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  1. GLONTUL DE ARGINT Boasca, daca esti inginer, de ce te pronunti inainte de a cunoaste solutia tehnica ?
  2. Pentru dl BOASCA ca-i mai "priceput" pe tehnica Daca nu pricepe si se considera in continuare mai destept decat toti astia de mai jos, atunci sa revina dar nu prea repede ca mi s-au gatat "gloantele" = nr de postari AVANTAJE VCR&VCC Variable Compression Ratio Technology for CO2 Reduction of Gasoline Engines in Passenger Cars Project VCR European Commision 2002 Three different VCR solutions, the Controlled Crankshaft Positioning – VCR, the Variable Connecting Rod and the Alvar-VCR were manufactured and tested in 1-cylinder engines. Out of the engine test results depending on the technology used up to 9 % fuel saving can be reached out of running the engine with the optimal compression ratio under all load and speed conditions. Additional to up 18 % fuel saving can be reached by reducing the engine displacement for about 40 % but keeping torque and performance constant by high boosting. The base for comparison is an engine with 3 L displacement. So, overall a fuel consumption reduction up to 27 % is visible with the new technology without disadvantage in drivability, pollutant emissions and with only moderate production cost increase. Performance Analysis of Variable Compression Ratio Engine using Diesel K.Manikanta1, K.Anil2, B.Manoj Prabhakar3 1,2,3 MVGR College of Engineering/Mechanical Engineering, Vizianagaram, India. manikathala@gmail.com anilkalangi@gmail.com shiny_hawkins@yahoo.co.in Proc. of. Int. Conf. on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2010 In the current study an attempt is made to find an optimum compression ratio for diesel engine with diesel oil. With respect to brake power the optimum compression ratio was found as 17. But with respect to brake thermal efficiency and specific fuel consumption the optimum compression ratio is found to be 18. Therefore it is understood that the optimum compression ratio for the current diesel engine will be around 17.5. The volumetric efficiency of the diesel engine is varies by 1% with different compression ratios. The air fuel ratio of the engine is in the range of 45:1 to 15:1 between the compression ratios 15 to 19. Concept Development of a Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using TRIZ Hong-Wook Lee, Won Gyu Kim, Jin Woo Cho, Myung Rae Cho, Sang Hee Lee Hyundai•Kia Motor Company Effect of Variable Compression Ratio VCR+Turbo Engine improves 20~30% of Fuel Consumption in comparison with the same power of NA Engine. Fundamental Research in Russia on Development of Engines with Variable Compression Ratio The value of this experience is in the fact that practically for the first time were shown possibilities of drastic increase of engine power density, maintaining its economy and providing minimum fuel consumption while engine running on low and average loads. Engineering decisions and ways of regulation for engine compression ratio can be different, however it’s undoubtedly, that this trend can really improve fuel economy and exhaust emission by 20 – 30%. Demonstrating the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio, Alvar- Cycle Engine Olof Erlandsson, Gunnar Lundholm, Fredrik SĂśderberg and Bengt Johansson Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden Victor W. Wong Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. SAE TECHNICAL PAPER SERIES 982682 The results indicate that at part load, high compression ratio, a relatively high increase in efficiency can be achieved and this without any direct increase in emissions. A further study in this field, and especially high compression ratio and its effect on EGR –tolerance together with EGR and its effect on the knock limit, would be very interesting. Information from such tests would be very valuable when optimizing an engine for efficiency. • Variable compression ratio renders a possibility for increasing the efficiency at part load conditions. • At high compression ratio: It is not critical in terms of efficiency if the spark advance has to be reduced from MBT timing to avoid knock. It will bring the benefits of lower NOx – emissions. • Variable compression ratio gives a possibility to increase the maximum power output through lower compression ratio and high boost pressure. • The Alvar engine is a possibility in achieving variable compression ratio and it has shown to give the expected benefits of such a engine. • The Alvar engine does not give higher HC-emissions than a standard engine, contrary to what was expected. CHANGING THE SQUEEZE The technologies and control of variable compression ratio engines. by Julian Edgar http://www.autospeed.com/A_110204/cms/article.html An engine with a higher compression ratio is more efficient - it gains more energy from the fuel being burnt. However, like all good things, there is a limit to how far the compression ratio (CR) can be increased before the disadvantages start to more than offset the advantages. Specifically, an engine with a CR above about 11-12:1 starts to suffer because the ignition timing has to be pulled back in order that detonation is avoided. However, that's at full throttle - but at part-throttle the situation's very different. Because the volumetric efficiency (the amount of air that is breathed by the engine each intake stroke, compared with its capacity) dramatically drops at part-throttle, the combustion pressures are also much lower. This means the CR and ignition timing detonation limits that apply at wide open throttle no longer apply at part throttle. Simply put, at part-throttle an engine can have a much higher compression ratio and/or more advanced ignition timing than at full-throttle. Given that the vast majority of car use is at part-throttle, an efficiency boost created by a higher CR during part-throttle operation results in real-world improvements in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Engines with variable compression ratios have the potential to improve engine efficiency in real-world conditions. Further, they can be teamed with high-boost forced induction to allow the downsizing of engines without a reduction in power or efficiency. Finally, coming technologies such as combined starter/generators - which can provide electric assist at low road speeds - combine well with turbocharged variable CR engines, where low-rpm boost is not available. MAYFLOWER'S VARIABLE ENGINE TECHNOLOGY http://www.sae.org/automag/techbriefs/01-2002/page2.htm It is called the Mayflower e3 Variable Motion Engine, and it could bring a new dimension to the efficiency of the internal-combustion engine, say its inventors and developers. Mayflower Corp., a British automotive and specialist engineering and manufacturing company, with operations in the UK, Continental Europe, Asia, and North America, claims that initial test results indicate a fuel-consumption improvement of 40%, with a 50% reduction in emissions. Variable compression ratio and engine "capacity on demand" are other elements of the technology. Benefits and Challenges of Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) Martyn Roberts Prodrive Ltd Copyright © 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. VARIABLE CAPACITY As indicated earlier, some VCR designs (e.g. Mayflower, fig 9) combine variation in stroke with variation in CR either as a by-product of the geometry change or a stated aim of the mechanism. The potential change in swept volume is limited by crankshaft geometry at one extreme and engine silhouette at the other ; practical VCR devices are unlikely to enable capacity changes greater than 20% which falls well short of the 50% achieved by cylinder de-activation. Unless more extreme variations in capacity can be engineered, downsized engines are still likely to require pressure charging to meet customer expectations for WOT performance. In such circumstances, there appears to be little justification for variation in capacity. VCR offers the largest potential improvement in part throttle fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions when compared to other competing technologies, if applied to highly pressure-charged downsized engines. VCR is highly synergistic with FAS/CSG systems which can offer torque enhancement at low rpm when boost systems are least effective. FAS/CSG systems can also provide a 42v power source for VCR actuation hardware. The main obstacles to adoption of VCR are incompatibility with major components in current production and difficulties of combining VCR and non- VCR manufacturing within existing plant. As environmental pressure on the automobile increases and investment plans for new products are put in place, the justification for VCR will become more evident. Grant: Autoturism echipat cu motor cu raport de comprimare variabil (VCR) http://www.scritube.com/tehnica-mecanica/Grant-Autoturism-echipat-cu-mo2151614912.php Raport de Cercetare Grant: Autoturism echipat cu motor cu raport de comprimare variabil (VCR) Autor: CLENCI ADRIAN CONSTANTIN Universitatea: UNIVERSITATEA din PITESTI O caracteristica importanta a motoarelor de automobil este marea varietate a regimurilor de functionare. Printre acestea, regimurile de sarcini mici si mijlocii au un rol esential, deoarece functionarea la aceste regimuri este definitorie pentru economicitatea motorului. Din nefericire, la aceste regimuri randamentul termic este mult diminuat ĂŽn comparatie cu cel ĂŽnregistrat la sarcina plina. Ăn concluzie, ar trebui cautate solutiile constructive care actioneaza ĂŽndeosebi ĂŽn zona acestor regimuri, pentru a determina o crestere a randamentului termic. Ăn cazul motoarelor cu aprindere prin scĂŽnteie, controlul cantitativ al sarcinii prin obturarea canalului de admisie determina nu numai pierderile prin pompaj dar si micsorarea raportului real de comprimare al gazelor (εp). Datorita valorii fixe (invariabile ĂŽn timpul functionarii) a raportului geometric de comprimare (εv), masa mai mica de ĂŽncarcatura proaspata, ce rezulta ĂŽn urma scaderii nivelului de sarcina, va ocupa acelasi volum la sfĂŽrsitul cursei de comprimare, astfel ca amestecul va fi mai putin comprimat fata de situatia ĂŽnregistrata la sarcina plina. Acesta constituie principalul dezavantaj al motoarelor cu aprindere prin scĂŽnteie. Rezulta, deci, ca devine economica cresterea raportului geometric de comprimare (εv) cu scaderea nivelului de sarcina, ĂŽn acest mod gradul sau raportul real de comprimare al gazelor (εp) fiind refacut. Ăn etapele sale de evolutie motorul a trecut de la un reglaj manual al avansului la aprindere, la deja perimatul ruptor-distribuitor care ĂŽnseamna un reglaj automat ĂŽn functie de sarcina si turatie. De asemenea, carburatorul a devenit din ce ĂŽn ce mai sofisticat, iar ĂŽn cele din urma s-a trecut la actualul sistem de injectie electronica de benzina, ĂŽn care dozajul se face ĂŽn functie de sarcina, turatie, temperatura si alti parametri de functionare - adica tot la un sistem automat. Ăn plus fata de acestea, renuntarea la sistemul de distributie fixa, optimizat pentru un singur regim de functionare (de regula, regimul sarcinii pline) si trecerea la un sistem de distributie variabila cu sarcina si cu turatia a fost deja facuta. Saab's Variable Compression Engine Supercharged, intercooled - and with a comp ratio of up to 14:1! By Saab Automobile AB It is this variable compression, in combination with considerable overboost and a scaled-down cylinder displacement, that makes the SVC design so strong and at the same time so fuel-efficient. Generous over boost means it is possible to supply more fuel to the engine as and when needed. This in turn promotes both greater torque and higher power output. A smaller cylinder displacement also means that the engine is lighter and operates with lower friction, so it uses fuel more efficiently compared to a conventional engine. Fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 30 percent - while still retaining existing performance levels. Due to its variable compression ratio, the SVC engine can be run at the optimum compression ratio of 14:1 at low load (ie steady highway speed) in order to put the energy in the fuel to best possible use. The compression ratio can then be reduced to 8:1 at high load (ie under hard acceleration) to enable the engine performance to be raised by supercharging without the problem of engine knocking occurring. The variable compression ratio also gives the engine great fuel flexibility. Since the compression ratio can be varied and adjusted to suit the properties of the fuel, the engine will always run at the compression ratio best suited to the fuel. The various functions of the SVC engine are controlled by a special version of Saab's Trionic engine management computer. MCE-5 VCRi Pushing back the fuel consumption reduction limit http://www.mce-5.com/ MCE-5 Variable Compression Ratio Engine: 1.5-Liter With Torque Like a V8! http://capellossiiv.*.com/2009/02/mce-5 At the upcoming 79th International Motor Show in Geneva, France-based MCE-5 Development will showcase its first vehicle application (a Peugeot 407) of a prototype 1.5-liter MCE-5 VCRi (variable compression ratio) gasoline engine. The four-cylinder 1.5L VCRi, equipped with a two-stage turbocharger, develops 220 hp (164 kW) of power (comparable to that of a 3.0L V6 engine), and 420 Nm (310 lb-ft) of torque at 1,500 rpm (comparable to a V8 gasoline engine). Fuel consumption on the NEDC is 6.7 L/100 km (35 mpg US) with 158 g CO2/km. The technology can be applied to smaller displacements, MCE-5 notes. What's interesting is that this prototype is not "equipped with GDI (gasoline direct injection) or optimized combustion chambers." The 2010 version of the engine should have these improvements and bring fuel economy to 6.0 L/100 km (39 mpg US) while producing 50 hp more! Imagine a small car that doesn't need 200+ hp. A 0.8-liter version (or whatever) could probably get very good MPG, possibly running on cellulosic ethanol made from agricultural waste. Not a silver bullet, but this technology would certainly be an improvement on the engines that we have now. Geneva 2009 – Motorul viitorului http://www.totalauto.ro/2009/02/19/geneva-2009-motorul-viitorului/ Autor: Iulian Senos 19 februarie 2009 Avantajele noului benzinar sunt urmatoarele: 1 – Creste puterea motorului. Cu o cilindree de 1,5 litri in 4 cilindri, se vor putea obtine puteri de pana la 220 CP (165 kW) si un cuplu maxim de 420 Nm la o turatie de doar 1500 rpm. 2 - Este cu doar 200-300 € mai scump decat motoarele clasice cu functionare in ciclu Otto. 3 - Pastreaza 80% din componentele motoarelor clasice cu scanteie. Sub aspectul productiei industriale, se pot adapta si seta usor noile linii de productie. 4 – Este mai silentios. 5 - Scade consumul foarte mult, cu aproximativ 30%. In cazul cilindreei de 1,5 litri si 220 CP, consumul de benzina (in ciclu mixt NEDC) ar fi de cca. 6,7 l/100km, ceea ce ar presupune emisii de CO2 de doar 156 g/km. Adica este exact ce isi doreste Uniunea Europeana in acest moment, in cursa sa de inverzire a batranului continent. Prototipul primei generatii VCRi va echipa un Peugeot 407 la Salonul Auto de la Geneva. Prima oara s-a facut cunoscut acum 18 luni, cu ocazia Salonului Auto de la Geneva din 2009. Motorul viitorului, MCE-5, a devenit in toamna lui 2010 prototip functional. Propulsorul cu raport volumetric variabil (concept VCR – Variable Compression Ratio), este tot mai aproape de momentul industrializarii, intrand de curand in faza de testare pe drum. Sunt studiate in paralel 2 versiuni. Prima, in 4 cilindri pe benzina, 1484 cmc cu injectie indirecta, dezvolta 217 CP (160kW) in plaja de 4000-5000 rpm si un cuplu maxim de 420 Nm la turatia de 1500 rpm. Supraalimentarea motorului intra in grija a doua turbocompresoare (joasa si inalta presiune), montate in serie si functionand intr-o maniera secventiala. Fiecare din cele doua turbocompresoare beneficiaza si de serviciile cate unui cooler, pentru a creste masa aerului destinat amestecului combustibil. Coolerele sunt dedicate. A doua versiune este cu injectie directa si dezvolta 245 CP (180 kW) intre 4000-5000 rpm, cuplul maxim fiind obtinut la 1800 rpm: 480 Nm. Presiunea (absoluta) de spraalimentare 3.5 bari. Tehnologia VCR permite pe o plaja mare de turatii obtinerea unui consum excelent, de 220g/kWh, corespunzator unui randament mecanic de aproape 40%. Hefleypower http://www.hefleypower.com/animation1.php http://www.carlhefley.com/ Patents US # 7270092 The Hefley Patented engine. Europe: 06801330.9 First of all, it has a variable displacement design (sometimes called variable stroke). It gets extra economy because it virtually becomes a small engine when low power is needed than becomes a large powerful engine when more power is needed. Turbo chargers also work extra efficiently. The basic version of our engine has been tested by the University of Michigan. Test number is ICES2009-76113. It was concluded that our basic variable stroke engine can get 20 percent more economy than current conventional engines. The rotary version is also variable displacement with all the extras of the basic engine, but additionally converts all the energy going to constantly reversing the pistons’ stroke to useable power. WITH THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON OUR ENGINES CAN ADJUST QUICKLY TO EFFICIENTLY USE gasoline, ethanol, hydrogen, diesel, bio-diesel and fuels not yet invented
  3. Ai dreptate stimate domn ... chiar in lipsa documentarii ... si-ti onorezi deviza !!!
  4. L-am contactat pe M T(am acord de confidentialitate semnat) si pe altii de la Arena Leilor, dar, dorind sa dezvoltam intreg know-how, s-a speriat de cat a investit Peugeot ...
  5. Si mai este ceva ... Multi zic ca viitorul motorului cu ardere interna este pesimist avand in vedere terminarea rezervelor de combustibili fosili si ca viitorul este al motoarelor electrice . Bun - este o tehnologie curata dar ce te faci cu actionarea utilajelor agricole, de constructii acolo unde se cer puteri mari si nu ai posibilitati de incarcare a bateriilor electrice ? Cunosc preocupari ale unor firme de a dezvolta noi combustibili sintetici care sa inlocuiasca combustibilii fosili. Asa ca proiectul meu are un viitor prin dezvoltarea conceptului de economie a combustibilului prin variatia raportului de compresie si a cilindreei, precum si prin utilizarea de combustibili diferiti pe acelasi motor
  6. Draga domnule, orice afacere comporta un risc, nu-i asa ! Se risca 22000 euro si se poate castiga cateva sute de mii de euro ... Deocamdata, pe baza ofertelor mele cu acele filmulete cu "casete video", am cateva solicitari de dezvaluire a solutiilor tehnice ale proiectului,iar daca reusesc sa depun o cerere de brevet internationala (inregistrarea la Oficiul european de brevete costa 2000 euro, iar apoi, in decurs de 1,5-2 ani, functie de nr de tari in care soliciti protectie prin brevete, se mai plateste cca 15-20000 euro)pot largi numarul de firme posibile beneficiare ale proiectului. Repet - numai cand am solutia protejata prin cerere de brevet internationala !!! Oricum solutia este protejata in tara, ceea ce inseamna ca nimeni nu poate produce sau comercializa in tara o solutie asemanatoare tehnic pe o perioada de 20 de ani. Ma ocup de mult timp de aceste proiecte si am studiat atent solutiile brevetate pana acum, reusind sa evit complicatiile tehnice. Credeti ca cei de la Peugeot au cheltuit de prosti 40 milioane de euro pentru dezvoltarea proiectului lor ? Si mai incetati cu chestiile ca poate s-au gandit altii inaintea noastra la astfel de solutii si ca noi nu putem gandi lucruri mai bune decat altii !!! Mai ramane decat sa le facem .... Daca va propuneam solutia lui Peugeot si va ziceam ca este a mea ... ma trimiteati la plimbare asa cum facura BOASCA cu mine ...
  7. "Vedem numai ceea ce cunostem" ... nu am spus-o eu, ci Goethe, dar imi place ... Nu cer bani ci ofer o asociere legala pentru exploatarea unui proiect. Daca nu te pricepi si vezi intr-o macheta numai forma - "caseta video" si elementul de legatura, atunci ce sa mai zic cand ti se va arata un desen - ceva mult mai abstract ... ??? PS - pe Insula serpilor mai cresc si altceva decat serpii ?
  8. Baroane, cine crezi ca le va cere numai 22000 euro ? Intreaba-l pe d-l inginer BOASCA cat ar cere el !
  9. Dragos, retrimite adresa corecta !
  10. O problema de logica ! Domnule, daca numai pentru variatia raportului de compresie se obtin scaderi ale consumului de cca 30% (din datele firmelor care au testat diverse solutii si din studii de laborator), atunci si pentru variatia cilindreei cu cat credeti ca mai scade consumul ???
  11. BRAVO DOMNE ! acum te dezvalui in profunzimea gandirii ... Mai citeste, te rog, despre motoare cu raport de compresie variabila ! De ce oare primesc inca solicitari in privinta dezvaluirii solutiei "bagatei tehnice" ...! Ti-am spus, te iau numai sa convingi o banca pt finantare Scufi, te astept cu o propunere concreta !
  12. Domnule, de ce nu ar fi realiste ? Costurile in rastimp de cca 2 ani vor fi de 22000 euro, iar castigul ar putea fi in jur de cateva sute de mii de euro (functie de negocieri) Ati putea face o intrebare la cei de la departamentul inovare (de la BMW presupun ...) daca lucrati in domeniu. Eu stiu un caz cu un proiect de supraalimentare, ce folosea spatiul de sub fiecare cilindru, care s-a brevetat international si s-a vandut la chinezi pe 100 000 dolari !! PS - daca nu marseaza nimeni voi apela la capacitatile manageriale (nu cele tehnice) ale domnului inginer BOASCA pentru a gasi banca ce ofera fonduri pentru un proiect sau plan de afaceri, fara garantii materiale (de regula mai mari decat creditul)!!!
  13. In privinta turatiei si puterii, e concludent graficul de pe site-ul http://www.vcr-i.com/resultats_cle.html , avand in vedere componenta apropiata a mecanismelor motoare la solutia Peugeot si la cateva din mecanismele mele Astept sustinatori si investitori destepti !!!
  14. Finantarea se refera la plata cheltuielilor de brevetare internationala - in jur de 22000 euro, pe baza unui acord legal, iar nu la prototip, teste, omologare ...ca doar nu gasesc eu din prima pe cel mai mare finantator ... Castigul este prin vanzarea licentei. Peugeot spunea, pe siteul lor http://www.vcr-i.com/, ca au cheltuit vreo 40 milioane euro in vreo 10 ani pentru dezvoltarea solutiei (foarte complicata, nefiabila - transmitere eforturi prin angrenaj pinion-cremaliera, si pe care au lansat-o la Salonul auto de la Paris in 2010 ca si solutia viitorului !!! Firmele auto mari sunt interesate in primul rand sa cunoasca solutiile tehnice noi ...eventual fara bani ... pentru a nu constitui obstacole pentru propriile solutii. Ca sa poti discuta cu ele trebuie sa ai intai o forma de protectie legala - cerere de brevet international Am oferte pt dezvaluirea solutiei din partea lui John Deere, Continental, etc In preambul nu spuneam ca toate firmele cu solutii tehnice proprii m-au ofertat. Despre SAAB spuneam numai ca a fost printre primele care au incercat o solutie pentru raport de compresie variabil (citeste atent !)
  15. Domnule inginer Boasca, nu stiu ce facultate ziceti ca ati terminat, dar ar fi bine sa le scrieti si firmelor SAAB, PEUGEOT, FORD, KIA, NISSAN, TOYOTA, etc, care se preocupa (de proaste) de variatia raportului de compresie si/sau a cilindreei de mai multi ani, si pentru care au "tocat" o groaza de fonduri in loc sa se ocupe de solutionarea problemei "clantei la portbagaj" .... Asta ca sa nu moara prosti !!! Daca totusi ziceti ca sunt mai prosti ca dvs, dati-le gratis solutia problemei clantei ... pe care cred ca o detineti !!!! Eu nu cer nici-o solutie tehnica (de fapt sunt cateva firme auto care mi-o cer mie ...), ci caut un sprijin financiar pe baze legale pentru promovarea solutiei pe plan international. Nu stiu de ce va dati atat de spiritual cand ID-ul dvs este lamuritor pt spirit (BOASCA = TESCOVINA TESCOV'INĂ, (rar) tescovine, s.f. Ceea ce rĂŁmâne dupĂŁ stoarcerea fructelor, mai ales a strugurilor sau a sfeclei de zahar; boÂştinĂŁ. * BĂŁuturĂŁ alcoolicĂŁ obĂžinutĂŁ prin fermentarea Âşi distilarea resturilor rĂŁmase dupĂŁ stoarcerea mustului din struguri)
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