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Hai si tu la Fantanita Haiducului (Bradu, judetul Sibiu) la intalnirea anuala BMW Club in perioada 16-18 Mai !!! ×


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  1. Cu siguranta sectiunea nu e "accidente" deci da, ai gresit-o.
  2. Am inteles foarte bine, intreba daca are nevoie de ea daca merge doar in Bacau. Nu, nu are nevoie, dar perceptia unora relativ la ce e "in oras" e foarte diferita de perceptia legii referitor la acelasi aspect si vroiam sa fie sigur ca a inteles diferenta.
  3. Pai are nevoie daca iese din Lazu... Chiar si pana in localitatea vecina. Acolo e DN.
  4. Se pare ca zvonurile au fost adevarate... :) "The 5-Series has a very strong and stable passenger safety cage. It achieved a four-star rating after Euro NCAP allowed frontal, side and pole retests following improvements to the car?s steering column, footrest, door trim, door latch, airbags and software. High loads were recorded by the driver dummy?s chest instrumentation in the frontal impact. Side impact protection was better, though. An intelligent seat belt reminder operates for the driver and front passenger. Both child occupants were protected, but the car?s ability to protect pedestrians was dire." Cum adica au modificat " car?s steering column, footrest, door trim, door latch, airbags and software."?!? Si masinile vandute deja?!? Si modificarile sunt DOAR pentru 4 stele? :blink: Seria 5 - EuroNCAP test
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