Revin, este la 7.1 temperatura exterioara :pirate: toata lista 1 Car Engine and cluster data 1.0 46nnn Chassis nr/VIN serial number (last 5 digits) 1.1 4nnn K-number 1.2 690236 Cluster Part # 1.3 045210 Coding (04)/diagnosis (52)/bus index (10) 1.4 1200 Week (12)/year of manufacture (2000) 1.5 09_160 Hardware (09) and software # (16.0) of cluster 1.6 Not used 1.7 04__44 CAN-version (04) KI-revision index (44) 2 (test) Cluster System Test - Activates the gauge drivers, indicators and LEDs to confirm function 3 SI Data 3.0 1098 Used fuel in liters since last SI (Service Inspection) 3.1 0231 Periodic inspection days; elapsed days (since last SI) 4 Momentary Consumption 4.0 0145+ Instant fuel consumption - 0145=14.5 liters/100km 4.1 0018 Instant fuel consumption - 0018=1.8 l/Hour 5 Distance Gone Consumption 5.0 082 Average mileage; 082=8.2 liters/100km 5.1 0536 Calc. km to refuel (momentary distance to go) 6 Fuel Level sensor inputs in liters 6.0 109330+ Fuel level averaged; Left half sensor input=10.9 liters; Right sensor input=33.0 liters 6.1 0439+ Total tank level averaged; vlgs 6.0: 10.9+33.0=43.9 liters 6.2 0442+ Indicated value (44.2) and tank phase 7 Temperature and Speed 7.0 021+ Coolant/Engine temperature (2.1C) 7.1 130 Ambient/Outside temperature - chg met 5 pts. 125/130/135 7.2 + Engine speed / Current RPMs 1/min 7.3 + Vehicle speed / Current Speed in km/hour 8 Input value in HEX form 8.0 1d0+ System voltage ADC-Value Hex code 8.1 26C33C+ ADC Values HG left/HG right 8.2 0000 ADC Value brake degradation sensor (000=o.k.) 8.3 18C ADC Value outside temperature 9 Battery 9.0 140 Battery Voltage - 140 = UB 14.0v 9.1 242013+? 9.2 074_78+? 9.3 0011+? 10 Not used 11 Not used 12 Not used 13 GonG Gong Test 14 Not used 15 Status cluster I/O-ports (bit codes) 0=low; 1=high 1st-belt contact, seat belt fastened=0; 2) ignition lock contact, key inserted=0; 3) door contact, door open=0; 4) clock button pressed=0; 5) SI reset=0, for reset=0; 6) EGS transmission failure=0 Status Digital Outputs (bits) 0=inactive, 1=active 1) Gong output; 2) Brake warning lamp; 3) Low fuel warning lamp; 4) EGA lamp; 5) seat belt lamp; 6) manipulation dot 16 Not used 17 Not used 18 Not used 19 Lock Status; unlocks functions in range 3-18 19.0 L-On/L-Off Unlock: press button when "L-Off" 20 Not used 21 Software Reset; reset OBC settings 00 End of test