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Everything posted by tech-dmtr

  1. daca tu faci tampenii din astea la masina ta, pastreaza-le pentru tine, nu-i mai invata si pe altii !!!
  2. daca ai clima lci, atunci ai scapat de schimbap panoul + ornament.
  3. Unitate, ecran, cablu video, clima lci, rama clima lci, cablu usb cu port usb mic
  4. cauta in portbagaj. daca ai modulul, nu ti mai trebuie parrot ul.
  5. nu strica masina cu acel parrot! verifica in portbagaj daca ai modulul Mulf2high scoate carpeta din portbagaj si vezi in spatiul din spatele banchetei: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8023/7478385840_660e44c39e_b.jpg daca nu ai modul bt in portbagaj, atunci ai varanta de a schimba CD playerul cu unul ce are Bluetooth integrat. chiar sapt trecuta am montat la cineva . e mult mai bun si e integrat in masina CD player aici LE: vad ca cd playerul cu BT integrat s a pus incepand din 09/2010 iar masina ta fiind din 06/2010 cred ca are modul bluetooth in portbagaj LE2: avand in vedere ce vrei sa faci si unde ai de umblat, iti recomand sa ti montezi si o oglinda retrovizoare cu senzor (electrochrome)si daca poti renunta la oglinda de forma mica rotunjita si pui una normala (de e90) atunci poti instala si high beam assistant oglinda cu senzor electrochrome:
  6. ti am dat link ul ala de pe e39.ro unde ai un PDF cu instructiuni. in acel PDF e explicat cu poze exact care mufa e si unde. mufa verde e la modelul dupa 98, tu ai diferit. oricum ar fi nu e chiar asa simplu la masinile din 96 si ai nevoie de anumite cunostiinte pe care tu nu le ai/nu le stapanesti
  7. pe romaneste: mergi la cineva care stie si a mai facut
  8. vezi aici: Wiki si aici : Wiki Romania Although Romania started DVB-T Broadcasting in 2005 with the MPEG-2 standard for SD broadcast and MPEG 4 for HD, it was only experimental. In June 2011 Romania shifted to MPEG4 both for SD and HD. In 2012, the Romanian authorities decided that DVB-T2 will be the standard used for terrestrial broadcasts, as it allows a larger number of programs to be broadcast on the same multiplex. Romania's switchover plans were initially delayed due to economical and feasibility-related reasons. One of the reasons was that most Romanian consumers already extensively used either cable or satellite services, which developed very quickly and became very popular after 1990. In fact, a technological boom started around 2003, driven by a solid economical development in the field of telecommunications, made several private operators create large networks of fiber optics and cable covering all of Romania, which are now used for providing both TV, telephony, and high quality broadband internet. As the prices for complete packages (TV, internet, telephony) are low and the quality quite good (e.g. about 20 EUR for 500Mbit/s internet, ~120 SD and HD digital cable TV channels and telephony, with an added 2-4 EUR for mobile telephony), the interest for over-the-air TV quickly became very low. There are rumors that commercial broadcasters that traditionally transmitted over-the-air using analogue channels (like MediaPro, Antena GROUP, Prima TV) will give up terrestrial broadcasting and will be available only on pay-TV services, like cable, satellite and IPTV. It is also rumored that the DVB-T standard (with MPEG-4 encoding) will continue until 2018. On 17 June 2015 analogue terrestrial television was switched off, with the exception of the main public TV program (TVR1) which will continue to be broadcast strictly in the VHF band until the end of 2016. Free-to-air DVB-T2 broadcasts on MUX1 (provided by the state-owned Radiocom) are available since June 2015 in Timisoara (UHF channel 21), Cluj-Napoca (UHF channel 26), Iasi (UHF channel 25), and Bucharest (UHF channel 30).[66] The coverage will be extendend so that at the end of 2016, over 90% of the territory will be covered. For now (2015/06/30), only five channels are broadcast on MUX1: TVR1, TVR2, TVR News, TVR 3, and TVR HD, with plans to be extended to 14-16 SD and HD programs.[67] Radiocom's MUX2 and MUX4 implementations will also start in 2016.[67] Legacy DVB-T broadcasts are still available in Bucharest: 6 channels can be received on channels 54 and 59, but will be shut down eventually, being replaced by DVB-T2. TVR announced that TVR News and TVR 3 will be closed, and the fate of TVR HD, is uncertain. This will lower the number of channels available on DVB-T. On 2 July 2015, Kanal D Romania left the terrestrial platform. The only broadcast that remained on terrestrial except TVR is Antena 3, but it is unknown whether it will stay on DVB-T, will shift to DVB-T2 or completely leave terrestrial platform. This will lead to only 3 channels in DVB-T2, and with many TV sets that are only DVB-T compatible ( most of sold models being equipped with digital cable tuner) to an unattractive terrestrial platform, and more and more people will subscribe to a cable provider, or a DTH operator in areas where there is no cable TV available. The DVB-T transmitters were shut down since September 1, 2016, so only the DVB-T2 network remains on air. As of October 1, 2016, 85% of the population and 78% of the Romanian territory (as stated by the broadcaster[68]) are covered by DVB-T2 signal. The 9 TV channels that are broadcast at the moment are produced by the national television: TVR HD + 8 SD channels TVR1, TVR2, TVR3, TVR Cluj, TVR Craiova, TVR Iasi, TVR Timisoara, TVR Tg Mures.
  9. Alb sau rosu/portocaliu. Alb apare cand nu e rezolutia corecta (de exemplu codezi cic ul pt ecran mic si il legi la un ecran wide). Rosu/portocaliu apare cand scoti cablul video din unitatea cic in timp ce merge. Exista si posibilitatea pe care ai spus o tu. Dar daca apare alb sau rosu/portocaliu e din cauzele spuse de mine, cel putin
  10. Nu ai inteles tu sau nu a stiut ala sa ti explice. Daca modulul e dvbt-t2 prinde atat SD cat si HD (bineinteles ca prinde si dvb-t1 si analog). In germania se emite si SD, nu doar HD
  11. Unitatea nu mai da imagine catre monitor
  12. Carly nu e "tester". daca vrei sa faci diagnoza, faci cu ISTA, altfel e pierdere de timp
  13. trebuie sa montezi FRM3. nu e obligatoriu sa pui si xenon, iti iei FRM3 fara xenon
  14. nu! daca nu ai bani sa faci treaba cum trebuie de la cap la coada, atunci nu te mai apuca si lasa-o asa cum e de fabrica!
  15. "Am tras cablu suplimentar de la luminile de la numere, pentru Led" alea sunt improvizatii, cine te a invatat sa faci asa ceva, te a invatat prost. fa instalatia ca si la LCI si monteaza modul FRM3, codeaza l si atunci lumini vor functiona corect ca si la un LCI de fabrica.
  16. mai pune poze/video sa vedem si noi ce programe fura
  17. analogul nu ai intrebat cand l au inchis?
  18. in UE a fost interzisa emisia semnalului semnalul analog, drept urmare in Germania nu se mai emite niciun post tv in analog de ani buni
  19. Licentele sunt foarte scumpe si acum toata lumea are tv prin cablu sau satelit, nu mai sunt atrasi privatii sa dea gramezi de bani pe niste licente care nu folosesc sa ajunga probabil la mai mult de cateva procente din populatie. Acelasi lucru se vede si in alte tari. Posturile TVR sunt emise deoarece sunt obligati .... oricum nici 5G nu va fi lapte si miere cum nici DAB/DAB+ nu s a ridicat la asteptari
  20. da, retrofit ca la orice masina: modul, suport, amp diversity, cabluri antena, alimentare modul
  21. Uite aici de cand il stiu eu pe pakistanez..... faptul ca nu i am raspuns pe youtube e pentru ca am vb cu el pe whatsapp Poti merge la bmw si ceri ultimul part # de modul tv digital ðŸâÂðŸÂÂż Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Am uitat sa mentionez ca se poate receptiona si Radio in format digital DVB-T2 Lite (nu e acelasi lucru cu DAB+), prin Grecia am prins si cred ca si prin Macedonia Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. m-a costat 250 eur modulul. legat de instalatare, daca ai deja tunner digital (pe e90 lci exista), atunci e plug and play. daca ai tunner hybrid (pe e60 e de obicei hybrid), atunci trebuie sa schimbi mufa de alimentare si sa codezi cic ul. in principiu nu e mare lucru montajul, mufele si antenele sunt plug and play, suportul de la modulul digital fiind de asemenea plug and play (dupa cum vezi in poza mea). e90 dupa 09/2009 au modul digital (si nu mai au hybrid) iar locatia unde e montat este in spatele banchetei (fata de ala hybrid care e in partea stanga unde e magazia de cd). la e60 cred ca locatia e aceeasi, nu mi mai amintesc. la e70 e valabil tot ce e la e90 (posibil locatia sa fie aceeasi dar suportul diferit digital/hybrid)
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