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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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Everything posted by cray

  1. Salut Unde recomandați sa montez in București SMD ? Am un seria 1 din 2006, faruri normale fĂŁrĂŁ lupe. Cost ? Mulțumesc
  2. Pt cazurile in care se constata un usor condens/aburire se poate ascunde in interiorul farului (pe la bec)un mic saculet cu granule antiumezeala (din acela care il gasim in incaltamintea nou cumparata) .Suna cam rudimentar dar are eficienta ..!!
  3. Vand un portbagaj pt biciclete BMW Se prinde la spatele masinii Este practic nou, nefolosit, poate avea vreo yala intepenita (de la neutilizare), nu sunt sigur dar voi verifica . Arata fara urme de folosire/uzura Mufa de conexiune cu 13 pini Pret 99 Euro tel 0741654370 Poze http://www.99poze.ro/portbagaj_BMW/ [/url] http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_d4e78c57a0cbc8df1b0c596b05e345ca.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_d6676d078c4cff477e94a63e68fd9d51.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_a14f86ad1e4f10994a8ba103b85f6b4d.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_20c145dbf63b4ac30510bed1be43fa48.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_64403cb92f527b28b4581198dc998b43.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_4751cb8c2cdb2471be30a83e77669d80.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_064b60f26e04c0a4e84360550427c57c.jpg
  4. Vand un portbagaj pt biciclete BMW Se prinde la spatele masinii Este practic nou, nefolosit, poate avea vreo yala intepenita (de la neutilizare), nu sunt sigur dar voi verifica . Arata fara urme de folosire/uzura Mufa de conexiune cu 13 pini Pret 99 Euro tel 0741654370 Poze portbagaj_BMW http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_5e3d02101de84e8accfb39903d76e1f7.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_dc8f76ea834d2206c1098d8b4d29125e.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_fdcb15b11e2996e2fb5b96b52b752185.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_d8351578565753f0999c05afec22b816.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_bde4c427a709f537c384e4b4c69aa6e5.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_3399a87855aa6ba3101c098dbf51bb51.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_dc226d2c5d87e98983e3c801dac4e444.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_e48f9985d558e92a9cdeae91838dac09.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_3f5615c25570b9af4b1720a1a23eee9d.jpg http://www.99poze.ro/hotlink/tn_d4e78c57a0cbc8df1b0c596b05e345ca.jpg
  5. Practic orice ulei compatibil BMW LL-o4 Intre Shell si Castrol as alege Castrol
  6. Ursuletul s-a vandut A plecat la Satu Mare Anuntul se poate inchide Multumesc
  7. Am montat un set de anvelope noi all-season Pretul scade la 2999 Euro Din 2018 devine <Auto Istoric> , avantajele de rigoare
  8. Niciodata nu a fost Z4 31k nou :frantics: Poate pe la Tiriac Rulate dar nici acolo si nu din 2016 !!
  9. Anunt de actualitate Pret negociabil
  10. Cumparatorul va primi cadou un set de anvelope noi-noute, cumparate azi, toate 4. DOT 2016 Pretul ramane in continuare 3500 Euro negociabil
  11. Masina e nebunie Dotari de exceptie si un interior de business cu influente retro Spor la vanzare
  12. cray


    Azi am efectuat ITP pt inca 2 ani Totul OK Are anvelope noi-noute (rulate 200 km) Masina se ieftineste la doar 7999 Euro cash. E o oportunitate excelenta Nu prea sunt Z4 Automate la vanzare :sorcerer: Interior corect :clover: http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/49388/ae5b41493870194.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/49388/9403c4493870198.jpg http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/49388/74eeec493870200.jpg http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/49388/867263493870204.jpg http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/49388/363928493870205.jpg
  13. cray


    Anunt de actualitate Este vremea pentru un roadster
  14. 1-3 iulie la Azuga este intalnirea pe tara a modelelor E 30 (ursulet) :frantics:
  15. La E30 ma poate ajuta cineva cu sfaturi de montaj ? Masina are inchudere si geamuri electrice din fabrica
  16. Daca schimbi doar bucsa hidrolagar din suportul de ghidaj iesi mult mai ieftin. Trebuie folosita o presa simpla de bucsi, unii mecanici s-au invatat sa schimbe doar subansamble, de aia iesi scump
  17. cray


    De vanzare BMW Z4 Motor 2.5i 192 cp 142000 km bord Stare perfecta Anvelope noi Soft-top ireprosabil, decapotare automata , la buton sau din cheie Motor excelent , silentios Nu are urme de uzura la interior, butoane sterse sau lustruite , rupturi etc Vehicle Identification Number WBABT31080LS02127 Type BT31 Model Z4 2.5i - EUR Development Code E85 Chassis ROADST Steering LL Doors 2 Engine M54 Displacement 2.50 Power 141 Drivetrain HECK Transmission AUT Color Titansilber Metallic - 354 Upholstery Leder Oregon/schwarz - LASW Production Plant SPARTANBURG Production Date 2004-01-16 224 Driving Dynamics Control 255 Sports Leather Steering Wheel 548 Speedometer With Kilometer Reading 550 On-board Computer 851 Language Version German 1CA Selection Cop Relevant Vehicles 205 Automatic Transmission 230 Eu Specific Additional Equipment 249 Multi-function For Steering Wheel 302 Alarm System Alarmanlage 320 Model Designation, Deletion 334 Lt/aly Wheels/double Spoke 103 380 Hardtop Preparation 387 Wind Deflector Windschutz 399 Softtop Operation, Fully Automatic 423 Floor Mats, Velour 428 Warning Triangle 494 Seat Heating F Driver/front Passenger 502 Headlight Washer System 508 Park Distance Control (pdc) 520 Foglights 521 Rain Sensor 534 Automatic Air Conditioning 540 Cruise Control 662 Radio Bmw Business Cd 672 Cd Changer Bmw For 6 Cds 676 Hifi Loudspeaker System 8SP Cop Control 801 Germany Version Deutschland 863 Europe/dealer Directory Service Kontakt-flyer Europa 879 German / On-board Documentation Deutsch 925 Shipping Protection Package Timbru Mediu platit. Adeverinta ANAF scoasa azi Fiscal pe loc Acte la zi Pret 9500 Euro Accept si schimb. Pt F30 ofer diferenta tel 0774625896 http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/48549/b00ee0485484595.jpg http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/48549/9dfef4485484596.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/48549/363928485484599.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/48549/627dc1485484600.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/48549/24456a485484602.jpg http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/48549/f2d23f485484607.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/48549/013795485484609.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/48549/3b8eec485484610.jpg http://thumbnails115.imagebam.com/48549/6ee1df485484613.jpg http://thumbnails116.imagebam.com/48549/867263485484615.jpg
  18. Uleiul 5W30 TWIN POWER TURBO Longlife-04 este facut de SHELL in colaborare cu BMW , eu am in motor asa ceva si la cald pare a fi foarte subtire, adica cand iei putin cu degetul de pe joja aproape ca e volatil , nu ramane mare lucru pe degete, nici vorba de unsoare. Il dau jos si pun CASTROL Edge 5w30 LL01. NU degeaba scrie pe capacul de la ulei CASTROL
  19. Am o intrebare pt cei ce stiu sa caute in catalogul de piese. Am nevoie de acest cheder dar pt Z4 (E85) Nu stiu ce cod are piesa , sa o comand Multumesc
  20. Vehicle Identification Number WBAAH61020EA91256 Type AH61 Model 320i - EUR Development Code E30 (5) Chassis TOUR Steering LL Doors 5 Engine M20 Displacement 2.00 Power 110 Drivetrain HECK Transmission AUT Color Sterlingsilber Metallic - 244 Upholstery Anthrazit Stoff - 0269 Production Plant REGENSBURG Production Date 1989-09-08 210 Anti-blockier-system ( Abs ) 215 Power Steering,depending On Engine Speed 219 Sport Leather Steering Wheel 401 Sliding/vent Roof, Electric 410 Window Lifts, Electric At Front 428 Warning Triangle 510 Headlight Beam-throw Contr. F Low Beam 653 Bmw Bavaria C Reverse Ii 681 Dachantenne 801 Germany Version Deutschland
  21. Conteaza pt placerea condusului Am gasit si telefonul original , il astept sa vina zilele vitoare (nou nout), va fi montat in locul destinat special(langa consola centrala), inca exista gaurile Tot setul exista in masina , microfon (la parasolar) , difuzorul(sub bord) si unitatea centrala (in portbagaj ). Primeste cartela mare (cum era prin anii '90s) :sorcerer:
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