebui sa vanda litrul cu 200 lei....

    Mai mult decat atat, tot uleiul 5W30 BMW intrat in Romania este produs in Spania...cu o calitate mai slaba decat cel pentru vest.


    Si da 0w30 urca mai repede in rampa, are o marja de temperaturi mai ridicata decat 5W30, ai un consum usor mai mic, motor mai silentios...

  2. @branevl Remote 3d view este un serviciu oferit contra cost și are o valabilitate inițialĂŁ de 3 ani de la data achiziționĂŁrii mașinii.

    Probabil subscripția ta la acest serviciu a expirat, verifica ĂŽn contul tĂŁu connecteddrive.

    Oricum nu funcționeazĂŁ ĂŽn România...

    Corect, am eu subsriptie activa, si in Romania nu functioneaza :( la fel si cu acel plan de 1GB free hot spot in masina, nu imi functioneaza :(

  3. Ceasuri bord full digital (6WB) pentru seria 1 (F01 F02), Seria 5 (F10, F11, F07) si Seria 6 (F12, F13).


    Montaj si codare in Bucuresti.


    Ceasurile se programeaza pe masina cumparatorului, atat VIN-ul cat si numarul de km.




    - varianta standard (fara Head Up Display) = 750 euro

    - varianta cu Head Up Display = 800 euro


    Pretul include montaj si codare.


    Ma intereseaza si pe mine, am un BMW 530d F10 2010 am si HUD. te rog un pm cu un numer de contatct. Multumesc

  4. Tu intrebi de update pt software-ul bluetooth si interfata usb, dar nu stii sa te exprimi.

    Vezi aici: http://www.bmw.com/com/en/owners/navigation/bluetooth/bluetooth_software_update_vin.jsp


    Ai instructiunile acolo.


    Ai partial dreptate, tocmai ca nu pot face update software-ului bluetooth pentru ca nu am in settings meniul software update.

    De dapt ma interesa asta:


  5. Eram vineri noaptea pe A1 cu sotia si fiul meu si mi s-a taiat anvelopa, am urcat masina pe o platforma si m-a dus pana la pitesti la ai mei, a doua zi (adica sambata)am cautat anvelopa, dar nu am gasit dimensiunea de care aveam nevoie (275/35/R19) am gasit doar 245/45/R18. Duminica trebuia sa ma intorc acasa in Bucuresti. Intr-o tara civilizata poti cumpara si sambata, nu si in romania. Sper ca ai inteles de ce nu puteam sa cumpar TOATA saptamana anvelope.
  6. @Myx & @Alex_wly: multumesc pentru raspuns

    Pentru cei interesati am gasit articolul de mai jos, deci producatoru recomanda schimbul uleiului si al filtrului de ulei de la cutia de viteze la 100.000 km (aprox. 161.000km) recomandat este la 60.000 mile (aprox. 96.500 km) deci mai stau pana pe la 80.000 de km si il schimb, deoarece eu nu fortez masina.

    Mai jos este un link unde gasiti informatiile postate de mine mai sus. Daca postarea acestui link incalca vreo regula a forumului rog admin-ul forum-ului sa il stearga.


    http://www.intalnirea BMW-urilor.com/forums/showthread.php?t=574563


    Va multumesc tuturor pentru ajutor.


    The short answer for the modern BMWs with “lifetime fill” ATF: Change it and the filter

    at least every 60,000 miles using ONLY the factory BMW proprietary ATF.

    Here is the long answer:

    At various production dates in the mid-1990s, which vary according to model, BMW

    switched to their so-called “lifetime fill” ATF in automatic transmissions, as well as

    manual gearbox lubricant and differential oil. The reason for this, as far as anyone can

    tell, is marketing and not engineering – the idea being to foster the notion of the lowmaintenance


    There was no explanation of what “lifetime” meant, i.e., lifetime of the car, the

    component, or for that matter the driver. If it was the component, then obviously anything

    could be “lifetime fill”. The factory’s initial position is that these lubricants never need to

    be changed. Then, some time later, it came out that “lifetime” means 100,000 miles.

    Many dealerships are now recommending manual gearbox and differential oil changes be

    done at customer expense every 60,000 miles. Every independent BMW technician I

    know recommends a 30,000-60,000-mile interval, and many recommend Red Line

    synthetic oils, but not for automatics with “lifetime fill” – you need the factory

    proprietary ATF for “lifetime fill” automatics.

    Older automatic transmission models, which do not have “lifetime fill” should have ATF

    and filter services every 15,000 miles if using petroleum ATF; every 30,000 miles with


    However, the modern automatic transmissions are different. No one knows exactly what

    BMW’s proprietary ATF is, so no one knows if there are viable alternatives. We do know

    that BMW dealerships charge about $500 for an ATF and filter service, due to the price

    of the ATF. And that’s assuming you can get them to do the job, which is not often the


    Bavarian Autosport (www.bavauto.com), Pelican Parts (www.pelicanparts.com), and

    perhaps others are now importing the proprietary “lifetime fill” ATF at reasonable prices,

    which they sell along with filter kits, for independent BMW shops and do-it-yourselfers.

    It is risky to drain a previously un-maintained automatic transmission with high mileage,

    even though if it were my car I would probably chance it. Still, I have seen it happen too

    many times, where a well-meaning owner or technician performs an ATF and filter

    service on a neglected but well-shifting automatic, and then all of the sudden it starts

    slipping. I can’t explain it, but my feeling is the fresh ATF flushes a bit of sludge from a

    place where it was doing no harm to a place where it does do harm. Overfilling, underfilling,

    and cleanliness are also issues in ATF and filter servicing, but these should not be

    problematic for a professional BMW technician, dealer or independent.

    Copyright © 2011 by Mike Miller, all rights reserved.

    Copyright © 2011 by Mike Miller, all rights reserved.


    BMW has backed off its lifetime fill mantra for automatic transmissions, currently

    recommending an ATF and filter change every 100,000 miles for the current BMW


    My inclination is to tell people to change “lifetime” ATF and filter every 60,000 miles.

    However I have seen BMW automatic transmissions that were maintained break anyway.

    In that event, say it happens at 90,000 miles, you would like to have the money you spent

    on the ATF and filter change to put toward your new automatic transmission. And if I

    told you to spend it on maintenance you’re probably not going to be very happy with me.

    On the other hand, I have seen maintained automatics last 200,000 miles. I have also seen

    un-maintained automatics last 200,000 miles, although both are very rare. There's just no

    predicting with these transmissions. When you choose to buy an automatic transmission,

    you also buy into the vagaries of the darn things, which is one reason technicians hate

    them. Whether to maintain a modern BMW automatic is up to you.

    At automatic transmission replacement time, we are confronted with the reality that the

    local transmission shop cannot rebuild BMW automatic transmissions, even those built

    by GM (BMW’s GM transmissions bear no resemblance to GM transmission in domestic

    cars). There are some domestic specialists who concentrate in BMW automatic

    transmission rebuilding, and you’ll see their ads in Roundel and Bimmer. However, I

    have no current experience with domestic rebuilders. My experience in the past is…well,

    the owner wound up buying a BMW factory rebuilt automatic transmission every time,

    and this is the course I recommend to readers – “back to the dealer.”

  7. Am intalat varianta 2013 de 3 saptamani - 1 luna si degeaba, se pare ca avem prea multe indicatoare ce talpi si nu stie sa citeasca, aceeasi problema este si in state, am citit pe un forum si ei se vaitau la fel :).

    Am mai auzit o varianta ca ar avea legatura cu internetul din masina, la mine oricum nu merge deoarece masina este luata din germania iar cei de la automobile bavaria mi-au spus ca trebuie sa schimb modulul pe care il am si ma costa 1.700 ron. o sa incerc si varianta asta :).

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